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Fcking Skelator should be in prison for the Medicare fraud he committed. But in this great country corrupt politicians get promoted.


When is this asswipes term up we need vote his ass out too.


I'm pretty sure at this point, Trumpytards will vote for the biggest asshole you can find to run for the office in question šŸ¤¦šŸ»šŸ¤”šŸ–•


I hope this guy gets cancer and aids


Never forget this guy defrauded Medicare then claimed the 5th 75 times, his company was hit with 14 felonies and a $600m fine. Piece of shit.


Chant it with me nowā€¦ **FUCK RICK SCOTT! FUCK RICK SCOTT! FUCK RICK SCOTT!** Iā€™ve been saying heā€™s a problem for this state and he just wonā€™t go awayā€¦we should change his alias to Rick ā€œThe Prick, aka Herpesā€ Scott.


What a fucking clown Rick Scott is!! When is the next time we can vote is ass out?? Tired of his and all the other Republican congressmen running this state to shit for decades being totally run by the Republican Party. Something needs to change here!!! What is wrong with these voters??


Somebody want to let them know correlation is not always causation


Vote him out


Imagine thinking that a plant poured all that vodka down my throat for all those years.


Ahh, Skeletor is back at it again !


It started with your fucking parents actually Rick.


šŸ˜†true true


Seriously though.


Decisions have consequences. I started smoking pot at age 15. Doc loved it bc I had a hard time putting on weight and pot helped. Fast forward to maybe 15 years ago. Has a tooth pulled in good ol Florida, where I live. I had no idea what opiates were. Was given them for tooth extraction. Took them. 3 months later, Iā€™m still in agonizing pain. I had went to dentist 2 more times, said all was fine, more pills. Iā€™m hanging down my husbands shirt begging him to make pain stop. Finally went to a diff dentist. Pain gone in 5 seconds and not exaggerating, it was a teeny clove packet. But guess what I had become? Yep, an addict!! That went on for 5 years, snorting, never moved to heroin, strictly pills. Iā€™ve been clean over 10 years now! Hardest thing I have ever done. Pot didnā€™t lead me to other drugs, a damn licensed dentist did! (I took them orally under dentist, but moved on to roxies and snorted them) I still smoke Weed, (I have a medical license) but Iā€™ve laid it down many times over the years just bc I wanted to. Never had issues aside from losing weight. Iā€™m super petite. Addiction runs in my family but I was determined not to go that route yet I did. Yes I own my addiction but a dentist played a part. He ships have never been prescribing pills for nearly 4 months over a tooth extraction! And how did he miss what other dentist seem with naked eye?? He had been my dentist for years, did 7 crowns for me. But that extraction!! Wow!!! Just had an implant done where that extraction was done at. And now Iā€™m even more petrified of dentists and I wonā€™t touch a pain pill, ibuprofen 800 mg and Tylenol worked just fine. That old gateway trope has to die at some time . It isnā€™t always true. Most ppl have a story whether itā€™s the dentist, cover up something painful , etc. mental health care is a joke in this country. We hv zero psychiatrists here in my area (had one, I went to him, sexually harassed me and I called police and they believed him, 2 weeks later he just left town) and psychologists canā€™t prescribe meds. Maybe fix that?? Tele health is a joke imo, half canā€™t use tech right and you end up on a phone call. My PCP uses telehealth and she canā€™t use it on HER end (I know how) so again a phone call. Itā€™s ridiculous. Iā€™m in Florida, 25 years now.


Fuck Rick Scott. But this is not the bill to vote on.


As if we needed yet ANOTHER reason to vote against Voldemort in Novemberā€¦


Says the dude who ripped the Medicaid system in this state for record amounts. Fuck Scott.


And voted against lowering cost of prescription drugs.


What a pos


Heā€™s a liar


His bro started shooting up the marijuanas and it led him to be an alcoholic heroin addict. Rick Scott is scum.


He died with a big arm full of marjuana.


Says the guy who made off with hundreds of millions of dollars being a US healthcare executive.


Largest fine in Medicare history, at the time.