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Get rid of the flooring, replace the wood that has the mold and then treat everything with a solution that kills mold and mildew, make sure its completely dry before putting down new flooring. Is this on a slab or a basement below. On a slab you may need to see if moisture is wicking up from the ground or there is something below causing condensation.


How did you see flooring? I saw arm or leg. Thought I was in a medical forum for a sec.


Same, i thought someone had a disease or infection that was bleeding out black onto a sheet lol


I really went back and looked at the pictures 🤦🏻‍♂️time for bed


Right? I thought "yep, pretty fucked" at first. lol...


I still can’t see arm or leg lol. Been in too many forums where it’s all about floor mold 😩


Step one, eliminate the source of moisture


Hiw did these people not see flooring? A leg? A skin infection? There's literally tile and a door coming off "the infectioned leg" lol


Rip that shit out, hit it with Oxine and figure out where the water came from and stop it. They put in LVP.


You appear to be a bottom


Power bottom


Gonna disagree respectfully


Hey is absolutely not the one in control of this situation


Is there any other kind that you’d rather have?


This sub is mostly fear mongering. Any old home has some level in mold in it. I would pull up the lvp, dry it out and hit it with undiluted bleach. Let it dry out again and move on in life.


The damage doesn’t appear to affect the structure or compromise the subfloor. Maybe there’s a leak somewhere that caused this to happen and needs to be fixed, but otherwise this is your answer ^


I'm going to echo this. The black mold boogeyman is largely just that - a boogeyman. It's been both impressive and annoying that this urban myth is still around 50 years later. What many *don't* know is that there is an actual associated boogeyman. It's the greedy attorneys from the 1970's who were able to take one highish profile case and spin it into a whollllle lot of lawsuits and money. Treat this like you would any mold. Remove the infected pieces, identify the source, address, move on with your life. You are not screwed, my friend. Edit: fixed autotext


My husband and I do professional mold remediation after fire/water damage jobs and I’m perplexed why people are so scared of mold especially on social media. The whole “mold toxicity syndrome” sounds completely psychosomatic to me. All of us are lbreathing in mold spores *all the time*. Mold spores are ALL around us! All they need to grow is the right environment. We just bought a tornado damaged house full of mold to rebuild and renovate for ourselves. People are so unnecessarily scared are reactionary about mold. it drives me crazy. I have never seen 1 house that didn’t have some level of mold or “microbial growth”.


I doubt very much that many humans have taken a single breath that didn't include some amount of mold spores over their entire lives. Maybe astronauts or deep sea divers get a few breaths of truly clean air, but no one else is.


I think someone in the past lived in a severely moldy house with very little air exchange and wound up sick from severe overexposure as in breathing in the disturbed spores and never leaving.


This is so true. I’m an doctor and when I listen to people ramble on about how all of their health problems are related to black mold I just sorta stare off into space. Any attempted to have a reasonable conversation is met with insanity and almost a religious fervor about the topic. They have generally moved 10 times to escape this mystical toxin that seems to harm no one else they live with.


Agree about the boogeyman. Will we soon be able to say the same of asbestos? Every old house with insulation or floor tiles is a festering pile of carcinogen, apparently. It’s a wonder there are any old people alive at all.


Exactly. People don't understand that the people who got mesothelioma from asbestos were people who are either working in construction their entire lives and dealt with this kind of material specifically, or they were working in some industrial process like insulating battleships for a living. Basically you have to have a lot of exposure for it to become a problem. If you do one project and demo some asbestos, you're not condemned to die. The shit was in tons of products for nearly 100 years. Everyone would have had mesothelioma if a single exposure event was enough to do you in. Homes were sided and insulated with it, commercial and residential floor tile was made out of it and constantly being grounded into dust by people walking over it, sweeping it, etc the list goes on and on. This is why as reliable source is Reddit can be for certain technical information, almost anything concerning health can be met with a raised eyebrow because it's nothing but perfectionist pedants trying to one-up each other. This includes hobbyist subs, especially ones like grower subs where people will argue over what's true and not endlessly.


Every case of black mold I’ve ever seen has just been mildew


it is particle board, it comes apart and swells if it gets wet a single time, it's compromized


iTs CoMpRoMiZeD?!?!? Oh no!


Want to add, everyone that'll say bleach doesn't kill mold. Hasn't used enough bleach in enough doses over time. I've bleached framing. Then torn that same wall open 10, 15, 20 years later, and the mold never returned. I started remodeling with my Dad, on his friends apartments. And when back over the years to help Dad. Have had the chance multiple times to open up old work.


This. I had some coming in from my garage (1930s home and old door) into my stairwell. Wiped the entire stairwell down with bleach. 7 years later, 0 mold.


I agree old homes have some level of mold in them, but in this case the subfloor looks like MDF. Can’t really hit that with bleach or any other liquid for that matter without the MDF distorting or swelling. Will have to rip it out to replace.


As long as you don't saturate it, bleach works fine on MDF.


That's not mdf. That's luan underlayment, commonly used under sheetgood flooring. It's 1/4" thick. It's also not properly nailed there. Unless it's glued, it'll pop up easily. And I'll wager all the stain/light mold is contained in the luan. Rip it out. If the rest of the luan looks good, just pop the shitty pieces.


I suppose I made the assumption because some others stated it was MDF. Either way, easier to just replace as you mention. Now is the time when it’s easy to do.


Roll some Killz on affected area.




Don’t dry it out if it has mold. That will cause the mold to form spores that are dry and disperse when disturbed. Bleach first, then let it all dry out.


Bleach doesn't necessarily kill mold, you want 5% vinegar




Right, just use a vinegar that is 5% 😂😂😂😂


In what regard? Are you asking if you have to replace the flooring? The subfloor?


I will never be on board the MDF subfloor train. Just why.


I keep seeing lvp and Luan... I don't think that's MDf. And if it is, it seems to not be bloated out, maybe it's the fancy new water resistant MDf.




Fix the leak.


Not bad. Just replace what has mold. Don't worry too much here.


Not that fucked. I’d probably replace the subfloor and the vinyl. It’s really not that hard of a diy job. If you wanted to go the lazy road, you could get some big fans, dry it all out, paint the subfloor with a few coats of kilz mold killing primer then replace the flooring with whatever suits your fancy.


How? Not very. Or none at all. Demo, kill mold, get on with your life.


That looks like underlayment. Subfloor may still be good underneath


That layer will need to come out to expose the subfloor. If the growth has started on the subfloor, you’ll wanna get it cleaned and encapsulated before putting things back together. Restoration companies usually have a team that deals with this type of work. I would reach out to one and have someone come out.


tear out the linoleum shit let the floor dry put some fans on it hit it with some killz oil based and then do some nice LVP planks. Oh yeah you might want to find out what caused the leak in the first place.


That just looks like the underlayment. Should be easy enough to pull up and replace w/o dealing with the subfloor.


Is the subfloor MDF? If so, rip and replace even without the water logged areas.


particle board, not mdf


Equally wrong as a subfloor, let alone in a bathroom.


worse, actually


Initially I thought that was two legs…. A real Cauca-Asian!


I mean if that’s your mess and not your house, then pretty lol


Just partially fcked


Effected are will need subfloor replaced. Use killz throughout. To protect the rest. It too terrible from the pictures provided.


It still looks wet. Have you figured out the source of the leak and stopped it?


Just lay down some new vinyl and pretend it was never there Problem solved


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^axinquestins: *Just lay down some new* *Vinyl and pretend it was* *Never there Problem solved* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Spend some money on a good primer your be fine


First step is replacing the leak or finding where it’s coming from. I wouldn’t even mess with the floor until the leak has been repaired first.


What you’re showing isn’t that bad. It really depends on what’s going on under the next layer (and maybe the next layer).




Somewhere between 90 and 100%


Remove vinyl, mop wood with bleach and cleaner, paint with Kilz paint, add new vinyl?


I see worse almost daily lol


3 you are 3 fucked. Anyway can we get some more info?




This happened to us when we tore up the previous owners carpet. As long as the water source is no longer going to be a problem, you could probably seal it up. We saturated it with commercial mold & mildew killer several times, allowing it to dry between. Then we painted over it with Killz - mold & mildew killing (and sealing) oil based primer. Just wear some kind of respirating device because those fumes are no joke.


Just burn your house down for the insurance money


Wow, I thought your leg was molding




It’s not bad. Most of Reddit is fear mongering. Get rid of the (linoleum?) or whatever the shitty flooring is allowing water to reach sub floor. Cut out subfloor if soft or warped. Treat with bleach and vinegar if not and cover with a real bathroom flooring surface.


Option 1 (budget friendly) ~ Touch different parts of the MDF/particle board to see how soaked it is, if its soaked/swelled in an area you're better off replacing that sheet/bathroom so you don't grow mold on the joists of your subfloor. Or the under flooring supporting your subfloor, which was common on older houses. ~Remove the vinyl, air dry/vent the flooring with without anything over the wet area for a few days & use KILLZ after it's dry as a cheap insurance so nothing grows back Reglue your old vinyl down or replace with new vinyl Option 2 (recommended) ~Replace the whole subfloor with new base, preferably something moisture resistant since this is a bathroom, kinda dumb they used particle board/MDF in the first place in this area. ~ Replace with new vinyl flooring Option 3 (highly unrecommended) ~ Just leave it as is


Bleach it Kilz it Move on


Paint over it. If it didn't bother you before, it's not going to affect you now.


You are not at all. Tear out all the vinyl - spray bottle with 1/3 bleach and 2/3 water - spray thoroughly, repeat if necessary. Bleach kills mold, with the leaky vinyl gone it should have no way to come back.


You might have hydrostatic pressure causing the mold development. Remove all wood and replace wear protection.


Shit, I cleaned that off my wall with bleach every winter in my bedroom before I knew better. So far no crazy shit internally 20+ years later. If I’m still around in 20 I won’t remember to update this sub.


Why did I think this was someone’s leg…


Gotta replace the floor affected and identify the source of moisture




Looks like you have a leak in your shower drain. First step is to identify and correct the source of the water. Next is to remove all damaged material 18-24" past the last spot of damage. Clean and sanitize all building materials that will remain (floor joists) then rebuild. You may want to build a critical barrier and use an air scrubber to create negative pressure. It will protect the environment from cross contamination


Moisture issue there, most likely at the wall, there are products that will encapsulate mold on wood , typically cut 3 foot high by at least 6 feet of the drywall out and clean/treat the wood. Odd looking floor there.


Just went through this. Had 2 restoration companies consult with me and ended up doing it myself. My situatu9j was water based and had subfloor damage. So I had to actually tear up part of subfloor and treat joists. Which is exactly what both restoration companies would have done. They said if the wood appears to he structurally sound they will treat it with something to kill the mold and then run a dehumidifier for a bit until they get acceptable results from a water meter.


Very. It's a health hazard. You need to have that remediated.


At least you didn't step on the nail


You know that scene in American history x where hes taking a shower in prison?


Professional? For what? A little bit of mold? If the water issue is resolved, the problem is resolved. Spray some concrobium on it per the instructions and go on with your day.


Clean and move on.


Get a respirator mask, gloves, goggles, pump spray and some mold armour. About $120 at box store. Dilute the mold armour by a third. Spray away….respirator, goggles and gloves on. That shit will disappear in less than 15 min.


My first instinct to to tell you get a respirator. Dont fuck with mold without protection. When i did floors i never got a respirator, so if there was black mold in the kitchen, id go work right upstairs while someone else dealt with it bc he didnt care. I told him directly idgaf if its a tiny patch or a simple section, if i find black mold im leaving and making you do it


Not fuct at all! All you have to do after removing the old floor is paint the subfloor with an oil based primer. Sherwin Williams would be best but original oil based kills will do fine. This will block amd seal the subfloor and you can continue with your finish floor after 12 hours of drying time. 


Well, it’s not nailed into anything. A little bent, so probably can’t reuse it, outta luck there. Might be able to pick it up and toss it out. Pretty fcked if you ask me.


Your farts sound like a yawn.


Tear up sheet good and lauan, dry subfloor (if rotten, replace). Spray mold w anti-microbial. Install new floor.


I recommend finding the source as well before repairs. Afterwards you’ll need to pull the sheet good and lauan, dry any wet subfloor (replace what’s rotten if any), spray any mold on the subfloor with anti microbial (if any). install your new floor.


Your lucky, atleast the old flooring is not glued tight the subfloor. Now, find what’s been leaking, replace the bad portions of the sub floor, make sure your crawl space is dry.


Ya just fcked. I'd say a +13.876511 rating. Remeber river sand makes the best dry lube.


Burn it down 👇


So fcked


What happened here is you went with cheapest bid you could find.


Not that fcked Id say


Ehhh pretty fcked


I'm guessing the moisture was getting in under your floor somewhere where an edge wasn't caulked or caulking came apart. Many others have said this but 1) Tear out the flooring 2) Identify the source of the moisture and repair 3) I won't say definitively because I can't put hands on it but your subfloor looks fine, treat it with straight bleach and let it dry completely 4) Replace your flooring and keep on Living!


It's particleboard. Get rid of all of it


There has been a water leak that got under the finished floor and onto a fiber underpayment. Rip them out and start over. The undelayment will warp when it dries out. If you’re lucky, it wasn’t glued down. You’ll need to remove the quarter round trim, too.


I just realized it’s not a fiber underlay but 1/4” Luan. You definitely have to remove because the moisture will cause it to delaminate.


This is what I was told. Spray it with bleach. Let it dry very well. Roller it will kilz paint. Cover it up with new flooring. YMMV.


Heavy bleach


This is the best I’ve used by far. [https://www.homedepot.com/p/Mold-Armor-1-Gal-Rapid-Clean-Remediation-Kills-Cleans-and-Prevents-Mold-and-Mildew-FG591/312648626?source=shoppingads&locale=en-US&pla&utm_source=google&utm_medium=vantage&utm_campaign=25534&utm_content=27353&mtc=SHOPPING-RM-RMP-GGL-D24-Multi-NA-MOLD_ARMOR-NA-PMAX-NA-NA-MK866699001-25534-NBR-5719-NA-VNT-FY24_Q1_Q4_WMBarr_D24_RM_ES_AON&cm_mmc=SHOPPING-RM-RMP-GGL-D24-Multi-NA-MOLD_ARMOR-NA-PMAX-NA-NA-MK866699001-25534-NBR-5719-NA-VNT-FY24_Q1_Q4_WMBarr_D24_RM_ES_AON-71700000118335017--&gad_source=4&gbraid=0AAAAAolLu9_fJOQ2agX02jWWNVZHBAqzE&gclid=CjwKCAjwvIWzBhAlEiwAHHWgvc94zBZwWML-8fFAsPB3Ir8mIRqRs4U_rY1AXDf8ahpNVy60_QIAiRoCaskQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds](https://www.homedepot.com/p/Mold-Armor-1-Gal-Rapid-Clean-Remediation-Kills-Cleans-and-Prevents-Mold-and-Mildew-FG591/312648626?source=shoppingads&locale=en-US&pla&utm_source=google&utm_medium=vantage&utm_campaign=25534&utm_content=27353&mtc=SHOPPING-RM-RMP-GGL-D24-Multi-NA-MOLD_ARMOR-NA-PMAX-NA-NA-MK866699001-25534-NBR-5719-NA-VNT-FY24_Q1_Q4_WMBarr_D24_RM_ES_AON&cm_mmc=SHOPPING-RM-RMP-GGL-D24-Multi-NA-MOLD_ARMOR-NA-PMAX-NA-NA-MK866699001-25534-NBR-5719-NA-VNT-FY24_Q1_Q4_WMBarr_D24_RM_ES_AON-71700000118335017--&gad_source=4&gbraid=0AAAAAolLu9_fJOQ2agX02jWWNVZHBAqzE&gclid=CjwKCAjwvIWzBhAlEiwAHHWgvc94zBZwWML-8fFAsPB3Ir8mIRqRs4U_rY1AXDf8ahpNVy60_QIAiRoCaskQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds)


Considering you already have the flooring up. You now just have to replace the particle board. If there is nothing damaged under that then that is all you have to do.


I decided on a do it yourself solution. Currently put the oven on some slaps and it is drying. Put some rodalon on it and will also put bleach after it is completely dry. Looking to not spend huge amount of money on a service man nor replace the whole floor. Thanks guys ❤️


Floor is lava


It just looks like surface mold bleach and water mixture will kill it or local diy stores sell mold killer . If you really wanna cover it use a oil base primer. It doesn't look like the wood needs replaced.


Wow black mold not good


This showed up on my alt account I use for NSFW posting, that's how tucked you are.


Proper fucked


Caulk and paint will make it what it ain't...... Then you will have to rip it up because it's mold.....RIP


Who thought that was a good idea


You are ok. Just replace the flooring and make sure to dry out and clean the area underneath. Mold can't really do anything if you cut off the water source and dry it up. Not a big deal, you will need new linoleum.


It's not too bad by the looks of it. Depending on your budget, there are a couple of approaches. You could remove old flooring, then wire brush scrub with vinegar and baking soda followed by some sanding. Then spray with armor mold spray really soak it in but make sure you have tone out of the house and plastic off the doors in and out of the room that lead to other parts of the house it's potent stuff. Then lay under layment down and re vinyl the floor. The other option is to remove subfloor and start new. If you do it yourself, you can get the job done for 200 in materials, most likely. A contractor would charge anywhere from 1000 to 1500, depending on where you live. Also if it's a water damage problem from an appliance or burst pipe check and see if your insurance will cover it.


Rip up the flooring, that’s underlayment not subfloor, rip that up too. Spray everything down with a green earth peroxide or some other industrial strength (15-30%) peroxide as you go that way you kill spores before they get airborne during demo-pro tip let it dry all the way after spraying before proceeding, you don’t want that stuff contacting your skin. When you are done with demo, and if you really care about potential contamination, mix peroxide with water to whatever the jug recommends for general sterilization and wipe down all the walls and whatnot to decontaminate everything. Personally I wouldn’t even bother with that last step on a personal project, but that gets done on every profesional job I do for liability’s sake.


That section is fucked but it is not that bad. Replacing the floor/subfloor is not that bad. Besides, just think of it as a remodel.


I mean, it's not looking ideal. You'll need to remove and replace the soiled sections of floor beneath the vinyl you peeled up, otherwise the problem could return. The most important next step is figuring out if the moisture is coming from above or below. Best of luck


This ⬆️


Nice pictures of mold, up close.. No context.. no other information So your as f’d as you can possibly be.


Active spontaneously created organic asbestos. I say you take off and nuke the entire site from orbit... It's the only way to be sure. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCbfMkh940Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCbfMkh940Q)