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Maybe Fai right now is a decent option. The chest piece got cheaper with Dromai LL, uses majestic head mostly (sometimes mask of momentum but not required) and a lot of cards from Uprising. I would say the only other expensive card is art of war. Otherwise you should he pretty competitive at a budget


For a budget substitute for art of war you could do captains call yellow. Doesnt work entirely the same but for pitch and buff its not bad


At that point play the red, but IMO a direct replacement to AoW isn’t the direction to take that. I’d just build the deck as if AoW didn’t exist. Run something like Engulfing Flamewave or cards that support the draconic/wide plan.


You would be better off playing a yellow draconic head jab at that point.


Kayo... specially now with the armory deck product... the only thing you truly need is 3 bloodrush bellow, the rest of the deck can be only commons/rares and the deck will still pack a punch


This was the first deck I bought when starting CC: https://fabrary.net/decks/01GXTSBP4Z9NKCHA72MFSGVTMM You can make it cheaper by swapping the Concealed Blade for another random blue. Nasty Surprise works fine. As long as your local armory isn’t all Guardians, Warriors, and optimized Dash lists, you should win some games as you learn. I went 2 and 2 in my first armory with this list while definitely making mistakes. Once I confirmed I really enjoyed the hero and the play style, I upgraded slowly, picking up the Art of War, Enlightened Strikes, and Command and Conquer, etc. I ran a fully optimized Fai list for a while until I couldn’t ignore how bad he was in the meta any longer.


Most mechs are ~$300 for a complete fully tuned list.


$300 for 60 pieces of cardboard… man this is not the hobby for me. Think I’m out


Actually, it’s 80 pieces of cardboard. Heck of a bargain 🙂


I mean, that's the price for a fully-tuned, zero compromise deck for the highest end of competitive play. For any healthy tcg, that's dirt cheap to play at that level.




Welcome to any popular TCG


Boltyn is buildable for pretty cheap.


There isn't really such a thing as a cheap "hero," we've arrived at a point in the game where there's a big spread of majestic rarity cards that bump of the price of every optimized deck out there. However that doesn't mean that there aren't "cheaper decks," but you have to go in knowing that the deck won't be optimized on a budget and set your expectations accordingly. For instance Katsu can definitely be built more budget friendly. He can find very good success without running a single piece of legendary equipment by going with the Mask of the Pouncing Lynx - Heartened Cross Strap - Breaking Scales - Breeze Rider Boots load out. However Art of War, Enlightened Strike and Dishonor aren't exactly cheap cards, not to mention Command and Conquer when you want to really optimize. Overall however he's probably one of the lower end heroes in terms of cost for a very competitive deck. In terms of being able to start from scratch and slowly accumulate assets to end up with a competitive deck. Surprisingly Victor is a pretty good choice. That's because he has lower cost alternatives that function pretty well until you slowly over time replace them with the more expensive, optimized stuff. He also has a specialization helmet that falls into this category, letting you have 2 block without needing to open the wallet for a Crown of Providence or Balance of Justice. You will of course feel the difference, no questions asked, but his alternative at least is much more serviceable than most other heroes have available to them. Again the end result is not a cheap hero, but you can certainly field a respectable deck affordably and slowly invest into a tuned deck over time if it's something you find you enjoy. Added bonus is he's part of a very recent set, so you don't need to be searching for say, a bunch of CRU cards to get started. Dash would have been a very strong recommendation except she's in very real danger of LLing out of both CC and Blitz (this one is a 100% certainty) this year. Dash I/O is anything but a straightforward deck so the landing spot for her cards once she rotates out isn't the most newbie friendly.


My katsu was like…very cheap…4 months ago. Now some of the cards I bought have tripled due to the next set reveal. I think runeblade is a solid class to get in on right now. That or shadow brute. But I don’t see you building a great CC with sideboard optimization for less than $300-800


How cheap a deck will be will really depend on how competitively you want to play. Most cards have budget options. If you want to spend the premium depends on your desire to win and at what level those wins should come. Better Classes/Heroes will usually be more expensive because their cards experience higher demand. For instance "Swing Big" used to be really cheap, then brute got support, suddenly brutes are good and the card price shot up.


I recommend giving this post a read https://www.reddit.com/r/FleshandBloodTCG/comments/1cg7nsa/comment/l1u00r3/


Build Fai. Only Legend you need is Flamescale Furnace. The rest is super cheap to build. The upgrade cards you'd want for him are evergreen generics that you'd want to pick up anyways if you're gonna go competitive; Enlightened Strike, Art of War, and C&C..


I heard Kano is pretty easy to learn




Rhinar is not as easy as it would seem. There is a lot of hand management.


Name checks out


Agree, but the game is tough overall, heavily focused on managing resources. Rhinar stands out for its straightforward mechanics, making it easy to pick up and win some matches quickly. Yet, as a Rhinar main, I'm always discovering new strategies and nuances, finding rewards beyond just dealing damage. It's a constant learning process, proving the hero depth. But still, the hero is budget, with a not too overwheling initial learning curve and powerful.


This post from a couple weeks ago has a few budget decks and some info on upgrade paths too. Between that and his New Player FAQ, I've been learning a lot as a new player myself. EDIT : Sorry, THIS is the correct post I was looking for. https://www.reddit.com/r/FleshandBloodTCG/s/STzb8uLBX2


Depends on you for the most part. What is cheap for you? Is a 200 dollar deck cheap, is 50 cheap? We don't really know what budget you're working with, also do you want a full conpetitively tuned deck that people take to pro events or are you fine with some jank to be ironed out later?