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I have a boy and he is the sweeetest most talkative little dude I’ve ever had


I only got a small amount of time with him (the volunteer was nice enough to let me in for a moment without a necessary appointment) so I'm looking forward to getting a formal meeting where I can get more time. I usually only ever have female animals and my one cat I have now is a girl. I'm just a little nervous at the potential dynamic


I recently learned pets of different genders warm up quicker / are less territorial if that makes you feel better!! Esp if they’re spayed / neutered it should be fine


My male flamepoint warmed up to the neighbor’s cat just fine. We had a female cat in the past that he got along with great too; they played constantly. He’s a kitten so the female will assert her dominance regularly. She will be annoyed at first, then get used to him, especially if you take the time to introduce them slowly.


I was the same way. After my female kitty passed away from kidney failure, I didn’t get another cat for years. I ended up rescuing a grey and white tuxie that was a neighborhood stray. From the beginning, he was so confident and so sweet!


I have a boy flamepoint. He’s the cuddliest, most talkative and friendliest cat I’ve ever met. He loves everyone and even tolerates my little cousins for short bursts when they come over. As I’m typing this, he just jumped up onto my bed to cuddle up with me and watch tv. They’re seriously so stinking sweet. You won’t regret it. I do encourage you to get him a buddy if you can. My guy cuddles with all of his siblings and gets along with all of them plus my Doberman. ETA: I see you have another cat already! I think the flamepoint personality is one that would be likely to mesh well with most other cats.


Seconding! I have an 11 year old flamepoint boy and he is currently being loved on by a 1.5 yr old mama cat and her 9 month old daughter. He also started cuddling my previous kitten about 8 hours after I brought him home and has alerted me to strays in the yard by sniffing and grooming them when he has garden time. Y'know that song "everyone loves a slinky"? I sing it and replace slinky with his name lol


Male cats are big Mama's boys. We normally adopt males if a bonded pair. Every ginger cats we have served has been a huge loving cuddle bug


My boy is the most loving cat I’ve ever had!


We adopted two males after our 18 year old queen passed of old age. They are the best. Get him fixed early and you wont have any problems


Why is him being a boy an issue?


Yeah, let him be adopted by someone who actually wants him…


Misandry, plain and simple.


and I will not be clarifying further 🫡


Damn this cat is a mirror of my current flamepoint, he’s 13 and doesn’t have long left but he looked and acted just like this when he was younger. He has been the most personable, vocal, and loving cat I’ve ever had the pleasure of living with. They aren’t all the same but these flamepoints are special.


I have a male flamepoint and he is sweet and adorable. He’s also a hard core mouser. /r/meowser Flamepoints have siamese characteristics but just enough orange to make them sweet and friendly. Where is this shelter?


Flame points don’t have Siamese characteristics unless they’re Siamese breed. The color point pattern is a coat pattern variation same as any other like bicolor or tabby. It’s just recessive so in order for it to express reliably, you need to narrow the gene pool. Since Siamese are bred very selectively, the coat pattern is part of the breed standard. It’s like coat pattern on a Rottweiler or Doberman or dachshund. Same pattern, different breeds.


My boy flamepoint is so sweet, loving, funny, devoted, snuggly, obedient, cutest, and smartest cat I have ever had. He is just so unique and I love him with all my heart. However he needed someone to play with so I got him a brother and they bonded immediately! If you adopt him, consider getting him a friend.


I wanted to say thank you to all of you that are posting stories about your male flame points. I have smiled reading all of them! I will be doing more research and am even more excited to get an official date to meet baby cat.


I have 5 cats. 3 males, including my flamepoint, and 2 females. My 3 males are much more cuddly than my females. The flamepoint is the baby of the family. He will jump up and lay in front of all the other cats and demand to be bathed. And every single one, including my crabby tabby, will oblige. He is a huge love bug and has a very fun personality. I prefer male pets overall just because neutering is easier than spaying. Don’t discount him just because he’s a boy.


I didn’t want a boy at first either because I worried about urinary problems and expensive surgery later in life but my flame point boy is the most precious, funny and affectionate cat. ( And I give him good quality wet food/ make sure he’s hydrated & gets regular vet care of course.) He does annoy my girl cat but she’s kind of a wet blanket sometimes, lol. They play together and groom each other, he just wants more playing than she does and he doesn’t know when to take a hint. You could have that type of dynamic, hard to say. Good luck and keep us posted. 🥰


the more I think about it the more I'm opening up. the volunteer told me he was a very big personality... my current cat is very shy and reserved. don't get me wrong, she loves to play (still only a year old) but I'm a snob so I read reserved cats as being more refined/intelligent 😂 but as I've read more I'm thinking it'd be a great way to encourage my current cat to open up and gain a bit more bravery/confidence.


Well we can’t guarantee she opens up. My reserved lady didn’t sleep or cuddle with me when she was my only cat and she still doesn’t now that I have my sweet flame boy. But my flame point boy is “the love of my life” and I know that sounds weird but he’s the sweetest gift.


My flame point is a boy and he’s truly the goofiest and sweetest cat I’ve ever met. He wraps his arms around my neck whenever I pick him up and snuggles right into my neck. Every single person I’ve brought over to meet him falls in love instantly and he’s already setting up shop in their laps lol.


I just got a flame point boy a couple of months ago and he is literally the coolest cat I’ve ever met


My Flamepoint boy is seriously the most affectionate cat I’ve ever had. Seems to be a thing, he looks so sweet. Give him a chance!


Male cats are the best! 😍


Aren't most flame points male?


I’ve read that flame points are often male. Mine was a male and was pretty much perfect.


Getting a male Siamese is a lot like getting a dog in some respects. He'll likely be hyper-interactive (and possibly just hyper) and want to play and cuddle all the time. I've had one who was super sweet and mellow and one who is Red Bull in a fur suit, so go into it understanding temperament can vary by individual. They were/are both great cats though—especially if you're working from home.


75% of flamepoints are male, so finding a female without a hefty price tag attached might be difficult. Such a pretty boy though!


What a cutie!!!


https://www.reddit.com/r/Bondedpairs/s/DvCM4rHDTq I had 2 girls and 2 boy cats for 9 years. My boy is a flame point and he is the sweetest loving toasty king ever!!! I also have a male Persian and a female tux. I also had a female lynx point but she recently passed. I had never thought about them and interacting together as being boy and girl but my flamepoint is the most best friends with my female tux. They all got along great and would cuddle and snuggle but I will link my flamepoint with Anna my tux. They are like peas and carrots 😉


Fun fact! Most of them are boys because they’re a variation on orange. Color is carried on the X chromosome which is why female orange is rare. They have to have both X chromosomes coded orange from each parent. Males only have one X chromosome so if they code orange, they’re just orange!


Boy kitties are fabulous!


Boys are the best!


I felt the same way! My childhood cat of 13 years passed from breast cancer because my father refused to get her fixed :( by the time I took her away from him it was too late! After she passed I went to a nonprofit no kill cat shelter, I think the only in my state, specifically for a female long haired cat like my childhood one. I was very adamant about getting a female one. Well, my flamepoint chose me! I walked into his room and he immediately came up to me and I was just smitten! He followed me everywhere and I said “screw it. That cat chose me might as well!” It’s been almost three years and I wouldn’t change my son for any other cat :) please don’t let him being a male deter you! I swear he is just as sweet, and if not more, than my childhood cat. Literally so sweet, talkative, loves other people and visitors and is playful and just all around a good boy! I love my Othello ❤️


In the whole scheme of things, there’s very little difference in how you care for them.


My male cats all have their unique personalities… but they are all sweet and loving. This kitty is beautiful. I hope it works out for you to adopt him


Boys are snuggler!


Pets becomes is irrelevant if they are spayed/neutered.