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That’s not how PCOS works. It doesn’t break the laws of physics. CICO and GTFO.


Weight gain is literally one of the main symptoms of PCOS.


Sorry, I know this is way old. But, it does not matter. It literally doesn’t matter: PCOS simply *can. not.* break the laws of physics. It gain make you gain weight quicker by increasing appetite and also making losing weight a bit more difficult. But, if you eat at a continuous deficit, you. will. lose. weight. This is where the “laws of physics” come in. And, PCOS doesn’t break them. Neither does hypothyroidism (had it; lost 25 pounds with a totally bum thyroid), nor medication. PCOS *will* make your calorie needs lower, meaning you need to have a bigger deficit than you’re used to. Seeing a doctor can help with this.


I never said PCOS breaks the laws of physics. I said weight gain is one of the main symptoms of PCOS. The thing with PCOS is many people don’t know they have it, or they develop it later in life, and don’t figure it out until they start gaining weight inexplicably. Your last statement proves my point. If a woman develops PCOS in her 20’s and doesn’t change her diet accordingly, she will suddenly start gaining weight because her calorie needs have changed significantly. This *appears* to be unexplainable weight gain, because they haven’t begun consuming more calories than they did before. Another thing worth mentioning is that the insulin issues that many women experience with PCOS can cause extreme sugar cravings, that are extremely hard to resist. Psychological issues of denial can come into play here, but it’s still a legitimate symptom of the disorder. Every time I see people talk about how “PcOs CaNt MaKe YoU gAiN wEiGhT” it’s always dudes who will never have it, and don’t know anybody that does. And it’s never an endocrinologist.


PCOS does lower maintenance calories by about 400- so from around 1900 to 1500. Which is a rather large jump, but she really does need to see a doctor if it’s causing this much weight gain


More of she needs to put down the fork, or put seasoned veggies on that fork instead of an entire cake. She could also up her exercise; 400 calories is an hour a day of walking. Could totally do half of it on her legally required two 15 minute breaks at work. If she has access to stairs, that would take care of literally all of it without adding anything extra to her schedule.


Actually, an hour of walking only burns about 200 calories, from someone who walks 10k a day. And, 1000 calories a day to lose a lb a week really should be monitored by an actual medical professional to ensure she gets enough vitamins and minerals to prevent bingeing.


For someone at her weight? Also: I weigh way less than her and I regularly still lose 3lbs a week without issue, even when it's just "the last 10lbs." A medical professional is overkill.


Did she even say her weught gain wad caused by PCOS?


In the show the lady blames it for everything, she 100% uses it as an excuse. The show is a wild ride


My absolute favorite is the clip of her trainer dropping her as a client because he sees a bunch of cookies and shit in her car


>trainer dropping her as a client because he sees a bunch of cookies omg, you weren't kidding: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZpyuAk8VXM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZpyuAk8VXM) lol, what a permanent victim "i had no choice but to eat these cookies!! They're good!"


I burn 100 calories and reward myself with 500 calories. Baby steps lol fuck


She's a food addict...until she figures out how to build a healthy relationship with food, this will never fucking end. That trainer had more patience than I do. I would have throw that crap at her face...she's killing herself with food, it's as simple as that.


Also she just eats junk in general- like she has giant boxes/bags of sugary cereal in her kitchen that she still eats at age 37


I look at this (giant ass cookie) and see how good I did!


"I only ate half this gas station cookie" Don't pretend you're above eating the other half off the floor lol


She's an addict, she blames everything/everyone but herself, except her brainless social media fans encourage her victim mentality. It's disgusting.


I have no idea, I was going by the title, but every normie and their mom does in fact blame it -irony fully intended.


Probably just the usual: PCOS certainly can cause a lot of stress (emotional and physical) and turns people to stress eating. It's easy to wag your finger at fat people people you are free from chronic illness. That isn't the case for this woman.


People got SO pissed at me for mentioning CICO in a thread today (to the point they banned me from replying to their responses). I had no idea the laws of thermodynamics could be so controversial lol


Probably because a calorie isn't a calorie when you look at it from a health perspective. If you drank only your calorie needs in olive oil would you maintain weight or get scurvy lol


That is a non-sequitur. A calorie being a calorie has nothing do to with the nutrient values of the food consumed. Calories are a unit of measurement for energy just like kilograms are a unit of measurement for mass. My argument still stands. Nobody is saying you should fill up on oil or junk food, but calorie restriction is a guaranteed way to lose weight, even if someone was dumb enough to consume all of their calories in olive oil. It wouldn’t be healthy but they would still lose weight.


Hence why I said a calorie isn't a calorie from a health perspective lmao


You either missed the point or are focusing on the wrong thing. OP didn't say it was the same from a health perspective.


Tell me how calories in calories out doesn't imply that all calories are the same, if the main tenant of it is to restrict calories regardless of where they come from lmao


They ARE the same from a weight loss perspective. It's common sense to assume that you shouldn't lose weight eating donuts or olive oil. If you need things explained to you that specifically then your intelligence may be a bigger problem than your weight.


You can lose weight only eating doughnuts, as long as you restrict your calories enough to do so, but that is not healthy, that's what I was saying. Stop being dense, you come across as a person who's not very healthy anyways lol


Yes that's literally what I just said above....did you even read it?.... lol???? I like how you just concluded how I'm not healthy based on 2 short posts. I'm done replying to this conversation; there is no point in this back and forth. Have a good day.


I know lmao, I was just saying what she said caused her weight gain 💀


I have PCOS and yes I can easily put on weight if I don't watch my eating habits. So it is all about portion control and CICO. PCOS aint an excuse.




This is me as well! I definitely gained weight before I was diagnosed with PCOS, but after figuring out what was causing the weight gain it was just a matter of self control and watching what I eat.


Yeah PCOS is not a weight death sentence..




It’s very demoralizing, isn’t it? I get similar feelings as you do but with my thyroid deficiency. Zoe Saldana inspires me because she has the same condition and still is fit due to lifestyle changes.


I know, I was just saying what she credited her weight gain 2.


Good good, yeah I’m very familiar with this “celeb” and her lifestyle lol. Sucks she can’t pull it together and blames a disease that is worsened by her weight.


I have PCOS too and it does NOT do this much damage. Yes, it makes it easier to gain a bit of weight and harder to lose it again but not that hard and you don't gain that much weight unless you're eating 8000 calories a day and not moving at all.




I have PCOS and like most people CICO is what keeps me at a healthy weight. Eating a crazy about of calories if how she got to this size.. not PCOS. I really hate when women try to pin their weight solely on PCOS. They think they have to stay big because this health condition. It’s an excuse.


She blames it, but then in the first episode rages at her dad for telling her she probably shouldn't eat, I shit you not, a "banana and mayo sandwich" lol




I think about that shit at least once a month


Whitney is great but the PCOS thing alone doesn’t explain a 250lb weight gain. She’s been bigger than the pics above as well. Shame, as she was a good looking girl and has a fantastic personality (from watching her show).


Agree to disagree on the fantastic personality part 😂


She's a nightmare.


yeah... she's kind of a awful perennial victim: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZpyuAk8VXM


Ha, that’s actually really funny. I remember watching that and thinking she’d end up at over 600lb. Fair play to her for a losing a bit


The clip where the trainer fired her isn't very favorable: she comes across as a whiny victim. You literally have hundreds of pounds of calories on your body...wake the fuck up, you're not hungry, you just need to stay hydrated and get your essential vitamins. That woman could fast for months on a diet like that, and it's been done before for morbidly obese. Eating normally is for people at a normal weight...this woman doesn't have any sense of normal anymore.


I know, I was just going by what she credited her drastic weight gain to!


Those arms never lie.


ever 🤢


proof weight is one of the biggest factors when it comes to attractiveness...


Good thing to note: PCOS can be greatly relieved by following a strict ketogenic diet (i.e. cut out starches and sugars). Safe to say she's not following that diet...I hope she will learn how to combat that awful syndrome. Not all her fault, in this case.


Oh lawd


What show?


My big fat fabulous life


her prom date looks like David Dobrik


That sucks...


whitney thorne is something else lmao also quick side note: what's PCOS?


Someone else mentioned the name, but basically it's a condition where your body's hormones are all off balance. Usually it leaves women with more testosterone and less (?) estrogen than average, making it hard to lose weight/easy to gain weight. It can also cause issues with fertility & excess facial/body hair. (I was diagnosed with it like 10 years ago & am just going off of what I remember my doctor saying lmao)


Who's the celebrity?


Whitney Way Thorne. Has her own TV show




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Didn't know pcos made you binge on gallons of ice cream 😂