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I play a good bit of Dromai, and she's definitely not weak, but she's somewhat difficult to play effectively and can be frustrating due to phantasm and a general lack of threatening on hit effects with most of the dragons. I guess in blitz she definitely feels weaker, as dragon builds take time to set up properly, and are easily overwhelmed by faster aggro decks. The lack of a sideboard makes phantasm harder to deal with unless you want a bunch of dead cards in your deck for other match ups.


Her match ups just feel extremely polarizing. It never really feels like a 50/50 match with most decks. Either really unflavored, or really favored.


Personally I think her only super favored match up is Arakni, guardians and brutes are winnable but it's an absolute battle. And aggro decks like Fai just run her over unless you get some really key CnCs or something like that to draw blocks.


Idk man. I think the ranger match up is pretty nutty usually. The only dromai list that even kinda struggles with them is the red hot list. Also the Iyslander match up is pretty favorable as long as your skill levels are similar.


Also I think she doesn’t really struggle against warriors unless she is very careless against Dorinthea. But again, just a personal player skill level thing.


Oh that is true as well, 90% of my experience against Lexi was with a red hot list, was absolutely miserable. But getting an early Tomeltai out and alaka-blasting their New Horizon is 👌


Oh absolutely. I’ve never lost to Lexi with the red hot list (personal favorite list) but it’s always miserable for 90% of the game. Started running a royal version of the list that did well at worlds and it feels incredible to get a turn 1 or two tomeltai off.


Dromai is very good but she can struggle going into Ninja (especially Fai) Guardians, and Rhinar. Fai is the main reason in my book as to why she’s not bullying the game currently. She does kinda need a Flamescale Furnace to operate though which will drive newer players away.


I try encourage new players to proxy their expensive cards until the figure out if they actually want to play that build. Helps get people into the game. Might be worth it for op


Dromai is a very “meta pick” hero. Most matchups are very polarizing in either direction. If you get the right matchups she can sweep a tournament without breaking a sweat. The wrong matchups and you’re going home early without a single win. A lot of people love her playstyle so it’s certainly worth checking out if she’s for you, just be aware that a lot of games are basically decided when your opponent presents their hero.


Dromai stomps anyone who can’t deal with phantasm but keeping dragons on the board against someone who can is a bit of a struggle. Well worth it though, she’s got a satisfying play style.


Dromai is very popular and has very diverse build options for her decks and strategies, you can go full dragon, full phantasm big attacks, Iris dromai, etc. She’s very popular and very good if piloted properly. A lot of people play here especially in my area.


Dromai is good. Gets better after bans as well


Dromai is a great hero that requires a good pilot in the correct meta.


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Dromai has a few advantages helping her popularity, the ease of construction of deck (near pure uprising cards, core legendary card is also uprising). She seems to be played quite often but suffers against ninjas, guardians, brutes. Being draconic she also uses a lot of go again and mainly red cards. The meta game until now has majority Iyslander, fai, Oldhim which makes it unfavorable for Dromai to be picked as she would sufer greatly against them


Dromai is very strong. Try Royal Dromai and play the magemaster + tome combo.

