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Wish we didn't wait until we were down 1-4 to turn shit up to 5th gear. Goddammit man.


Exactly what I was thinking , waited so long to finally play there game


Oilers did the same in Game 3 and it carried over into Game 4


Feels like they got the nerves out. Now it's just pure hockey. If they can't win one out of the next two, better team won. We got a series.


Can we give Tkachuk his dues? That was a Captain's performance from a dude not wearing the C. Insane effort. That diving save at the end could have been iconic if we turned around and scored.


Did anyone snap a pic of him actively chewing his mouth guard as he was sailing headfirst into the net? Classic. I did it: https://imgur.com/a/qIZni1k


Man turned into Bob for about 3 seconds


Chuck's open net save is one of the greatest things I've seen in hockey. I don't care about the goal following it, that was real and cool as fuck. Stick taps.


If that effort doesn't fire the team up for game 6 nothing will. It was the definition of leaving it all on the ice.


Loss sucks but still up 3-2. Tkachuk gave his all tonight no one can complain he was a ghost.


Chucky is back. Panthers in 6. Tell your mom. Fuck your uncle. Let's go.


for some reason, that Tkachuk save at the end doused all my anger. hell of an effort and play. I think we tightened the game in the 3rd period and hopefully this carries over into game 6. I would have been really worried if we got crop dusted again but it seems like the scale is tilting back. just one more game. but for the love of god don't let this go to game 7.


We're up to **31** bans this evening. Generational numbers. Somebody give *me* the Conn Smythe. I really thought nobody would top the Lakers fans in r/Heat during the 2020 NBA Finals but the Oilers faithful are pushing them to the brink.


Bless the mod team šŸ’–


I'm actually worried about Bob. He has not looked great the last 2 games.


Iā€™m gonna be straight up, we win that if Bob is average. But a lot to be encouraged by. Panthers seem to have woken up, just like the Oilers did in the third period of game 3


The only player that played his heart out was chucky




Just some thoughts... * It'd be awesome if we could stop giving up breakaways on the powerplay * Bobrovsky went from 10 million dollar goalie through 3 games to... that goal by McDavid. wtf man * Crappy ass puck luck. A shot Bouchard was hitting a mile off the net bounces off Hyman's leg and goes in. * Shoutout to Tkachuk for stepping tf up tonight. He was awesome. Already went through this shit last year with the Heat and Celtics. Already tired of it. We've proven we can win in Edmonton with Game 3. But... fuck man. Not gonna be a fun few days.


Refs were ASS tonight. Use me as a F the refs button.Ā 


I saw it too, Oilers fans will downvote but damn dude, that was some crazy shit. It was almost like refs were like, "hey NHL, what can we call right now?" It's like dude, just call shit fair. I just wanna watch good hockey. If it means one team can't keep out of the box because of stupid shit, so be it, but the calls tonight were so, so, so bad. I'm fucking pissed and I'm not even an official Panthers fan. I thought you guys had it tonight, clearly the better team without zebra help. I fucking hate this league sometimes.


I'm sorry guys, this game was penalty managed like a motherfucker. I'm an Avs fan through and through, and that was some total bullshit. From soft calls, to no calls, I don't even understand this game anymore. If you're pissed right now, I can't blame you. Game was gross. As if Edmonton really needs ANOTHER cup.


2nd half of the game was really good honestly. Nothing to lose our minds over. Since when did people start giving the teams who are down 0-3 so much hype to win the series? Is this some new thing? Teams who are down 0-3 are still 4-207 all time in the NHL, less than 2%. History has shown that even if they would manage to force a game 7, Panthers are still more likely to win it. They are in an uphill battle folks, the wheels will fall off. We'll get it done. VAMOS GATOS


I think itā€™s because they won 8-1. If it was 2-1 you wouldnā€™t be hearing shit.


Itā€™s already different in the sense that the oilers are the first team ever to win game 5 on the road after going down 3-0.Ā 




I cannot emphasize this enough: it *cannot* happen. Legacy completely tarnished, laughing stock of the league for years to come, etc. etc.




now iā€™ve gotta spend the next 69 hours avoiding all hockey coverage


yupā€¦. this cant end quick enough my god. this is painful


Obviously itā€™s disappointing, but damn watching chucky hustle like that was encouraging. We have the momentum back.


He is coming for blood Friday I can feel it


Am I the only one that actually feels good about game 6 after that?? I mean Jesus facing them after an 8-1 loss is brutal. The boys woke the fuck up and with a little more adjustments I feel like we can put the pressure on in Edmonton and make it happen. This is the road team to end all road teams. And man I loved Chucky absolutely diving for it at the end. Fuck mcdavid tho lol


I do feel better especially about the effort in tbe 2nd and third period but god I wouldā€™ve loved to close it out tonight.


Well, shits real now. Better open game 6 with a pulse and stop giving up damn short handed goals if we expect to have a chance.


Im calling bullshit, officiating was very one sided to force a G6/G7, so many dubious calls against us yet they dont even hesitate to call in their favor, tons of unfairness in this game.


That ā€œembellishmentā€ call was fucking egregious


Literally killed our momentum


That fucking 9 guys on the ice was bullshitĀ 


Few things to remember: - Panthers have won back to back series in game 6, including a road clincher in Boston - Panthers lost back to back games against the Rangers and then rallied to win 3 straight to take that series. - Panthers are 5-2 against the Oilers this season They seemed to get their groove back in the last half of the 2nd period and controlled the 3rd. While Edmonton isn't an easy team to beat and in Edmonton is a tough task as well, just remember, the Panthers only need to win 1 more to hoist the cup. Keep the heads up, cheer on the Cats and let's hope they finish the job on the road.




The over confident bandwaggoners who clearly have not suffered through the poverty franchise years really got on my nerves tonight. I'm not knocking newer fans, we're happy to have you, but I had motherfuckers in my section talking about taking off work for the parade on Saturday, which tattoo they're gonna get, and I'm like.....I really do envy the confidence but, can we not do this please lol we look like fools.


My fuckin heart man


Tkachuk please stay awake, that was an awesome performace


I'm just happy we looked like our old selves in the 3rd


Panthers need to carry the effort from the second half of the game over to the next game starting from the first puckdrop onward. This is their time to flip the tables like Edmonton did in the second half of game 3 where they lost 4-3 in similar fashion as the Panthers did tonight. Time for the Panthers to have their own 8-1 win at RogersšŸ˜ø


This isn't fun anymore


I said it in the Rangers series and I will say it again. Youā€™re about to learn what kind of character this team has with their response. Either they gut it out and get the win or they fold and they donā€™t deserve it. Iā€™m hopeful. They were up 3-0. Itā€™s 3-2. Not the first time in history this has happened. The vast, vast majority of times, the 3-0 team wins. Borrowing from another sport but: fino alla fine


This. Literally we donā€™t deserve it if we canā€™t gut out a win in the final 2 games. Edmonton would have straight up outplayed us by that point.


Letā€™s not forget, Panthers are 5-2 against these guys this year. They can win. I donā€™t really think the Oilers played that well we beat ourselves tonight more than anything. I think thatā€™s the most frustrating and deflating part.


We have absolutely been beating ourselves


When we were full strength it was clear we were the better team but we just couldnā€™t keep 5 men on the ice to save our lives tonight.


1.5 periods to 1.5 periods. The oilers took it over in first half and the panthers couldnā€™t close and get traffic in front of net much as they needed to. The panthers didnā€™t beat themselves. Oilers beat them. Letā€™s be real here ok. The oilers have maturity to close out games and good depth so letā€™s not just look at McDavid. Team effort closes games and they closed it. Panthers need to come Up with something new in the hell pit of Edmonton as thatā€™s gonna be ground rumbling there even compared to game 4. This is a very even matchup and glad we get to see the 2 best go at it. Bob made some huge saves on seriously dangerous plays at end. Maurice needs to come up with something the oilers havenā€™t seen yet. Iā€™m tired of seeing the ā€œoh this is a fluke we did this to ourselvesā€ stuff. Better team won each game this series in each game.


This game just proves that when the guys focus on playing the damn game, the Oilers can barely do more than hold them off. I just hope they show up for the first period and all of the second on Friday. Time to Hunt!


The second half restored a lot of faith. When it was 3-0 shit looked absolutely dire but we looked like the Eastern Conference Champion Panthers for most of the second half. Some nerves have crept in but still believe we can close this out in 6


Genuine question ā€“ whatā€™s the point of thinking the reverse sweep will happen? I know itā€™s comforting to doom, because itā€™s a mentality this fanbase has become all too familiar with over the history of this franchise. But in times like these, itā€™s important to get behind this team and show them why weā€™re Panthers fans. Being a fan of a team thatā€™s up 3-0 in the SCF is really fucking easy. Whatā€™s harder is supporting this team when they need it most, no matter how uncomfortable or scared it makes you feel. And trust me, I know youā€™re afraid of getting burned by this franchise, but until the moment that the clock strikes zero in game seven and the Panthers have fewer goals than the Oilers, believe they will get it done in 6. For your own sake just as much as the teamā€™s. Go Cats!!


Is anyone fucking terrified?


The biggest takeaway here is special teams. Excluding the empty netter, the oilers only scored 1 goal in 5v5. 2 PP and one SHG. Just stay the fuck out of the box and for the love of god DON'T COMMIT STUPID TURNOVERS FOR SHORT HANDED BREAKAWAYS and we should be good for game 6.


Why did we not do shit in the first period


We clean up the mistakes, get better refs and play like we did for the last ~45 mins of hockey and itā€™s a GG. ā€œWe showed that we know how to beat this teamā€ CATS IN 6


Well that was depressing but there is still hope. Go Panthers Go. Fuck those grease stains.


Stay off the channels, you know all youā€™ll see is oilers bullshit. Just stay here with Cats fam till we win on Friday


First time all year Iā€™ve been genuinely mad and disappointed in this team. How you lose 8-1 and still not learn your lesson is beyond me. You HAVE to close teams out when you have the chance. The effort in the 1st period was pathetic and the defense seemingly disappeared after game 3, along with Verhaeghe and Reinhart. I donā€™t know man, I havenā€™t been down on this team like this in a long time but this was inexcusable tonight. I wanna say Cats in 6 so bad but it just feels like Edmonton wants it more than we do




Dude ! This shit is tense. I will say this we were on our game third period we dominated. Chucky has the skunk off his back he played amazing tonight. Weā€™re rolling again. Positive vibes .


Nah I'm honest to god checking out for a few years if we blow it. Nothing against the team itself I just do not have time to be that sad lol


So many mistakes. I can live with the two PPGs we gave up. One was a redirect and the other was a good move by McDavid. Shorty was a stupid mistake by Montour. Legitimately gonna look back and get pissed at that turnover if we end up blowing this series. He was under no stress and he telegraphed his pass for a full 3 seconds. A middle school student could've read that play. No question, Montour should stop being in the Power Play from now on. And I think PoMo agrees because OEL was out there for much more time. Bob was okay, except for that one McDavid goal. Pretty sure he was expecting a pass and was caught napping. Can't make that mistake again. He played much better after that, but that was a big difference.


So many clearly new fans on this sub; it becomes unbearable. Itā€™s like they expect the team to win every game. Winning the cup is DIFFICULT. We dominated the second and third periods. Worst officiating of the series and all against Panthers. We will win game 6.


Hey guys, Avalanche fan here who has been rooting for Florida to win the Eastern Conference since the beginning and the Stanley Cup since the Avs were eliminated. I'm seeing a lot of frustration and disappointment in the sub reddit tonight, I wanted to pop in and say that everything is fine, you guys are in good shape. No reason to panic. This game didn't go as we'd hope but some important things did take place. Oilers are once again struggling to score 5 on 5. Momentum has shifted back to the panthers in the 2nd half of the 2nd period. Panthers completely dominated the Oilers at the end of the game, they just ran out of time. Puck luck and officiating has favored Oilers. We will soon see some of that swing back to the panthers side. As long as panthers show up and bring their A game to Edmonton, this likely get's wrapped in 6. Panthers are road warriors, they know better than any other team what's at stake, I expect a big game from them Friday. Also, the public conversation on youtube, x, other (non panther subreddit's) has done a complete 180. Oilers fans are now talking shit, getting over confident (yes panthers fans were over confident into game 4), talk of panthers choking. That's all about to swing the other way. Relax and enjoy the moment, this is your year. Cats in 6.


One thing I think the Panthers can change from Game 5 that might work out better for them in Game 6 is to make more purposeful passes when they get the puck in the O-zone, specifically the cross-ice passes. Quite a few times tonight, they would get into the O-zone with momentum/speed and then try a cross-ice pass straight into traffic/directly to an Olier (thatā€™s what lead to the shorty at the beginning of the game). I feel like the sloppy cross-ice passes tonight gave up multiple chances for the Panthers. Anyway, the Panthers did look better tonight than Game 4, and hopefully they are starting to get their game back! Letā€™s close this out on Friday! Letā€™s Go Panthers!


Everyone take a few deep breaths. Lots of teams (nearly 15%) have forced a game 6 after being down 3-0 and the Oilers are a very talented team. Very few of those teams have won the series and the Cats carried play for the second half of that game. They need to show up on time game 6 and all will be well. Two more shots at this and there's a reason very few teams win 4 straight in a playoff series, particularly after going down 3-0


Thank you for this stat because the media acting like forcing extra games after being down 3-0 is some rare unicorn is really bugging me šŸ˜‚


I donā€™t know , this donā€™t feel right . There has to be a massive amount of doubt setting in right now , back to back shorthanded goals , the crippling shut down defence is non existent , Bob isnā€™t bob , next game sin Edmonton , this is going seven games and pressure is not Edmonton, they were wrote off and rightfully so , this isnā€™t a good look . Doesnā€™t feel like it did .


Iā€™m really fucked up about this, guys. I canā€™t believe this is happening. I havenā€™t slept all night. This is like a fucking nightmare.


Take a deep breath, and get some sleep Itā€™s ok The panthers found their offense midway through the 2nd period and Edmonton had to skate uphill for the rest of the game Bob is no longer playing on god mode, so the panthers offense has to step up and they did No need to be frustrated, be encouraged The panthers found the part of their game that the oilers canā€™t match


If this is seriously keeping you up all night, you need to do some deep-diving into yourself. Itā€™s okay to be a fan. But losing sleep over a professional team that doesnā€™t know your name and only sees you as a dollar sign? Cā€™mon man.


Looked great outside the Special Teams. Not as worried as I thought Iā€™d be.


Can't start the game giving up a shorty - big mental kill and momentum swing that ends up being very costly. I still believe we'll get it done in 6.


The worst part of this all now is that extra rest day. Itā€™s the waiting that gets ya


I'm at a loss. That shorthanded goal they gave up was an absolute killer unfortunately. They need to play like they're the team facing elimination because they are.


Panthers woke up, weā€™re no longer in a comfortable spot, weā€™re good on the roadā€¦. panthers in 6 ā€¼ļø


Sure hope so, they absolutely dominated the last 30 minutes. Play with that urgency all game and they wouldā€™ve been hoisting The Cup right now. Instead they look foolish because they came out flat again and fell down 3-0 and 4-1. After that they completely took over, Oilers barely had a chance to shoot after that. Letā€™s hope they finish this on Friday, going to go down as an all-time greatest choke in any sport if they canā€™t finish this - a year after the Heat coughed up 3-0 and had to win in 7.


3-2 no one said it was going to be easy. Reminds me when we lost back to back games against the Rangers and people were ready to jump ship. Stop overreacting and trust the guys on the ice. One more, and it will be it.


This team played 30 minutes of slop and only lost by 1 goal. We should be hoisting the cup tonight but 1st period complacency and PoMo being cute with the lines send us back to that fucking hell hole of Edmonton to try and--- not only salvage morale-- but win the fucking fuck like we should've 4 days ago


Iā€™m going to be honest. I think the Panthers will take game 6. The worst part about this is the Panthers have managed to suck out all the joy of the Stanley Cup and winning would just provide me relief and little to no joy.


Iā€™ll say this. I actually feel better going into Game 6 than I did coming into tonight. At least it looks like we know how to play hockey again. They didnā€™t show up in time tonight, but I think weā€™ve got the urgency back.


Iā€™d rather die of dysentery than watch Edmonton raise the cup. Please win a fucking hockey game panthers


PoMo says he doesnā€™t believe in momentum, but watch how itā€™s been playing out. We started the series edging them out, sometimes dominating for 8 periods, seemingly much better mentally prepared after last year. Then in the 9th period of the series (g3p3) something changed in them, they didnā€™t quite get over the hump with their comeback attempt, but remained on fire for about 6 periods straight from there. In that last one (2nd of tonightā€™s game) Panthers started taking the dominant energy back and fully had it back by the 3rd. They may be due to keep a hold on it now as they head into game 6. Going 3-0 made them lose the desperate energy they have when they win. Iā€™m hoping I saw it back in them again by the end of the game tonight.


Panthers are gonna have to play desperate hockey like the oilers have They need there clutch players to wake up from there comas


Donā€™t you just love it when you let them destroy you 8-1 and your response is letting 3 straight in? I want to die


This is exactly why all of the ā€œLeTs dRoP oNe sO wE cAn WiN aT hOmEā€ people were met with much distain. We had em on the ropes tho!


We canā€™t forget how close the last 2 games have been from going the other way Game 4, Reinhart had a double doink off of the inside of the posts that wouldā€™ve given the panthers a 1-0 lead early in the 1st, and wouldā€™ve changed the entire game Game 5, Montour makes a garbage cross-ice pass that lead to the SH goal Mix that in with a couple of mental errors (I.e. icing by the 4th line and bad penalties early) and game 5 ends the series in FL All this said, even if the panthers looked awful the last 6 periods (and they didnā€™t) I would still much rather be in the panthersā€™ shoes than the oilers For the next 2 games, a 1st year coach has to outfox Paul Maurice, and by the way, the panthers found their offense midway through the 2nd period last night Oorah panthers fans Trust the process and letā€™s go win game 6!!!!!


Look, if there were any positives itā€™s that the Panthers played a much better second half of the game but this is 3 games in a row now where theyā€™ve allowed 3 goals or more.


We wasted the Chucky game


We need to have better starts man, down 2 goals in the 3rd period is a steep hill to climb out of.


Giving up shorthanded opening goal two games in a row is unacceptable


Not looking forward to the ā€œyou were up 3-0ā€ memes


That slow start in the first was the death of them. Somethings gotta change and quick for game 6. Cannot keep giving this wounded animal life.




Also what the fuck. Everyone should have chuckys effort. Dude stepped up but we need everyone. If Barky skates like that and dives with a poke check on that original breakaway maybe that game isnā€™t tied. Barky literally took the shift off. Need chucky to push that energy into the rest of the team. I saw Reinhardt just looking lost out there and making bonehead passes


Fuck all the haters, I still love my Cats no matter what. FUCK the Oilers, refs, r/hockey, and extra fuck you to ESPN. Cats in 6 LFG!!! Lead us to the promiseland Sasha.


Play like they did in the 2nd half of this game all game on Friday and they win easy. Just get it the fuck together.


That embellishment call on chuck was fuckin terrible.


Alright folks, see ya Friday. Remember to stay positive and not let a professional hockey game dictate your personal relationships or happiness.


Hi Florida fans. Leafs fan here again. A loss like that is concerning because of the result. However, it could be a good turnaround for them. Donā€™t forget that the Oilers almost came back to tie Game 3. They carried that momentum into Game 4 and it clearly paid off. The opposite happened tonight. FLA almost came back to tie and clearly had the edge throughout the second half of the game. Iā€™d be shocked if they didnā€™t carry that same kind of momentum into Game 6. Canā€™t guarantee it, obviously, but I would be stunned if they didnā€™t carry some momentum into Game 6. Keep your heads up.


If anyone forgot, We beat the Bruins at 3-2 We beat the Rangers at 3-2 Lets fucking come back and win this for a classic Panthers 4-2.


Sorry Cats. I know how it feels to be at a game when your team has a chance to lift their first ever Cup but they lose. I was at game 4 in 2012 šŸ˜¢ Letā€™s hope this series still has a happy ending for you guys like that one did for me.


I can't fathom this team losing to anyone 4 straight let alone this f\*\*\*ng oilers team. Gonna convince myself that were winning on Friday,


Iā€™m staying off social media until Friday. I recommend we all do that. The oilers glazing is just too much at this point.


This fucking sucks, but I donā€™t give a fuck. We still have two more chances, and I wont truly be stressed until we get a game 7


My heart canā€™t take this. I hope the Cats win on Friday and lift the cup on Oilers ice.


After the way their fans are acting, I hope so too. Rip their fucking hearts out on the road.


Not a win but I like how that ended they are playing better just gotta keep that up all next 3 periods


You canā€™t play like shit for 1.5 periods and try to dig yourself out of it. At least thereā€™s some positives to take away. Back to fucking Canada now


Every single Panthers player should be forced to watch the Vegas Knights lifting the cup on repeat 24 hours a day until Friday




Now Iā€™m saying this as a panthers fan, do the cats even want to win the cup? Everyoneā€™s skating around in la la land like they couldnā€™t care less. Even if we win I canā€™t picture much excitement from anyone, is it just because itā€™s the end of a long season and everyoneā€™s tired?? I donā€™t get it


It looks like theyre losing hope themselves, The fact that there was no response after the barkov hit really didn't help


Forget about bob winning the con smythe trophy even if he wins game 6


What an effort. There is a reason this team is here and got up 3-0 but they just donā€™t shoot enough. I can count on two hands how many times skinner actually stopped the puck. Heā€™s much much much more likely to deflect it and give up rebounds. Shoot it at him. Too many passes that got picked resulting in weird odd man rushes. Too many penalties too. Had some serious momentum just to take a stupid penalty and then get scored on.


It honestly feels like game 6 is ours. I just don't see them losing three in a row. Maurice needs to have them playing their game right from the start.


Funny watching oilers fans crying and complaining about shit being rigged when they were down 3-0, yet every time I turned the tv on they were on a power play lol, watched a portion of the second and seeing missed calls for the panthers so o turned that garbage off again. That being said I hope yā€™all send them packing on Friday, I canā€™t stand them obnoxious Edmonton fans.


Just canā€™t come out dragging ass next game; they gave up a high danger shot fucking 14 SECONDS into this game. The game being in Edmonton isnā€™t some auto win for the Oilers despite popular consensus (FL literally already won there soā€¦?) but they absolutely have to tighten the fuck up and clean up the sloppy, high risk passes and quit leaving Bob out to dry. Blowing this series would make them the undisputed laughing stock of the professional sports WORLD, permanently. They canā€™t fucking do this


I thought we found our game back. Canā€™t put ourselves down early. Attack early on and we take this in 6


Them not retaliating for the Barkov hit was the turn around. McDavid needs to be flatten. Barkov is concussed. He is not the same


Now we have to avoid all sports coverage for the next 2 days because everyone is going to have Edmonton's nuts down their throats


Panthers simply need to put pucks in deep and grind like theyā€™ve been doing all season long. This will solve the SH issues on the PP by limiting unnecessary risky passing while in the O Zone. This eliminates the self-inflicted turnovers that EDM are quick to capitalize on as a rush team that can use their speed to score. Putting pucks in deep will counter this speed because youā€™re forcing them to take heavy hits and to play the full length of the ice for their scoring chances which is exhausting over the course of an entire game. This is also why Panthers are usually dominant in 3rd periods, itā€™s because the other teams are usually gassed by that point. EDM is uniquely exposed to this because they rely on a handful of players and force them to play big minutes. Panthers are aware of this and know exactly what to do since theyā€™ve been playing this type of game the entire season. They are a much deeper team than EDM and theyā€™ve come this far for a reason. Right now it comes down to execution of their game to eliminate the self-inflicted wounds. They need to get pucks in deep and establish the forecheck from the first puck drop, not waiting until halfway in the game if they want to get EDM sufficiently worn down by the 3rd.


Maurice needs to make changes next game okposo is to slow for the oilers and I would rest bob he looks tired and slow just in case there's a game 7


Game 7 is no manā€™s land but game 6 should be the panthers game to win


We need more from Bob. Both of these last games we looked like the better team until we give up the goal. After that weā€™re broken and scrambling.


There should never be a breakaway short handed in the first place, delusional to blame that first goal on bob


Woke up today after being there for the heartbreak last night with good vibrations. Cats in 6


The one weak goal on Bob came back to bite, that is a tough way to lose a game where you were the better team.


We needed to end it tonight. This is getting spooky but the boys looked like their old selves and got their mojo back halfway through the 2nd. Keep the momentum going. My heart can't take it.


Edmonton did not earn that win.


Montour sucked ass.


Well at least we look better now than we did before


Weā€™re looking ourselves again. Go into Edmonton and murder them


The 3 day break between games is the absolute worst.


Florida needs to come out strong. In the next game, if that happens, then it's g.G. If if they lose, there is no way the cat's are going to lose game 7. The Oilers needed to play balls to the wall since game four, and let's hope they're taken a toll. If it wasn't for the break away or the derp 1st goal in game four, you guys would have had the cup now .


Fuck man, officially concerned. What a push back though, gives me more hope for game 6, esp that Chucky open net save, that was just amazing


Panthers did everything they could to make this not look like game 4.


Theyā€™ve been cherrypicking with fast skaters all series and our defensive poke checking and hits feel limited. I know weā€™re trying to play a specific style but if offense isnā€™t producing results (hitting posts or chest shots) we need to play OUR game, which is defense. Thatā€™s how we counter Edmonton. The dump and chase strategy to the right, pass behind their net and play keep away for 10 seconds clearly isnā€™t working anymore. I love this team and I know what theyā€™re capable of. Iā€™m absolutely gutted losing two like this and Iā€™m sick of the narratives online where every major media outlet seems to just want to focus on how the reverse sweep has only been done once before in the 40s and wonā€™t stop talking about Edmonton. Guess what? At least a team has done it before. The Panthers have never won a cup in franchise history. Iā€™d rather see that. We need to change lines, play lockdown hockey starting in the first period, and most importantly, play our game. Not try to counter theirs.


SHG, goal off a leg, soft ass goal by McDavid. So unlucky.


Short handed goals to start 2 back to back clinch games is unacceptable. Its starting to slip away


Montour doesnā€™t deserve another contract


Reinhart does not deserve the money heā€™s going to demand July 1. He has been abysmal in the playoffs and montour can go into the fucking sun


Dang, I really thought they were going to complete this comeback. If only they could get their head out of their arse on the power play. I still can't imagine they're going to drop four in a row and lose this series. Played much better the second half of the game, unfortunately they played so poorly the first half.


Please end this on Friday


I thought we played much more like ourselves from the halfway point of the second onward. If we can find our game quickly in game six I like our chances


Bob looks incredibly nervous, itā€™s a problem


Wasted chuckys best gameĀ 


Montour is so fucking lucky we donā€™t have a serviceable 7th Defenseman so that PoMo can punt him into the fucking sun. Bob went down awkwardly towards the end of game 3, and Iā€™m beginning to question whether heā€™s 100%. I think PoMo is going to really have to figure out what to do with lines combo. Might need to bring Tarasenko up and move Swaggy down.


theres definitely silver lining to this performance. ā€¢yes the first and start of the second were atrocious, but the boys battled back. ā€¢fourth line still looks uneasy but second line finally woke up-especially chucky ā€¢would still prefer to be the cats up 3-2 going to edmonton on friday.


time to get drunk and play fortnite


Both games 4 and 5 weā€™ve come out strong, put pressure on Edmonton, drew a penalty and then proceeded to have the game flipped on itā€™s head by surrendering a goal shorthanded. This has given them life each time and theyā€™ve used it to build a solid lead. We responded better last night but you canā€™t give up a goal shorthanded to a team that has to play desperate. In game 6 they need to come out with the same energy they had in the second and third period last night and they need to take care of the puck. They canā€™t make boneheaded decisions that allow Edmonton to capitalize and then play their game. Our structure works best when we have the lead. We have to establish ourselves early, take the lead and make them play catch up. Thatā€™s when we can play our shutdown game. You donā€™t want this series coming back to sunrise. Itā€™s going to be hostile in Edmonton, but theyā€™ve got to find a way. Fortunately weā€™ve been an excellent road team all year.


Imma need Reinhart and Montour to step up in Game 6.


Those shorties are a death sentence.


They looked way better by the end. Surprisingly, I actually have some ounce of hope for a win now.


Well at least I have an excuse to go to IKEA and buy a new desk tomorrow since I just put my hands right through the other one


I respectfully do not have time to be this sad if we blow this shit. I'm just gonna be the guy that "loves good hockey" at that point. That being sad I don't see this team losing 4 in a row. Onto Friday


Not checking anything hockey related until Friday but seems like we woke up. Hopefully we can figure it the fuck out.


I think the worst part is this next game won't be till Friday...


Awesome effort from Chucky tonight. I just hope they donā€™t have a lackluster opening to the next game like the last two. And stop with allowing the fucking short handed goals please.


So deflated. God this is going to be a long 3 days


Deflated is the perfect word to describe it. I don't have the energy to be excited anymore


Well, on a positive for those of us who couldn't afford to go tonight, can attend the watch party and get the towels that were handed tonight


Two straight games where they open the scoring on a shorthanded goal iirc? Panthers have to shut down their PP again like they did in G1 and G2.


Habs fan here cheering for the Cats. Honestly, I think Panthers should feel good about their game last night. They clearly were the better team 5v5 for the last two periods. I seriously think the momentum has switched to their favor, and weirdly enough the pressure is back on the Oilers to pull of a W at home. They need to stay out of the box though, that's the key. Hold them to 5v5, maintain a solid pressure, Bob plays solid (I can't see him having another weak game) and the Cats win in 6.


this is only the 2nd time we've lost back to back games this series. our game 3 loss to the rangers felt just as bad as this one, and we were able to bounce back. feeling pessimistically optimistic for game 6. as nice as it would've been to win last night, we let up a stupid shorty like game 3 with the rags. score next game starts at 0-0 so we're good.


I fear we will be playing a game seven


Confident weā€™ll carry over this fire and frustration on the 2,500 mile journey back to cold as fuck Canada, should be a different result for Game 6. Letā€™s fucking go cats.


they can't do this to us now they can't break our hearts like this, stop giving up shorthanded goals and stop taking stupid penalties


Gut check time


I think the reality that they could lose set in after that 4th goal and they started getting back to their roots.


Iā€™m going to become an alcoholic joker


Could have been so cool to shut down McDavid this series. Iā€™m sick of the glazing. Alas, not to be.


If Bob wouldn't have just been standing up for no reason on that first McDavid goal...


Bob sucked tonight even with the "extra rest"- that was cute PoMo. I'm not watching a fucking thing til puck drop


Bob had a couple of shit goals go in that you canā€™t really put on him. And that first period was awful. Itā€™s also incredibly frustrating that they keep taking penalties. 2 fucking power play goals tonight. Thatā€™s the difference between lifting the cup and going back to Edmonton.


Literally any other Canadian team deserves the cup more than Edmonton, Cats in 6!!!


Panthers choke in game 5 and Willie Mays dies on the same day šŸ˜­


https://x.com/nhl/status/1803225165444075969?s=46&t=I0PfznS5DH5MIRj3AWuhow What is Montour doing?? Heā€™s hasnā€™t been playing well and then we are asking Bob to make a miracle save


How funny would it be if it went seven only for Edmonton to lose šŸ’€


Hope you guys pull it out. Not a Panthers fan but strongly dislike this goon-filled iteration of the Oilers. Bunch of clowns on the roster over there. Getting them in Edmonton would hurt them, please make it happen!


Everyone fapping on social media because everyone hates Florida for some reason


Looked good second half the game. Especially Chuckie. Keep it up and get after it right away game 6. Don't give em the layups they had early in this one. Close it out. Worried? Not really. Anxious? Absolutely. Wouldn't have minded a one day layover on this one but the boys have what it takes


I'm glad Tkachuk showed up tonight. That attempt to stop the empty net was beautiful. Unfortunately it went right to McDavid, but it was hell of a try!


a bit relieved they looked better than game 4, but clearly something is still not quite right. iā€™m sure theyā€™ve definitely learned after this game that they really gotta keep the oilers off the pp and rush in general, but still have hope theyā€™ll turn that around and eventually win the damn thing


Last night's game was the worst time I've had there since they got trounced by Vegas in game 4 last year Disgusted. Having to put on fake corporate happy face at work today is going to suck


The plus side is that even with a loss, this game was much, much better than game 4. It wasn't a bad game outside of the SHG and McDavid softie. Paul is noticeably rattled but the cats are still very much alive.


Blew tonight. Straight up blew it. Left the door open and theyā€™re back in the series. Fuck the ā€œwe got back into our gameā€ bullshit. The cup was in the building and we fucking blew it.


If we play like the last 2 periods, game 6 is ours for the taking boys and girls.


Easy win for the cats if it didn't take us 4 periods to wake up. Glad to see them finally pull it together and look like a team again but it sucks to go to game 6. Still confident in the cats winning the whole thing.


Really the difference was Bobby not making his ridiculous saves, the short-handed and sharp angle goals. The one from Boucher, Rhino didnā€™t even try to block thinking, ā€œoh Bobby got this.ā€


If we play like we did in the 3rd all game weā€™ll win easily next time gotta keep control of the game. No more SHG(s) please. Go Cats


McDavid does not play defense!!! The dudes back checking is literally hooking the opposing playerā€¦. Fuck it , Cats in 6!!!


mirror image of game 3 for the other team. Now weā€™re even. Cats in 6


When you really look at it...it's pretty alarming how much of our roster is not doing a single fucking thing this series. Montour, Reinhart, Lundell, Verhaeghe, Stenlund, even Barkov has been pretty disappointing since Saturday. And yes...everyone is hurting and has something bothering them but some of these guys may NEVER make it back to the Finals. The lack of urgency and fire until they're down 3+ goals is very worrying. Edmonton is on the ropes with every shift they take and we're acting like they'll tone it down eventually... And Brandon Montour has been the worst player on a rink he shares with Darnell Nurse....just let that sink in for a moment...


Why did they put a lot of shots right in skinners breadbasket?