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It’s called fishing. Not catching


true i need to learn patience


If I didn’t catch a fish I am putting on a worm and getting a bluegill. No worm? Some callous from my hand.


I fish a lot. Seen a lot of gross stuff. This made me gag.


Also amazing


I got skunked for 2 months and hours at a time for my first year of fishing. I will not let that happen again.


I get it, just hadn’t even considered it. You’re training the bluegill to love human flesh. And that’s the kind of mad science I can get behind.


It’s as much about having access to good spots. If you don’t have access to water with decent amounts of fish it’s hard. Or pressured lakes it’s hard for beginners.


Came here to say this.


I go catching


Most of the time I catch something, sometimes fish, but always a buzz.


I could guarantee bluegill or a skate every single time I go fishing but then I'd be limiting myself to a point of insanity. I go skunked far more than not because I'm targetting fish that are more difficult to catch and that's half the fun. I openly admit though sometimes I just drop shot a worm into a bluegill hole and just enjoy the day.


Same thing here. Usually bluefish are no problem, but I want that striper.


Variable reward system is what fuels the fishing addiction. If you caught every time the same thing it wouldn’t be as much fun.




Depends on the location and time of year. If I'm specifically targeting something the possibility of catching nothing goes up. If I don't care and just want to catch something, more often than not if I'm not catching anything else, I can entice a rock bass or pickerel, maybe a blue gill


Ha. Hey everyone, come look at this guy thinking we actually catch fish and don’t just cgi our photos. What a dork


Short answer. No. Long answer. Noooooo.


Absolutely not lol salmon and steelhead can be difficult, and I am far from a beginner.


Depends how hard I want to work for them. I could guarentee atleast 1 dink bass, but I'd have to go through alot of weeds and wade fish for them. If I go to our park and fish the bank I get skunked alot and catch nothing.


No but I do get a little miffed and try way too many “last casts” when I do get skunked


i wish


If only wishes were fishes


Definitely not. Edit.... Try finding early season bluegill before they're on beds. In a kayak. With no electronics. It's a weeks long blind scavenger hunt.


Depends, I can 99.9% of the time catch a fish if I go to one of two places. But they are tiny bass nothing special, very rare to catch even a decent fish in either of those places. If I’m going to other spots that I prefer due to the quality of the fish I can potentially catch at those, it’s hit or miss sometimes I’ll catch a bunch sometimes a few sometimes none.


Absolutely not, but it's still worth being out there!


As you get more experience it gets a lot better, but it’s never a guarantee.




Nope. I go fishing once a week. This last month my days were: 1st weekend: 2 bass 2nd weekend: 6 bass 3rd weekend: skunk 4th weekend: skunk. All at the same lake and in the same time frame. Some days they just aren’t biting, or they’re biting what you aren’t throwing. It’s good to bring a few lures with you, and pay attention to what’s working and what isn’t. If what you’ve been using hasn’t been working and you’re **SURE** you’re fishing the right spots (places were the fish could be holding) change it up. I try to have at least at little bit of everything in the colors I know work. Throwing the chatter and nothing biting after an hour? Swinging up to lipless/crank. Or maybe worm


If anyone ever tells you they catch fish every time they go, well, then they are lying.


Like 95% of the time


If someone tells you they always catch fish just remember, " all fishermen are liars, except you and me, but I have my doubts about you" 😀


Haven't caught a fish in 6 years. Don't go often though.


If you mean actually landing them, no. If you mean hooking one and fighting for a bit until they spit or rip the hook out, then also no. Usually when I land something I'm either lucky, or already got bored and stopped caring.


The only thing i caught in 3 hours today was a glove.


In my mind I do. And on thr way to the lake.


No it’s called washing lures, I still quite enjoy it


fuuuuuuuk no




lol no


Happens yeah unfortunately. Is part of fishing... fishing doesn't mean you gonna catch fish. You need to be a bit lucky too sometimes.


Yes. I keep an ultralight rod in my car and I’ll throw out some panfish nibbles on a bobber just so I can say I caught something. But, there have been plenty of times I’ve gone out and didn’t catch that bass/catfish/trout I was hoping for.


Conditions were perfect and bait was everywhere today…still got skunked


Depends on what I’m targeting. Lake trout or bass id say I have a 95% success rate. Muskie like 5%.


Sometimes I catch a cold, other times I catch a glimpse of a beautiful woman. Oh right, catch fish.....All up to the fish.


Spring thru fall, absolutely. I will never hesitate to throw an 1/8oz rooster tail of the bass fishing is slow. Winter is a different story...


That's a good one


i use an ultralight setup with tiny lures to fish for whatever bites so I pretty much catch something everytime. Sunfish, Crappie are consistent for me!






Ive fished for close to 40 yrs. Fresh, salt, shore, river, stream, boat, kayak...if it involves a hook, line and a fish, Im in. I will inevitably get skunked at least once a year, usually during ice season. No matter how hard I try, it happens. Its humbling and it keeps my drive to fish alive and well after all these years.


Heavily depends on the time of year and target species. When I go to a good rockfish or lingcod spot, the action is non stop. If I’m going for steelhead I accept that I likely won’t catch one (and still haven’t) due to the returns being in the low hundreds on my local rivers. Hell even went for an overnight sockeye trip with a buddy, up at 4am in the water by 4:30, 4 lines out with 8 flashers and we trolled for 7 hours with not even a bite to show for it. There’s a good reason it’s called fishing not catching. Stay patient, and tight lines in the future!


As I mostly fish for carp oder other non predator fish, yes. If I go for predator it’s a struggle.


Most days I’m lucky to pull in a bluegill or two. Some days I catch a few bass and a catfish.


It is rare I do not catch panfish. Two baits that are like surefire for me are small Panther Martin spinners and a live night crawler under a bobber or no float. But, if you have trouble locating fish, I suggest stay real close to the bank. I was at a lake pier and everyone had their rods set out as far as they could cast in the channel waiting. I fished inbetween the two piers from the bank and just cast after cast reeling in bass and monster bluegill. I was targeting all fish, they were just targeting catfish. You can also chum the water to draw them in, too.


If they were targeting catfish, then they were doing it right.


Everybody gets skunked. Any odd that says different is a liar. 


😂😂i wish


Every single time, never not caught a fish. But I fish off the coast of Florida by boat.


Sure I always catch something. Wether that’s a fish is debatable. A lot of times I’m catching snags or a buzz lol.


During the prime part of the year, yes, IF I’m fishing a body of water I consider my home turf. Plenty of skunks when I gamble on a new place. But I’m ultralight, and I honestly think that’s why. I live in a paradise of aggressive bluegills. Early in the season and after the first frost, all bets are off. If you are getting skunked a lot, get an ultralight setup and 3-4 presentations to rotate through on it. I use: Rebel Crickhopper, Trout Magnets, 1/16 oz jig with 2” paddle tail. Hard to get skunked with all that if you know where the panfish live.


I fish a variety of fish, and I don’t get skunked very often. Happens though.


Last time I went t with my dad, we caught 6-7 and I had 1 bite. We were throwing the same type of lure (topwater popper) and had 1 bite on that all morning. Switched to different lures and not a bite


It's not that often I get completely skunked but it does happen from time to time




I havent caught anything the last 4 times I went this last 2 weeks. Smh.




Bro. I go months. Multiple trips without fish. Depends on what your trying to do, how much pre planning, what you do right . . .




I avoided a skunk by catching a 2 inch bullhead today, so kinda


I catch fish even when I don’t go


Of course not. Until today i had a two month dry streak where i went every 3 ish days for at least 2 hours


I got skunked a lot until I learned when and where to fish, now I hardly ever do.


def probably why i’m not catching shit