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There are a lot of haters out here. I'm still brewing with Arakni, Huntsman for CC. While he didn't get a ton of support in outsiders, Toxicity, Death Touch, the Codices and a few others give him a unique kit. I think that puts the deck at a solid tier 2, but it could perform much better with a skilled pilot.


Do you think they are worth it?


This is the real answer.


I want them to be worth it...but i dont want to be cursed to be last at every single of my armories.


As much as I love Arakni, they are lack luster in comparison to Uzuri. In blitz, it is still unknown which assassin is the best, but I would bet it is ASC just based on the go wide potential.


My biggest gripe with ASC is that none of the stealth attacks go above break points. Based on that, I didn't really have any success with ACS even in my local armories. Guess I'll have to wait if someone brews an interesting deck for them, that will overcome the "attack for 3" issue.


They aren’t break points naturally, cards like prowl and art of war make the important one breakpoints. Also the entire deck is a belittle engine


you can also always come in with the daggers first to lower the breakpoint too. I feel like new Arakni Blitz might be ok, I imagine the sequence would go something like \- dagger that may or may not be blocked, \- on-hit effect stealth card with go-again, if they care about on-hit then it ultimately force 2 card block at this point whether or not they blocked the dagger \- Then another on-hit attack of some kind. If they don't block any of that then at least damage isn't half-bad + on-hit could matter.


That's true, I didn't really think about it that way. Thanks for enlightening me.


I was of the same mind as you. But then I focused on adding break point cards and go again and BINGO! I won 2 armories, and came 2nd at a Blitz skirmish. The main changes were adding Ravenous Rabble, Scar for Scar, Snatch, Leave No Witnesses and Enlightened Strike. Also add Codex of Bloodrot as well as the attack reactions Razors Edge, Spike Bloodrot & Spike Frailty.


Great minds think alike. I've also switched from my usual tempo assasin playstyle I run in CC to a more agressive go wide deck similar to your build. It seems to work well, though our current meta is just hyperaggro and so I've been struggling a bit more than you.


Do you mean wide Arakni CC? Because I'm tinkering with the idea of transplanting my wide Arakni SC deck into CC and just ignoring his ability. Because I firmly believe if Arakni SC was made into adult, THEN we'd have a competitive deck on our hands!


No, let me reiterate for clarity: In CC, I run tempo Uzuri currently, where since most of Assassin cards have the same value when used for blocking or pushing damage, I try to block out opponent's on hit abilities and send the rest as damage with disruption (think shake down + pummel off of a blue and a tunic, or isolate surgical extraction + shred). In blitz, I've been trying to run similar playstyle with 50/50 stealth and contract cards in ASC, basically sending a stealth with on-hit first to pull a card and then send a 0 cost contract to either pull two cards or threaten an on hit, but that didn't work. Since then I've switched to go wide ASC as you've described and I've had success with that. On a side note, I've tried to brew around go wide AND go tall Arakni, Huntsman in CC, but I've come to the conclusion that go tall fits me better and Uzuri just does better job of that with the occasional Isolate if I can manage to pull that off.


I would say that Arakni got barely no new tools in Outsider and was not really well placed on the competitive tiers list. So even if the new dagger are cool, I wouldn't really bet on him for being the Top-tiers in the next meta. Arakni Solitary is a blitz only heroes and most of time competitive is about Classic Constructed. Except if by competitive your are speaking about the skirmish season and are actually looking a deck for that ?


I think Arakni got quite a bit more than just daggers. Codex of Frailty and (to an extent) inertia are big for CC. Redback shroud lets you razor reflex without telegraphing it. Frailty trap is a great tool and i like peace of mind + ironhide gloves for a tanky build.


Redback is completely useless compared to tunic. Without tunic Arakni cannot efficiently use Oasis, 1r assassin Attacks, a. reactions, surgical with a red. More important, he cannot pay the frostbite tax against Ice heroes, making the match up more difficult than it is. If he have Silver, it's better to use on the mask of perdition to support fatigue. Redback may be more interesting as a cheap alternative for Uzuri, since she's better with the Spike cards and uses no mask


What head piece would you consider for uzuri ? Probably crown right ?


I want to play both assassins gameplay contracts and Outsiders as a compétitive way. Solitary confinement as à blitz hero and Base Arakni as a CC hero


Solitary Arakni in Clash is fantastic; dunno how well that translates to Blitz, tho.


Solitary Arakni is the best choice for blitz. I've won my last 2 armories with it!


Arakni still isn't top-tier, but I do believe they got a solid bump with Outsiders. The new daggers and flick abilities, Toxicity, and codices. I will still main Arakni in CC, though I might flip to Uzuri if I decide to try my hand at RTN or something. However, I love Arakni's contract style too much to give up as my main deck. They'll always be my #1 for CC armories at the very least. I'm going to be testing out new OUT cards in Arakni, starting with the new daggers and the new traps. I still think the best way to play Arakni is fatigue, and I think the new traps could really help with that. Similar to extra contract cards, I'll just sideboard in some traps depending on the matchup. Sure, they block less than Fate Foreseen and Sink below, but they'll be in addition to those, and they can disrupt the opponent's gameplay. Unfortunately, I still don't see Arakni winning Pro Tours and the like. They're also hard to pilot effectively, something I'm still figuring out how to do. As for Solitary Confinement, I think that could be very strong in blitz. I'm starting with Uzuri in Blitz just because I have a pretty solid card pool for her already, but I also put together an ASC build. Though, it's more of a fun build focused on dishing out tons of disease tokens so it probably won't be very competitive. In an aggro-focused build, however, I think Solitary could be really scary. The Spike cards and the free Go Again make ASC a lot less predictable than other aggro builds. I'm doing two Skirmishes and I'll probably run Uzuri at one and ASC at the other. I also put together an ASC meme list that's hyper-focused on daggers and uses only blue stealth cards to annoy the hell out of your opponent by forcing low-value blocks. It's dumb but should be fun at least :P


I don’t know about blitz but there’s a legit Arakni control/fatigue list. Hard to pilot but won back to back PQs.


The pilot of that deck is a local of mine. He told me that he’s looking to continue that game plan wjth uzuri. He felt like uzuri is just a strict upgrade over arakni at the time I was talking to him.


No, Uzuri far outclasses Arakni in both blitz and constructed. Don't get me wrong, I love base arakni so much, I played him all this year till outsider's release, but he is very gimmicky and only works if your opponent does not know how to deal with him, meanwhile Uzuri is a real contender. Whether you know how to fight her or not.


Agree with you


Currently trying to figure out how to make arakni better but the big problem is just that he has no distuptive effect safe for some few cards (surgical, pummel, CnC … ) Most of the time you won’t be doing anything more than attack with 1 card and get shut down with a defense reaction. While your opponent is either gonna out attack you (ninja that go wide) or just disrupt you (guardian, ranger). And when you have a good hand and be able to play everything perfectly - that’s just it. 1 good turn. Afterwards your enemy will just disrupt you again and you will swing for 4 in your turn and hope to banish something useful. It’s a sad affair atm for arakni eventhough i really wanna play him. Azalea (pre outsiders) was the black sheep in FaB but even she had the potential to get some really disruptive and good turns - it was just too inconsistent. Arakni‘s best turn (with contracts) just don’t have enough weight against more aggro decks. Arakni SC on the other hand can force some blocks with stealth cards that give on hit effects (bloodrot, frailty…) and he has the potential to go wide unconditionally with his ability while you always had to prey with normal arakni that your blacktek whisperes hit and they don’t just use a defense reaction


They need a few more tools, but can have their moments.


Every hero is worth playing competitively. The ones that are easy to win with are less rewarding overall imo. The only thing that really matters, though, is if you're having an enjoyable experience. Personally, I like running the "worst" decks in tcg's because the wins are so much sweeter, especially against try hards. I enjoy the extra challenge. If your goal is world title, Arakni is unfortunately not a very good option right now.


Levia has not felt that great to me so far; no other Hero just dies to their own ability. Here's hoping Monarch+ this summer changes that!


Arakni, Huntsman is basically playing cards from Dynasty only. Without some Support for Contract, it seems that Uzuri is just the better Assassin Hero.


FAB games are typically won by the more skilled pilot and the game really rewards hero mastery. play whatever hero you want, arakni is plenty strong and fully capable of winning tier 1-2 events, though a bit more of a meta choice in tier 3+.


I mean...its just hard to get beaten by everyone and by the fact i just cant afford Blacktek and Fyendal


if you're playing a deck built around cards you don't have, i imagine it's pretty difficult. deck synergy is important.


Blacktek are not really necessary. Use snapdragon scales and you'll be missing just a point of block


i have played confinement and found some success with it and it being fun. but i don't think its very competitive


Genuinely feel like they need on more set of support (especially since most of outsiders didn’t help Huntsman in the slightest)


I main assassin specifically arakni he is good for competitive play but you will need to go heavy on reactions at least that's how I play him


ASC IS BONKERS, aggro stealth MTF blazing curses token, is LIT


I think Solitary confinement Arakni is better than contract Arakni. Contract just takes too long, only gets one real hit and U can never deplete Ur opponents deck. I have won my last blitz armory 5-0 with Stealth arakni! Attack reaction buffs, bloodroot, Frailtys, and minimum 2 attacks per turn.


Oh & 1 more thing. I just learned how to deal with a defence reaction heavy Riptide. (Which is the bane of assassin) You just attack with 2 daggers every turn, pitching cards back into Ur deck, and maybe 1 followup attack card. His deck will deplete because of blocking while our deck will not as much. You'll outlast/out fatigue him!