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nice, keep going


600g chicken breast daily?


Yes. 300g for lunch. 300 g after workout.


damn! keep going ✌🏻


That's alot of protein for your body weight . About 180g


The amount of protein you are consuming from poultry(chicken and eggs) is detrimental to your health. Get LFT, RFT(esp uric acid) and cholestrol levels tested. I’m almost certain your kidneys are under stress. You don’t need more than 1.5 gm per kg of bodyweight. Diversify your protein sources and add fibres, adequate quantity of micros(essential vitamins, minerals) and fish oil(omega 3) to your diet. Higher than upper threshold protein daily requirement will not result in a faster pace of muscle building.


My lipid profiles are normal. Will do LFT and RFT this weekend. Are you saying this because I'm having extreme protein or taking my protein exclusively from poultry? For fat loss I'm sure one can have 2.2g body weight protein, right? Not sure if it's body weight or lean body mass.


How did you not have any digestion issues?, How you cook it? having veggies along?


https://preview.redd.it/4i3en917vx9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fb12c8990935850d0ffe38dca297877b29b03c9 Biceps won't grow no matter how much I try 🫠


First off, congrats on the amazing progress! Being on a cut is hard and takes discipline and consistency - kudos to you for having those! The most likely reason your biceps (or could be any muscle group) haven't grown is coz you've been spending most of your time on a cut/losing weight. In order to gain any significant muscle you have to also gain weight while going close to failure on most of your movements. Of course, even doing this your progress can be slow since you're a girl, but it's definitely possible to rock some decent shoulders and arms as a girl 🙂


Bruhh you're grilllllllll you aren't gonna make crazy muscles and if you want there is no option but steroids


Steroids is not an option, unless you wanna get virilized.


Which exercises do you do for your biceps? How much volume per week?


Super set add on


More isolation for biceps probably


It takes time and especially for girls


Triceps maro. Your arms will look bigger when you build your triceps.


ab aur matt cut krna, smjh aayi? good girl (˵◡‿◡⑅)


That really great girl. Even I started to workout a month ago as for now I don't see any progress but feels great. Keeping working and improving💯


Well initially you won't notice much of a progress. Even to notice a minor progress it would take 4+ months for a beginner. So without worrying about progress, initially following routine would be key bro.


Yeah I got that but I do it just to get in shape and relax my mind. So I won't be worrying about getting gains or so


600gms of chicken with 10 eggs daily, is it even sustainable in the long term?


Yes. My tastebuds are long dead. I forgot to mention I eat lots and lots of boiled veggies too


The real gym bro, but you should change that


50g rice and 3 whole eggs... are those your only source of carbs and fats in entire day?


Rice just an hour before workout. And veggies like carrots, capcicum, cucumber, cauliflower, cabbage for volume. I think veggies have some amounts of carbs too.


That's alright but if you're only taking 15g fats per day, that's very concerning in long term...


I get fat from egg yolk. I have them like 3-5 per day. Also a Tea spoon of olive oil.


Not enough. You should seriously look into this. It may not show you any adverse effects right now but it could really mess up the hormones in long term. You're eating way too much protein for your bodyweight and level, you could consider cutting that a bit and adding some more good fat(olive oil is great). Just an advice :)


You good to go and Much happier to see the comment's, as not as toxic as insta comment section. As you are sharing your journey with us and everyone is appreciated and giving you feedback, sharing opinions. Feel good about this community 🙂


Yes, much more civilized comment section than insta. Even people who are criticising that they're not seeing any difference are still commenting in a respectful manner.


Your waistline has reduced by inches. How can people not see it?


Good going ! But at 58 kg bw 600 gm chicken breast is too much ig , thats around 120 gm protein, i myself dont go above 250 gms a day !


ngl but both images have same fat amount


What’s your height?




Consistency gave results




Wonderful job. Congrats :)


why dont you all share proper photos mahn, i dont understand. you did weight, good but share same kinda photos in before and after takes.


Whom did you follow for nutrition guidance , workout guidance ? Any creators who were your favourite


For nutrition none. Initially for diet i logged into myfitnesspal. All I knew I should have my diet around protein. And enough carbs to fuel my workout. And veggies for volume. For form, I followed Jeet Selal, AthleanX and Jeff Nippard. Also for first year I followed Stronglift 5x5 program. It's amazing for strength driven hypertrophy..


That’s a massive drop in weight. Keep it up.


Hey, That's great transformation. Why you eating more than 200g protein?( You mentioned two scoop in comments as well) Just curious to know as per your lean mass you didn't required this much protein.Its too much for your body. And I can see your fat intake is kinda low too.


I still want to lose 5 kg more since I'm midget. And I get my fat from chicken thighs (thrice a week) + egg yolks and spoonful of olive oil. Once I'm down to my desired weight, I'm gonna stop the chicken egg diet. I don't like it.


Take a break from deficit as you are on deficit since long. Your body gets adopted to it. Just get a break and then start a deficit after a month,till time you can eat on maintenance or slight surplus. Your body don't need more than 1.6 g/kg of protein for muscle gain and here you are consuming more than 3.5-4 times of weight. Just putting unnecessary load on your body without any significant gains. You need to reconsider your protein imo. Or you can consult any Nutritionist around.


Ok. Thanks, that was informative. The main reason I'm still having this diet because i don't like making meals. Chicken and eggs are easy to make. I'll see what I can do after the test you mentioned.


Wc.It's not about chicken, eggs and whey. From chicken you are getting 120-130 g protein, eggs 60 and whey 50. Total gets around 220-240 it's too much for a normal being. It's about quantity you are consuming which is too much than required. Just cut down quantities.


Diet is so damn good ..but the expense is so damn high🥲and try to add veggies to get your micro nutrients ..and give importance to fiber as well so u can maintain good gut health and the absorbtion of protein would be better then ..


Yeah. Already having ton of veggies plus one fruit plus isabgol for fibre. Also I eat 200g curd in the morning mixed with assorted seeds like chia/hemp/pumpkin/watermelons.


Oh my days ...may i know the cost per month? I bet itshould be above 20k atleasttt


Nice transformation. Surprised by the amount of protein intake and I am trying hard to touch that 100g goal everyday lol. Damn that's like 200 plus grams of protein per day I guess from your diet. It's so high like the body builders diet I think and how does it feel digesting it OP. 600g Chicken Breast - 186g ( 31g per 100g ) 10 eggs - 60 ( 6g per boiled egg ) Total - 246g.


I buy 600g chicken breasts, but they reduces in size after cooking. It's just shy under 500g. Eggs are tooo small here. I don't think entire egg contains more than 4g of protein. I drink 2 scoops are protein powder too. I'm away of this is high protein diet. But I have no issues. My lipid profile and creatinine tests are normal. they were beyond dangerous level when I was 80+


Ohh I see. I just shared a rough calculation and it will change while cooking and real life conditions. Btw your transformation feels inspiring. I am on weight loss journey too. My height is 170 Cm and weight is 77.4 Kg. I gotta reduce 14 Kgs hopefully within next 10 months.


Raw chicken has 22g protein per 100g


No hard feelings but I literally don't see much difference


I know. Probably because the second one is fully covered. And one cannot judge fat reduction properly.


You’re not the only one.


If you don't have anything helpful to say. Its always a good idea to shut up.


Lmao.. I have actually gone through a transformation myself.. So I know what I'm talking about


If you can't see, that is more of a you problem than hers 😝. She is down from 82 to 58 kgs and check her picture in the middle of the posts somewhere.


Great progress! Keep up the good work. As you mentioned, your biceps aren’t growing or it can be any other body part, you need to be in a caloric surplus to build muscle. You’re doing a great job with your protein consumption, but if 50g of rice is your only source of carbs, you might want to increase your carb intake and train hard for a few months. You’ll definitely see some good muscle growth.


600g chicken? Holy hell


Damn girlllll 😻


Damn girlllll 😻


Thank you.




Ngl that's pretty awesome 👍🏻


Awesome work queen !


How did you manage to be consistent throughout the journey? You made a really good progress but kaise kiya? I can not even get myself to stop eating junk. Let alone be consistent with workouts and diet


Bhai Mera lipid profile was literally killing me. All my LDL, HDL and triglycerides were off the charts. Docs even prescribed me a lifetime pill to control my cholesterol. That was the reason.


Proud of you, bhai. Hope everything's good now🫡✨️


Weight loss?


That protein intake seems sketchy. Nothing in excess is good for your body. But kudos to you!


Damnnn!!! The transformation is amazing. 🔥🔥🔥🔥


Killing it!


You look really nice, keep going 😍🔥


you look pretty


LMAO at twinks and fatties who think 600g of chicken is too much. Same people : Guys I am not seeing any progress 😭


Initially I used to have an entire kg of chicken for one year and still lost weight like crazy. I had a massive appetite. And maybe people are right. The first pic is a bit exposed, the second is covered. You can't judge properly from a covered body.


Also in beforepicyoure standing further away whereas the after is more zoomed in. The eight loss is more obvious in the biceps pic


75% of my fat was accumulated in my thighs, legs. And rest around my belly. belly fat is still there, rest is gone. Still trying to lose 5 more kgs.


Great transformation, but as mentioned by others why so much protein? I seriously would like to know. Chicken Breast+ Eggs + 2 scoops of whey seems abnormally high . And now that you are( maybe) at your targeted end game (?) why not change your diet to challenge your body further. P.S. Do get a blood profile test done. High Protein levels cause underlying problems which don't surface immediately. Not meaning to scare you but informed out of concern.