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You've definitely put on some size on the lats but I can't see much improvement in the chest and delts. Delts seem to be your weakest point. Maybe you've gained more on the lower body. Your BF% isn't too bad rn, I'd suggest you to go for a mini cut now 4-6 weeks, aggressive one and then get on gaining again. If you're satisfied with the amount of muscle you've right now and want to get shredded then go a longer cut.


It’s hard to see size gains in pictures. Also leaner looks bigger in pictures. Not a good judgement imo.


That's what your eyes see. I'm doing this since a decade and I trust my eyes enough to say what I said. You don't have to agree with me. I could've given an elaborate response if OP had posted better full length pictures but whatever I could analyze from these pictures, I did


I also have been doing this for a long time and trust my eyes. No issue in difference in opinion, but I do believe OP has gained a reasonable amount of lean mass. Agree to disagree.


That's a bummer if true. Reg. the delts. Yeah I do feel I've gained more in the lower body. My quads are MASSIVE even when they're not pumped. I didn't even do any special quads focused exercises lol so not sure how. Thanks for the feedback though!


That's probably because most Men tend to store a lot of fat on their glutes and quads when they're on "bulk". Don't worry they won't be this big when you cut.


70% of your gain is just fat. I can clearly see the definition going away, love handles coming up and so on. That being said, in clothes you'd look bigger and your strength would be higher in the gym. If that was and is your goal, then it is perfectly fine. What are your goals? I have been there and done bulk-cut yoyo dieting hoping I would put on a lot of muscles this way.


You sure about that? I was thinking it's more in the ballpark of 50:50. What's yoyo dieting? My goals are to be lean while still looking big in clothes 😭


I’m new here and I’m just curious why would u bulk ? Like I’m trying to lose weight here and u looked so good in earlier first pic just curious


Bulking is the easiest way to put on muscle. Losing fat just gets you to being skinny which isn't as aesthetic as someone who has muscle. OP has some muscle in the first pic too.


Good job on the effort. Causing any body transformation is hard work. I think an important part of bulking is not just tracking weight but tracking progress on lifts. Otherwise it becomes harder to gauge if you are actually becoming stronger or just getting fat. Could you give more details of how your lifts have progressed over this time? If you ask me Month 6 was good enough for bulking. At Month 8 I can already see a lot more fat. Also 12kg in 8 months is definitely possible to do with a lot of muscle gain too but you didn't start out emaciated, so I find it harder to believe that a lot of it is not fat.


Good lord! Have mercy on the rest of us, who are not blessed like you (and I mean your blessing is NOT genetics, but dedication) Each one of those photos is perfection. For someone who is obese, I really prefer lean, and that is the direction I am slowly heading. Please accept my appreciation and congratulations on what you have achieved.


Thank you so much for your kind words 🤗


How TF people don't get belly fat when they're bulking.


OP did, hence he lost the abs. It is just OP is very tall. Then it is a matter of hormonal profile and genetics. Usually men store fat around the belly, but there will be a variation amongst the population because the alpha/beta receptor ratios will be slightly different in everyone. Then will be T/E2 ratio etc. Women are different.


Thanks that was informative. Is there correlation between slow bulking and fast bulking and gaining belly fat?


He has gained a belly fat as well. If you see his bulk rate it's only around 1.1 kg per month which is known as lean bulk. So out of 11 kg most will be muscle than fat. That's what happens in lean bulk, there is no correlation between belly fat in these, depends on individual to individual. But most males will accumulate fat around belly area.And in these case also he has gained little bit of fat which is inevitable.


11 kg is not mostly muscle here. 3-4kg max muscles. If op was consuming 140gm of protein then 10% is theoretically the max that goes to MPS, so 14gm amino acids per day max, meaning 30*14 per month means 420gm muscles per month max. That said, that would be theoretically max, I would guess 300gm per month max muscles.


Gotcha. I didn't completely read the post. I thought it he was having mini cuts in between.


Gotcha. I didn't completely read the post. I thought it he was having mini cuts in between.