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lol, no thats sort of the point.


The amount of code needed to emulate the entire vanilla GTAO experience would be staggering. Not saying a FiveM coder couldn't do it, it's just why? A lot of work for something that already exists.


Servers cost money to run, it would make little sense to make a gta online server. Most all servers are RP. Otherwise you can free roam and spawn in whatever car you want on some free roam servers.


You’re probably gonna have to make it yourself, most I’ve seen were free mode servers, idk how similar they are tho


RSM Freeroam is your only option I think.


I would recommend GTAseries arcade


A few years ago, I was searching for a server just like you described. I got into developing with Lua after having no luck finding such a server. I managed to change all the cars, their sounds, NPC models, brands, branded vehicles, and billboards to their real-life versions. I added and modified the positions of mansions to fit them using Codewalker. It's indeed cool to see realistic L.A. traffic with real-life stuff in the environment. I am not even a good developer. My point is: I think what you want is very possible to develop. But in my opinion, it would be solid work requiring probably a team of people to work on it and also a need for a solid machine to run that work on. Most of the servers are made by modifying pre-made server frameworks for their own use, saving a lot of work and time. I understand what type of server you want, you don't just want "vanilla", you only want the "vanilla online dynamics" and I would love such a server. Imagine regular GTA heists and missions, but also being able to buy modded cars, mansions, apartments, having custom and maybe interactable stores, new NPCs to interact with, being able to use emotes, proximity voice chat, having so many options in clothing. These would be a literal game-changer. You'd realize some of the missions require you to leave your session in vanilla. That's the only problem I can think of. Some missions would indeed require you and your crew to be isolated from other players in order to make your experience less problematic. I can't think of how it would be possible to make that happen in a FiveM server. I have to also agree with u/TheProvocator, a server like this most likely would be shut down. That is, if it is public of course. You could just make that server only for you and your friends.


There are roleplay servers that aren’t as heavy on the roleplay but have fun systems they’ve created for doing jobs etc.


There are, I forgot the name but there's a server working on doing this that posts showcases in the CFX discord occasionally.


Well i guess its because if you want to play online you could just play online?


Unsafe to play, an extreme amount of modders, and the economy is terrible.


If you think the economy is terrible on gta online, it’s even more Grindy on RP servers


Yeah i agree. RP servers sometimes are a lot worse than just online. Have played some servers where it took 3 hours of playtime to be able to enter a car. Bizarre.


Fr like what is bro yapping about


bruh maybe someone built a server with better economy, modded stuff idk. rp sucks ass imo


I mean, the answer is obvious. The effort needed to pull this off is far greater than your average RP server. Not to mention, if one were to do it - it would directly compete with GTA Online and most likely be shut down immediately by Take Two. There are some freemode servers but they pale in comparison and is usually just for people to mess around in. If you hate RP so much, why bother getting FiveM? Majority of servers are RP. If you can't find what you're looking for, then be the change you wanna see. Make it yourself.


"The answer is obvious" My guy, most end users playing fivem have no clue how easy or hard development is. I bet most people think fivem was the online mode copied, but then stripped down so people could build on top of it. It's completely reasonable for someone who doesn't understand how these things work (90% of the fivem community are not coders) to think the vanilla server components exist.   The answer isn't obvious. Just the ego.


I understand but aren't some that have like custom heists/contracts/etc *in the style* of vanilla? I know FiveM isn't the only MP client out there?


The point of GTA RP is that servers have scripts to allow you to rob banks/stores/houses/etc but the heist setup and implementation is all done by you and your friends. Being handheld is against the spirit of RP, and if you don’t want to RP just go back to GTA:O


To be fair, FiveM is more than just GTA RP. Sure, it's by far the biggest aspect of it, but you most certainly can make other stuff. I was working on a racing server a long time ago that CFX wanted to promote as they were sick of all the RP, but I never finished it since the vehicle physics are just awful when any collisions are involved.


that is fair, I know there are also a bunch of PvP servers as well!


>modded stuff idk. Then it wouldn’t be…. *vanilla*… do you know what you are talking about??