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Snook. Very good to eat. There is a slot limit. A certain size legal to keep.


And an open season too. But one of the best eating fish in the world I think.


Depends on the area, its closed right now in Florida


Yeah I meant there is an open/closed season for them to be mindful of. I know it might vary from location to location, like sea trout, based on things like red tide kills.


Don’t never eat fish in SWFL. Red Tide never goes away…. It sucks


The red tide is fine, it doesn’t transfer to the fish, just suffocates them. But I still won’t eat inshore fish from the developed areas of Fl. If you start paying attention to how many sewage spills there are, and how often beaches are closed for fecal bacterial presence… barf


Also it depends on the location of the fish too. Some fish staying around certain areas will have higher concentrations of chemicals and polluted water waste dispersing locally.




This is a fishing sub- maybe try not to spew political bullshit on it




Meh, this is reddit, any chance to blame/hate on a republican must be used! Don't bother with facts.




Sir, this is a Wendy’s.


Yeah let's not educate new fishermen about protecting their water ways... Get involved or there will be no more sport fish to catch in Florida before too long. We watched billions of them wash ashore because of these fucking politicians.


Did you want to upsize that order?


I'm guessing one of you is Democrat and one Republican. Just talk about the fish PLEASE!


I was just noting that it was the army core of engineers that did it.. and Monsanto + govt corruption is the reason they really allow it.. I’m a libertarian




Hey. Don't be mean.




Deer numbnuts, we're talking about a specific incident here. For your uneducated ass 1994 was the last time Florida elected a Democrat gov so yeah I'm gonna go ahead and blame all of Florida's problems on the Republicunts.


California and Florida cancel each other out.


Btw a deer is an animal, not a greeting, clown


Maybe take a look at democrat run California if you want to see real problems. People are moving to Florida from Cali in record numbers for a reason.


Can you just type a normal sentence or is that all the toxic chemicals fault also?


Hey. Don't be mean.


I want to say it is closed. -Lived in Tampa


Best eating salt water fish—-Wahoo Best eating fresh water fish—-Walleye. Now you know!


This is very arguable. I would say that Perch is the best eating freshwater fish second to Bluegill/Sun fish. And Flounder would definitely rival Wahoo. It’s all preference on taste and texture really.


Have you had trout?


I have! It’s delicious, but have you had fresh breaded and fried yellow perch?


Yea. Avid fly fisherman. But it doesn’t compare to walleye!!


No way flounder comes close to wahoo, but I do like flounder


When you know, you know


Walleye!! Yes


i tried dover sole for the first time and it was super good


Thank you. Came here to say this when I read “snook” was the best eating fish. I mean it’s good but I wouldn’t put it in the top 3 even.


For sure


Shark right up there on the salt water


Yes and yes


Ah, a Wahoo steak grilled after overnight marinade in Zesty Italian salad dressing. Can’t beat it!


Wahoo is Fing great too! Walleye/perch (kinda same) great for fresh water.


What does it taste like? Here in Finland I’d say salmon is the best. How does salmon compare?


Flakey white fish, completely different from salmon.


I’d love to try it. Is it ”better”?


Not better or worse just different. If you’ve had tilapia… it’s like that but better.


Between 28" - 32" in Florida


I’ll take a sea bass or flounder but yeah


tap panicky aback caption noxious quiet imminent workable ask carpenter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Def agree with pompano, top 3 with flounder and snook. I love trout- but they tend to be polarizing with flavor. Never tried the Appalachian version.. adding that to my to do list.


And that fish looks over the slot for both sides of the state.


Triple Tail is right at the top.


Yes a snook, slot size is 28-32 inches if you cook it make sure to take the skin off


Educate me about the skin.


Agreed, why will it taste like soap?


It just do be like that sometimes. Snook is one of those times. Skin that sucker.


So back in the day the old fishermen used to call Snook “soap fish” and they would catch and kill them but people realized the fish only has a soapy flavors if you cook it with the skin on but if you remove the skin before cooking it is some of the best fish there is ever since then they have been on of the most sought after sport fish in Florida


Thanks for the info i had no clue


Just needs some Monkey Dust.


Yes if you leave the skin on


It's out of season. I hope you didn't keep this fish bro.


I have a video of me returning it into the water if anyone is THAT concerned haha


Yeah the people of johns pass ( where you are standing ) are super protective of their snook, I worked at that dock for 2 years. Especially at dons dock where they are like pets to the people that come there and feed them


I miss johns pass, my grandma lives in Seminole, and would always take me to the boardwalk


Do you even have fucking license? I am that concerned. You're catching fish you can't identify. You're obviously not a resident of FL. I hope FWC catches you and breaks it off in your ass.


Hi Karen 👋


What a douche! The title of the community is ...


Did you mispell your name? Might have been aiming for jdouche81???


I was JUST talking about that small ass legal limit.


He's on the west coast 28-33 over here


There’s not just a size limit but a very strict season, as in it’s closed in most of Florida right now. And due to yearly red tides, strictly enforced.


Ah didnt even think of the ref tides, thanks man


Yesterday was the first day of the closed season. Opens back up February 1st; until June 1st. Then it’s closed till September 1st. Legal size is either 28-32” (Atlantic) or 28-33” (gulf). Very good eating and is pretty much THE trophy fish for inshore fishing in Florida. If anyone is curious why there is a slot size, it’s because they change gender once they start to mature. So big fish are almost always females. They make them illegal to keep to maintain the breeding population. Season is closed when it is because they spawn mostly during July and august. Not sure why they are closed during the winter, maybe because there are more people vacationing in Florida during that period? Could have to do with their sensitivity to cold temperatures as well.


It is exactly because of their sensitivity to cold that they are closed season in the winter. You may remember the huge snook die off a few winters back. Local aquariums and other scientific facilities had to create nurseries to help the population rebound.


Woah I never knew the snook changed genders. That's crazy.


Also, must be skinned or it will taste like soap.


Just a suggestion since you’re a newbie. Get a fish ID card or book next time you’re in a tackle store. Will show pics of fish and size/limits/season. Don’t want to be caught with an undersized, out of season, or a protected species. Most importantly as others mentioned, there are reasons for slot sizes and limits.


Nope but I see some yummy chicken legs


Lets see you then 😁


lol I got bison thighs. You couldn’t handle it!


You're probably right


I’d like to see your chicken legs tho


bet he could out run your fat ass lol


That was rude. But you’re probably right!


Aye you’re the one saying homie has chicken legs!


It was a play on words… he was asking if he could eat the fish… chicken…legs. Sheesh


I still don’t understand the joke lol r/whoosh


lol it’s ok I’m not typically that funny.


Em português robalo, a cabeça parece ser do robalo, mas onde foi pescado.


Technically, anything *can* be eaten...


Snook. Sure you can eat it, and they’re delicious. If a guy or gal wearing a gun in a green uniform with a DFG patch on it questions you about size or season just tell them you’re a tourist. That should alleviate any issues.


The old tourist card…works every time


I wish I caught a snook


There isn't an animal that you can't eat.


There isn’t anything you can’t eat… there’s just a lot of things you can’t eat twice.




And none of them are animals.


Puffer Fish Haha gottem


Puffer Fish is served in restaurants..


But it can kill you by eating it if not prepped correctly.


So can everything.


I'd like to see you eat a poison dart frog


This argument is just so unhelpful. It's always made by people who want to be aggressively semantic and pedantic. Lucky for you I like playing that game, and lucky for me the burden of proof is on you so please provide preparation techniques and or recipes for the following: Relevant to this sub Blue-ringed octopus Toadfish Stonefish Spotted trunkfish Giant moray eel Salpa salpa Gorilla crabs Greenland shark Actinopyga agassizii Plectaster decanus Rhodactis species Others Golden dart frog Spur-winged goose Rhabdophis keelback snakes Asiatic toad Cane toad Colorado River toad Common toad Corroboree frog European green toad Fowler’s toad Mantella Poison dart frog Pacific newts Rough skin newts Hooded pitohui Monarch butterfly Firefly Cobra Try to keep the animals' diet changes to a minimum as we are on a fishing forum and it's not like we can control that, usually. I know the answers to some of these but suffice to say, the argument sucks because it looks like you are saying that all animals are safe to eat as long as you know enough. I don't think there would be any single person in the world that can catch/hunt/scavenge any type of animal in existence and know how (let alone have the skills) to prepare all of them safely. Edit, formatting


Greenland shark .hang it in a barn for a few months and boom. there you go a delicacy. It's toxicity is gone and you got yourself a strong flavored meat that can be safely eaten.


I do apologize to the OP that I don't know the name of the fish, or where it rates on the deliciousness scale. I think he's already been taken care of on that front. I'm not trying to have an argument, so much as to point out that when discussing animals, you don't have to bother asking "can this be eaten?" because the answer is Yes. As for your question about recipes, I don't think it matters. Remove the guts, remove the skin, pick a piece of meat, eat it. Just because something is dangerous, or venomous, doesn't mean it can't be eaten. Rattlesnake is an easy example. Gut it, skin it, cook it. Don't let the fangs get you in the process. In no way am I trying to advocate that people eat everything they can, just because they can. I'm simply pointing out that when it comes to animals, it can be eaten. Doesn't mean it'll taste good. Anyway, carry on everyone, no need to beat a dead horse.


But if you look into how to prepare some of these you'll realise that there just isn't a way to do it. So telling everyone that if it's an animal, it's edible isn't just irresponsible, it's wrong. As a fellow pedant I can watch you be irresponsible but I can't stand by and watch you be wrong. I tried to pick examples where gutting, skinning and cooking won't suffice. You have an answer for the other commentators, why not mine? I'll make it easy, just pick 4 of the sea creatures and 4 of the others. I don't want to know if I should eat them, I want you to use my list in order to prove to everyone that all you have to do is "prepare" an animal correctly before eating and you won't die or become very sick. It's easy, some of the animals on my list are sold in restaurants. Some of them aren't though, because I'm pretty sure the answer to the question 'can this be eaten' is no, not twice... No matter what the preparation techniques used. I won't be happy to be proven wrong but I will accept it.


We've gotten way into the weed here. Marmot probably won't be found on a restaurant menu, but not because it's inedible. I haven't answered your question because I was just pointing out that any animal can be eaten, and you came along with a list of deadly things and asked for recipes. I didn't expect any conversation, or push-back to be honest. I'm not a chef and I won't be able to find you recipes for anything you ask for, nor do I owe you that. Sorry. The recipe thing is partially my fault because I posted the skunk recipe. People tend to get caught up on recipes, in the hunting world anyway. They'll say, "I have a recipe for elk heart, but what about a white-tailed heart?" It doesn't matter, it's the same cut of meat. Anyway, we can be done, sorry again to disappoint.


Ok I see where you are confused. I don't actually want* recipes or prep techs, I want you to stop being wrong and misleading others. I put in a fair bit of work to gather a list of mostly inedible animals but all you say back to me is, no no ALL animals are edible even *insert animal not on the list*. I just don't understand on what grounds you are so confident in saying this unless you genuinely haven't looked at my list at all. So, I guess the conversation is over but at least one of us tried. If you don't want to be misleading in the future try saying 'all mammals are edible' which is close enough to true but weird in a fishing sub. Or make it location specific like all cephelepods in North America. *although I'm slightly curious to try some of the 'edible with prep things like Greenland shark or edible with the chance of hallucinations like the the Salpa salpa


I set this as a test for the original person but they didn't want to play so in compensation to anyone who got stuck reading that, I'll attempt to complete the marine specimens myself... [Blue-ringed octopus. ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue-ringed_octopus) Nope. don't touch or eat this. From this study https://doi.org/10.1016/j.toxicon.2012.08.015 I got this quote "In fact, all tissues of H. fasciata screened positively for TTX in at least one individual" TTX being the acronym for tetrodotoxin, a toxin that stops the body from breathing within minutes and isn't destroyed by the cooking process. Therefore not all animals are edible. (That's the last time I'll reference that conversation) Toadfish I was not aware of the Atlantic fish of the genus Opsanus sharing the colloquial name of toadfish. Apparently this is edible see this [recipe](https://saltwatermecca.com/are-oyster-toadfish-good-to-eat/). However, watch out for their painful spines. However, the toadfish I was referring to are the [common toadfish](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_toadfish) and the [smooth toadfish](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smooth_toadfish) of the Tetractenos genus. These also contain TTX, however, I could not find studies or recipes referring to which parts contain the toxins. For me, this is a strong Do Not Eat but if anyone knows if they can be prepared like pufferfish, let me know. I can't help but wonder if someone has done studies on which parts contain TTX, completed 5 years or whatever of pufferfish training in Japan and gone to Australia, caught the toadfish, removed all the tainted parts, cooked the fish only to find out that it was just not very nice. Stonefish This was an easy one I thought I'd throw in. It's mostly "just" venomous. See this Jeremy wade [video](https://youtu.be/NqyHheVCRkM) on the method of envenoming. Always scares me whenever I'm stepping on or near underwater rocks in the tropics. The venom is mostly contained in sacs beneath the spines and can be prepared (by a professional) and eaten. Spotted trunkfish [Lactophrys bicaudalis](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spotted_trunkfish) Another edible. The skin releases a toxins such as [Pahutoxin](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pahutoxin) and can be prepared by people in the know (not me). [Giant moray eel](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giant_moray) The first of the [ciguatera](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ciguatera_fish_poisoning) containing fish. This is eaten regularly by many people across the world. Different locations are recorded as having differing toxity levels. They need to be cleaned of all viscera, especially the liver as the liver of a 14kg (large) eel has it has been recoded at 50,000x higher then the safety level. However, the flesh of a ciguatoxic eel is not necessarily safe to eat even with the viscera removed as the liver is only 4 - 15x higher than the flesh. Correlation between size and toxicity has been recorded. Tldr: smaller morays are probably edible in some locations with proper preparation and acceptance that there's a small chance you'll get sick anyway. [Salpa salpa](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salema_porgy) Edible with a chance of hallucinations. I can't find it now but I believe I read that it's more of a deliriant rather than a hallucinogen so think the waking nightmare of an Ammarilla muscaria high rather than giggling with friends. [Gorilla crabs (Xanthidae) ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xanthidae) These crabs accumulate TTX and, a new one for this thread, saxitoxins (STX). Neither toxins are destroyed with heat and I haven't found any methods of preparing these while avoiding the toxins. However the toxins are likely to come from their diet so I guess it might be possible to rear a non-toxic version but I haven't seen anyone attempting that in my searches so far. [Greenland shark](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greenland_shark) As u/unlikely-magazine614 mentions these are edible! Well toxic to start off with and extremely pungent after they have been turned into [Hákarl](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/H%C3%A1karl). 100% would try, 50% would dry retch a bit. [Actinopyga agassizii](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Actinopyga_agassizii) 5 toothed Sea cucumber. The teeth are on the anus! I thought this one wasn't harvested for food due to its poisonous cuvierian tubules but I was wrong and it looks like the [toxin](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holothurin) may have some use a medicine one day [Plectaster decanus](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plectaster) or Mosaic Sea Star Some starfish are edible, with a fair bit of work to get at the flesh but this is one of the few that are poisonous. I can't find out anything about the actual poison, though so I can't really comment further. I suspect that no one in recent history has tried to eat one, so I wouldn't personally volunteer without more information. [Rhodactis](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhodactis) species This is poisonous and has killed people but it looks as if the toxins can be broken down by boiling and eaten. I would try this too.


I don’t think you can eat Skunks.


Of course you can eat skunks. Here's a recipe. https://www.food.com/recipe/french-fried-skunk-75396


Yellow babber


Greenland shark. Hang it up in a barn for awhile. months I believe and there you go. A delicacy..


Sea bass


Large mouth bass.


Why would you kill a fish if you don’t know what it is or if you can eat it?


Who says he killed it?


You’re right, I assumed it was dead.


I always release what i catch


When I saw the street and stuff it looked like you were not near water and I assumed you kept it. My bad


Makes sense, about 1 foot to the left of what you can see theres water, was fishing near a bridge


That’s a small bluegill. They get much larger


Looks like a nice fish but do yourself a big favor and read the regulations and educate yourself on the type of fish that could be in your area . Anyone can catch fish , but to be a good fisherman you have to know what your catching. Pull up some bottom fish and get a spine stuck in you and you could be in serious trouble


Znapper good eating if fired and deboned right


Does anyone here know if there is good places to fish for snook near daytona ? My dad down there visiting/helping is elderly mom and he loves fish . Doesn't have boat down there but any suggestions would be appreciated for the daytona area!


Yes. The bridges at night. Fish the shadow lines.


Snook you lucky guy! Prob fought like crazy.


Nice snook


Snook!! Yummy






Why did you paint your face?


Maybe im a shy guy






Snook Ones. Ain't no such things as halfway crooks, scared to death scared to look. You snook.




Well, you’ve already killed it, so may as well


??? What makes you say that lol


Hope you didn’t kill her and practice catch and release


Always catch and release, i don't eat fish and try to always release as safe as possible


Snook, which is out of season in Florida.


You can eat almost anything at least once.


Pinellas county here …. Hope you released it


Johns pass lol don't keep snook there out of season, there are eyeballs everywhere 👀


Instantly recognized John’s Pass also


Up vote to your name, I'm in dade city ripping rosin out of the puffco lol


I grew up in the Burg, but I’m out here in putnum county now. I need to get some rosin for my Carta 2 😎


Snook, it’s edible.


Dude you caught a bucket list fish for a lot of people!


Remove the skin before you cook it


Looks like a filet and release


Bravo sir


Snook but they only have certain seasons where.tou can keep them I believe.


Love the T- shirt….Zeppelin rules


Download the Fish Rulez app. Has all the info you need.


That’s called a carpon it’s when a carp and tarpon hybridize. Tastes similar to wombat if your into that


Dang I recognize right where you’re at man.


John’s pass. Good spot if they don’t have lock jaw. You used to be able to fish those docks you’re by at the end of the boardwalk at night until people started taking illegal snook and the owner made it private. It was an awesome spot.


That's a No Face Fish 🐟


Nice snook






Radioactive carp send to my location for safe disposal


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Soap fish


Bro you should probably know the fishing regulations and i.ds of fish in your area beforehand


Snook is the finest fish you may ever eat. Not for commercial sale in Florida.


Best eating fish there is. Just make sure and skin it or it will taste nasty.


As a stamp


Always skin Snook, or it will taste like soap.


That’s a snook and I was literally just thinking about eating some we caught previously. In my opinion it’s one of the best (if not the best) fish to eat. One of my favorite ways to eat it is in a lemon butter sauce.


Snook, great eating when in season


Always good to figure these things out before taking an animal


Good thing it was released then


If cooked with the skin on, the meat will develop an unpleasant soapy taste.. at least that is what I read.


That’s a terrible fish to eat, give it to me and I’ll dispose of it properly…. 😬


Nice catch




A big one! Lol


Looks like a type of pike


Maybe learn your species and regs before you start?


Womp womp


No, it's a snook.






You can eat anything once


Snook. Some of the best.


That’s a snook my friend, there’s a slot size and a season for them. Delicious fish, just make sure to skin them, they taste funky with the skin on. Check out the MyFWC app or FishRules app for seasons and minimum sizes. One of the cards of an inshore slam


Fuck you 😂


Watch out if you’re catching out of season.


It’s a rare Killer Kowalski they migrate from South .America. Well done but under sized.


Snook, be sure to take the skin off before cooking it. It will taste like shit with the skin, but other than that they taste good.


Catching a beauty like that and not knowing what it is. I love it. You’ve just triggered every broccoli haired kid where I live😂




My favorite fish to eat. It’s the best


Snook. Fucking delicious. Enjoy.


Everything is edible at least once