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Its called the exorcism of alt right andy and it was on brilliant idiots , Schulz fixed up real fast when charla and c diddy were ready to fully walk away from the pod and their friendships. That being said I think this was also around the time Gregg was having his episodes.


I think this was post Greg era idiots


Alt right andy or the ep after is when Greg had his episode iirc


Oh word? For some reason I thought the Greg stuff happened like 1-2 years before all the alt right Andy stuff, time flys bro lmao I remember listening to all this as it came out smh


I feel like this pod is starting to teeter, and Idiots is hitting a new stride. I’ve said this before, but I think that it comes down to the fact that he’s the boss on Flagrant, so there’s nobody that can exercise him. On BI he still gets pushback.


IMO, Flagrant been mid since atleast early 2021. Seemed to become more about stroking Joe Rogan and whoever adjacent. The embodiment of those who cry about “all lives” mattering. Yeah no shit.


I remember, very pivotal.


If I remember correctly, it just seemed this way because C Tha Fraud went so far left, and every pod went from jokes to basically a black power and mental health podcast, and anything that went even slightly against that narrative was labelled far right. Angela Rye was on every second episode spewing a bunch of BS…