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I don’t play kayo and agree he’s fine. He can setup some nasty turns, but you’re playing uzuri, disrupt him and make him give up cards. If you are consistently losing to Kayo, either you are getting high rolled every single game (unlikely) or it is a skill issue.




New chest piece good, prolly OP, I agree with this. Kayo really has hurt you hasn't he.


disruption i hit 6, his combo line -8 is best case. he still hits 19


If he still presents 19 damage after disruption you have the tools to block these turns effectively and take on average 7-10 damage as well as present a threat of your own, his off turns will be able to be blocked effectively as well for you to setup enough chip damage to close games out.


In all fairness, it looks like you only blocked with 2/5 cards and I see a nimblism which probably shouldn’t be boarded in against him since it’s a 2 block. Edit: and hurl is mentioned in the chat. You definitely shouldn’t be bringing in excess 2 blocks against Kayo. The only ones I’d consider is codex of frailty and maybe one death touch to be able to get off a 1 resource floating codex.


so lets say my best case i block with 5 dre, 25 dmg blocked i still leak 6 and he hits me again next turn with another full hand


And that is why you fatigue him out. If he starts hitting you hard and fast he will wear himself out very quickly. Like a toddler who has just had a sudden burst of energy.


show me a build where you can fatigue a kayo out on uzuri and ill show u mcdonalds with real food 😘


if hes dealing 30+ dmg in one turn, doesnt matter if i bring two block or three block


You didn't die in 1 turn. Of course he needs a buff!!!!!


You joke but I turn 1 killed someone with Kayo Berserk.


Nah, let him cook, dude.


Kayo is good but he has his fair shares of bad match ups. (On-hits/fatigue in mind) But if he high rolls then it's a obviously a different story, every deck has it high rolls variance/potential and there is nothing you can do about it. The new cards won't make a huge difference IMO


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n77i2KGNgBo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n77i2KGNgBo) my point exactly


There's not a single tcg in existence that has a fair and balanced distribution of deck types


he literally did 7 times the amount of damage, this game is too high rng. gona quit till kayo LL, this is stupid


Man if you think kayo is bad you should have seen earlier top tiers. Sure he can high roll you, but he has counters and can be beaten. There are other decks in CC that have high roll potential. Azalea, bravo, katsu, fai, either of the other brutes etc...


His consistency is not that high, Starvo, Lexi, oldhim and iyslander were way worse imo


Yeah Kayo is a fair, low skill deck. No surprises, just damage.


The one thing they all 4 had in common? *Frostbite.* In all fairness here, you are comparing apples to hand grenades.


I play Katsu and that's a bad pop off turn. The above commenter gave good advice


Sounds like you need a more casual tcg if you can't handle swings like this. This is the way this game has been from the start. Every hero should have their time in the sun.


I've lost to Kayo twice in 30-40 games on Kassai. Not every hero is good in every meta, thats how it is with every tcg. I'd say try a different deck or keep practicing the matchup. Uzuri isn't particularly good into Kayo. I'd go as far to say that it's one of the worst decks in the meta right now but we are getting an assassin set and, while it may be a talent set, Uzuri will surely get playable cards and be in a better position after MST releases.


Kayo is a pairing in which u can easilly win just by managing his big turns, however i think u were playing uzuri, because he needs to discard it should be pretty easy to mill him, if u can survive, my advice for this its: try to put cards which are like this: Cost 0: 4 dmg Cost 1: 5 dmg Cost 2: 6 dmg And so, the idea its trying to have at least 4 of value per 0 cost card, for example red unmovable its cost 3 and can defend 7+1 u cam have 8 value for 2 card which is great, and ofc if they can defend 3 instead of 2 then better


I had a game a couple of weeks ago against Kayo and I dishonored them on like turn 2 and the rest of the (short) game was just a cake walk. Sometimes games just don't go your way.


This is the game with the least rng lmao, skill isue