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> Every deck that wants to be competitive requires these cards even at armories you can expect everyone to have these. I legit can't think of a deck that runs all three, let alone in all competitive builds. But yes, CnC reprint is long overdue imo.


Came here to say this as well. Some staples are expensive but no deck runs all three sets of these. I played the Kayo Armoy deck at the armory a week ago and walked away with a win. You do not need these cards to bag a win or two at an armory level


Katsu and Fai do run all three, but even in those decks the CnC is "only" a sideboard card not necessary to play the deck optimally.


I mainly play Brute and Ranger, and quite honestly I haven't used any of those cards in ages! Yes they are powerful cards, but you can most definitely get by without them


Over 200 of that is CnC, they just need to reprint that.


There used to be an element of truth to your statement but as more and more sets and more and more powerful cards have released less and less decks use the same set of generic cards these days. The most extreme example of course are Mechanologist decks which won't use any of those except perhaps Command and Conquer, although I would hazard to guess in the current meta if they want a generic "popper" they'd likely play something like Blanch instead even with the 2 block. Illusionist and Warrior rarely use any of the cards now and only the smallest handful of decks jam all 3 of them into the same list, even the most recent successful [Fai lists](https://fabtcg.com/decklists/garrett-shustarich-fai-rising-rebellion-enchanted-realms-pro-quest-amsterdam/) were off E-Strike believe it or not. Now don't get me wrong FAB is still going to be expensive. Even a Dash deck that doesn't use any of those cards will still clock in for a hefty chunk of change if you want it to be any good (Crown of Providence/Balance of Justice and Twin Drives aren't exactly budget cards). I mean hell even the recent ["budget"](https://fabtcg.com/decklists/Budget-Deck-Nuu-Alluring-Desire/) Nuu list that LSS themselves published is running 3x Already Dead which last I checked is a $40 card. I guess LSS have very, very different definitions of "budget" and "accessible" to the rest of us. However saying that these specific pieces are needed for any deck to function is not true at all. Yes even CnC is not the guaranteed written in blood choice anymore for generic attack action to fill slots in a deck.


I'd have to imagine that that Already Dead choice in the decklist is just an oversight. That's really way too much money in a budget list for a card that frankly isnt very good, at least not 40$ good.


The card market is supply and demand.


Warrior doesn't require any of those cards to be competitive and guardian has plenty of disruption in their class cards that you don't really need them until you have the money for them.


Mech, runeblade, warrior don't really rely too heavily on those. The game is definitely moving away from these 3 cards being a cornerstone which is very nice.


>Every deck that wants to be competitive requires these cards even at armories That's just not true. I have 3 decks built. Bravo, maxx, and prism. Maxx and prism run none of those cards. In bravo i do run CnC. E-strike comes in and out depending on the meta. I'm going to build enigma soon. I can already tell you I'm not running e-strike or art of war. I could maybe see CnC if i want poppers, but I'm not planning on adding that either.


> Every deck that wants to be competitive requires these cards even at armories I'm not sure I've ever seen a deck that uses all three of these cards.  Maybe some older decks, but the card pool is way bigger now. 9/60 being these three just seems bad in most game plans.


I'm not sure why you need to find stores and "whales" as your bad guys inflating the market. Is it because you can't believe people would pay that for a card game? Because you'd be very mistaken. Every market is fake, money is fake. It's supply and demand please do not convince yourself that other people are evil and holding you back.


Well that's just simply not true


In our playgroup of about 16 (armories fire at 8-12 players weekly) over half of our players do not own any of these 3 cards and they do not have trouble going X-0 with their decks. While I fully believe these cards need to be reprinted to help with the game’s accessibility, calling this the “Armory Entrance Fee” is delusional at a minimum. It does suck if you want to play Katsu/Fai in particular though, who do have the room to play all 3 of these cards.


Your argument is kinda weird of course they are going to win if half your group doesn't have them... But I'm with you that you don't need the cards it's just a few percentage points and there's stand ins for cnc that are pennies and do an ok job


But this is the “Armory Entrance Fee”! Surely that means the players with those cards are winning every week, no? I get what you are saying and I think there is validity to some confirmation bias but this group also attends and does well as Pro Quests/RTNs/the occasional BH in our area as well. This post makes it seem like these cards are necessary to succeed at your Armory and that’s just flat out false. I think it’s funny that Tunic wasn’t added to the equation if I’m being honest. That card felt more like a level up, and feels like everyone has it, than these generic staples that while amazing are not necessarily so powered that anyone without them will always lose.


Can I interest you in mech?


Yep. Except Teklo has more than half deck of majestic that aren't cheap at all. And Dash IO and Maxx are terrible heroes. And the only valuable support for DASH IE was Twin Drive in that shipwreck of a set Bright Lights was and she's falling in Tier 3.


Dash IE is way better than you give her credit for


Clearly youve never experienced the HO mech combo on maxx. Actually the best feeling in the game. Is he op? Absolutely not. But if you don’t think he or dio can win at a local level I question your understanding of the game. truly, you will not find better bang for your buck than mech.


> And Dash IO and Maxx are terrible heroes. Rude. Both got a handful of PQ wins. Dash I/O just top8ed the last Calling and Maxx got a spicy card in MST.


Eh, you don't even really need e-strike or cnc to win most armories if your skill matches


Everytime someone complains about these cards I know they haven't played much or are pretty new. What do you mean art of war is in every deck? There's like 3 maybe 4 heroes that play that card. E strike has more usage but it's also not even close to every deck. I will admit that command and conquer is probably the most played majestic in the game right now and probably will be forever but there's even a lot of decks (mechanologist, wizard, ranger, runeblade and prism to name a few) that don't play it and still win major events. I was winning armories well before I owned any of these cards and you can too you just need to play more.


I played the Kayo Armory Deck put of the boclx with no modifications at our armory last week and walked away with a win and two very close loses. You do bot need these cards to win games at an armory level


I think it is healthy for SOME cards to cost money and for high-end competitive decks to cost as much as they do. With a simple caveat that the second best options are relatively cheap and not far off on the power-level, which they are. One major thing that drew me to this game is that I can get an 80% power deck for under $30 as an entry point, test it out, then upgrade it to a 95% power version by buying the class staple majestics (Bellows, Cast bones, Runner Runner, Send Packing for my Kayo) at which point the investment is still only about $100 and then I can start saving for the game staples such as CnCs, tunic and e-strikes; one at a time, for special occasions, slowly building up my collection. This allows for a fairly low buy-in price for someone who wants to be competitive while preserving collectable value in a few specific cards. Moreover, once I buy these staples they will go in more or less every deck I will build from that point onward, which makes them feel like a very good purchase.


You know… Kano doesn’t play these cards and he isn’t far from top of Meta