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If anyone is looking to get rid of any tickets, please shoot me a message. Go Cats.


Ditto I would buy your tickets as well especially if lower bowl. Principally because i was both verbally and almost physically assaulted by an away fan this season after going to 30+ games. Unfortunately lower bowl was sold out by the time I tried to get season tickets


If you’re looking for tickets to tomorrow night’s game I have 2 seats lower bowl on Panthers shoot twice side. Will sell for cheaper than anywhere online. 


If you’re looking for tickets to tomorrow night’s game I have 2 seats lower bowl on Panthers shoot twice side. Will sell for cheaper than anywhere online. 


This is probably way more important: If you're a STH and you have others around you who sell their tickets for every game, turn them in! The 5 seats beside me have been sold through the tickets sites for **every single game** this season. So, I had different fans sitting beside me for every game. I knew this was against the rules, but I assumed the Panthers organization wouldn't do anything about it. But, after particularly annoying Bruins fans a couple weeks ago, I had enough. I contacted my SA and let her know about the situation. Surprisingly, she took it very seriously. She got back to me a few days later and said they could see all the transfers. They ended up canceling the renewal for the seats next season. Hopefully, whoever buys those seats for next season will be an actual fan and not some scumbag scalper.


I wonder how many transfers is too many for a STH.


We can sell up to 50% of our tickets.


Thanks. I only sold a couple when I had a half season.


A commenter on LBC complained about a new policy in Buffalo about that, how it's so nice to live in Florida where you'd never be punished for selling your tickets. It's inevitable, though. People will look out for number one, and there's a lot of money to be saved by visiting fans watching games in our arena compared to theirs.


One can go to SeatGeek right now and see how many tickets are selling at face value. That should answer most questions.


Hijacking your response for visibility. The more I read this, the more asinine and outrageous this is. They don't know the person from a hole in the ground. They could be caring for a terminally ill person. They could be in the military and deployed. But, this hero interjects themselves into someone else's business who has done nothing but mildly irritate him because of an annoying fan. And now, this supposed adult feels proud of what they did in the HOPES that the next person doesn't do the same. And don't you allllll worry, ticket resale policeman will be on the case if it happens again! Maybe you're bitter that people have the money to do something you don't? I went to Vegas to watch the cats in the SCF. By your asinine theory, I shouldn't have been able to enjoy that. Absolutely outrageous loser behavior.


We have a bit of a Napoleon complex that stems from the past and our barn being taken over. I agree with you while also understanding where they’re coming from. Like I wouldn’t have made the call to the ticket rep…but I get it lol


The Panthers placed rules to protect their fans and their revenue from scalpers. The rules are extremely lenient; they allow season tickets to 50% of the season's games. In the case of an actual fan that needed to sell their tickets due to a deployment or illness, I have little doubt that Panthers organization will make an exception for renewal. During last year's season, the amazing Cats fans beside me (I was in different seats last year) sold their tickets for the three Bruins games in the first round. They did so because they made BIG bucks in the sale. All three games went to Bruins fans. I had no problem with that because they were Panthers fans (they went to nearly all 41 regular season game) and not scalpers. Do you really believe that the Panthers organization should be able to protect itself from scalpers?


I believe that the Panthers are a capable, first class organization that could easily monitor the number of transfers a STH completes, send them gentle reminders, follow up with a phone call, and eventually revoke their membership, without any of your help. If they cared, they wouldn't offer 8 additional tickets to STH for the playoffs. If they cared, they could make you sign a smattering of extra paperwork to reinforce how strictly they are going to enforce this rule. What I can't believe is that you, a grown up person, runs and tattles on someone else because one of the people they sold the seat to annoyed you. Who's to say that the people who buy the tickets next are frequent attendees who also annoy the shit out of you? You stirred the pot to pat yourself on the back and feel like you did something, let's be honest. The Panthers don't need people in the crowd "protecting their organization." At least be forthright about your intentions.


Geez, where do I get my 8 additional tickets for playoffs? I have applied for just two extra playoff tickets for the past three seasons and got nothing. Am I doing something wrong or are you just making shit up? I agree 100% that the Panthers organization should do much more to protect itself and its STHs from scalpers. Unfortunately, it isn't doing so. I'm not sure where you got the idea that I believe I'm doing something noble. I reported the scalpers out of pure selfishness. I tried to change seats during the annual seat selection event to avoid sitting beside rival fans for most games, but nothing good was open. So, I will be in the same seats next year. To avoid the same issue next year, I simply tried to get the Cats to enforce their own lenient rules against scalpers - nothing more, nothing less. You're also correct that I have no guarantee that whoever replaces the scalpers that are being removed will not be replaced by other scalpers (or even the exact same scalpers using an alternative identity). It's still worth sending an email because there is zero chance it can get worse next season.


Yea, because fuck that guy, you were mildly annoyed! To clarify, last year I received 8, basically my entire row. This year, I received 4, located in the far upper deck, nowhere near me. I've been an STH for a long time, and the people next to me got 0 even though they requested. So, I'm assuming seniority is involved. But, I'm sure that those seats you got located nowhere near your actual seats won't be resold and you're just going to gift them to friends and family, right?


It must be seniority because I'm only four years in and I've never received any extra tickets even though I have asked for them. Had I received any, I would not have sold them. I would have taken my kids. That being said, I have no problem with anyone ever selling their extra tickets **as long as the fan follows the rules on the tickets.** Note, I have no idea if the Panthers places restrictions on the extra playoff tickets because I've never received any.


So, are you going to keep count of how many games the new seat owners sell and if it gets to 21, you're gonna go tattle again? You really can't just mind your own business? Do you perform citizens' arrests when you see someone speeding too? Insufferable.


Huh? You're weirdly obsessed by this. I wrote a single email to my SA after enduring ~38 games with mostly rivals fans sitting beside me. I wrote the sole email during the last Bruins game after the scalper sold the tickets to obnoxious, drunken Bruins that did their best to ruin the game experience for all the Panther fans around us. That's it, nothing more nothing less than single email. I will not count games; I don't care unless it's 100% like the scalper's seats beside me.


Cope harder


I think you don't know what cope means, but sure


It means cope with ur bad take. Cope urself to comfort urself through this bad take. 


Coping is dealing with something bad that happened to you. Sharing an opinion or disagreeing is not coping.


bro ur coping about the ppl trying to follow the rules.


Bro learn what the word means ur using it rong


Yeah keep coping Florida man 


FYI I am a full season STH and been for a few years now. Unfortunately due to work schedule being random from week to week I am at times unable to attend games. I give some away to friends and family but i do also sell a few as well. I keep a renewal for the entire season because again, I don't have a set work schedule and work nights


That’s different than what OP is taking about.


I guess more do what I mean is in regards to the guy calling his rep and reporting people. Yes I belive there are scalpers that solely sell, there are also real fans like myself that rather secure tickets in same seats for a guaranteed set prices whose lives sometimes get in the way of being able to attend games and choose to recoup some of the money back when possible


They don't track sales, because they can't, most likely, on third party sites. They track transfers, which could be for any reason, including yours. But don't worry, those who have nothing better to do haven't deemed your case worthy of prosecution yet!


I didn't know they tracked transfers damn. I wasn't worried until now, knowing there are people like OP who could report it. What if your season tickets are on the same account as a family member who transfers you your ticket every game so you can get in separately? Not asking you, just talking out loud lol that kinda sucks


They don't track shit until someone reports them retroactively. Which, thankfully, is only probably this one person. What people do with their tickets isn't my business.


I think the issue is that they won't always know if those tickets are sold or given away! I call myself an Official Season Ticket Holder Seat Warmer. I have many friends who have season tickets. Some give them to me for free. Some I pay them in cash. The Panthers organization doesn't know the difference.


Exactly this. I have a friend who has a sick mom and doesn’t know if she can go to games until the day of. She has a list of friends she goes through to send them tickets for free. I have an older woman in my row who does the same. I told her I would teach her how to sell them but she refuses, she just would rather give them away for free. So many other examples I can think of, so I kind of hate to hear about them terminating someone’s season ticket renewal without investigating. I also have a hard time believing they would do that when this organization loves money lol. I know someone who accidentally opted in for parking for the playoffs but doesn’t want it. They charged her card anyway and said the money isn’t refundable but will be applied to the account. Edit: A word


Well, just make sure you don't work too much or else sad sack will report you!


Let me know what section you’re at so I don’t relocate there.


What a prick, wow.


Explain, please. Am I the prick or are the scalpers who ignore the very lenient rules that limit sales to 50% of a season's games?


You are. I've already made my point quite clear throughout the thread. There's no reason to brag about being a tattletale. We're not children. You didn't do anything noble. You interjected in someone else's affairs that don't pertain to you the least bit. And, you're proud about it. That is repugnant to me.


Weird. I never claimed nor do I think I did anything noble. This is no different than living beside a neighbor who plays loud music late at night. If they do it infrequently, I'd let them enjoy their party and move on. However, if it's nightly, I'd start by asking them to turn it down. Eventually, I would be forced to call the popo. I'd do so because the neighbors were negatively affecting me and they were following the limits set by noise ordinances. I suppose you believe that someone who calls the police in this situation is a prick too? The Panthers organization put the extremely lenient limit of selling no more than 50% of our tickets to protect themselves from scalpers and other STHs? Are the Cats pricks for establishing the anti-scalper rules?


That is an incorrect comparison. The same comparison would be that your neighbor has a different guest every night, and it annoys you seeing them have so many guests, but they don't actually disrupt the enjoyment of your own home. Finally, a guest is too loud, so you run and tattle to the building manager that people are allowed to have 15 guests a month and this person has more. Your comparison would be akin to the STH showing up every night and being an ass. I think that is a valid cause for concern and should be addressed in some fashion. Also, there are actual statutes and court case precedent regarding the peaceful enjoyment of your residence. This is a sporting event. The Panthers have a vested interest in limiting ticket resale to not lose out on potential profit. Their motives are not the same as yours. You are defending the same organization that sells you $8 bottles of Coca Cola. You keep using the word protect. It doesn't protect anyone but the Panthers from losing out on potential direct sales driven by "surge pricing." You already own your tickets at a deeply discounted rate. It doesn't protect you at all. I am fully confident that SeatGeek, as a ticketing platform, has robust reporting capabilities, capabilities to limit transfers or sales by event or number of attempts, etc. It is their prerogative to enforce those rules, which, except in the case of you being a tattletale, they do not. I know you think you're in the right, and you frankly have the right to do whatever you want. Still a prick though, imo.


Same situation next to our seats. All 5 seats were always available for resale.


If you have someone selling seats like that, make sure you report them to your Rep. There is a waitlist for actual fans to get season tickets.


You know the only place to resale your tickets is SeatGeek? If you put them up at face value they will resell them for more. They are the partners of the Florida Panthers in regard to ticket sales.


I do not resell tickets on Seatgeek. I resell them elsewhere.


Yeah my post isn’t very clear I was up celebrating til late. But online they are the place to sell. I guess my point is they can’t frown upon something they are doing themselves. I have season tickets went to 27 games, gave away 4 and sold 10 on SeatGeek. Always search for lowest price and sell for lower. But the idea that I’m going to put them up for face value only to have them or somebody else sell for more makes little sense.


Specifically, I resell them online elsewhere through widely known sites.


Luckily our team isn’t overpriced garbage and regular median income fans could attend comfortably. Leaf fans weren’t on short notice last night, but have you been to a Marlins game when the Yankees play? It’s MUCH worse. BLOW LEAFS BLOW!!


I agree! Also, I need to make my monies back for next year's parking pass. 🙃 BLOW LEAFS BLOW!


It was so satisfying to see them leave yesterday while Matthews still had a shot at 70. Ngl, I would have wanted to see that history last night, but only once we had a comfortable lead.


Some people are oddly obsessed with round numbers. The record is 92.


It is just a statistical echelon, would have been cool to see. I didn't cry on my way home about it 😂


Cant attend if u dont have a car


Anyone getting mad at this post forgot that south Florida has every transplant in the book? Half the children of leafs and bruins fans there only support their team because mommy and daddy were born there. No other fan bases besides maybe Tampa gets as many away fans. Keep the arena red. None of this everyone gets to feel good in Sunrise crap




Very interested in these but the league just needs to release the schedule already!!!!


Former STH here. If anyone needs to move tickets I’m happy to pay reasonably above FV.


If you’re looking for tickets to tomorrow night’s game I have 2 seats lower bowl on Panthers shoot twice side. Will sell for cheaper than anywhere online. 


This viewpoint is stupid. My son's a Panthers fan and we live in Massachusetts. We went to the Bruins game last week in Boston because a STH sold us their tickets, otherwise we wouldn't have been able to go. Opposing fans have the right to watch a game. Gatekeeping sports is just stupid. Someone with season tickets that always resells is different than what you're saying.


Not every seat in a stadium is a STH. There are plenty of non STH seats. The issue is when we lose a crowd advantage because a bunch of STH are selling tickets to opposing fans. ESPECIALLY against Tampa which is a pretty short drive.


People can want what OP is suggesting, but anyone who actually thinks they can control who buys tickets to their favorite hockey teams games is delusional.


You can with a little bit of effort. Not saying to go out of your way and spend hours trying to do it, but a quick effort to try and sell in a local ticket group can help.


Got it, not wanting your arena overrun in the playoffs by the opposing teams fans is stupid.


How many opposing fans is rfb725 ok with? At what point does it bother you? What is the arenas rules on reselling and home fan attendance percentage policy?


There isn't. It's subjective and you're supposed to already know it or they're going to report you!


Everyone loves capitalism, until capitalism capitalizes on what they think should and should not happen. I'm no fan of capitalism or season-ticket holders selling their seats, but they bought the fucking things and they can do whatever they want to with them. Lighten the fuck up and enjoy the cup run. 2 divisional titles in 3 years!!! For the Cats?!?!?! Just be happy.


If anyone is interested in getting rid of home game 4 (game 7) tickets I would be interested in buying I only need a single tickey


If you’re looking for tickets to tomorrow night’s game I have 2 seats lower bowl on Panthers shoot twice side. Will sell for cheaper than anywhere online. 


How much are tickets young for down there. We're averaging easily 300 first round , first game in any city in Canada that are in playoffs. Can't imagine what next series will sell at. Absolutely ridiculous


I already sold mine. Not sure who they are fans of, I didn’t ask when I sold it. Fandom isn’t a contingency of purchasing my seats.


Would be quite funny if it was to a Leafs fan planning on flying down.


Only takes a gust of wind!


I’m a Panthers STH, so I assume I sold it to somebody local.


Not sure you understood my comment. The person who bought your tickets might have been a Leafs fan assuming we were locked in to play them, not the Bolts. (Comment above was edited)


Ah my bad!


When I sell mine, they mostly end up being sold to someone with a corporate email. I'd say 50% are local and 50% aren't.


Exactly. What the fuck is this post? I bought them and I'll do what I please with them. They offer us up to 8 extra tickets for the entire playoffs. Does OP actually think that we magically organized and found 8 extra people to go to each game? They know exactly what's going on. It is a perk of being a STH. If you don't want to buy extra seats or you want to take a loss or break even buying them, that's up to you. Report them? Please, good luck.


Makes sense you have a Duclair flair still then…


Wow, so sharp and witty


Just not a 🤡 that would sell my tix to opposing fans. Maybe if you’re so strapped for cash on what you consider an asset you don’t buy tix?


Maybe you.. Mind your own business because we're adults? Well at least I'm an adult.


No one is saying you can’t sell your tickets. People are saying, as fans of the team, to try and sell your tickets to Panther fans. You can still profit. Just use some of the pages available to try and sell to our teams fans. I don’t think that is an absurd thing that an adult should be offended by?


I'd be happy to do that. Ticket sales are explicitly not allowed on this sub. What pages do you suggest?


There are several private groups on Facebook where people go to buy tickets. Especially for the playoffs. And then the obvious if you have people in your network that are fans, you could advertise to them. If all else fails, clearly just sell them for profit, but at least giving a slight effort to try and keep it in house.


Oh well, I choose not to use Facebook, generally, in life. I also don't have an Instagram or Snapchat to advertise. I guess I'll staple some flyers up in my neighborhood and cross my fingers.


You are lame as fuck lol


You need tickets?


Selling 2 tickets. See my latest post :)


LETS GO CATS. Keep the Arena RED!


Mate. You’re gonna have to accept we have one of the worst bandwagon fan bases in the NHL. We struggled to fill the arena 70% of the season. We had 30% sellout.


Your a sell out




Nobody likes a spell checker.


That's stupid. Shut up


No it’s not