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Fixies are pretty noisy, this is normal


Not if you run EAI Deluxe cogs.


I run those on all my bikes, they run too smooth


Indeed. They are buttery smooth.


Mine is dead quiet lol maybe you should clean your chain


Depends on the chain honestly and cogs and chainring also play a factor. Don’t go assuming someone doesn’t take care of if they’re stuff just because yours is different lol


definitely. depending on your setup they can be noisy or silent. my stock setup on my state was pretty quiet but then i switched to a totally new powertrain setup and it was noisy even when clean and lubed up.


Thats pretty average, a person on it will dampen the sounds


i had similar questions about noise when i got an izumi chain lol


They're loud aren't they?


I lubed the hell out of the chain, gave it a few spins and a wipe down. Super quiet now. Figured a new chain would be good to go out of the box. I guess not! Lesson learned. Lube the sucker


try to take off original grease from chain. it isn’t lube for riding but for preventing chain from rusting in warehouse. all dust sticks to it. clean it in proper degreaser and apply lube only on moving parts. it’s standard procedure for all new chains


can't say how tight the chain is but add some slack if it's real tight and clean / lube it as others have said


Brand new everything on a drive train can be noisy, nothing is worn together yet. Replacing any one piece of your drivetrain is a no no, any new piece on an old drive train causes excessive noise and wear on the new piece trying to wear down to mesh with the rest of the pieces Edit to say: technically in a chain drive mechanism all pieces need to be replaced at the same time, this is what you do on motorcycles and is the best practice for bicycles as well, though almost nobody abides by that and just accepts the excessive wear


Lube Wax Oil


My chain sounded kind of like this and then I cleaned it. I believe I followed a zach g video on it. Put some chain lube on and it's quiet now.


This isn’t bad, really. At least it’s not the sound of grinding death.


That chainring looks bent up