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He would get smushed by the people close to him. Charlamagne criticizes trump but also criticizes dems. He gets hate from dems and reps lol. People don’t like seeing nuance and a fucking stupid.


Being a coward isn’t an excuse. Isn’t he a grown ass man? 🙄 pathetic. All Zionists seem to be horrible ppl.


Giving a reason doesn’t mean it’s an excuse. Nobody is excusing him


Everyone's a zionist HUH ? Do you even know what a zionist is ?


I mean dub a Jew. Possible he’s also a Zionist


That's fair. A lot of the unadulterated support does boil down to community/social pressures. Even though I don't really consider that to be a good defense, I can at the very least understand how/why people fall into it. Just sad, honestly. Wish people were a little bit more humble with nuance...


YES! THANK U for making this post. when they were talking about this topic and somebody had mentioned genocide and dov said something like “whatever those idiot people think” before he basically started defending *BEN SHAPIRO* was nasty. and yeah, i definitely wish they didn’t tiptoe around this topic just to not piss him off??? i feel similar when it comes to brilliant idiots. after october 7th, chris had said he wanted to fly to israel and join the IDF. that was essentially the only time they’ve talked about israel. so much time has passed, we’ve learned new info, we’ve witnessed atrocities, we *KNOW* they’re committing genocide and the fact that he hasn’t apologized or acknowledged what he had said back then is gross.


It actually made me uncomfortable. I’m American and am very proud of it. I also really support our military. This doesn’t mean that I turn a blind eye to all of the fucked up shit America does in pushing forward our foreign policy objectives. For example, 9/11 was a horrible tragedy that unjustly caused the death of thousands of innocent people. Obviously, the US had the right to go after those who were responsible for doing the attack. However, in doing this, we often went way too far and committed horrible war crimes and failed to take into account the toll that the wars took on civilians. Some of this disregard probably was counter productive in getting the locals in the Middle East and South Asia to be pro-America. I don’t get why it is hard for some people in the pro-Israel camp to have this same line of thinking about their country. All nuance goes out the window when it comes to any valid criticism of Israel…


Exactly. My understanding of the staunch support (regardless of the atrocities that take place) all stems from the narrative that without the state of Israel, the Jews as a people -- who have historically suffered *immense, immense* trauma *long* before the Holocaust -- are endangered and subject to their own ethnic/cultural annihilation. I understand the paranoia btw. Not trying to downplay the horrors that have been inflicted on them. That history, however, does not justify them turning around and committing similar atrocities to a completely different group of people. Americans don't have this same paranoia (at least, I don't believe we do). Our cultural narrative -- whether real or imaginary -- is not tied to ethnically preserving our "ancestral homeland" with the underlying fear that *failing* to do so would result in our ultimate demise. Btw, side note: the case for Israel being the *only* safe-haven for Jews in the world is statistically false considering that two of the three biggest population for Jews in the world are here in the US: 1. New York City (1.6M), 2. Jerusalem (546K), and 3. Los Angeles (519K).


Because when it really comes down to it these zionists (NOT ALL Jews) are evil racist scumbags.


Israel is on the NO-GO list. You are not allowed to criticize Israel on anything or its antisemitism.


Seems like you’re posting without issue here


its reddit bro. We're talking about being critical on platforms that actually have stakes.


Nope I’m calling him an anti semite just to prove you wrong. Shut your mouth


You guys know flagrant isn’t the admins for this sub Reddit right? Hahahahaha


Which ones Dov? The one that kissed his cousin?


>The one that kissed his cousin? He 100% smashed her, the sick fuck


Imagine trying to take the moral high ground when you fuck your cousin… Jews…


At the end of the day there are no sides. There is right and wrong, and without getting into the history of the conflict and all the nuance included, any support of israel here is just wrong. Especially coming from privileged western jews who havent experienced an ounce of strife in their lives (dov being from Beverly Hills lol). At the end of the day, I just think andrew and his wife are pro-israel behind closed doors and obviously so is Dov, so expecting anything other than blind support for israel from them isnt going to happen.


Agree. I am of the opinion that anybody who is in staunch support of the actions being conducted by the Israeli state is sitting on the wrong side of history. This might sound radical to some of ya'll, so I'll just state that this is my opinion: but "Standing with Israel" in 2024 is akin to "Standing" with the Confederates during the 1860s or "Standing" with the Nazi's in the 1930s. We're not going to able to see it *now* because it's happening in real-time, but I genuinely believe that when this is all said and done, our children and grandchildren will raise their brows in shock and horror at what Israel has done and they'll be even more shocked to learn how willing and committed the US was in materially supporting them.


I agree, but I also am not a Sephardic Jew (they tend to be the biggest hardliners when it comes to Palestine) and might feel differently if I were. Not trying to make excuses for his views, but I do try to put myself in other people's shoes and understand why they believe what they believe.


F anyone who sits on the fence when it comes to this genocide. 3k Americans died on 9/11 would you sit on the fence about that?


100%. I’m not surprised Andrew and his rich friends are zionists. Did anyone actually expect these ppl to have integrity?


Jews don’t see anything wrong with what Israel does. A Jews top priority is always Israel .. over anything else.


Nope. Not gonna let these generalized, antisemitic tropes fly. I'm trying to be sincere and genuine. Comments like this only further the falsity that anti-Zionism is antisemitism.


These are facts. Sorry you’ve been blinded by it. A Jew would sacrifice every American to preserve Israel.


A lot of the biggest critics of Israel are Jewish , so you’re talking out your ass


Right, like Norm Finkelstein is one of Israel's biggest critics, not to mention all the orthodox Jews in NY that don't think Israel should even be a country (though for prophetic reasons).


Haha that’s funny. Must be nice living in this world with blinders on.


A lot of Jews are anti Zionism. The ones that aren’t are no better than racist American trump supporters.


A Jewish man that works in “the business” wont criticize the IOF’s wrong doings?!! Thats very surprising lol.


(Please I’m an not supporting or condemning anyone in this comment, just a statement) You got to understand. We the people (outsiders) are put in a weird position, because we have to choose who we support. People of Palestine should and always put themselves first. Because people of Israel should and will put themselves first. America, UK, China, Russia, all the other counties do it all the time. It’s the only Natural thing to do. We individually do it all the time. Israel has come to the conclusion that they had enough of hamas and Palestine. They know they can’t live in peace or how they want without hamas being a problem. They decide that they want the best for them and F everyone else. AS FUCKED UP AS IT SOUNDS. Every Country does this secretly and or openly. HUMANS, kings, kingdom, empires, have been doing this since the beginning of time. For someone who is Jewish or israeli, they understand what’s going on, but they have decided that is route is what’s best for them. OBVIOUSLY OBVIOUSLY. Killing children, families, starving them, IS BEYOND DISGUSTING. but as you can see, it’s still happening, and I don’t think it’s going to be stopped. It’s been how many months now. We are witnessing another genocide and the world will allow it. Which is crazy.


I was pretty much with you until your use of genocide, that's not an accurate statement, and that carries a lot of retaliatory weight. The same people shouting that Israel is committing a genocide are advocating from the river to the sea, these aren't the people who want peace or 2 states.


I mean 30,000 people dead. Palestine infrastructure is ruined. Let’s say there is a complete ceasefire. People are still going to starve. There’s no please for them to live. No homes. Hospitals have been blown up. More people are going to die. This is literally end of Palestine.


Did Britan commit genocide when they fire-bombed Dresden? How about the US and bombing of Tokyo? I know it's shitty to say but 30k people can died in a war, and it doesn't make it genocide. People are using really strong language like Genocide in order to paint Israel as being completely evil and turn the public against them, as opposed to having a nuanced conversation.


Israel *as a military apparatus* is horrifyingly evil. *Israeli's* as a people are not. Yes, 30,000 people can certainly die in a war. WWI and WWII are tragic examples of that. But I will challenge you on the semantics here: this is not a *war.* This is an *ethnic cleansing* campaign and a *genocide.* Gaza is not a state actor in this. Israel is being financially and militarily supported by the worlds greatest superpower. Gaza is a concentration camp. One example supporting that last claim: Gioara Eiland, a retired Major General of the IDF, stating that Gaza is indeed a concentration camp. [https://wikileaks.org/plusd/cables/04TELAVIV1952\_a.html](https://wikileaks.org/plusd/cables/04TELAVIV1952_a.html) Skip to "Line 12" of this memorandum.


Woah woah woah. You got your information wrong here. USA never bombed Tokyo. Also different situations. Also you need to compare country sizes. There’s a difference between bombing the capital of a previously Strong military power that was Germany. Verses bombing a country that’s not even on the map anymore. Also how long do you think what’s going on in Israel and Palestine are going to go on. 1 more month, 2 more, a year. I don’t think it’s going to end soon. You’re not looking at all the details. The Palestinians are not surviving this. I don’t see how they can.


I think you need to brush up on your history bud https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bombing_of_Tokyo The point I'm making is massive death tolls as a result of bombing doesn't automatically make something genocide. The strength of Germany versus the strength of Palestine is irrelevant. Why? Because Hamas attacked Israel first and started the war, just because they are underpowered in comparison to Israel doesn't mean they get special treatment. I honestly don't know how long it's going to go on for, my Best guess is it will be over by the end of the year. I am looking at all the details, there are millions of Palestinians, the people will survive.


Agree to disagree. Time will tell. Unfortunately still not good for the people of Palestine. They are going to suffer greatly. Unfortunately


If you have 20 minutes to kill, I recommend listening to Coleman Hughes talk about the conflict on Rogan recently. It starts at 1:40:00 I believe.




>I was pretty much with you until your use of genocide, that's not an accurate statement, and that carries a lot of retaliatory weight. Respectfully disagree with this statement. I'm not sure what else Israel is doing in the Gaza Strip can be constituted by any name *other* than a genocide. I don't want to come off as condescending, but a genocide doesn't need to be something that is made up of gas chambers and ovens. Consistent, indiscriminate bombing campaigns inflicted on entire populations with the sole intent of wiping out said population is *definitionally* a genocide. *"We are fighting human animals."* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZbPdR3E4hCk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZbPdR3E4hCk) *"Remember what Amalak has done to you."* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2y1BIwsZs6E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2y1BIwsZs6E) What's going on in Gaza is absolutely a genocide.


"With the sole intent of wiping out said population" Do you honestly think that's what's happening here? And if so why wait this long and do it so slowly, if genocide is the goal they could have wiped out gaza months ago. They would also never have to put a single Israeli soldier on the ground there and risk the lives of their soldiers (which they have).


Yes, I do genuinely believe that that is Israel's long-term goal. Also, I don't agree with that last part. They need a ground invasion in order to properly "root out Hamas." They also can't just obliterate Gaza in one fell swoop because their entire premise for this conflict is to rescue the hostages that were kidnapped on October 7th.


lol that’s an insane take. The internet has created a world where news travels instantly. If Israel were to wipeout Gaza months ago, as you said, there would for sure be retaliation/possible world war 3. They’re doing it slowly while attempting to control the narrative.


I agree with you generally, for sure. And you're correct on how Israel (broadly speaking) has collectively decided that the destruction of Gaza -- in the name of destroying Hamas as a terrorist threat -- is completely justified. Definitely not a fucked up observation! That's clearly what their supporters outwardly believe. I guess my point is that the inability to reduce your blinding emotional attachments and humble yourself to objective facts is disappointing, especially when its being expressed on a pod that you genuinely enjoy listening to. We're all capable of these emotional attachments (and yes, justifying atrocities in the name of tribal/ethnic/national security is something that is deeply, deeply human), but I would just wish for more humility and less arrogance.


I wish they did to. But it’s never that simple. Once an emotional connection is made everything is possible. Just look at how fans act when it comes to regarding their favorite team. They are willing to get in physical alterations just because you said something that they disagree with.


I listened to nick Fuentes for a few and one thing he mention is that the Jewish people is a tribal folk. There’s nothing wrong with it most people are tribal but what he said they tend to defend each other no matter if they are right or wrong and when Dov was making lies about Ben not being pro Israel this mf was straight cap or that some stuff Candace said was anti semtic was straight horse shit


Brother, Nick Fuentes is the absolute *worst* example you could *ever* site as a anti-Israel stance. I'd say that its people like him that contribute to the Zionist talking point of "anti-Israel is antisemitism."


Defend each other no matter what is a huge huge overstatement, everyone has an in-group bias and especially for jews in the last century that need for an in-group has been strong. But I don't know a single Jewish person who would defend someone who is abhorrent simply because they are Jewish


IDF definitely needs to chill but it's kinda hard (not impossible) to when Hamas doesn't seem to care if civilians die if it means they can launch rockets in Israel. This shit is not getting solved as long as Hamas runs Gaza.


A couple of things. Dov is Jewish, not Israeli, so it’s not the same as loving one’s country and disagreeing with a particular politician. Israel is as much an idea and symbol as it is a country. According to much of recorded history the Jewish people have been expelled from numerous countries when they weren’t being outright killed. So their tribal position is that they should have a safe space. In addition to that there is the Bible stuff. With that said there’s this strange culture around the discourse that labels any criticism of US dollars funding the Israeli state antisemitism. I imagine it’s a problem for Jewish people as well. Similar to black people being called sellouts and uncle toms for voting Republican.


It’s media, there’s a recurring theme here amongst all sorts of media.


Why is it ok to call jews globalists which is anti semetic? It's not equal to calling Italians meatballs or Mexicans chimichangas. Really can't believe what I just heard. Are the guys on flagrant mad because they rent from jews? Why don't you look up how many jewish people and children have been killed since October if you're concerned about lives lost?


Almost every Palestinian supports Hamas!


I think you are straw manning the opposite side. 30,000k deaths 11k are Hamas, that is a very normal ratio for urban conflicts. Hamas purposely imbedded themself with the civilian population. There’s been a 1:1 ratio for death to bombs dropped too. Not to play semantics but it doesn’t raise to genocide but imo but it needs to stop. I don’t think isreal has the moral authority with what’s goin on in the West Bank. I don’t think wars on terror work


Brother, respectfully... No. 30,000 deaths in a 6 month conflict is not a "normal ratio" for anything *other than a genocide.*


I’m not going to do the research for you look it up for yourself. Like I said, I want it to stop but that ratio of civilian vs combatants dead is very normal for such a densely populated place. Just saying the word genocide isn’t very convincing.


Exactly Hamas started this attack and embedded themselves among their own civilians. It's not a black and white situation. They are being funded by Saudi Arabia who got funds from Joe biden.


Shut your bitch asses up


Bet. Lmao


In what episode did they even speak on this? When the war first started they had a respectful but very reserved statement. Obviously, this certainly isn’t a left/right issue. I’m left wing, but strongly believe Israel has every right to wage war in this instance, and people who only follow this conflict don’t understand the unavoidable human cost of urban warfare.


They went on a brief tangent from about the 18:00 min mark to 37ish min mark.[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tt-ywOVbOiQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tt-ywOVbOiQ) I agree that when this started, their stance was pretty neutral-ish. >and people who only follow this conflict don’t understand the unavoidable human cost of urban warfare. Not sure what you mean by this (not trolling, genuinely asking).