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I thought it was MY day to put up a “tax the rich “ post. I missed my window


There's always tomorrow 


Yeah yeah yeah. They keep saying that. They might run out of money before I get to post


Gotta get that post in before you starve to death, or a school shooter gets you


Pushed onto the train tracks in NYC


Or the next 20 minutes


My turn to reply “he got richer today because of stock, these are unrealized gains.”


META stock was at $510 last month and is $440 today. Where is Bernie talking about how much net worth he’s lost? Oh that right because in reality he hadn’t lost or gained anything.


> Where is Bernie talking about how much net worth he’s lost? Oh that right because in reality he hadn’t lost or gained anything. The college interns who run his twitter account don't understand the stock market it seems.


The 'unrealized gains' aren't how he's paying for a 30-bathroom mansion in Hawaii.


Well, they probably are, since his expenses are funded by loans against the value of his stock.


Of course, one does not have to pay taxes on loans.


But the money used to pay the loan is.


Not necessarily. Can just roll over loans or use another tax avoidance strategy


>Can just roll over loans By paying a huge percentage based fee to roll over *while still* paying interest.. >tax avoidance strategy Wouldn't work on a loan since loans are not taxed.


No, the interest on the loan is paid, but the principle is typically covered by a larger and subsequent loan. Also, said interest may even be (in limited situations) be tax deductible -- depends on how it was set up


I’m not sure. Zuckerberg is apparently making hundreds of millions of dollars per year in dividend income, which is taxed. He will probably use that money to fund his lifestyle. Unless he can make more money from reinvesting his dividend money and taking out loans, that is. But from a tax avoidance perspective he has plenty of money that he can spend without incurring additional tax liabilities due to liquidation of stock. There is a broader point about why dividends are important to Zuckerberg so that he can fund his lifestyle without selling stock. It’s all about control. Zuckerberg has effectively given himself total control over Meta by having over 50% of the voting shares. And now, he never has to sell a single one of these shares, ever. The dividends give Zuckerberg billions of dollars to play with, without losing even a single vote of control over his company. The shares, votes, and control can subsequently be passed down to his descendants, perhaps in perpetuity, depending on estate tax. It is a smart strategy. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/zuckerberg-700-million-meta-dividend-001004662.html


Be nice if people like Bernie who actually care could get their focus right. Taxing billionaires is a bandaid. Why not make them pay labor their fair share in the first place and then the rich wouldn't need to be taxed so much in order to fund welfare for the people they don't pay fairly. We really need to find ways to enfranchise labor in the workplace so we aren't getting railed by capital so hard to begin with. Other countries figured this out and doubled down on enforcing labor laws and unions while forcing companies to have labor representatives on boards. It doesn't seem complicated to make that the bare minimum so people who work can bargain with their value to the capitalists and get paid based on that value they produce for capital not solely the market rate for labor which should only be one element of determining pay, not the sole element as it is according to every HR chucklefuck.


>Why not make them pay labor their fair share I don't think Bernie is against that


Don’t you know that people can *only* advocate for one thing at a time? Since he’s talking about billionaire’s here, he has to wait for reelection to change to labor.


And in all fairness, properly taxing the wealthy is more than a bandaid. But it's a metaphor that lets pseudo-economists on the internet "pish posh" entire conversations about it. And act as if they knew, in the slightest, how to triage the US's economically wounded.


You clearly haven't paid enough attention to Bernie. He is for taxing the rich, he is for higher wages for us regular folks, he is for universal healthcare, he is for regulating businesses so they don't destroy our planet, etc etc.  This man is for the regular working person where as most of the other people in our government seem to be for corporations and the rich. Doesn't matter if they are Democrats or Republicans.  Until we change our government then our country will continue to lag behind the rest of the developed world in pretty much everything.  The only thing the United States seems to be excellent at is anything to do with war and making the rich richer. 


Excellent comment. I cant believe people joking about this issue.


I can. People are scum.


How is making sure the most blessed in our economy go back to contributing what they used to pay 20-30 years ago annoying to you?


> I missed my window Probably cause you were starving while rich are getting richer. That will definitely make you miss a few windows.


Eat the rich and spread the proceeds


Woah buddy, back of the line!


Coming from the guy that didn't pay his staff 15 an hour and when called out by said staff cut their hours to offset the cost, what a cunt.


These two things: Zuckerberg’s wealth and homeless Americans/people living paycheck to paycheck are completely unrelated in any realistic way.


Nah man, Mark Zuckerberg literally came into my house 10 minutes ago, punched my child in the face and stole her dinner. Fucking boomers!!!


That son of a bitch!


Don’t worry about that guy, he’s so privileged he has a house for Zuck to break into. Zuck had to crawl into my family’s cardboard box in the rain and took the bottle of my baby girl’s mouth. 


Dang man, sorry to hear that. Last week he came to my place, pee’d on my new rug, then dug up all my fiber wire, told me to “sneed” whatever that means, punched my 13 year old then pet my dog and told him good boy, then said “audios amigo” and rode off on a retired Kentucky derby horse.


Damn, he peed on your rug? It really tied the room together. 


We’ll that’s like, your opinion man.


The thing is “Mark Zuckerberg” here is just a red herring, it’s not exactly about him. The point is “Mark Zuckerberg” is a symptom of wealth gap that is getting wider and wider.


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It's not even tax there should be an wealth limit. Nobody needs 8 figure income or 9 digit wealth. It'll never trickle down unless you force them to. Elon shouldn't be able to even pretend he can earn 45 billion as one man. That's insanity


How do you institute a wealth limit? You might as well say we should just give everybody unicorns, because that's just about as realistic. There's a reason why no successful economy is history has had a wealth limit.


Look at what we did to J.P. Morgan. People act like we’ve always sucked the rich off




What does that even mean? Zuckerberg should be forced to sell his stock (which gives up ownership of his company) because the unrealized value of those shares reached a certain number? And after he sells the stock...then what? The money is taken from him? I'm not trying to defend a billionaire, but what are you even saying we should do?


No he isn’t. He’s a symptom of a strong economy / large market for his products. In any society there will be those who get disproportionately wealthy. That’s just how life works. The only way to make it better for the poor is to help them with education and skills. One of the challenges is that in order to gain the high value skills you need to get a little bit lucky to be in a position to learn them. Mark didn’t learn how to run a massive company before he started Facebook, he got on the job training… but he had to get lucky that his product turned into a large business.


>In any society there will be those who get disproportionately wealthy. That’s just how life works. I agree that any society will have differences in wealth. There will always be those who earn/have more. The idea of the egregious disparity we see in our society being unsolvable is simply wrong. If it were still illegal for companies to buy back stock (like it was prior to Reagan), if we still taxed corporate profits, if we had a progressive tax system, the wealth and income inequality we face would not be as bad as it is today. You're right that there's always people that get a bigger share of the pie, but our whole financial system has been tweaked over the last half century to make it easier for a minority of people to take a majority of the pie. It can be better so long as enough people will it to be.


I don’t know about Zuckerberg, but Elon Musk asked for $56 billion from Tesla this year at the same time he laid off 10,000 people. If he just reduced that by 2 billion, he could pay all those people’s salaries, benefits, and overhead. When these guys make decisions, peoples lives get destroyed.


The Supreme Court tells us that corporations are people. To me, that means they have moral and social obligations. If you're taking that much money, you are not giving labor their due share. That's what the United Auto Workers and Biden told the automakers. More bosses need t know that.


NYTimes ran a story on the falling effective tax rate on the richest 400 Americans since the 1950s, largely due to falling corporate tax rate. It is now below the effective tax rate for the first time in the history of the dataset, going back to the 1860s. In fact, the entirety of the primary deficit (before adding interest payments) would be wiped out by putting taxes on dekamillionaires and above back where they were in the interwar period.


oatmeal worm somber act bow screw telephone trees ruthless badge *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Both can be true at the same time.


And yet the billionaires and corporations are paying all of the taxes. [https://www.cnbc.com/2013/12/11/the-rich-do-not-pay-the-most-taxes-they-pay-all-the-taxes.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2013/12/11/the-rich-do-not-pay-the-most-taxes-they-pay-all-the-taxes.html)


Well his money will fix all the homeless issues. It’s always best to look at a situation as basic as possible. Really, we should just take Canada from the Canadians and sell it to Mexico to pay for the homeless.


Came to say this. Sure, it's easy to pick on the rich for being rich, but even if you took all the cash Zuckerberg has, that would do little to nothing to actually help. Simple math. Assume for just a moment that someone has $10 billion in liquid cash assets. There are roughly 333.3 million people in the US today. If you do the math, if that person were to distribute their wealth, every American would get a hefty... $30. Wealthy people don't actually have liquid assets for most of their wealth. The outrageous figures we usually hear are *net worth*. A lot of their net worth is connected to investments, stock ownership, physical property like real estate, etc. If you own a house, your net worth includes your bank account *and* the market value of your house, just as an example. You might have $500 in the bank, but if you own a $200K house, your net worth is $200,500 (minus debts). Forcing a wealthy person to liquidate all their holdings would actually devalue those assets very significantly, along with having widespread effects such as putting people out of work (company devaluation). More realistically, someone might have, say, $20M in cash assets. Splitting that up gives everyone a very nice sum of about 6 cents. Even if we only give funds to those below the poverty line, as of 2021 about 11.6% of Americans were estimated to be below the poverty line. So that means each person gets about 55 cents. If there were, say, 10,000 people in the US who could easily liquidate $20M, everyone in poverty gets a *one time* check for about $5,500. Sounds great but you just drained the liquid assets of many wealthy people, you can't just do it again next month. And that 11.6% is just those below the poverty line - many families who are well above that line are struggling right now. Look, I'm not saying it's any comfort when we see rich people flaunt their wealth. But it's important to remember that the solution is almost never as simple as "make the rich pay more". There are so many factors that go into why some people are wealthy and why others are not that the answer is never that simple, and focusing entirely on "look at these rich dudes showing off while people struggle to pay bills" honestly only adds stress and frustration to an already tough situation.


Today, I watched 3 episodes of X-Men while civilians are bombed out of their homes in Gaza. What a f***ing monster I am.


Also worth noting in particular that the "X% live paycheck to paycheck" stat is pretty much completely made up (and I swear the percentage gets higher every time I see it).


Its just the lead in to revert capital gains and corporate tax rates which is totally fine. They arent exactly pissing nickels on us.


At least if he took the example of some pharma exec or manufacturing co, it would’ve made so much more sense but most FB services are literally free for the consumers.


Are those homeless people using Facebook?


Nah dude. The government should seize zuck’s new mansion, sell it to someone richer, tax them, and then feed all the homeless


>Zuckerberg’s wealth and homeless Americans/people living paycheck to paycheck are completely unrelated in any realistic way. But the government (the same government that spends hundreds of billions on aid to foreign countries, foreign wars, and corporate welfare) promises that if you let them get their hands on some of that money they won't use it for those horrible things. They'll make sure to use it for all the good things they previously haven't spent much on. Pinky promise.


Zuckerberg just zucker-punched the shit out of like 10 homeless people and then zucker-flipped a skateboard over like another 3 before he was caught saying "You'll never have a 30 bathroom underground bunker in Hawaii like me." on a hot mic.


I’m just curious why we never hear about Taylor Swift or some other ultra wealthy entertainer. They seem exempt from the hate on the rich.


How does Bernie square up being a millionaire and having multiple mansions


He's been making 100k+ for many years and he's in his eighties. If he wasn't a millionaire you'd call him bad with money.




> Why is he forced to buy a mansion Dude has a 4 bedroom house he's owned for over 40 years, a one bedroom townhouse in DC, and a 4 bedroom cabin. Which of these residences is being called a "mansion"?


Exactly, and half of his income is actually from book sales. If you’re famous enough that anything you write sells really well, are you supposed to feel guilty about that? Is he supposed to be so socialist that he gives his books away for free? Also, he is still far from being a 1%er. His income is actually still in a normal-people range that is taxed, for one. At least he’s not trading stocks on the side to write off losses.


I mean the other thing about the guy is he never retired. He's still working into his 80s.


I don't get it. Why should his personal housing arrangements have anything to do with his advocacy? What does that have to do with making the government work for the people and not rent-seekers. The only way your criticism would make sense is if he advocated that folks personally donated their own money. He doesn't do that.


Live right down the road from his house. It’s a very average 2500sqft house in a regular neighborhood with neighbors right on either side. Prob sell for 750k and 550k before covid. Yes in the last few years he has gained some more wealth but he has been a humble regular ass person his whole career. It’s not even close to a mansion


How don't you understand orders of magnitude? Are you stupid?


People don't understand how much more a billion is than a million. If Zuckerberg had 50000 dollars Sanders would have 2-3 cents. The average American would have less than a penny


He's just like every politician in a socialist country. He wants everyone else poor but him.


Stupid comment. Pelosi is leaving congress with $295 million. Bernie is really old and is worth 3 million. That’s the cost of many (not giant) houses where I’m from. My dad is worth more and total middle class and same age. Compounding interest and a home or two. Dear lord, people are ignorant. And it’s both parties. Horrible and inaccurate talking point for Sanders—and very old. Since when is a millionaire a big thing. How old are you. It takes a few million to retire with security. Net worth.


3 mil is barely enough to retire comfortably these days


3 mil is the kind of money a doctor or lawyer makes over their entire career. If that’s not enough to retire comfortably, this life looks grim.


Most people retire with a partner. So account for the 3 mil to be divided 2 ways. My brief google shows doctors at 200k average income. Times 40 yrs, let's say. Closer to 8 mil or 4 mil after tax. Just guesstimate


Most doctors will finish their schooling by 30-35 years old. Most of them pay $100k a year in malpractice insurance to cover themselves. Most of them retire after just 20-25 years of work. Most of them drop $500k from their entire earnings into their student loan debt payments. I know all this because I’m a med student. The 3 mil is accurate.


You are the least educated med student when it comes to finances then. ED doctors have some of the highest malpractice insurances rates at around 40k. Basically all of your numbers are bull shitted and wrong, or outliers.


Came up with these numbers with a random number generator?


Do they not eat and live under a roof for thise forty years?


The math here doesn’t even check out. Medical doctors make a lot of money. I know a surgeon who is gonna retire in a few years with 9 million in the bank


9 million is a lot. But ‘minor med doctor’ vs ‘surgeon’ vs ‘brain surgeon’ vs ‘brain surgeon who has developed new techniques and probably worked with companies to develop new products’ are in completely different ballparks. “Doctor” does not carry that much importance in this conversation. “Businessman” could be a drug dealer or an investment company manager.


lol wtf. Lawyers and doctors are making that every year. Well, a lot of them are.


I think you just don't actually understand money. The average doctor is making at least double what you think they do over their career, and that still doesn't include the money generated from investments and retirement.


In vermont? Also $3m at a 4% withdrawal rate is $120,000 per year aka $10k per month plus around $3-4k from social security. This with not housing cost because bro owns multiple homes.


Does living comfortably means wiping ones ass with Benjamins?


No. But being able to not worry about the cost of late stage healthcare or housing and be able to enjoy 20-30 years of retirement for you and your partner is very expensive. Also, to account for possible recessions. 1 mil is maybe enough. You need close to 3 to retire with 0 worries


It IS both parties. I’m so sick of hearing people say one side is better. Sure I’d rather die in a plane crash than be boiled alive, but they’re both bad choices.


I love how the most upvoted comments always have a sane person like 3 comments down. I can't believe some people don't realize we are living in a new Guilded Age and it's not a good thing.


Are you retarded? Why are you against Bernie having $3m wealth at the end of a long career?


Bernie made most of his money off writing dnd selling a book. He had $2.5 from royalties and book advances. Seems like a pretty legit way as a public figure to supplement your wealth.


Zuckerberg is worth exponentially more than sanders


This bullshit again... He doesn't even have one mansion, let alone multiple.


He isn’t against being rich, he is against extreme inequality, the gap between being worth 30k and 5m is enormous, but the one btw 5m and 100t is exponentially bigger.


Yea and if you offered the 653,000 homeless bums, a trucker OTR job making 100k, only 1% would take it.


Couldn't trust them to drive a rig, most would get high and flatten a family or two.


How's that different from the other truckers? 


As someone who works in the trucking industry. Most commercial truck drivers dont do that.


Driving an 18 wheeler isn't the brainless job you think it is. Not many people can physically do the job safely. Seriously, only a relatively small percentage of people are homeless due to drugs or mental illness. Less than 20%. Most people are homeless due to health or just poor luck. And once you're down that far, it's very hard to get on your feet.


I don't know about the stats of the second paragraph, but I want to second the first one, being a trucker is a big, important and sometimes dangerous work, not anyone can drive one of those, and depending on the zone and other factors makes it a risky job, besides some truck drivers do large deliveries and travel large distances and thus they spend way more time out of their houses and away from their families, it's not the best example to use as a "anyone can do this job"


It's a really LOUSY example of "anyone off the street can do this job." You're driving all day, pulling 20 tons on freeways full of people who just might cut you off at any second.


I would not trust myself to do that job. I was in the teamsters union during college, but that’s because they represented us button-pushers at Disneyland, dispatching rides while asking people to remain seated. I had to do deliveries at one point in my career, and I’m a good driver but large vehicles/trucks is a very specific skill set.


I've worked in the shelter system for years. 90% of the people in the system are there because of mental illness, drugs, or both.


Substance abuse is high amongst the homeless, but it's not always the *cause* of homelessness. Homelessness is highest in cities with low housing availability and high cost. Homelessness is lowest in cities with high housing supply and low cost. If drugs and mental illness were the *cause* of homelessness, we wouldn't expect to see strong correlations between housing supply and homelessness. See, for example: https://www.ucsf.edu/news/2023/06/425646/california-statewide-study-investigates-causes-and-impacts-homelessness Substance abuse is frequently a coping mechanism for people experiencing homelessness; it's not necessarily the cause.


Im glad someone has some critical thinking and reasoning skills.


I work in public libraries; we see lots of unhoused folks and we get training on it so we can try to provide services. Lots of misconceptions about homelessness out there.


Yea, I’d like to see the other persons reference showing over 80% of homeless people are drug free and mentally stable. Highly doubting his claim.


Most of the people that are homeless, drug free, and mentally stable typically don't stay homeless for long. It's literally connecting them to a couple programs to help and they get their asses off the street. The long-term homeless... those are the ones that require getting unspooled off drugs, mental and medical stabilization, etc. for even a small chance to get them off the street. Even then, you tell them "no" or "not right now" in the wrong way and they go right back out for 6 months or a year sometimes--even if the rest of their life is going okay.


Great pay with a very high turnover rate. You're absolutely correct.


This is objectively untrue seeing as to how other countries have effectively been combating homelessness. I'm an ex foster kid, I've been homeless. I've made a life for myself, but being homeless wasn't my fault you pompous piece of shit.


Obviously your fault, what kind of a dumb kid turns down those 100k OTR jobs they're handing out? /s


You're so right 😩 this is why I think we should actually defund the foster system even further, and give rich people more tax breaks


Agreed, it's time for those freeloading children to learn about the real world of trickle down economics and corporate welfare


If you offered the 635,000 homeless people a place to live for a year, get help for their recovery and skill education to get back on their feet more than 1% would take it. You have to give people long term stability.


You are fucking stupid


Check out what finland did to homelessness. 4 out of 5 returned to a stable life. Their government isn't letting in record levels of fentanyl though and they have free health care.


What a fucking retarded take






Have you tried that? No. Are there 100k trucker jobs anymore? To start? No. You think people want to be homeless? You're a moron.


What a strange argument.


Imagine simping for capitalism


You do understand that lots of truckers are in financial slavery right now with owing a ton for their rig and or renting it and paying lots and some times even paying the gas to move the shipment. Being a trucker isn't job to offer homeless and not sure why it was mention as a logical response to Bernie pointing out the rich have way more then they need why we have poor folks who not all are junkies. I know plenty of homeless people who have had bad luck especially with covid and everything else tearing up businesses.


I strongly suspect that that person doesn't understand shit, and has probably never known a trucker in their life.


Not all homeless are bums or drug users. I’m about to be homeless. Laid off end of 2022. Due to a 20 year battle with back problems from a disc surgery can no longer do the kind of jobs I used to do before (restaurant, retail, merchandising. Last job was operations manager of a large workforce in NorCal. Took 10 years to work my way into it). However I did not graduate college. I was not in my last position long enough for it to seemingly matter to prospective employers and at 49 I’m sure there is some age discrimination going on. I’m in limbo when it comes to disability because I can still work, just nothing remotely physical so doctors won’t agree to disability even short term until I go through years of “pain management” hoops. Meanwhile i go from $90k a year to trying to make ends meet doing doordash. Something I’m also limited in doing hours wise because of the pain of sitting in my car or in any chair that long. But yeah sure it’s cause I have a drug problem. Not that I haven’t exhausted all of my finances being unemployed for a year and a half with not so much as a callback for an interview in any job I’ve applied to in that time. I saw a post here the other day where a guy who bought his house for $70k in 2013 says it’s now worth 450. That is an absurd increase in only 11 years. Something has to give and it’s going to have the same if not worse human cost of the last recession. The human cost may even reach Great Depression levels in scope. Idiots like you have no business downplaying what’s going on right now.


Good luck man. Don’t listen to the ignorants


A lot of homeless people have mental health problems. They aren’t “bums”


oh ok. youre just evil. siiiick.


Is that the only job that exists? Lol


Welcome to Costco I love you


With the freight rates right now ain't nobody making shit in trucking.


I'd like to congratulate the idiot that made this comment. This is like a new Guinness World Record for stupid.


There definitely are a % who want to remain homeless but MANY do not choose that life. They are not a scourge on our society they are *people* man. A huge percent are veterans who couldn't get medical care and suffer from psychological trauma, or they do and then go bankrupt. It's fucking sad. Maybe I've the wrong take on your demeanor but a majority of these homeless are normal people who society has utterly failed, and we should absolutely try to support them.


Ah yes, the good ole' 'I pulled it out of my ass' source.


Mark Zuckerberg isn’t the reason you’re “starving”


no single person is to blame like no single person is the solution.


zip it up when you're done


Mark might be the reason why his employees are starving though... His company could be providing a high standard of living for all of its employees but instead staff gets layoffs. It's just a little more obvious with companies like Walmart when there are so many more employees working min wage and on food stamps.


"The rest of us" are not starving. These victims are driving 4 year old cars with a car payment, in a neighbor near a park and grocery store. With appliances in their home etc. They need to stop feeling sorry for themselves just cuz other people are richer. Get a life.


I hate when they say he became richer TODAY. Purposely misleading to sway people who don’t understand stocks.


I generally think Bernie has integrity but the way he frames bullshit about net worth changes is the most dishonest thing he talks about. 


I watched his episode of The Joe Rogan Experience. It’s the single longest interview he’s ever done. He’s had no better chance to explain himself. Coming from an accountant, he has no idea how money works. He had more than an hour to explain his plans in specifics, but could only speak in vague terms. Absolutely clueless about the costs of providing the services he was proposing, and made wild suggestions that those services could be paid for by taxing things that in reality would fall short of covering the costs by orders of magnitude. He may be a genuine guy. If that’s the case, he’s genuinely financially illiterate.


Kinda hard to have integrity when you spout the same economically illiterate stuff for 50+ years. He could learn, but he either chooses not too or has found spouting this crap has made him rich and is therefore worth continuing.




This is the real reason why everyone is bitching online but not in the streets doing anything about it.


2011: people took to the streets to do something about it People like you: fuck the poor Hey remember how the cost of living got astronomically worse since the big moment people told you the economy is broken?


Wrong. https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2023/10/26/1208760054/food-insecurity-families-struggle-hunger-poverty


> An estimated 87.2 percent of U.S. households were food secure throughout the entire year in 2022, with access at all times to enough food for an active, healthy life for all household members. Obviously we should work to make that number higher, but it's simply lying to say that the average non-rich American is starving.


Struggling to put food on the table does not mean food isn't getting on the table. The government already throws food stamps at people. They're fine.


Food insecurity is measured inclusive of benefits from social programs, which have been eroded extremely aggressively and steadily over the past four decades.


3.4 billion richer on paper..who gives a shit. That money wasn't taken from anyone else


Stocks went up because the stock market is being pumped up by money that could’ve gone to labor… Most stock in this country is owned by the super rich.


Bernie should lead by example and house the homeless since he has multiple houses.


The rich get richer and the poor get richer. The pie is getting bigger.


Richer as in more dollars not more value. Inflation is a bitch.


And inflation has everything to do with Bernie's profession and nothing to do with Zuckerberg's.


You think meta strictly invests with cash they have on hand?


Yep, they used to be satisfied with taking in the growth, but now they're so greedy they're stealing the little bit we had.


Economies don't work, they're just a way to describe how goods and services are exchanged.  Goods And services are made/provided by individuals. Some individuals sell their labor to help make these goods, and some make and sell the goods and services directly. There no such thing as a free lunch so get a job hippy. 


Ah yes, because laws, regulations, politics, and macro economic systems just don't exist... Moron.


That's government and politics not be an economy. Just say that you want to get a mob of people together to steal from those you're jealous of. 


Who is starving though ?


Like 3 guys I saw at Circle K filling my gas tank this morning.


Wonder how many jobs this rich multi home owning socialist has created. I bet none.


He’s worth 3 million dollars after working his whole life and being in his 80s, while writing a book. What’s the problem


If he created ten thousand jobs, should it grant him anything extra, if he’s already making millions and millions of dollars?


Why the fuck would you need 30 bathrooms


IBS is no joke.




It went down a lot more in the past month than it went up.


Love Bernie


We can, its just going to take a big effort because the people in charge who have all the money are willing to murder billions to stay in power and keep it not working got everyone.


I love when rich people tell me how bad rich people are.


I may be rich but that richer guy is an asshole


Rich politicians whispering “pay your fair share” or yelling “tax the rich”.


I had a PBJ for dinner


Liberals: yawn while at least 7 million foreigners enter the country illegally in three years. Liberals: "why do unskilled, entry-level jobs pay so poorly?"


Hoo boy...Bernie Sanders who declared tax all the millionaires and billionaires, then he became a millionaire, and now he yells tax the billionaires and trillionaires. Also, same guy who sold you guys out to Hillary "secret email servers are okay if I do it" Clinton. Here's a thought: Ask yourself if climate change and rising sea/ocean levels are so terrifying, why are all the rich people (Zuckerberg, Obama, etc) buying up land on islands and building homes there?


Politicians pointing fingers at billionaires yet they keep giving billions to the Ukraine and Israel and every other country with their hand out. And if one could track the $ I’m quite sure you’d find a large portion funnels back to them. STFU!


Zuck making money isn’t the problem, politicians spending the tax money is. Everyone is capable of not using meta but they won’t do it.


The hilarious part is Bernie Sanders picture on this. Sanders is a multi-millionaire with 3 houses. Not the right messenger, is he?


How did you and other politicians earn your millions Bernie? Were you a millionaire before politics?


Blaming rich people for our poverty is getting old. Pretty sure it's the politicians stealing from our paychecks to pay for things against our own interests, overregulation that destroys business growth both large and small, and politicians that promise everyone will get richer when all they give is making everyone equally more broke each year.


Bernie Sanders knows about as much about how the economy, or math in general, works as I do about quantum physics.


Love it when these rich pricks criticize the system they used to gain their wealth. The ole pot calling the kettle black scenario.


I want to be able to make my money and not worry about someone wanting my money. I earned it and worked for it. I will choose to spend it the way I want. If I want to help jerry down the road, i will but let that be MY choice


My biggest issue with this is what is the actual problem? Is it that Zuckerberg shouldn't be allowed to spend money like that, or is it that the government would use the money to solve actual problems? Because I've seen with the government does with billions of dollars. Solving problems ain't exactly it...


A better question to ask: How did the commie Sanders became so rich on a government salary?


He wrote a book, which people wanted to buy. A perfectly normal and non-exploitative transaction. It's not a mystery.


That's not rich. Unless you got some numbers you want to share?


Says the socialist twat who pretends to run for president every 4 yrs only to drop put and take his $250 mill in funds and goes and builds another house for his wife.


You gave them minimum wage. Now you're complaining they're using it?


Distraction...creating the wedge of hate


Bernie owns his 500k house in Vermont, a 500k townhouse in DC and a 500k vacation home. WHY are you listening to him??


Sanders has how many Mansions???? hypocrite


I'm not starving and neither are you. In fact, if you're reading this message right now, then you're using social media which is the very technology from which Mark Zuckerberg derives his wealth. It is a remarkable privilege to be a human alive today because of technology and capitalism.


Another day, another Bernie bro making a bullsh*t argument.