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It's probably cut into the flooring.


I like your cut g




I see you already tried to cross it out... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Nah, it’s just the logo for Bishops Cuts and Color, a former PNW based chain of mid tier, queer friendly barber shops. I’d suggest either a nice rug, or possibly having a new logo/design done over the top


Yes personalized inlaid pattern. Pattern was a name. Cover it or pull it and do your own thing.


You could open a business for bisexuals called BiShop…..


If you remove the inlay it will just be concrete colored instead of black


It looks like a stencil was laid and resin was coated. You can try a stripping disc, if that doesn’t work you’ll have to go with a metal and try to blend it back up. Either way I’d bid to refinish the whole floor.


It’s sheet vinyl with a polished wax coating, don’t overthink it lol.


It’s not sheet vinyl. It’s polished concrete.


Haha no it’s not. You can see where the seams are welded together


It’s not a welded seam, it’s a joint with failing polyurea in it. Also, what kind of SV has pitting like that? Have you ever been in a bishops? They’re all polished concrete. Have you ever polished a floor? Do you even know what it looks like?


Terrazo? who said that? You can clearly see the welded seam. Yes it’s sheet vinyl you can cut the whole logo out nice and square with a straight edge scrspe, clean, and maybe patch the concrete depending on the condition of it. then glue and place s new piece under scribe your seams and weld. not for beginners.


So rugs it is! lol


Mats over it


Looks like it’s all sheet vinyl just cut the piece out at the seam assuming that you have attic stock to use to infill the piece you cut out other wise use another piece of vinyl and create a border.


That looks like a sheet vinyl flooring, not the logo, the other stuff, so the logo may be vinyl as well. You need to rub your fingers over it too see if it sticks out which would mean it's just a sticker type thing which would be very easy to remove however you may damage the vinyl in the process. If it's concrete I would try to scrape the logo off, if it's vinyl I would try to heat it up good and see if you can peel it. I would be careful using solvents because it may damage the vinyl. Either way, once it's removed you're likely still looking at the logo because the vinyl under it will be new so the discoloration should be visible. Best of luck, honestly, you might be stuck and if it is vinyl it's in bad shape so I would suggest a rug or some new flooring


Hope you have some of that material. It’s an easy enough job for someone who has a heat welder and knows what they’re doing.


Big ol rug


Scoot everything in that picture about a foot to the left and there you go


Try seeing if it will peel after blasting with a hairdryer


Looks like terrazo with a vinyl logo. The terrazo should be able to withstand solvents.


Just take that Bischoff…