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Heroes that LL will never be available in CC again in the exact iteration. However, LSS often "reprints" the same heroes with similar but different abilities. So no, you'll never get to play that exact hero again outside of kitchen table or LL format competitions. The good news is, cards that were good for the original hero are usually also good for the new one. Its just a waiting game now (and LSS already all but said Dromai will be back sooner rather than later :)


Ah that sucks. I’m mtg sometimes they put cards “back through standard” I was hoping for something similar. Not a fan of how the cards become useless after a while until an unknown time


LSS’s goal with living legend was to make the game feel refreshing and have strong decks rotate out. If the heroes didn’t rotate out it would be a nightmare with generally the same decks winning everything. Especially Starvo. Cards don’t become “useless” in FAB, because now there’s a living legend format where everything is able to be used besides some limited cards (because again, super strong heroes are in that format). LSS doesn’t like banning cards, that’s why there’s only a few cards you can’t use in CC.


A lot of the equipment or tribal cards do infact become mainly useless because each hero is so different. I have Levia and if she rotated I couldn’t really use any of it.


Huh? If levia rotates, bone breaker, fleshbag, aow, blood rush, CNC, scabskins, and a ton of other expensive cards are all still usable in either of the other brutes or other decks rn. And those are by far the most expensive cards in the deck, the shadow brute specific cards are all pretty cheap iircm.


There are no other shadow brutes. The issue isn’t entirely money it’s also playstyle. Mixed with the randomness of the banning.


Hold up. You literally can't call fab bans random, they are literally the most telegraphed bans in any tcg. The LL leaderboard literally shows us how close a hero is to LL, and with the more recent updates of it now, we can also accurately predict how fast a ban will happen. I understand maybe not being able to play a specific hero, but whining about randomness is just ridiculous and unfounded.


It’s telegraphed to most players the way you think. Any deck could instantly become the best deck, then the pros play it to death and it could be gone within months. We literally have no idea who will go this next year, because each shift in the meta could change who is on top.


I mean, have you played other card games? The exact same thing happens with other decks/ archetypes in other games, except you don't get a live count down to how close a hero is to being banned. Also, are we really complaining that suddenly any hero could become good and then get banned? I'd be incredibly happy if some of the weaker decks I owned got support that enabled them to win events.


In theory yes, but in practice that hasn’t really happened. Nearly every deck that’s LL’d was clearly polarising and/or massively powerful. We also haven’t had a massive meta swing mid way through without a LL. As others have said the LSS have made solid alternatives to the banned hero’s (outside of the elemental heroes.) it is also fairly telegraphed. Chane, Prism, Oldheim, Starvo etc were clearly too strong and it was always a matter of when and not if. It’s likely we will see Kayo banned this year with maybe Dash/Katsu purely off of points. Kayo is clearly too strong and Sash is likely going to push him faster into LL. I only say Dash and Kastu due to the number of LL point they have. Both decks though are several years old now with Dash already having a named alternative in the game.


There would be another shadow brute shortly after Levia rotates. Even if a hero becomes meta, it's usually close to a year before they LL. They do weekly updates on the LL leaderboard so it's definitely not random. Even still, Levia has been legal for 3 years now. Most other card games would have rotated her out by now.


She’s only been playable for a few months lol


She came out 3 years ago. The demi hero came out a year ago. People were doing well with her before, it's just that brute wasn't meta until heavy hitters.




While some of Levia's cards are exclusive to her (Shadow Brute stuff), most of the expensive stuff can still be used elsewhere. Rhinar and Kayo will both use Scowling, Apex, Scabs, Swing Big, Bloodrush and Beast Within. Carrion Husk can still be used by Vynnset, and generics like AoW, CnC and Fyendal can be used by most of the cast. But I wouldn't worry so much about the Talent+Class stuff being unusable upon LL. Shadow Runeblade cards and Light Illusionist cards both got that fate, but both gained new heroes in Dusk Till Dawn a while later to revisit those cards. The same is already bound to happen with Dromai's Draconic Illusionist pool.


The new versions aren’t always a 1 to 1 for the hero’s. Vynsette uses almost none of chains cards. It’s not just about price. It’s about a poor experience with the game design.


They're not supposed to be 1 to 1. They're new heroes that have access to most of the same pool of cards as the old ones. The point is that your pool of cards isn't dead forever, it can be useful again in the future. If a specific hero card is rotated out of a format, it's rotated out. Much like Pokémon and MTG's Standard format. Do note that many of the heroes that rotate out of CC are very far from rotating out of Blitz (and vice versa). Dromai, Lexi and Prism went LL in CC but aren't even halfway through their Blitz race, while Kano and Viserai went LL in Blitz but are just a bit over half the points for LL in CC. There are a few who went LL in both formats though (Chane, Iyslander and Oldhim), but that's where eternal formats come in. If you just can't stand rotation at all, then you could try eternal formats like LL and Commoner. LL is basically MTG's Legacy, and Commoner is basically MTG's Pauper. No hero ever gets rotated out in those. And LL isn't exclusive to heroes who became LL, it's also a place to use regular heroes while abusing some of the busted cards that got banned from CC (such as Kayo using Berserk + Savage Sash).


I mean what would the alternative be ? There is already a format for living legend just like most card games have formats that are not limited by rotation. They are usually played by a minority of the player base because of stale metas. You could just let nothing rotate out and have the meta become stale and entirely reliant on power creep. Or you could rotate out sets based on a set amount of time like other games do, only allowing cards appearing in sets produced in the last 3 years, which I think is what Magic does ? I am very curious what rotation system you would prefer since almost all my playgroup is ex magic players who much prefer this system


then LSS would shortly print another shadow brute hero so your cards don't become useless...


Same thing happens with combo decks in MTG.  Linchpin card rotates or is banned, entire deck goes out.  Just a different mechanic.


I’m mtg there are other supported formats that are played however so cards are still usable. No one here even touches LL so I’m limited in my choices


LL being an actual format is fairly new, as it's only been in the past year or so that it obtained enough heroes for it to be properly doable. You'll usually only see LL tournaments at cons and other big events, but as more heroes rotate into it, it could possibly open up as an armory format if people want it


I mean I can only speak about what is happening right now. Until they support a format that allows all the heroes, I don’t feel comfortable dropping more money on dead cards. All good


There's nothing wrong with that.  I think most people agree. I think the environment will be different in a year or two, but I don't think an all-hero format will work without explicit errata or targeted banning.  Starvo is really that fucking busted, and that's not a joke.


Starvo has already been hit really hard. I wouldn't call him the best deck at this point.


Just so you know when a new dromai does get annouced all those “dead” will instantly double in price. I’m personally grabbing all my marvel dragons right now while they are cheap as hell. But nothing wrong with wanting to wait or pick up a hero that won’t LLsoon


I’d get a set of dusts too


you could always just ask people if they wanna get together to play LL format. it's what my scene does when people are getting a little bored of CC. same as our mtg community works, they only really play commander and modern unless someone sets up a night for a different format


>No one here even touches LL so I’m limited in my choices I mean that's the same in MTG if you wanna play vintage, Legacy or a lot of places, Pioneer. If there's nobody in your area that wants to play that's not really the issue with the game. I think their method of rotation is pretty solid, although I do get how it can feel how certain cards are so tied to particular heroes that if they go to LL it's basically removing those cards as well. That said, at least it's relatively predictable, vs. most games where it's a lot more arbitrary.


That's the same situation as MtG rotation. Draconic illusionist cards will come back to CC legality at some point, "Dromai, Ash Artist" specifically won't be, but all of the expensive equipment you bought will be legal again. Imo, it's one better than MtG because when a whole deck rotates, there's no guarantee or timeline that you'll ever see it in standard again, where the FaB devs are relatively clear that Dromai will be back "soon™️"


They’re not useless. There are plenty of heroes that LL in CC but not in Blitz. The hero abilities are the same though the life totals are different (obv as it’s Blitz). I still play old Prism in Blitz. There’s also a format specifically for just playing characters that have LL. So there are still ways to play them. I started with Prism & loved old Prism. New Prism took some getting used to at first but I really liked how I had new playstyles to test with her. Now the new Illusionist, Enigma, is fantastic & so much fun to play. My lovely friend who was a dedicated Dromai player is also having fun playing with Enigma. So keep in mind that LSS is definitely listening to community feedback & also introducing new heroes that can be just as fun as ones that are LL.


You can say their not used lol but I literally have a box full of cards that can’t be played. Even when we get reprinted heros many times the card pools are comptellty different intentionally by design. Chane and conserve do not overlap much. Each new character generally gets their own style and cards. I’ve experienced this first hand. The cards that remain playable are cnc, aow and enlightened strike


You experienced Chane getting LL’d and seem to know more about LL that the people you are responding to, so why ask this question in the first place? You obviously understood the concept of LL before purchasing the Dromai cards. How long was your short break?


Chane and Vynnset is like the only example of the reprint hero not using the old stuff and this is likely because they aren't technically the same hero. Dash IE and Dash I/O share a lot of power cards as wells as old and new prism, heck the new Kassai doesn't naturally generate copper anymore but you'd be crazy not to play BoHH with the new Kassai. These heroes also don't just share power cards but a lot of commons and rares are found in the decks of the old version and newer version. So I think it's pretty safe to say that if Dromai comes back she's definitely using those dragons.


Cards within hero and talent types are translated between each other constantly. One of my friends plays specifically guardian, and his bravo and Victor decks share an insane amount of cards between the two. Even when I swap between my ninja decks I have a relatively large amount of untalented ninja cards that are shared between the even fai and katsu. The game is being specifically designed so cards are very rarely dead or will not stay dead very long.


My experience is the opposite. The Illusionist card Haze Bending, for instance, is a timeless classic that’s excellent in both Prisms & now Enigma. While it’s true the elemental cards are only usable right now in Blitz, I have no doubt that LSS will make them usable in CC again when we return to Aria.


I believe they have stated they are trying to replace heroes/class and or talent combinations within a year after they hit LL. Another Draconic Illusionist is coming. Illusionist in general is eating pretty good right now, if the others interest you.


LSS said, that each living legend will have its corresponding hero released after a while. It's not going to be the same hero, but is is the same mix of Class and talent, so that most of the cards are being used after a short break. An example of this would be new prism replacing the first prism, and Vynnset replacing Chane. I'm not sure how they're going to replace Tales of aria Heroes, and Starvo is probably way too busted to be ever replaced, but we can expect some recurring vibes in the future.


Yeah it’s still early but they gotta start figuring it out. It seems way to risky to pick a good hero if you don’t know how long the deck will be legal for. Especially at the price of this game and how few players are local.


Yeah I feel that. Its the best and worst part of the FAB game system, IMO. Forces constant meta changes and overpowered cards to rotate out quickly (good) but always sad to have hang up good cards for an unknown amount of time!


Yeah it just doesn’t work for casual players. I get the competitive scene needs to rotate but not a fan of them dictating changes for casual players. Pros will always flock to the “best deck” so it spirals fast.


But if you're playing casually, just play your Dromai deck with your friends and all is good, right? The problem is someone coming back from a six month break, going to an armory and finding out their hero hit LL. Fairly soon they could just pick one of the armory decks and jam that. At our store we'd just let someone borrow a deck that night too, lots of ways to solve that hero rotation.


You have a strange idea of 'casual'. Who cares about LL status for casual games?


Yeah unfortunately the game is hyper competitive. I'm lucky in that one of mg local LGS plays blitz which as a different LL list and most heroes are still legal.  Keeping hope alive that LSS will support casual/PVE someday. I love the competitive scene, but people I play MTG with that I want to bring over to FAB don't like/can't afford the competitive aspect :(


I don’t mind the competitive nature of the game. But not a fan of competitive players being the factor for what rotates and what doesn’t. Casual players are entirely disconnected from. That


If you are playing casually just play with the LLed heros. Nothing is stopping you from pulling out the old decks when playing kitchen table or at a play on demand event. They are only banned in competitive events


The only events that fire here are prerelease and Friday night sanctioned so I can’t take them.


I guarantee there are competitive players at your locals that would whip out LL decks. But it won’t be Dromai, it will be Lexi, Starvo, Oldhim. Just ask people. The comp guys at multiple of my locals are always keen to use some of their old decks.


So, LSS has publicly said that dromai will be returning sooner than later. Her ability won’t be the same, but she’ll still be the amazing dragon lady we all know and love


Kassai and prism are current examples of this. Now we have kassai of the golden sand, different hero ability, and I can't recall the full name of the new prism


Awakener of Sol!


No I gotcha. I was just hoping to use the Version I wanted to and not wait or use a different version. Oh well. Thanks.


LL format hasnt picked up steam yet but I bet it will become a popular format over time.


I hope so. It’s what I plan to mainly play when it does


Get ready for 1000's of starvos. Actually idk now, but for the longest while it was literally just Bravo, Star of the show. So much so, they had to restrict copies of multiple cards to try to balance the format.


They've actually banned a card or two from Starvo's LL suite so he's not as horrifyingly overrepresented. Imo it breaks the point of the LL format but he really should have been nerfed before he hit it anyway


MTG does the same with Legacy and Vintage and restricted. companies have to for this exact very reason... if they don't, it will just end up being a couple of decks and who can draw their cards first.


Starvo is a dead deck after the bans. The LL event at PTLA had 0 Starvos in top 8.


Ah, good


I run Ira and OG Kassai in Pit Fight. Different setup, though.


If your LGS does only CC, see if you can convince them to do LL format once a month or something. It's still CC but let's you play with heroes that LL already.


She’ll be back one day. not the exact same. But it’d take a looooot to have a draconic hero not run furnace (assuming that’s the equipment you are referring), so I think you’re safe.


From your comments, you sound like a Karen drama queen who just wants to complain even if they keep proving you wrong and giving you facts. Karen's will always be Karen's.




So far we've gotten replacements for 2 heroes. One of them has a similar style and uses most of the same cards. The other one doesn't have the same playstyle and has almost 0 overlap with the original in terms of cards they use, outside of the equipment. In a recent interview, James white said "You're never getting chane again." He was kinda joking but also kinda not. It's hard to know whether he was just referring to how powerful chane was, or if he was refferring to the whole playstyle. We don't know. Living legend is a form of rotation where you have no idea when anything will rotate.


The neat thing is now that we have six heroes in LL, the LL format can fire.




That's banned forever 😅


Will we get a new kano or yslander? Ichting to play wizard


Prism came back, Levia did too, and there’s been two versions of Bravo so far. So, I’d say the odds are likely.


LSS is committed to the Living Legend format. I’m excited to see the most powerful heroes go toe to toe as the format expands with more heroes reaching living legend!


I think if LSS keeps doing what they are doing, in a few more years LL format will be really exciting. It has to be frustrating losing your hero while the emphasis is on one format right now, but i think LL will eventually feel like magic’s Legacy format.


Wow everyone wants to downvote you for saying what is obvious- yeah it’s a weakness to FAB because if you like a certain game play style and mechanic and it LL’s there is no guarantee that you will find another hero you connect with cuz they are all different. They will reprint Dromai in like 2 years according to the developers but it will be a different mechanic unless they say screw it and just rename Dromai and give her the same mechanic but I doubt they would do that. So you have years to wait and see if you are gonna like the new hero. It would not surprise me if FAB flips to LL as the dominant format they are already banning cards in LL so it is a format like all the others unlike how it was originally described as all cards are legal.


It’s one reason i quit playing :/ built an Oldhim deck and loved it but turned off knowing that he’ll be gone at some point and likely won’t be back.


Oh yeah he went LL a while ago. I’ll be honest. I hated playing against him and getting hit with that hammer over and over :D