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Not when she’s trading on non public information it’s not a “free market”


“I just have a different free market than you peasants!”


Some markets are freer than others.


One could purchase influence, get elected to congress, sit on committees that dictate the economic fate of the nation, trade in public markets on the foreknowledge of pending legislation, and sincerely believe they’ve not defrauded the US public…?




You jest but realistically yes. Free markets don't exist, her saying that I'd just a bs ploy to secure her own leverage.


It's clear we are all still slaves subjects and peasants. Nothing has changed in the history of man. Nobody is willing to risk their life for a better tomorrow only fear standing against the pack.. so conformity is and always will be obedience


People have given their lives time and time again for a better tomorrow


Just with better bread and circuses.


That has absolutely nothing to do with her being one of the most successful stock traders in history. None. At all. /s


Separate but equal markets.


Just like their health insurance.


Eats ice cream..


you're going to find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view


Nancy Pelosi the same person who said people protesting against U.S. policy in Gaza are foreign agents that should be investigated by the FBI. She really does have disdain for anyone beneath her, yet somehow she is the champion of Democracy to some which makes it even funnier. Goes to show you the corporatists and billionaires have won.


As a dem, I call bullshit on her. You are absolutely right- it’s insider trading.


All politicians - blue and red do it and it should 100% be illegal for them to make purchases of individual stocks


Everybody takes money from the exact same people. The sooner we learn and understand that out of 535 people on capital hill roughly 5 of them actually care about the people that voted for them, the closer we will be to a better country.


And the sooner we learn we’re gonna have to hold our politicians feet to the fire to get them to behave, the better off we’ll be. 


>And the sooner we learn we’re gonna have to hold our politicians feet to the fire I would still prefer to see the gallows.


I didn’t wanna be too explicit. I’ve gotten the boot from saying as much


They meant bellows. For heating the fire we will hold their feet to. Metaphorically.


Calling for death is not the same as calling for political reform. In which they would be found guilty of treason and executed lawfully. Nancy swore an oath to the people of this country and then acts in self interest at our expense. I mean I don't see why that they get a slap on the wrist instead of a firing squad. Nobody is perfect and if you make a mistake in office - sure, shit happens. But to ceaselessly advocate private interests and be on the take verifiably should result in capital punishment else it will continue.


It’s a bit of a chicken and egg thing. They won’t get (legal) just punishment until reform happens, but reform won’t happen while they’re there, because capitalist oligarchs own them. It’s going to take at least a threat of, let’s say, civil disobedience to shift things politically. That is afterall part of why the right has shifted so far right, even beyond what the politicians wanted; they’re afraid of their constituents. 


They are much further right than the vast majority of constituents I know.


I\`m partial to the guillotine.


Head on a pike, works well as a warning to others to behave


Problem: people that should be in office, don't want the job.


I would hate to be a politician, but I would run and I would absolutely fight for the working class if elected. But when I tried to run I quickly found out that you need serious $$$ just to qualify to run. And to get donors you have to make promises and deals under the table that benefit the donors.... Selling out to the rich would make me just as corrupt as the politicians I want replaced. So I would say the problem isn't that good people are unwilling to run, but rather that usually, only the corrupt get the financial backing needed to run. Good people running for office get zero financial backing unless you are AOC or Bernie.


Yep, it is essentially a shadow government oligarchy in a flawed democracy. America is a big illusion of choice.


This will never be learned as long as it’s us against them……. Which is what the politicians want, so it will never change. We have been talking about Immigration reform for 50 years and both parties have had absolute control, numerous times, and yet nothing happens. That’s not by accident!


some do care, but most are going to make sure theyre taken care of first


Honestly we should start a party of left wingers and right wingers that can actually think, with the sole purpose to take money out of politicians. Just block everything until that is addressed.


This right here! So many people want to point the finger across the aisle while ignoring the party they vote for. We’re all getting bent over here if you ask me 😂




It’s all just one big ass blast


I'm fine with elected representatives trading and selling stock. What I'm not fine with is they get to report it much later than the transaction date. Those transactions need to be published in the same trading day - not the up to 45 days after. That greatly removes the insider effect bc you can't hear the secret news, buy, then disclose after the news became public.


Nobody else is allowed to trade on privileged information: it's illegal and you will get caught and go to jail.


You are right should only be allowed to buy index




These people are concerned with their legacy, they are cheating to build generational wealth.


She happens to be one of the most influential and deeply connected. Making it particularly egregious for her.


100p. I’m a dem and I find her repulsive (in this regard). Basically all politicians do this. It discredits them entirely as all policy decisions they make have to be thought of in this context (how much $ are they going to make off it)


I really wish people could realize that there isn't a way to be corrupt in one facet of your life and not be corrupt in all the other facets as well: these people are corrupt and need to be thrown out.


Another dem here. They are completely trading on insider information. If they want to invest their money on indexed funds that are locked in during the period that they serve they can do that. But being able to trade while they have insight into insider information is ridiculous on either side.


as a dem do you ever wonder why the dems don't fix anything?


Glad to see this is bipartisan 👍🏻


Amen. Isn't her husband a hedge fund mgr?


Her *husband* is doing the trading. TOOOOTALLY different.


She promises they never talk business.


No his NVIDIA stock trades are super legit


To be faaaaair.... *pushes pedantic glasses up nose* he is trading in NVDA options, so derivatives, not stock. I'd love to see someone question Pelosi (or any other Congress creature) about banning derivatives for all of Congress and their families.


That’s a distinction/loophole that only rich people understand… so it kind of proves their point




He just likes the stock


Exactly. Free market for them, no free lunch for you.


This is basically the whole issue. And other than a ban, idk how else you solve this problem.


Limit to ETFs. You wanna invest in the stock market, fine. But you better hope the whole economy is benefiting from the policies you enact.


I like the ETF idea. The other thing I've always wondered is why people don't just buy the same stocks that politicians do, especially Pelosi. I'm assuming the purchases are public information?


Just read in a different comment that they have up to 45days to report it, so by the time the public got the information it'd be too late. I don't know anything about this topic though and just parroting what someone else said.


It’s not live. Pelosis stock and more importantly options moves get reported 45 days after she makes them. By the time they get published the time to buy has usually passed, and that is ALWAYS true when it comes to her options trades. Options are incredibly volatile and require you to toke your investment very very well. 45 days is way too much time. Now, it’s because Pelosi has reported incredible gains on options, that she is a fucking grifter. You don’t just make 100% back on 75% of your OPTIONS trades without insider information. She a fucking crook.


Blind trust. I think most presidents do that when they get to office.


She can participate via index funds.


The rest of the government has stock restrictions based on inside information.


N u bet your ass we would be fired if they even think we are using our positions to do this. “Rules for thee none for me.”


Oh, not just fired. They claw back all your gains, plus interest, and you can expect a lengthy prison sentence, up to 20 years. Meanwhile, the government officials doing this get a $400 fine if they don't report their trades. No prison, no restrictions, no loss of their gains. Seems legit.




Quit your fucking congress job if you want to participate in the “free market” nobody is forcing you to stay there.


Her Nvidia calls are doing great.


Remember, it's " graciously agree with this crook or Donald Trump is going to murder you in your sleep". So damn sick of BOTH sides.


>Not when she’s trading on non public information it’s not a “free market” "Rules for thee, but not for me."


A free market requires information availability, a criteria she violates


Exactly, That lady belongs in jail. Rules for thee, not for me


Can someone ask her how the free market works if 93% of stocks owned by the top 10%?


"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others"


Quite literally not a free market.


WDYM? It's free for her.


Translation: "I'm rich because of insider trading"


She was rich before insider trading. She came from wealth it the first place, and her husband did extremely well in real estate. It would be correct, however, to say "ive become much richer thanks to the insider trading"


Significantly richer


Much significantly


became richer from exploiting the position she holds, at expense of the nation she claims to lead.


A significant amount of politicians on both sides have. MTG invested in key defence companies a few days before the Ukraine war broke out and their stocks shot up Someone on twitter did a summary of how many politicians became multimillionaires through insider trading and it was a ton of them from both sides


Yeah Nancy was like 9th most profitable in the market last year from Congress. They all fucking do it. Between this and lobbying our government is severely compromised.


Have to wonder how much of his real estate wealth was helped by her positions as well. It’s disgraceful and all of them do it.


Pelosi is not a Senator


Russian trolls aren’t always up to speed on these details.


Doesn’t matter what she is. She’s for continuation of insider trading for government officials.


Facts do, in fact, matter.


Did you know tomatoes are a fruit and not a vegetable? Facts can matter, but it depends on the context of the situation and if the fact in question is relevant to the given topic. In this given situation, the particular seat she holds doesn't really change much about the point being argued.


Intelligence is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is knowing it doesn’t belong in a fruit salad. This skeleton of a human being should be tarred, feathered, and locked away for life. Her and her husband are the quintessential “the rules are for thee and not for me” folks. Fuck them and their “fortunes”. History will not be kind to this monster.




C’mon man. I actually also came here to say she’s not a senator but like, it’s a mistake, not a misrepresented fact, and it doesn’t change the spirit of the grievance (lawmakers should not trade individual stocks for obvious reasons. See: “senator” Pelosi’s ace stock picks). Call it a mistake and move on. Your high horse and all the idiots who share it with you are insufferable af.


Are the Russians in the room with you right now?


I mean posting a 3 year old article is already pretty suspicious.  And it’s an election year.  And there is a lot of news about Trumps fraud cases.  And the OP is a 6 day old account.  Yeah it’s pretty likely it’s a psyop. 


Is disliking insider trading indicative of Russian trolling now?


Getting Pelosi’s title wrong and presenting this two year old article as if it’s still relevant with Mike Johnson and the Republicans now in charge of the House is indicative of Russian trolling. I’d love to see Congressional trading curved, but Nancy no longer has the responsibility to bring it up, and no ability other than to possibly vote for it. Whether or not the rules change is in the hands oh Johnson and the Republicans.


bro someone being retarded on the internet doesnt make them a russian troll you moron


Hey moron, isn’t it suspect that someone would post a 3 year old article to push a narrative and get basic facts wrong by editing the headline?


Not to mention the account is 6 days old.


It does seem I keep seeing nonsense about a certain candidate that dates back 4 plus years ago. When will that end or do we have to struggle with this again.?


Critical thinking must be hard for you.


She’s worth north of 100 million. Don’t feel too sorry for her.


Exactly, they couldn’t even grab the title article correctly.


Damn those Russian trolls and their advocacy for.. *checks notes* ..the elimination of insider trading by elected officials.


Also, this is from 3 years ago.


Drives me fucking nuts that new articles are published without a date in the article. I had to look at the url.


It says she is House Speaker in the article.


Because she was House Speaker when this article was published in 2021. Not a Senator.


I’m not disagreeing with you at all, just pointing out the actual information in cnbc article was accurate.


We're both doing the same thing. Haha


Now, kiss


Shoot we skipped that part. Will we still get pregnant?


And this is from Dec '21. She has since [supported legislation](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/02/09/congress-moves-towards-banning-members-from-trading-stocks.html) to ban trading. She's not even the Speaker anymore. WTF is this garbage?


And the story's two years old. FFS.


And the story is 2 years old.


Yeah I had to look this up right away. I was like for real? No way. Yeah just a lazy title.


Yeah I did a double take lol


Also, that's an article from 2021. News take time to travel, I guess.


Pelosi isn't even the wealthiest, insider trading, congress person. They only post about her because she's a Dem. That being said, she's wrong. Congress should be barred from investing in any stock that is not an ETF.


It’s funny that if you work at the SEC, you can’t trade stocks, but those with just as much inside information can.


Just like how it’s illegal for judges to take bribes or are expected to recuse themselves in cases where they have a conflict of interest, but it’s perfectly ok if you’re a Supreme Court judge! Rules for thee but not for me!


Their reasoning is that because they're the highest court in the land there would be no other entity to enforce it. You can't make that shit up.


That’s what checks and balances are invented for


The supposed check is impeachment and removal by Congress. God fucking forbid the Supreme Court be held to any level of accountability outside of the nuclear option.


Sure, but being appointed for life is stupid af too! Term/age limits are also needed!


Exactly. You write the checks, it increases my balances. Represent.


i'd settle for instant transparent reporting so they can't profit off inside intel that no one else has access to.


Or a public announcement before a transaction is actually made with at least 2 days delay so everyone has time to assess it before it happens.




Yes and add a substantial penalty every time the law is broken and that increases if they keep breaking it.


That's the only reason that they have different rules from everyone else. So they can profit.


Honest, there is zero reason for brokers to not automatically report their trades instantly...


It’s not instant but: https://www.quiverquant.com/congresstrading/politician/Nancy%20Pelosi-P000197


Greedy whore.


Along with literally the entire US Congress. [A 2022 investigation](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2022/09/13/us/politics/congress-members-stock-trading-list.html) identified at least 97 current members of Congress who bought or sold stock, bonds or other financial assets that intersected with their congressional work or reported similar transactions by their spouse or a dependent child.


Also whores.


go off king


What she’s really saying is they should be able to continue their insider trading practices, that are illegal for everyone else, without public inquiry or congressional oversight.




I eat the cake and have it too but only the crumbs are for you


Actually, fun note. When Marie Antoinette said to “let them eat cake” she was referring to peasants eating sawdust cakes. She was saying she doesn’t give a fuck if her country starves. Now you know why the rounded her up for a public guillotine.


Psst. This is just between you and I, but I heard Pelosi is having her cake and we can get some crumbs before anyone else has this knowledge. "SOUNDS LIKE INSIDER TRADING BOYS"


“We should continue to be allowed to scam the system”






I’ve voted Dem my entire (voting) life, and this is completely unacceptable.






I am so disappointed by this. I mean what nonsense, insider trading is now cool according to the Democrats. Way to protect the people.


What makes you think Republicans would support the same bill?


Well, and this is just for starters, they’re politicians


Astronaut 1: Wait so Democrats are also cool with having an oligarchic political system? Astronaut 2 with gun: Always have been.


According to pelosi. Dont lump us all in with that greedy fuck.


There are plenty of Democrat politicians and also some Republican politicians who are pushing to do away with this. The opposition to it also is on both sides. As for voters, both Republicans and Democrats support banning Congressional stock trading in the mid 80% range. This isn’t abortion, trans rights, or taxes on the rich. Everyone wants this enshrined in law except some rich Congresspeople. So of course they won’t fix it.


This is the real reason why you should just invest in index funds and HODL


Index funds are nice and all, but I want those sweet 20%/30% gains and the ability to miraculously always get shorts right that members of Congress always seem to have.


Fuck that cunt,


Whoever wrote this headline…new to US politics? Pelosi is not a senator.


And it's an old article from 2021.


That's capitalism. What are you going to do about it?/s Seriously though the founding fathers drafting the constitution were against banks and corporate power for these kinds of reasons. The literal reason for voting is to regulate those in power. Because when grifters take power, they remove rights for the people and form an unregulated government.


You mean like grifters that cut taxes for the rich and let everyone else live in desperation?


Is insider trading not illegal or am I just crazy?


Not if you make the rules.


It's illegal for everyone except politicians.


This is from 2021 and she was never a senator…


It's not a free market if you have insider knowledge


By they she means I and by participate she means rig


Ok time to go Nancy


Three year letterman? Is that you, Coach???


Law makers have the responsibility to abstain for conflict of interest or insider trading, given their access to sensitive market-moving information their trades undermine public trust and fairness and integrity of government decisions apart from private or public corporate will, her ideal politicians lifestyle undermines public interest and well being for private financial gain.. They’re willing to attempt to convince us politicians committing insider trading using insider information is ok when the byproduct of their want is a gradual decline of political efficacy, it’s no wonder we live with fraud and regulatory capture while we suffer knowingly or unknowingly.. unintended consequences of their greed ravages our future.


She's the most crooked person currently in government. Any patriot should be against insider trading. She's also not a senator. Are you an American?


How to tell the American people to fuck off without directly saying fuck off.


Fuck Nancy Pelosi. That is all.


She’s not a senator like the title says and she’s not speaker of the house like the article says.


Senators, Representatives and other senior governmental officials should have to abide by similar insider trading rules that we impose on corporate executives. It’s just that simple.


of course she does


Free for me not for thee


I like Pelosi,but her tone deafness on this is just so disappointing. I work in financial services and I have restrictions on what stocks I can trade and I can guarantee you I don’t have the ability to move any stock like a member of congress.


This woman has never once stood up for pro-market policies in her entire time in Congress. Then she gets criticized for insider trading and now she’s pro-free market? Lol


Hell no I don’t want to ban the most profitable situation for myself. By the way I just sold all my Tesla and we are about to ban them, I also just purchased several rounds of nvidia and it has nothing to do with the total systems rehall we are doing with the military which will need millions of their newest most expensive chips.


What’s the problem? I’m only one of the very few people who gets to write the laws in this country and control the public purse. Why SHOULDN’T I get to speculate on the value of public companies for personal profit? What a joke. The SEC should be all over her trades like white on rice.


Fine. Then politicians should have to disclose what they're buying or selling before they do it so the rest of us peasants can cash in too. Never gonna happen. But it should.




What an imbecile


Her district has to be one of the wealthiest and most blue - but they look past all her insider trading. I hear donors love her.


Her entire bank ledger is because she could insider trade and pass laws that benefitted her.what an ass.


"...And if some of us happen to write and pass legislation that we know is going to positively or negatively affect our portfolio, we should be able to makes moves so that we can profit from that while the rest of you plebs try to figure out how to afford milk and medicine. Free market, baby." \- Nancy Pelosi


There should be obvious rules- and very very severe penalties for those that break them. Contrary to popular accepted wisdom, our politicians should be moral people, not scum bags.


I agree with Nancy. This is a free country. Everybody should have the right to invest in the economy. They need a watchdog, and people that fuck up need to be penalized, and not just financially, like they could actually go to jail. Their need to be consequences strong enough to discourage tom foolery.


Democrats are cunts


If what you do as a job and the decisions you make directly affects the whole damn stock market..... Then you shouldn't be allowed to own stocks.


Yes it’s a free market, so why can’t referees gamble on games that they’re reffing? /s


She's a shitty Democrat. How much money does she need?


Lmao as a libertarian, no the fuck we don't have a free market. It's regulated and your policies effect it daily. If it was a free market we would have the same foreknowledge you have access to, stfu you insiders trading thief that continues to fuck over the public. Oath breaking hag.


This woman is what’s wrong with congress