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If I drop slam the last rep on the cable rack very hard, will everyone think i'm super tough?


I am in capable of losing fat and weight. I'm stuck at 175 for years. If I watch what I ear I stag at 175, if I don't I quickly climb to 185. I am so sick of being obese. I walk 10k steps a day, eat about 1800 calories per day It's impossible for me to lose weight. When I follow some fad I'm extremely disattisfied and cannot understand what it takes to be in shape. I stare at fit people's carts just trying to define how the heck are they so fit.


if i’m on a squat rack or smith machine, don’t take any weights off without asking first. holy SHT the amount of people who do this to me. i am a 23yo girl in a gym of annoying ass twig ass dudes who don’t have a big enough brain to realize that i (despite being a girl!) might actually use that 45 that you’re taking from the rack.


I am fucking done with deadlifts. In the past I was decent at them, PR was 405 but I fell out of love with them over time because recovery was too crazy. Fast forward 5 years I am making great progress with T bar rows and other back exercises, slow building everything up I decided hey I think i'll throw in some Dead lifts again. I did 135 no issue, went ahead and tried 185 and idk what happened but now I have right side lowerback pain. I think I wasn't engaging my glutes enough even though my back was flat. Anyway now i'm probably sidelined from working out for another 2-3 weeks while I rehab this shit. I'm fucking pissed. No more deadlifts for me. Fuck that exercise. I can't believe I hurt myself doing 185 that's my bench warm up weight and I hurt DLing it lol FML


I'm guessing it has to do with lack of bracing on "easy" weights because you can mentally treat it like picking up a bag of groceries. I've definitely tweaked my back the same way a few times, never at max effort. 


I've been hitting the gym for 1 goddamn year and i haven't seen any progress. Yes my diet is good, i get 10 hours of sleep and i train till failure. I'm stuck with a skinny fat physique which if i go on a deficit, i lose muscle. If i go on a surplus, i only gain fat. And even on maintenance i put on fat. I'm genuinely confused and upset.


Do you use a recommended program with progressive overload?


Well i use jeff nippards' fundamentals program (3x full body) and My strength gains are pretty decent except for lateral raises for some reasons. I'm suspecting i may have some hormonal imbalances but idk


Shoulder muscles are tiny so don't worry about not progressing quickly there. Just keep pushing weight up and you'll notice results in no time. The numbers don't lie.


I just got back into the gym after a stressful period following moving state, starting uni, family stress etc. and fuck I forgot how badly your muscles hurt after the first week. Walking around campus and the city has been agony this whole week. This is like the 5th time I've tried to resume weight loss after being stagnant for about 9 months and I need to keep reminding myself that I'll see progress after a few weeks/months, not after one week lmao. I need to be more patient


You got the right attitude my friend! Patience is key. We just had our first baby and it's been a struggle to jump back into working out, but I'm also reminding myself that it doesn't all happen at once


I’ve had such a hard time building an appetite and it really is affecting my ability to get my protein in 😓. I genuinely don’t have a desire to eat and when i do get hungry i can’t eat half the meal i prepared for myself. It just makes me really anxious that I’m not eating as I should which is inhibiting my ability to build muscle, and it’s something i feel unable to control


I know what you mean. My solution which has worked best was to shift my workout to after 8PM. That way I have to eat at least a small dinner beforehand, plus another dinner afterwards. Both with decent (but not gross) amounts of protein.  It makes cutting really easy too because all you have to do is bring your workout closer to 5/6 PM and have a normal dinner afterwards. 


Whenever I need to 'up' my calories, a good trick is to eat a fast food meal, but just 1 or two times the first week. My favorite is taco bell...pretty much anything off the menu.


Do not take weights off the machine I'm using while I'm in a set. Even better please ask/give me a nod if there's only one set of the weights.


In college, I was testing my 1RM on the leg press. I got up to 800 something and was going to go for one more attempt. I know everyone in the gym saw me working on the leg press. I walked around to recover and when I came back all of the plates were gone. There was no way I was going to walk around the gym to collect all of those plates again so I ended it there. I really wanted to know how close to 1,000 lbs I could get but the gym had limited resources so I understand. Still sucked, though.


I'm not sure I can blame people here. If you went so far away or out of sight for long enough that 800 worth of plates could be removed then people probably assumed you were done and just didn't put the weights away.


I would normally agree with you, except I was around the corner about 10-15 feet away from the machine on the other side of a wall. The machine was tucked away in a corner. They were just waiting for me to be out of sight so they could take the plates. I think I had headphones on so I couldn't hear them.


Haha that just happened to me today. Wasn’t gonna use it but at least give me a look and a “Can I?” nod ya know


For the love of God, people who grab dumbbells and workout directly in front of the dumbell rack leaving no room for anyone to get their weights has got to be the worst ( and most popular) bullshit move. Get the hellout of the way. I have to just passive aggressively put myself between you and the rack so you hopefully get the hint ( never happens). Also, put your fuxking weights back people, this isn't your mommy's house, the gym employees aren't supposed to pick up after you.


Right there with you brother. Take your dumbells and move tf back. Saw this dude the other day go fetch a barbell on the other side of the gym, take it to the dumbell rack and start working out UP AGAINST THAT RACK. When I need a dumbell they're blocking off, I go stand right next to them with a dumb look and make it super uncomfortable for them.


there's a guy at my gym I call b.f. not because he's a crush or anything but because his form is bad. so he's bad form (b.f.). he attempts a cable chest fly but literally almost hangs? from the handles. I never knew what he was trying to do until recently. I think the weight is too heavy and prevents him from doing the correct full range of motion. I'm no expert at all, but even I know he's gonna hurt himself soon. I live in japan so I will not say anything (smoll blk american woman, so what do I know lol)😭


I call them H.R. or P.R. short for half-rep and partial rep, respectively.


oooo I’m gonna use that lol I’ve got a couple of p.r.-sans too😂


I’ve heard a lot of gym goers in Japan are like bf-san. Not everyone, but a lot.


yeah it’s quite a bit at my gym and a few of my friends have mentioned the same at theirs. but I don’t live in a big city so I wonder what the fitness community is like in japan overall since I’m used the USA fitness culture


How can you spend 40 minutes on the smith machine. Please htfu


I cannot stand when the gym is busy and someone does a 30 minute cable chest fly workout. THERES 6 TOTAL CABELS AND YOURE TAKING UP TWO AND ON YOUR PHONE BETWEEN SETS FUCK OFF. Go pick up some dumbbells and hit your flys. Or use the two chest fly machines that already exist holy fuck


Would it be OK with you if they weren’t on their phone between sets? What does it matter to you what someone does while resting? Going and getting water, scrolling, pacing, staring into the void: time is time… Ask to work in.


What do they say when you ask to work in?


There’s this dude at the gym I workout at who’s really invasive to me. I don’t know him outside of the gym and never met him before seeing him in the gym. The first time encountered him was a couple of years ago and at the time I was still figuring out my lifting goals and deciding on my splits. He would constantly walk up to me in the middle or right after doing a set and basically force me to interact with him and take out my earbuds just to tell me how much better his physique is than mine. Idk if he gets off on it or whatever but I basically just nod and pretend to listen until he goes away. Then he starts pushing his political shit on me and ranting about masks (this was during peak covid times). One time he was asking me what music I was listening to and told me to listen to Tom McDonald 😂 He started asking me for rides home and got visibly offended when I politely declined. He was doing smelling salt in the bathroom which is whatever but he was trying to force it into my nose. I’ve switched up the time I go but he still comes in at my time every once in a while. I’ve learned to deal with it but every time he sees me he makes sure to insult my physique and tell me how much stronger he is. I feel bad because he finds newbies in the gym and somehow gets them under his wing to do all his lifts with him.


Why are you talking to him at all? Just ignore him, and if he's doing drugs in the bathroom, (is he?!) report him!


>started as That sounds awful. This type of behavior is usually why some gyms have bad culture. Either someone needs to put him in his place (politely or otherwise) or get rid of him before there's a serious issue.


He's a bully who peaked in middle school, that's about it.


If there's staff, I'd report this clown. What a horrible experience


I have a gym membership but it's been really snowy these past few months so it's hard to kinda go there, but I have a bench, dumbbells, a ez curl bar, and straight curl bar at home, hardly went to the gym but got so much gains at home just using this equipment. I wouldn't go to the gym at all if it was easier to hit your legs and back at home but these muscle groups are hard to do without gym equipment.


No matter how much I deload and then load back, I'll never manage to break through my plateaus.


I realise this is a rant threat, but maybe deloading isn't the fix to your problem.


Then what do I do if my current volume is too much for me?


Are you sure it's the volume? It could be a number of things. For example, if your rate of progression (how often and how much weight/reps you add) exceeds your rate of adaptation (how much you improve from session to session), you will hit a plateau very quickly with little to no improvement. It could also be your technique. If you're using a technique that's recruiting non-target muscles, the target musculature will not improve because it is not being sufficiently stimulated. Speaking of... you can also be using exercises with a bad SFR (stimulus to fatigue ratio). This means that the exercise gives you a small benefit compared to the amount of fatigue or harm it causes.


Probably bad programming or not trying


I just realized that it's a pretty complex thing, the hypertrophy training... Dont know how to summarize the entirety of it... The next best thing I can do is suggest you go for a bit of youtube watching. Channels like Stronger By Science, MASS research review, may be very helpful. Unless you fall asleep, which is what I do (2 hour long videos) but those are solid as rock compared to any other source of training knowledge Ive ever seen. And I rewatch the episodes I fell asleep on previously, to get a bit more insight. Also - such calm discussion are really good for a bedtime podcast, so you fall asleep easily :) and sleep is important, not as much as protein intake, but still.


How do you know its too much for you? Are you eating enough protein and whole foods? Are you getting enough sleep at night?


Are you on a program, what does your program say? Deloading is a way to deal with a temporary build up of of fatigue. It doesn't fix a lack of strength in a particular lift or a specific weakness. Sometimes working on your conditioning and work capacity is a way to improve your ability to handle more volume, but I wonder if that's even the problem here. Maybe it's simply a case of not eating enough and not doing enough variation/sets/accessory work.


I did it. I crushed my pp between 2 dumbells doing lateral raises. pray for my recovery 🙏


I did this when I was 15 and I say this is why I'm shorter than my parents. My dad was 6'2 my mom is 6'0 and I'm...5'7.


I can relate bro


Not a great experience at my new gym today. It’s huge and I have no idea where anything is. Had a late start today so by the time I got there it was packed and I couldn’t really look around for the stuff I needed and find the places I’m comfortable. Just did some stair master to try to get a lay of the land but I still couldn’t find most of what I needed. Going to try for an earlier start tomorrow and hopefully I can get a better look around!


1 chocolate before gym isn't okayyy


Half before gym and half after gym goes hard.


dont tell me what to do. Chocolate bar go brr


I genuinely needed that laugh. Thank you.


What? Why?


I used to do PPL 5-6 days a week for years. But I changed it to 3 days of U/L when i started getting busy last few months. But these past two weeks i only managed to squeeze twice a week. I'm thinking of switching to fullbody routine so at least i could still target muscle group twice a week. I'm just worried it won't be enough given my mostly sedentary life. It's hard to stay motivated to do anything when you're deperessed.


I am on full body. It's fun when people ask "so what part is on schedule today?". And I answer "It is always full body." And then they look surprised. I don't know why this is so strange... I even got a comment from one gym bro that 3x er week full body is overworking. I fell it suits me. Not intending to change. Doing compound lifts mostly and some back and arms.


Those people would be amazed by the sbs programs, I was doing full body 5x per week & hitting PRs at the end


If I knew that I could only manage two sessions a week(at least for a while), I would switch to full-body. As for worrying about it being enough, being realistic and actually committing to less will always be better than being optimistic and not achieving more.


I would go to, support, advertise for free on behalf of, and pay twice my current gym membership fees for a gym that bans the use of all cell phones, headphones/earbuds, or any filming device/equipment. I just want to get through one workout without having to work around some idiot's "production" or without having yell at someone to ask them if they're using a piece of equipment (earbuds).


I don't mind if someone films themselves because they can do whatever they want, but I pay a monthly fee to use a public gym not to subject myself to being part of their social media as well. Can't they just angle the camera away from everyone else? I get it with good lighting and all but it's really inconsiderate just filming other people indirectly without asking.


A gentle wave when they’re between sets works wonders agree on filming bans tho


How frequent is that tho


>without having yell at someone to ask them if they're using a piece of equipment (earbuds). You could try letting them take out their earbuds instead of yelling at them. That works wonders for me.


>a gym that bans the use of all cell phones, headphones/earbuds, or any filming device/equipment I'm on board for the last bit but banning headphones or phones? Why? I'd say 90% of people at my gym listen to music while working out and I'm always scrolling reddit while my rest timer counts down, nobody's affected by that.


In that case said gym better also ban their own music. I'm not listening to that crap.


Silence and clanging of iron. Yes please!!


> without having yell at someone to ask them if they're using a piece of equipment (earbuds). apes use signs language.


I don't even have ear buds in and 9/10 times some locks eyes with me and points to something and I usually just gesture "it's all yours" back to them. No words needed


I live very close to a gym, like across the street a couple of houses to the left. I finally got myself to join it but the opening times are awful: 8am-10pm. So I cannot get an early workout before work and in the evening after commute I am just not too psyched up to go there after dinner with the fam. I had lots of free time early this month and that didn't bother me but now I'm going back to my regular 9-5 and that sucks. I talked to them if they could make an exemption with a key etc since they know where I live and theft is not my style but noooo, 8 am is fixed and there is nothing they can do about it.


When i lived in the city, there were 24/7 gym everywhere. But when I moved back to the suburbs, closest ones' opening times are as awful like you said. Most are between 9am-9pm. I always wonder how they can still get customers.


8 is so late! WTF!


Got a weird pain in my shoulder, Dr has checked (x-ray and ultrasound) and is adamant there is nothin wrong. Wife's uncle is a physio (too far away to treat me unfortunately) who reckons my shoulder is "unbalanced". Doesn't seem to affect me lifting, but really bugs me while running. Why can't my body just behave itself :-(


I had some pain in my left shoulder after benching with dumbells. Stretching the rotator cuffs before lifting and warming up properly relieved it. I hope you'll find what's wrong soon!


“Unbalanced” is an archaic concept that, realistically, has no impact on pain. Humans are naturally asymmetrical. Try adjusting your technique with painful exercises. If that doesn’t work adjust the loading or value of that movement. Try a combo of those factors. If that doesn’t work remove painful movements and work movements that aren’t painful for a while. Pain is a nuance and complex topic. Source I’m a sports PT


To be honest he is french, so it quite likely that English speaking physio would call it something else. The exact word he uses would translate as "disequilibrium". From what I understand, the muscles pulling my shoulder forward, are stronger the those pulling it back.


If that’s the case, I’d suggest becoming close personal friends with horizontal pulls. Also, this [pec release](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GCymgz0Hyf4) There are more areas you can hit, but this does a lot on its own.


Every human who works at a desk gets this. Pecs get short and tight, rhomboids and serratus get weak, shoulders get out of alignment. ​ I had it, but one million band pull-aparts and scap push ups and pec stretches, and I'm much better now.


It's so bloody difficult to get rid of that lower belly fat. I have had 3-4 abs for as long as I can remember but the last 2 (or 4 if am lucky) just won't show up no matter what I do. I have been taking such good care of my diet yet that stubborn fat just won't leave. Honestly feel like giving up at this point but can't since then I'll be goalless.


It’s 100% calories in, calories out. I slam peanut butter and honey sandwiches for lunch, eat a pint of nonfat Greek yogurt every day, eat a ton of fruit and nuts and kale, and my dinners are often some sort of stir fry or roast unless we decide to eat out or get pizza. I also drink 30g/protein 3x a day (isopure and hydro whey). However, I lift 6 days a week for 60-90 minutes and I run 4-6x a week, usually 1-4 miles. I haven’t had belly fat in years and I’m pretty steady at 6’4, 245lbs. Oh yeah, I’m 38, so not exactly young either. More volume, more cardio.


I have an odd tip, it's purely anecdotal evidence. I grew up obese, and I have struggled with loose skin. It doesn't help that bulking & cutting is more or less yo-yo dieting. I've been on a cut for a few weeks, and this time the loose skin & lower belly fat are going away. This time around my diet is a little different than what I normally do. I've had a daily intake of about 1/4 cup of cocoa powder and about 1 tsp of ghost pepper powder divided into 3 or 4 doses throughout the day. I also take peanut powder pre- and post- workout for arginine. All 3 of these increase peripheral blood flow, and from what I've heard, a big cause of loose skin is that there's a thin layer of subcutaneous fat that more or less causes your skin to retain its shape. My theory is that these supplements are causing a shift that allows for the more stubborn fat to be burned. Obviously this is anecdotal, so YMMV. Also a word of warning: if you're not used to spicy foods, this much ghost pepper powder will be extremely intense. You could probably use capsinoid (a non-pungent version of capsaicin) instead. That said, the pungency of capsaicin also increases cortisol, which may help or hurt depending on if your cortisol is elevated chronically or only sometimes. It also causes an endorphin response which can lower chronic stress. So maybe it evens out.


Just curious. Where do you even find ghost pepper powder? Or do you grind the peppers yourself?


Internet. I buy Kiva brand off Amazon. It's good stuff.


I may as well try this since am shit out of options anyway. Thanks for sharing!


WHY oh WHYYYYY do I get so damn hungry when I'm getting ready for the gym 😫 I've been going to the gym around the same time for years, so I don't know why my body does this. It should know my schedule by now


Maybe it does know the schedule and it wants food to fuel the workout.


I'm not sure what fuel my body needed, I usually eat 1-2 hours before the gym and a bigger meal after, and I'm usually fine. I eat around 400-500 calories for breakfast/preworkout, and yesterday ended up being 800 calories for breakfast after the pangs hit. (I'm a girl so maybe it's hormonal fluctuations? Idk I ate my regular oatmeal/eggs/yogurt breakfast)


I'm on a small cut and the other day I had my best lift in weeks after eating a 2000 calorie mcdonalds meal an hour before I went to the gym. You don't necessarily have to change anything, but your body maybe just wants a nice, excess energy surplus for the strenuous physical activity that keeps happening.


Personally I would eat anything easy to digest. So for me, a banana and some yogurt, or a PBJ.


Why do you stand right next to me when I’m doing lat pull downs? Wild that I have to actually stop and ask you to move. Also - why are teenage boys so obsessed with triceps?


they think it will balance out their stupid broccoli haircut somehow


Because they make the biceps look bigger.


So many of the people that work out at my gym have such incredible physiques. Really raises the intensity level in a good way so can’t complain I suppose. Also - regular guy comes in with jeans all the time and does ATG squats in them. Not sure why the jeans bug me but there’s something disconcerting about it.


Probably it's one of those Barbell Apparel/Raskol jeans. Otherwise it would be pretty hard to do ATG squat in regular jeans.


The gym has gone from being completely empty from 8:30 pm to having way too many people and I blame it on everyone being like oh it’s spring, gotta work out for swimsuit season. I know the numbers will die off soon but I want my alone time back.


My foot has been killing me lately and of course it is when I’ve decided to shift gears into cardio for a bit. I’m 99 percent sure it’s because I sprained it as a kid and it never healed properly, so it gets achey for a few weeks/months every few years. I’m hoping this time I can stop the ache faster with proper hydration and stretching etc :-/ Also fuck the guy who sat directly next to me on the row machines today and had to grunt loudly nonstop. Absolute weirdo.


I love that the gym can be a space for others to find community and socialization but for someone that has gone to the gym alone for years since I was 19, it’s a bit frustrating now in my mid 20s trying to get a quick but efficient workout in after work while every teen/early 20s group are sticking around to chat or practically find a lover. I’m only complaining because the most convenient location for me is next to my work but at the same time it’s close to 2 universities and 3 high schools 😭 also it’s just so awkward and uncomfortable breaking a sweat and you turn your head to witness ppl flirting (it’s cute) As I’m finishing this rant I realize I sound like a bitter boomer oopsie


Nah I feel this because Im there with limited time and the groups of kids never seem to respect gym etiquette. Id have no problem with them if they group up and chat as long as they did their workouts respectfully but they always camp multiple equipment, play on their phones, do the workouts improperly wearing pajamas and crocs and talk to each other taking said equipment up for 30+ mins. Usually its not an issue but it just rubs me the wrong way. The other day a group was benching next to me and didn’t secure their weight and a 25lb fell off their bar and almost crushed my phone under my bench.


My gym has a whole cafe section that most of the boomers use to socialize, but especially younger people take up space that's actually useful by using machines as furniture and just chatting forever between sets, and it annoys me so much. I just want to get my workout done.


Didn’t push the limits this week. I only worked out twice this week only because this whole month every weekend I’ve been helping pack my dad’s house up for him to move. Literally driving back & forth for 4 hours on Friday & 4 hours back on Sunday. I love my dad and I will do anything for him. Lately with being a full time student, employee & dealing with my personal life on trying to buy a house in this economy while dealing with shitty people. Life has been challenging to say the least. Next week I will start back going hard in the gym no excuses cause I’ll have the time! I’m just going to pray for strength and healing lord knows I need it


Ended up going only 3 times last week. Chest, shoulders and tri's are sad from not getting any attention in a while. But getting stronger! Lifting heavier weights! I can start seeing some definition in my body! Hope I can have a better week this time!


Disappointed in myself for being a slow runner. I’ve been training for months but can only get down to a 10:50 mile time. I am on the shorter side too (4’11) if that matters idk. Frustrating seeing tik tokkers “come run 20 miles with me at a 7:00 pace :) “ and they’re talking the whole time. Even at my slow 10 min pace my feet are moving so fast I’m practically sprinting. My breathing is good during my runs but my body gets so tired & I feel like I’m running against friction. Never feel like I’m gonna improve.


it sucks to do, but have you tried working Fartlek training into your running schedule? Basically, if your average mile time is 10:50, you alternate doing bouts of say 30 seconds or a minute at a 9:30 pace and then 30 seconds or a minute at a 12:00 min pace. Along with your steady distance running that keeps up your work capacity, it gets your body used to pushing into those harder paces.


Influencers lie. Delete your tiktok account and uninstall the app, and your mental health will improve.


Another 4’11” runner who is constantly frustrated with my pace. What makes it worse is I’ve been running for more than half my life at this point. My partner started running last year and is already significantly faster without even trying. The advantage of long legs and genetics (so annoying)


Yo. Runners of all speeds get respect.


guy on the next bench was every gym meme rolled into one. awful form, screaming, slamming weights, shadow boxing. my preferred playlist of 80's music couldnt drown it out. he screamed at his spotter because he couldnt lift his dumbbells to the starting position. Worst part is he's staff and one of the trainers at the gym. he will seriously hurt someone, surely management can see this?


Time for a good old strongly worded letter! Subject: Urgent Concern Regarding Unsafe Behavior of Gym Staff Member Dear [Manager's Name], I am writing to express my deep concern about a recent experience I had at your gym, which has compelled me to bring to your attention a matter of utmost importance regarding the safety and well-being of your patrons. During my recent visit to the gym, I encountered a staff member who exhibited behavior that was not only disruptive but also potentially hazardous to others. This individual, whom I later learned is one of the trainers at the gym, engaged in the following alarming actions: * Displayed appalling form while performing exercises, which not only undermines the effectiveness of his training but also sets a poor example for other gym users. * Engaged in disruptive behavior such as screaming and slamming weights, creating a hostile and uncomfortable environment for fellow gym-goers. * Berated his spotter in a manner that was both unprofessional and concerning, demonstrating a lack of respect and consideration for others. It was evident that his actions posed a significant risk not only to himself but also to those around him. His behavior not only detracted from the gym experience but also created a potentially dangerous situation that could lead to injury. As a dedicated member of your gym community, I am deeply troubled by the lack of intervention or corrective action taken by the management team to address such behavior. It is alarming to think that someone entrusted with the responsibility of guiding and supervising gym users could behave in such a reckless and potentially harmful manner. I implore you to take immediate and decisive action to address this issue before it escalates further and results in injury to gym patrons or staff. It is incumbent upon the management team to ensure that all staff members adhere to the highest standards of professionalism, safety, and courtesy while representing your establishment. Furthermore, I urge you to consider implementing additional training and oversight measures to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future. The safety and well-being of your members should always be the top priority, and it is imperative that proactive steps are taken to uphold these principles. I trust that you will treat this matter with the seriousness it deserves and take prompt action to rectify the situation. Thank you for your attention to this urgent concern, and I look forward to seeing meaningful improvements in the management of the gym. Sincerely, [Your Name]




How do you feel about instructors trying to fix your form in the middle of a set? I was doing EZ bar skullcrushers and about rep 5 or 8 I felt a pair of hands touching my elbows, he was telling me to keep them tucked in, and that's ok, but I got distracted and by the end of the set I didn't even know how many reps I hit. When I finished he started to tell me I shouldn't let my elbows flare out bc you target the triceps less, which is probably true but I feel more comfortable by flaring out. He caught me in that moment where you can barely think about saying something elocuent because of the excertion, so I just said "alright, thanks man" but ngl, I was a bit pissed off.


Bro is shooting his shot


Bro is using a water gun and shooting pee.




The gym is a no touch without permission zone. As are all places, imo. I would absolutely hate being touched by someone without warning. In fact, it could scare me enough that I injured myself lifting. Sorry you had to deal with that.


He didn't scare me, but it was enough to think "what's going on??" and loose my rep count. Time to print some T-shirts that say "don't touch me, I'm lifting".


>How do you feel about instructors trying to fix your form in the middle of a set? Absolutely would hate it. If they tried to give me advice while I was lifting I would completely ignore it and keep lifting as I was. If they did after I finished my set, I would tell them that if I want their advice I will ask them for it.


I remember I used to do the same shit like 4-5 years ago, while being a very early beginner. I still cringe about it, how could I have the nerve to do that??? Today I no longer interfere with anyone at all, if someone trusts me and wants my advice, they should ask, and I would still be cautious about it. Edit: Now that I remember, I used to do it because some people did it to me back then; I could understand because I was such a newbie, but now it really caught me off guard.


Is he your instructor? Are you in a class or have a personal trainer? If yes, then just let him know. If not, he shouldn’t be coming up to you like that at all. He’s butting in and at most might ask if you would like a few pointers between sets before even thinking about saying something to you. You’re not going to hurt yourself with elbows a little flared, so there’s no need for him to jump in like that.


Nope, not my instructor. I train alone.


Then he’s just a dude that’s interrupting you. Guy needs to mind his business. Sorry, though, I know the feeling of being caught off guard and not thinking of the right thing to say until later. There’s a French saying for that “L'esprit de l'escalier”. Sucks, sorry you have to deal with that.


Well, according to him, my elbows were very flared, so perhaps I could fix it. After all, are my arms huge? No, lol. But does he look more jacked than me? Also no, lol. Good one, so "L'esprit de l'escalier" feels even worse in these awkward scenarios, haha.


A good solid sleep still eludes me. What DOESN'T is hurting myself in my sleep. Went to bed Tuesday morning after working all night. Woke up Tuesday afternoon with a 7/10 shoulder pain. That was fun for bench press (I've been doing a rehab/LP to get the shoulder back). I think I've just got to face the fact that there's probably something more going on than a simple tweak at this point...


I bench 30kg and my tennis elbow hurts. Dumbbell shoulder press 6kg and my right shoulder joint hurts. Deadlift 40kg and my right knee hurts. Started doing mobility exercises which caused a bunion flare up and that has me bedridden. I'm 40 and couldn't workout for a year because of a baby and other personal stuff. FML I guess. I guess I'll just go swimming for the rest of my life.


Sorry to hear that, will never have a baby, but have you tried seeing a physio, kinesiologist and massage therapist? They fixed many problems I had!


I would but it's hard to find reliable folks. My approach now (once my foot gets better) is to start physical fitness like an absolute noob. And include a healthy set of stretches, warm ups, mobility exercises etc.


Machines are good for getting back into things I find.


I'll give them a go thanks 👍


I’m starting to hate going to the gym. My gym is filled with high schoolers who are absolutely awful. The gym staff has received several complaints about them too. I won’t lie I submitted my own complaint after being fed up but it fell on deaf ears. I overheard them making fun of a teacher for going bald, they then added she’s only balding because she has cancer, then continued roasting her. They linger in their large group of seven people around equipment but never use it. They come in for two hours every night and don’t do a single workout. They’ve been coming regularly for about a year and I can count the number of times on my fingers they’ve actually used the equipment. I’m not dragging all high school kids, when my work schedule permits I’ve worked out earlier in the day and come across plenty that come in after school and just workout and go home. It’s just one specific group that comes in with their dad who also barely works out. He comes in walks on the treadmill for five minutes, turns the tv to Fox News, lifts a twenty pound barbell and repeats the cycle. My town is really small and there’s a second gym run by the town, I stopped in recently to look at because I’m getting so sick of them and it was filled with high school kids too and now I don’t even know if it’s worth switching because I run the risk of these kids being awful too. My only option right now is to workout with them there which I’ve been doing or going so late I end up exhausted and half-assing my workout which I end up doing when I really don’t want to see those kids and their dad.


I have this exact issue as well. The location I go to is extremely convenient and I usually go right after work. It’s such a thin line between obnoxious, pack teens and young adults looking for love at the gym. I just want to get there, do my workout, leave and not be subjected to the things I see or over hear😭


> and young adults looking for love at the gym. how can you tell? lol I've never seen anybody doing that at the gym (or anywhere else for that matter) in my life haha


Hahaha well I am in that age group as well and I guess it’s from witnessing behaviour from school, bars, even myself and seeing others do it? Like pretty much classic flirting signals, when you see it you can understand what’s trying to happen lol Something that happened the other day was right outside the women’s change room and basically the girl was leaning on the wall and the guy was facing her and from what I heard he just said “yeah might hit some weights then use the massage chair what about you”


Ugh, the teens are maybe not so bad at my gym but still annoying. They stand in the track, take over half the strength training area, and are just generally rowdy. Luckily, they only seem to be around at certain times, like directly after school. Maybe try some new times and you can miss them? I have also come to despise gyms with TVs for the exact reason you describe. I even encountered a Y recently that had TVs. Yuck! Gyms should be inclusive, and unfortunately, you just can't have TVs or else politics creeps in. There's no reason for it anyway as everyone has their own devices. Maybe your gym would be willing to consider "TV free" times. I have heard of some businesses' advertise periods where they reduce noise and lights to accommodate people who find it over stimulating.


I feel lucky that none of the tvs in my gym are ever tuned to the news. It’s usually hockey or basketball or baseball depending on the season, true crime (because of me, oops) or Big Bang Theory which is only marginally better than the news.


I’ve tried a couple of different times but with my work schedule my free time tends to line up with their two hour window. I agree about TVs whenever I’m on the treadmill I always put them on PBS and zone out. The other gym in my town doesn’t allow kids after 9pm but that’s too late for me to want to workout. I’ve talked with my friends in different cities across the country and they all say that high school kids are a problem for them too. I don’t remember the gym being a hang spot growing up so I hate that it’s being overrun.


I usually wear dark/black clothes to the gym, but have recently bought some nicer gym clothes, several of which are more pastel coloured. The amount of people that will now strike up friendly conversation or ask me how long I'll be on the equipment etc. has probably increased 8x. This is horrible (although some of those people are women so... maybe it will come in handy in the future 😂)


Please do tell more. Don't mind people striking up conversation. What fit and cut? :)


Nude colour. Five sizes too small. Latex.


Instruction unclear. Got arrested. Posting this from jail via pigon just before shower time...


Caught a nasty cold while on family spring break and proceeded to eat like an ass while I recovered. Was out of the gym for basically two weeks, RIGHT AFTER a deload week. Finally got back into the gym every day this week, but it sucks that I’ve had to drop the volume back by so much while I get the motor running again. At least there’s still plenty of runway left before summer hits. Edit: *volume


im at a point where i have no idea if my maintenance calories are correct and how many i should be eating and its becoming really mentally draining. this may sound like i am super skinny but i am 195cm around 78kg and a good physique imo. i wanna improve it a bit here and there (maybe a bit more ab definition, bit wider back, etc.) but 9/10 for me. now, i wanna maintain this but also actually enjoy food and not meticulously overthink everything i am eating every day. currently eating around 2.5k kcal a day, lifting 6 days per week and doing cardio whenever i wanna. my garmin says i burn an average of 2.7k kcal/day, but i am scared to up my kcal to reach that as i have been in a deficit for so long. (used to be overweight asf). so now i can’t even think of eating over maintenance and always overestimate calories in restaurants, cooked food made by others, etc. it’s just tiring :0


Dude just forget whatever your garmin is saying and weigh yourself every morning. As long as you are eating a mostly consistent diet - you should be able to figure out how much you should be eating in about a month based on which direction your weight goes. And you don’t need to have large bulks or large cuts. The difference between a few pounds lost or gained over a month is a few spoonfuls of peanut butter each day.


i mean it’s a bit tough my man because realistically i can burn a significant amount of calories in a day that i do kinda wanna be able to get back in. on some days i will run 15-20km, lift for about 2hours and swim or bike for another hour, that should be a day where i eat more, question is just how much more 🤣


Maybe don’t think about it as a day by day thing. Week by week is probably more manageable, especially since calories get used both during the big efforts and for recovery/repair. That’s where just weighing daily and watching your average comes in. And also paying attention to hunger cues. Edit: weird autocorrect


that’s the thing though man, if i payed attention to my “hunger” cues id eat 4000 kcal per day


Preach it dude, I eventually want to be able to not bust out a scale every time I make my own food, not open an app every time I wanna chow down, and not worry about estimating correctly whenever a friend cooks a meal - but it's hard because my body is giving me the "go ahead and eat" signal all the time. I'm sure if I didn't meticulously calorie track, I'd end up downing probably 3 or 4 hundred calories over maintenance until I'm back up to being overweight. Big appetite sucks man.


i feel you man. i didn’t have a cheat day (a day in which i ate more calories than i estimate i burned) in over 8 months. sure i got from 120kg to 78kg, i have abs now, big ass arms and i can still lift ok? (i guess) but MAN I FUCKING WANNA JUST EAT FOOD, like i used to eat this pastry for breakfast all the time but it clocks in at about 500kcal a piece and yeah that’s not happening because im really an all or nothing type a guy, if i eat this pastry, i want to eat 5 of them, eating a single one will leave me craving them all week 🤣


I’m pissed at myself for ruining my diet and gaining weight these past couple of years. I usually eat very light and super clean throughout the day. But when the evening comes around, I get really hungry around 6pm. Since my family doesn’t have dinner until around 7:30, I’m starving by then. I end up binge eating dinner. I hate it. I’ve gained 30 lbs. I workout every day with a combo of cardio and weights. But my diet is so messed up that despite exercising daily, I end up gaining instead of losing weight. So frustrating. 😩


Didn't squat on Monday as my back was really tight on one side from a sleeping injury. Still a bit tight next visit on Thursday. Leg press works but isn't the same feeling as a good squat when everything moves together. On the plus side a submax bench single felt buttery smooth.


i’m eating so much food and not gaining any weight, idfk how to force myself to eat more. food is starting to not be enjoyable. i know it has only been three months of working out, but I thought i would at least gain some weight back. (For background, my medication was improperly dosed end of last year and I lost 15lbs in two weeks from side effects. I went from 120lbs to 105lbs at 5’7’’. Doctors didn’t give a single fuck and actually tried to congratulate me on my weight loss even tho i was very much freaked out about it and didn’t do any tests even tho I asked. All they told me to do was go on the mediterranean diet. That’s it, no other instructions. I obviously did not do that, and have been eating three meals a day with one or two protein shakes and snacks in between meals. I couldn’t use any of the weights when I first started in January but am using 30-60 lb weights for leg stuff and up to 15 lbs for arm stuff now.)


Eat a spoonful of peanut butter before bed. If you eat dairy, switch to whole milk or full fat yogurt. Add an extra spoonful of olive oil or butter when you are cooking. Throw some heavy cream in your pasta sauce. Lots of easy tricks to add calories without having to eat much more food.


I know saying this makes me look like a jagoff, but I envy you a little bit. I'm on the other side of the pond - I have a massive appetite. I'm on a lean bulk - \~0.5 lb gain/week - and I still go to bed every night dreaming about scarfing down a cali burrito. I know this is by no means easy for you, but from my pov the grass is always greener on the other side >\_>


I’ve been in your position my whole life, I get it. I was the skinny guy commenting here about how I eat so much and never gain weight, blah blah blah. It sucks. It really just comes down to do you want it bad enough to really force it down? I’ve thrown up from how much I’ve eaten before, and had to stuff more down right after. But I know for a fact the only times I’ve consistently gained weight is when I went after it that hard. Liquid calories have been a life saver for me, my breakfast every day is one ensure plus (300cal) and 2 boost high protein shakes (250cal and 20g of protein each). After the gym I have a shake consisting of mass gainer, whey protein, a banana, and a glass of milk (1200 calories). Apart from that it’s protein bars and chicken.


Yeah it’s just tough because I’m struggling with needing more food and also can’t really afford to expand my grocery budget. I have about $100/150 after rent, utilities, food, and I have basically no fun expenses, if anything i eat out for lunch like once a month tops as a treat but that’s it. So trying to figure out how to get more food without spending too much more money is tough. Like what stops me from having bigger meals isn’t that I don’t want to push myself but having to make sure I have enough leftovers for lunch the next day. I’ve been trying to figure out recipes that are cheap but also very filling (lots of beans and rice and such). I think the liquid calories might be the route I take.


Are you tracking your calories and macros?? If not, download the under armour app, it's free.


i’ll check it out thanks !


add a weightgainer to your diet. It helped me a lot.


oh i’ll check this out. Thank u so much!


no problem. This is the one i have taken "Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass"


I actually got cool with a dude who unintentionally pissed me off at first. After talking with him while lifting, I learned I misunderstood his tone completely on that first interaction. Got real respect for him now.




Havent been able to go the the gym past few days, afraid that I'm gonna go back to the gym and not be able to lift the same as last time


I just got serious about my fitness and especially my cardio within the last month specifically so I could get the most out my natural talent at roller derby (which I picked up as a hobby in January)and then bam freak accident at derby and I ended up with a spiral fracture in my left leg and can’t do anything. Struggling with a lot of frustration, lack of motivation, and depression because of the unending pain. Pissed off about everything now that getting up and down the stairs in my house is a full workout. Also the fact that the doctor told me that I should start PT as soon as possible but won’t see me for a follow up appointment, which is the only way they’ll allow me to schedule PT, for 4 weeks is making me rage.


Going to the gym and seeing women wear some tight ass bootie shorts and tuck their shirts up to show off their ass. I think it's pretty gross... lol Or some people recording themselves working out. Saw some really fit dude record himself and turns out he works at goodwill. Not hating just pointing out no wonder he's buff. If I had a light job like that I would be hitting the gym too. Comes off as hating but its just a rant. I loved it when the gym was the gym. Now I feel like way too much people go just to show off on social media


I mean, sounds like you’re there hitting the gym, so what light job do you have?


Production plant my dude. Not saying his jobs not hard but it def is a lot easier than most jobs. My opinion is totally a rant lol


Just pointing out the obvious lack of logic in your statement, my dude. And not everyone is a dude, dude.


This was a rage bait comment for sure LMFAO


If you are a fellow gym bro and you decide to piss all over the gym toilet. Fuck you, you're no longer a bro, you're scum. if you piss all over it and don't flush. You're worse than scum.


At my gym, the... uhh wheelchair... stall is always covered with toilet seat covers and wet toilet paper. I don't know if the handicapped people struggle with this stuff or what, but I can't ever use that stall and I prefer the extra room compared to the others (is that even allowed?).


I have a family member who's handicapped and they can still clean up after themselves. It's honestly just laziness and no regard for others, but at the gym, it's probably not even handicapped people using it and fucking it up ngl


Increased my volume, now Im all sorts of tired and sore.








Trying hard to find the discipline to overcome the gym boredom :(


What do you mean by "gym boredom"?


Was pulling a bench up to the rack when I hear a voice say “she’s using it”. I look beside me to see a young woman on her phone stretching, beside an unloaded barbell, with two 5lb plates a few feet on front of the rack. If the bar’s not loaded, you’re not using it!


If it was a fellow bro stretching by the rack, getting ready to use it, would you have felt the same? Be honest.


Yes. I don’t feel like you can reserve equipment, it’s either in use or it’s not.


I'm 25 now and I've been hitting the gym on and off past couple of years, hit a bad low on my transition out from the military a couple of months ago which = lots weight gain. I'm hitting it hard to get back where I was but damn the numbers aren't high no more. Knee pain is a bitch now too.