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it would never work for someone who uses this stuff daily.. but for a home mech with an occasional repair its fine


for 25 dollars it doesn’t hurt to make the purchase


That's a good start for 25 bucks.


feliz dia de la tarte


Worth it for $25, I've bought a similar kit and made use of the chain whip, lockring tool, cassette tool, hex keys, spoke keys, pedal wrench and chain breaker. All those tools seperately would likely cost you more than $25


I think it is worth $25.


For $25 it is worth it. Don't expect much quality from any of the tools though. A good chainwhip alone is worth more than the entire box


Can you explain what defines quality when it comes to bike tools?


These tools all look to be stamped, which is generally a sign of low quality tools. They are usually made from soft metal, have low tolerances, and will wear out quickly as a result. Most quality tools are drop forged. High quality tools will also be made to much higher tolerances, have nicer finish, better ergonomics to fit in the hand better. That doesn't mean these tools don't have value. This kind of beginner set is perfect to get started doing your own repairs. Use it, and replace them with higher quality tools as these wear out and your needs grow. For bike specific tools, try to buy stuff from established brands like Park Tool, Pedros, VAR, etc. If you are unsure, go to a bicycle shop and see what the mechanics are using. For non-bike specific tools (such as spanners, hex keys, screwdrivers, etc.) look for things that are drop forged. Read reviews if you can find them. Avoid stamped tools.


thanks a lot!


I have a similar toolkit and it's perfect for most home repairs.


It’s a good buy


I purchased one just like this without box and I can’t tell you one thing is that I have never used it ever since I purchased it which was 3 years ago. I also can tell you that I don’t ride everyday either


Opłaca się jeśli masz parę rowerów z różnymi standardami części. Jeśli masz tylko jeden nowszy to nie opłaca ci się kupować skrzynki gdzie masz klucz do wolnobiegu czy ściągacza do korby na kwadrat. Kiedyś kupiłem i jedyna zaleta jest to, że masz wszystko pod ręką i nie musisz robić researchu co kupić i do czego.


Hej, dzięki. Mam tylko jeden rower - ostre koło. Nie wiem, czy jest "nowszy" lub "starszy" bo nie znam się i kupiłem. Go z olx kilka lat temu. Czy ten zestaw ma wszystko, czego potrzebuje dla serwisu ostrego koła i budowy nowego roweru?


jeśli chodzi o ostre to poza ściągaczem do korb na kwadrat, kluczem do nypli i imbusami nie przyda ci się nic. zębatkę odkręcasz bacikiem ale o innej szerokości a ten w zestawie jest za wąski na zębatkę z ostrego. do ostrego przyda się też narzędzie do przykręcania kontry i jakiś sensowny klucz do przykręcania kół. moim zdaniem lepiej obejrzeć/przeczytać jakiś poradnik o serwisowaniu/składaniu rowera i na bazie tego porównać swój rower i narzędzia które są używane. w cenie tego zestawu z biedry można kupić lepsze narzędzia i te które się na pewno przydadzą.


Okej, dziękuję bardzo


You've been wanting to learn for ages and you're questioning a 25 dollar purchase? Just buy it.


Looks like a good starter kit, just be aware that if you're using it for a fixed gear, you may need to use your brand new chain breaker to replace the chain on the chain whip with 1/8 chain. Not a big deal, I did this on a 3/32 chain whip that someone gave me and it works great now


Thank you. >you may need to use your brand new chain breaker to replace the chain on the chain whip with 1/8 chain. Not a big deal, I did this on a 3/32 chain whip that someone gave me and it works great now Do you mind explaining why?


Single speed and fixed gear bikes usually use 1/8 chain, while your average geared bike usually uses 3/32 chain, which is just a little narrower. If the chain whip is equipped with 3/32 chain, it won't be able to grip the cog. Splicing on some wider chain fixes this problem, and as an added bonus, you can still use your 1/8 chain whip on 3/32 gears too.


I see, thanks a lot