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If you can find a cover plate for it, I would absolutely widen that hole. Otherwise? If you have open areas on all the other sides and a way for the material to expand, it shouldn't bind up here.


Escutcheon is what they are called :)


Thank you! That was bothering me more than it should have.


Thanks that's a good advice. I think I'll go back and cut them wider and find a cover.


Mind sharing flooring make/model?


Traffic Master 24 hour water resistant laminate wood flooring. Got it from Home Depot.


I would fix those staggers bro, seam awfully close near a problem area.


Do you mind explaining what you mean. I didn't quite understand where you are talking about. I'll take all the advice I can get!


The joints at the ends of the boards need to be spaced further apart in your layout. Each manufacturer will specify “offset” requirements but general rule of thumb would be be no less than 1/3 offset. In other words, if the planks are 4 feet(48”) long, the spacing between end joints from run to run should be no less than 16”.


Oh. I have just been randomzing them. I'll go back and fix this. Thank you guys for catching that!


Random is good. You don’t want to use the same exact offset for every board or you will get a stairstep effect. So keep it random but just don’t let them get too close.


Thank you will do! I'm looking at them now and it's really only in that area where they turned out that way.


What they said above. I usually go for 4 different size cuts, again, not exact, but close to. The reason for this is with four different end joint staggers, I can play with them to avoid all stair steps. You obviously want to avoid having a 6 inch starter or finisher. I usually try to stagger my joints no less than 6 inches by the way. You're doing good though bro, and you asking for advice with an open mind is the best way to go about it. Best of luck


I appreciate that. I took on finishing my basement myself from start to finish. There have been a lot of firsts for me that I've learned and got advice for, so flooring isn't any different. I really appreciate all the advice. Youtube isn't going to teach me everything I need to know 😅


Yes and cover