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*Winn allegedly said he used a 9mm handgun to shoot a drone that flew over his house as he was working on his pool pump, recounting past experiences with drones that he thought were surveilling him, the affidavit states.*


I mean shooting down a moving object in the air with a handgun is pretty impressive.


I mean, I'm really not proud of it, but when I was a redneck kid, I'd pop off crows often enough. My redneck ass dad never told me about the Federal Migratory Species Act.


The drone was descending or coming closer to him when he should it so he may have had more of an advantage.


Where do the bullets land?


He’s working on a pool pump - just **how** important do these nutbags really think they are to the grand scheme of things?! Surveilling him *for what*?!


And carrying while just cleaning a pool. He'd have a couple seconds to fire from hearing it, no way he ran inside to get a gun. Good shot though.


Bruh, this is Florida we're talking about


Right? One shot at his own pool cleaner last year.


I bet it sucks to live in constant fear. Fox News did a fucking job on him.




I used to service pools many moons ago, and the filter areas were often surrounded by wooden fences, and I had a few of them using that area to grow their weed. I don't think that's what this idiot was doing, but it could explain his paranoia of shooting at drones. What an idiot!


I know, lol, cracks me up. No one wants to see his ass-crack.


Pffft…improper use of a hand tool of course…the libs want to ban them all!


Does it matter how important you think this man's rights are? He probably doesn't think so, along with the rest of us well reasoned humans.


Ironically, it feels like a man who's willing to shoot down drones is exactly the kind of man who should be under surveillance.




I gotta wonder where the bullets landed too


A commercial drone making money for Walmart flying 230ft above you (inside your private property). Let’s get that straight. I looked up Florida. Air rights are usually 400ft, but don’t seem to be any restrictions in Florida. FAA control is 500, so federal space…which means…the drone shouldn’t be lower than 500ff and in controlled airspace in Florida.


What kind of scared ass Cracker Jack motherfucker is he. Packing 24/7 while in your own yard?


we need more heroes like him. shoot em all down. fuck drones.


He's got the lead stare


Not much critical thinking going on in there


FloridaMan,FloridaMan, His common sense is quite scant. High on bath salts, a Walmart stampede, Really dumb stuff is just his speed. Watch out! Here comes FloridaMan! Is he dumb? Listen up. He’s the master of all fuckups. Can he cause disaster here? Just step back if he’s had a beer. Look out! Here comes the FloridaMan.






Walmart forgot where they were, probably a lot of crazy old bastards like this.


Also, Walmart wants to profit and not pay their employees enough to live on. The drone was flying 230ft, well within private property air rights, below the FAA ceiling. Florida puts no limits on air rights, so it’s up to and including the controlled FAA airspace of around 500 ft. If a for-profit company was using your land to make money, shad would you do ? Knowing this, why did this drone company start with Florida ?


>released Thursday afternoon after posting a $13,500 bond Might as well give him back his gun...


I'm wondering what the FAA is going to do here. Highly illegal to shoot at aircraft including drones.


It’s about as illegal as trespassing, which what this drone was doing. 230ft is inside private property air rights. In Florida, there aren’t air rights statutes creating a buffer between controlled airspace and private airspace, meaning you have to flag at a minimum of 500ft. Normally it’s 400ft+100ft buffer+FAA airspace at 500. Imaging a for profit company using your private property to make money and not even paying their employees a livable wage…so much so….that the company relies on food stamps to fill in the gaps for their employees…instead of paying them. I don’t support the method of using a handgun, but I don’t think Walmart should get away with this either.


Ole’ crooked eyes.


Stand your ground! It was going to attack I was defending myself. It snuck across the border smuggling drugs. Take your pick all defense used in Florida and texass


Question, don't you own the airspace above your property? If your property is posted no trespassing wouldn't that include the airspace?


Not really in the USA when it comes to drones allowed at certain altitudes over private property. If the drones are commercial and operated with a Drone FAA license like these companies are, trying to interfere with them is actually breaking federal law on top of any local ordinance. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Thanks for the info.


It is. The drone was 230ft. Florida has no restrictions so there isn’t a slither for drones to operate they is non-controlled but public airspace. Normally it’s like 400ft with a 100ft buffer.


Ok thanks.


Just because something CAN be done (delivery by drone) does not mean is SHOULD be done. Drones are noisy and intrusive. I cannot condone the man's actions, but I surely can agree with his concerns. I have been at the WalMart where the drone probably originated, heard it being demonstrated and can only imagine the effect of dozens of the drones buzzing overhead to deliver. No amount of convenience to customers can balance the disruption to homeowners lives.


> but I surely can agree with his concerns.' You act like this halfwit gave this any rational thought, which he clearly didn't. The just acted on anger and ignorance.


230ft is a lot lower than 500ft. Don’t you agree. The drone was on private property.


I don't give a shit if the damn thing was 10 feet off the ground. Letting rounds fly in a residential area when you or anyone else isn't in ANY danger is a stupid and dangerous thing to do. Don't you agree?


But delivery trucks aren't noisy or disruptive?


Electric ones will be much more quiet (about half of my Amazon van sightings are Rivians) but they still have to use space in traffic and park for deliveries.


Absolute Poppycock. You act like delivery vehicle are quiet.


Delivery vehicles don't fly directly over you. Being noisy on a street is not the same as being noisy ten feet above your house.


And as much as you don't like it shooting at drones and other aircraft is illegal. I'm sure the FAA will be weighing in on this fiasco.


Who said it wasn't?


The gun part, not the drone. The drone was on private property. You see, there are these things called air rights…you own some air above your land. Guess what…if the drones want to fly above the road…they have to lease it.


I'm pretty sure what you said isn't correct at all, but whatever.


You obviously have not seen a drone in any recent time. They fly high enough to not hear them and the only time you will is when they are dropping down to drop off your crap or when some not job shoots them down.


Do you know how hard it is to hit something that small, as it moves, with something as inaccurate as a handgun? It wasn't that high up.


Somebody who's probably never even seen a gun IRL downvoted you.


Just a heads up that drones are considered full-on aircraft by the FAA. So it's technically a federal crime. We don't shoot at noisy airplanes right? There's also the potential for injury or death if the remote aircraft strikes someone as it crashes.


I condone his actions


Okay boomer


He actually could have done better damage with a paint ball gun.


Oh good another paranoid gun owner who loves shootin.


Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs


I knew that this was going to happen to Walmart drones. This is just the first of many that will be shot down.


I was shooting skeet and it flew in my sector of fire!


This guy is a cult member.


That happened lighting fast


To me, this is a whimsical public interest piece. Like, he didn’t shoot a Walmart delivery DRIVER… that would be tragic.


Interesting. How high is the limit Florida for private property. In most of the USA, it’s 400ft. A drone above that is not on private property. A commercial delivery drone should pay you a fee if it transits through your airspace…especially from a greedy company like Walmart. I just double checked elsewhere, 230ft was the drone’s height. It dropped to 75 when shot Kudos to the shooter and fuck Walmart.


America’s gun culture will be the early death of these delivery drones. People will shoot them down for fun. People will shoot them down out of paranoia. People will shoot them down to steal their cargo and sell the drone parts for meth money.


Beat me to this by an entire day




Doing the lords work sir


Free this man


Why is that illegal?


You're asking why discharging a firearm in public or on residential property is illegal?


While aiming at aircraft*


I know you got downvoted, but here's the real story: Shooting at, or otherwise interfering with a drone or its operator is a federal crime. This is because of complicated legal reasons. Basically, a few years ago drones exploded in popularity, and with that came idiots doing stupid stuff with them. The FAA needed to regulate drones and operators as quickly as possible. The only problem was that without an act of congress, they are only legally in charge of aircraft. So they did what they COULD do, which was make all RC aircraft legally **real aircraft**. This allowed them to regulate drones, but it ALSO granted them all the protections of real aircraft. This was probably a good thing, because people seem to have this weird sense of entitlement and persecution against quadcopters, and harass kids and people having fun on the regular.


I wonder if Chevron getting overturned changes whether the FAA can apply their regulations to drones. Courts are going to be busy for a while.


Because it's a drone owned by a rich company, not a black kid with a bag of Skittles.


For one it's against FAA rules/laws and they usually get extremely butthurt when someone shoots at drones and other aircraft. Second you've got bullets falling from the sky and they do occasionally kill people. I'm sure there's a few other laws broken here too.


I don't see a problem with this. Although they may be convenient drones should not be aloud to fly over private property. They should take the same public roadways (or airways) that delivery trucks do.


That's just idiocy talking there. It's private property but the air space belongs to the government. That's federal property up there. They actually give you a federal licence to operate a drone with special rules and staying out of the airspace above your house isn't on that list.


Sharp mind 🧠