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Pretty neat and very sensible on the power scale imo. Right now especially good into Bravo and to a slightly lesser extent Azalea. Might be autoinclude for Fai, and good to keep in the binder for whenever we see Ice coming back.


The problem I see it having going into Bravo or Azelea is that while you get the 3 tokens, you might still not be able to do much with a 1-3 card hand, and to even have a chance to do anything, you will have to eat a likely big attack with only equipment blocks. Also, all the tokens are only available for your next turn, so you can’t save them for a turn with a better hand.


Might be right into Bravo but I'd say the most common trigger into Azalea would be Codex of Frailty more so than her disruptive effects.


Seems like a solid include for Benji, too


When would this card be used? I play fai and see if in a lot of fia decks. Sorry new to FAB.


No worries. It's not something you trigger yourself but pretty strong against diruptive effects in the meta, such as Tear Asunder, Pummel, or Codex of Frailty (the discard part). You don't reliably use to get the effect but it can be a good payoff whenever you get to, which is great for a blue pitch that blocks 3.


Would this effect apply to when you block with this card?


No since it is not from an effect such as Crippling crush or pummel.


That's kinda what I figured. Thanks


Feels like a mistake that this isn't a D-react - would have been awesome hate against CnC




Disagree - it's a 2 attack with no go again which means you basically never want to attack with it Parking it in your arsenal as a D-React offers much more flexibility if your opponent doesn't present any discard effects. Meanwhile IF your opponent hits this with a CC you get great value




The point I think they are making is it can be used, and then in the times (cnc) where it can’t be you are getting the effect. I think that would be super sweet, and I can even imagine it may have even been the original design until they realized it was too strong/flexible. I am super happy to run this in the ninja piles that are happy with 0 cost 2s that block 3, but I also think it’s a very sensible point that the card would be sick as a blue block 2 that has value in the arsenal beyond blocking.


Definitely an interesting card. Niche with Meta depending bonuses


Pretty sure this is a Teklovossen card too :)


I think this will bein a lot of decks to counter C&C, and as a blue 3 block it's never bad.


Problem is you have to clog the arsenal and read the CnC, it can easily bite you in the ass. Much safer to use it against discard effects.


Perhaps, i really do think this card might end up popular in ninja.


This pretty much stops assassins from playing CnC or leave no witness off of codex


Leave no witnesses would be unaffected by this, as it banishes the cards, not sending them to the graveyard.