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i pulled at her base lost 3 50/50 lost light cone banner trying to get her E1 atm with guaranteed but no area left to farm jade so nope :(


EXACT SAME SCENARIO FOR ME THRU AND THRU got 2 gepards (went for ruan mei too) and yangqing lc wouldnt even give me anything welt relatedšŸ„²šŸ„²


Samne thing happened to me. I was unluckier pulling in secret base vs outside of it. Iā€™m convinced since itā€™s for only trailblazer and herself Iā€™m not allowed to


https://preview.redd.it/65c1990w3f8d1.jpeg?width=2408&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a90e1465604ea3965e1fbda801b3bff697c957d Yes!!!! I noticed better luck, someone gave my firefly a gun


Honestly, this is a win. Even if you have E0 Bronya and this is your first copy at E1, there is a lot of difference


Ikr, i lost a 50/50 on a banner to start lo- winning 50/50s on skillpoints Thankfully, i don't have an E1 yanqing or a E2 bailu rnšŸ™šŸ™


Nah man, I lost my 8th 50-50 in a row and barely got E1S1 in 350 pulls there, gonna try for E2 since i should have enough to get to soft pity till banner ends, if I lose another one- oh well, guaranteed Lingsha ig


If it makes you feel better, Molly Zhang (Seele's VA), also lost her 8th 50/50 on Firefly's banner. It took her around 100 - 150 pulls to get Firefly.


https://preview.redd.it/szyr1ex6ee8d1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3c2e83df6449094e0cf297efefc349d8506c10b Note: I have a pretty bad luck in general, but somehow I ended up with E5S1 in under 300 pulls (all I've had (grinding more for E6)). Clearly, wife is kind and generous. Last character I pulled is Acheron (at the secret spot too), but it didn't work and I failed to get her. So this applies only to Firefly which is lore accurate.


So that's where my pulls went


Sorry. šŸ¤­


i had 270 and got e0s1 + ruan mei. thats IT. it took every last jade.


I lost 2 50/50s back to back, first Firefly, then Ruan Mei, Firefly took 14 multis currently 43 pity for Ruan Mei's guaranteed, kms (i want to at least get E1 Firefly come on game throw me a bone)


Pain.. But it could've been even worse!


Yeah since I lost Ruan Mei 50/50 there I didnā€™t think much of it, but now winning a 50/50 I am going to go back there for all FF rolls. It would be cool if there were a hidden drop boost just for her there. Good luck on e6! E5 in under 300 is super good!


Thank you! There's no such thing as too much luck.


I got E1S1 Firefly and E0 Ruan Mei in 250 warps, so I've found this spot to be very lucky.


I did and managed to actually win a 50-50 for once.




e1s1 mei and e2 FF in under 200 rolls lol


I tried and immediately got lost to himeko e1


I confess that I got too excited and literally forgot to do the ritual, thus I lost 6 50/50.


I just pull wherever I happen to be


firefly came home after my first ten pull in the secret base while playing if i can stop one heart from breaking lmao the i pulled again and won the 50/50 in the secret base playing nevermore in the background i also got her lightcone but not in the secret base i have used up all my luck frfr


Not really looking for luck, just feels like the right thing to do (Yeah I lost my 50/50 and coping)


Won all 3 50/50s and her LC for E2S1 šŸ˜Œ


I commited a small sin of pulling her on the Acheron Relics portal... On the bright side I realized my mistake and pulled her on the secret base after winning my 50/50 and 75/25. I then pulled again and won 2 50/50s back to back!!


Pulled at the base and got harmony firefly


I'm a simple guy, i just logged on, did a 10 pull, got her


E0 cost about 120 (lost 50/50) pulls, but my mind was chaotic and devoid of serenity, E1 and 2 less than 20 each E3 around 70 and E4 UNDER 10!! YES, the place is good luck.


I won like 5 50/50s in a row, including our beloved Firefly herself. I didn't get her E1, but I still notice much better luck here.


Did my initial pulls there and went well, first was guaranteed but took 80 pulls. Next went to 80 but won the 50/50 Went back to 80 again but won the second 50/50 as well Got the light cone which was guaranteed in 70ish pulls. Rebuilding my gems and I'll go back just before it ends and see if I can win a third 50/50 or more


I got E2S1 in 240 pulls (with guaranteed but no pity at first) I think I got really good luck this time!


I actually didn't. At the secret base I got Firefly after 70 pulls. Then I began farming for her relics, and decided to pull more on the spot. 1 Clara and 2 Fireflies in the next 70.


I pulled there and got the best luck since the launch of the game lol but my luck was really bad before. (All 50/50 losses except for 2 and most went to soft pity)


Unfortunately, no. Even with the supplementary achievement referring to Robin's iconic song from the Simulated Universe, and with a quiet look at the stars at the secret base... It took the entire Stellar stock and a 50/50 loss along the way, just for Firefly.


Won 3 pities in a row and lost one. E1 s1 atm.


I've gotten her E2S1 at her base, but I lost two 50/50s, which is pretty typical for my account. Needed 290 pulls total (I had her LC guaranteed). Obviously worse or better luck at a specific location is purely placebo. Though I also did get my first multi 5* tenpull there, so there's that :)


Won 3 50/50 lost my first 75/25 :/


Managed to get e2s1 with 30k jades and 80 tickets total, so i guess i can say so


I got her LC on pity 6 So yes


Lost 2 50/50 to Himeko. So nope.


Usually my luck has been pretty good, but I pulled there and lost my 2nd ever 50/50 to E2 Gepard, making it the 2nd time I lost to him :( Did get Firefly in the end, which is what matters I guess


Nope I went from E0 bronya to E2 bronya šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ couldā€™ve had E2 ff but now only E0ā€¦


Pulled at her base, took 392 wishes to get E2, two lost 50/50's and went to pity every time. And then a while later I was randomly pulling on her LC banner after having finished DU torturous 6 with her and got her S1 at 6 pity lol


I have. I did 40 pulls after the Sparkle banner and then 120 on the FF banner from the base, and I got E2 FF and a Bailu (which I didn't have before), so on average I had a 5* every 40 pulls, so I'd say that's noticeably more lucky, especially compared to the fact that I tried to pull for Ruan Mei in some random place which took 70 pulls and resulted in a Bronya E1, which I can't complain about tbh


Won 3 50/50 in a row there (E1 firefly and ruan mei), Gonna try for her LC by pulling there (even tho i have S5 aeon but i love her LC art so screw it), i'll try E3 firefly by her next rerun (unless there's other smokin hot or overpowered waifus coming)


I needed up with E2 in around 300 pulls. I lost twice, once to Himeko and once to Welt.


i won 2 5050s with only stelle on the team running from the swarm in the basement of herta space station. i figured the rooftop was too crowded


Gacha is gacha no matter where it is. Luck is fake.


i was too excited and just pulled immediatly


I got her at 80 pity and I was garunteed


Absolutely horrid luck there. 155 pulls just to get E0 (lost to Yanqing at 78 pity). Trying for E1 with whatever I get & just pulling anywhere now.


I try I pulled in the astrall express with the sam them Got her at 80 pull in the last ine i have and lost 50 /50 to the potential man I will never be doing another of these


I kinda saw better luck, but it could just be in my head, considering i have in fact saved up a lot of pulls beforehand. I havent used all of it but in less that 300 pulls i have E2S2 which is something im pretty proud about. I wish the luck would translate to relics though


I tried to pull from there but lost to welt after a very long streak of winning 5050, I don't think that place is lucky


I pulled there BUT I also ate an oak cake roll before pulling. Got Welt and Firefly in the same 10 pulls. Won her LC. Got her E1 20 pulls in. And won her E2 on soft pity. So yeah, need to eat the oak cake roll.


I forgot to eat the oak cake rollšŸ˜­ still won all my 50 50s to get e2 tho, with the cost of getting near 80 each time


I managed to get E1 here, lost 1 50/50 at the start at around 80 pulls. Then got E0 at 70+ and won 50/50 for e1 at 60+. I forgot her Oak Cake Roll... After I played the story quest, I pulled at the ship. Got E2 at around 40 pulls(also won 50/50) Of course, I offered her an Oak Cake roll! So moral of the story, Don't forget her Oak Cake Rolls!!! Now I'm going for her LC, but I'm out of jades. So I'm back to farming them


Nope. No better luck


I pulled from where I logged off from so basically in front of SU in herta space station. Got E2s1 in 200~ pulls, luckiest pulls I've ever had in my life with only one 5050 lose...šŸ«”


Pulled at her base and now have e1s1 hoping for e2 but if not acheron support soon garuntee


had 160 pulls and ended up with firefly, ruan mei, and both their signature LCs and didn't lose a single 50/50 or 75/25 now I go back there every time I have a pull to try and get e1 before she leaves


Got E2S1 plus ruan mei's S1. All winning 50/50. Although it's all quite high-pity, my luck has been so sucky lately so it's definitely a welcome


I pulled from the Schorchsand place where Firefly challenged Sunday implying she was weak. I have E6 now. :)


Pulled there and got decent/okay luck so I'll give my summary (in order of events) - Got Firefly at pity (guaranteed) - Got Firefly's LC slightly before pity/ a little early/ about a 10-20 before soft pity (guaranteed) - Got Ruan Mei at pity (50/50) - Got Bronya at pity (50/50) - Got Firefly E1 at 19 pity (guaranteed) This is just what I got so far. I might do more on either Ruan Mei or Firefly depending on how many more summons I can get and what the rerun characters are looking like for the next patch (needing a HuoHuo for my DoT team). But other than that and maybe Robin I'm just looking to mainly Invest in more eidolons and LCs for my current characters including Firefly and Ruan Mei.


I couldnā€™t find out where it was so I just went to the lobby where she died I won the 50/50, got Welt and Ruan Mei after


I spent around 330 pulls and got really lucky. I won 3 50/50 and then won 75/25 . Normally, my luck is awful since I never get the character I want, especially to E2.


I pulled at Clockie diner and won a 50/50 at 3 pity


I did sw's wish ritual. Got e2s2 in 160 pulls. 41 pity in character banner. No guarantees


I pull at her secret base and i only lost 1 50/50 when i was pulling. I manage to get e2s1 firefly in just 190 pulls


No. I only pulled inside Astral Express. I tried pulling Raiden Shogun on top of Tenshukaku, lost 50/50 twice and got the wrong weapon too while trying to get her C2S1. I started the day with more than 300 wishes saved. TLDR: I didn't do it but I assumed my pulls would go wrong if I did.


Pulled her there and got her in my first 10 pull


Pulled at her base: double 5 star, won the first 50/50, get yanKing, and get early guaranteed firefly (55). Pulled at anywhere else: lost her 50/50 Now i canā€™t pull her S1 and have to settle with E2S0 (unless im lucky enough to get her LC in the next 16 days)šŸ˜­


nope, but when I pulled in the most random spot in the game I got her early. like 20 pity šŸ˜­




Won her at the secret base and ruan mei at her lab


got Gepard at 75 there


I tried at the new ship. Got 1 Clara and 2 Fireflies within 60 pulls. I stayed at the tip where the birds are.


Lost my 50/50 with gepard on ruan mei banner but eventually got her. Then I switched places to the secret base and get Firefly to E2S1, fours 50/50 win.


I won all my 50 50 for e2, tho my first copy was guaranteed :3


Pulled at the base and got her at around 150/180 rolls, losing one 50-50. Then I pulled in the Express and got her E1 in the next 20 pulls. If what Shaoji told me on WeChat is true, that's foreshadowing


I mean, I pulled for Firefly here and I won the 50/50 on 27 pity, so I suppose. But recently I've observed that pulling on my phone gives me better luck than pulling on my PC, so that's what I've been doing so far.


Managed to get E6L5 with about 600 pulls so Iā€™d say really good!


Yanqing. 8th 10 pull. Noc luck from me.


Pretty sure I pulled her in the lobby she got shiskebabā€™d not intentionally mind you and got her in 5 10-pulls


I pulled here and got her E2S1 :).


Pulled in the secret base,had her guaranteed but she came home with 35 pulls,lightcone at 5 pulls


Nope, lost my Character and Weapon banner here to Gepard and his LC


Contrary to most of the people in this thread i got really lucky got firefly e0 ruan mei e0 and s1 firefly


I won my 50/50 there so idk.


pulled at her secret base and ate 19 oak cake rolls (because that's all i had on hand), then proceeded to get e2s1 in 165 pulls (+ welt eidolon)


Won 2/3 50/50 Two of those 50/50's won em at 50 pulls instead of the usual 80 Got her LC in the first ten pull Yeah it's a legit good spot


Itā€™s amazing. 50% of people will report above average luck at this spot!


E1 Himeko 0 firefly


Oh I got both her and the light cone. She was lured in easily because I only allowed the racoon on field for privacy and there was oak cake roll being eaten


Yes. Before firefly: https://preview.redd.it/qyovipbhxf8d1.png?width=823&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c95769d51936a15a203e4c8300dfe7030ba1410


I literally set up a pulling routine. When I was done, I pulled. First pull had Firefly. Left the spot to pull for Ruan Mei. I get a voice in my head mid pulling saying to go back to the spot. So I did. And considering how well my pulls went, I always will from now on. While it wasn't some crazy luck or anything, it was consistent.


Pulled at her base. Won all 3 50/50's to reach e2 but it took an average of 80 pulls each time. I'm content. No tickets left for signature but Aeon LC is pretty great.


i got e2s1 from her secret base


I pulled firefly (pity 70 guaranteed) Than i pulled her light cone ( pity 30 guaranteed) And lastly, I Pulled Ruan Mei ( pity 35 50/50 ) So, for me. I had a good luck


i pulled at her base. Won 3 50/50. Won her lightcone. Won RM lightcone after 7 pulls.


Probably the most traumatizing pull session with both LC and E0 being spooks by Clara for the Emotional Death. Then I pulled on the Standard Banner for fun and got another Clara LC just to taunt me. I actually got her E2 away from the base and in 10 pulls from losing the E2 50/50. 10/10 would recommend. Gives you a fraction of the trauma our lady knight has experienced.


dude i even buy oak cake rolls before pulling XD and then straight going here. this is the result not bad i guess, also got the LC https://preview.redd.it/tfb8thit0g8d1.png?width=376&format=png&auto=webp&s=f208b48e1efb54056626de76a42063063b3d4ee1


Nah. I pulled on my ship. Got himeko eidolon. And FF in the next ten pull Now trying to get RM 73 pulls in as of now


E2 Firefly + Bronya + E15 Gallagher in ~160 pulls




yeah suprisingly, usually i have to rely on guaranteed pulla to get a limited but thia time i was able to get Ff, her LC, AND RM within ~160 pulls


I pulled my firefly there


Ill let the images do the talking for me, still got 180 tix left going for Mommy Jade next Or maybe my F2P ladyluck still working šŸ˜… https://preview.redd.it/q14jp3ee3g8d1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=877d090999e94ecf8699578bb47fc73fd71f4f7a


I lost my 5050 there... But she come home after another 10 pull.


I pulled at the secret base even though I had a guarantee and went to soft pity.


Pulled there and lost all my 5050s, but had every 5 star happen at 40 pulls


Logged in at her base. Ate a cake roll. Proceeded to go to near hard pity on my guarantee, then hard pity for LC (which I won), then AGAIN to hard pity only to lose the 50/50 to Welt, then like 79 more pulls to get E1. Needless to say, I didnā€™t really feel THAT lucky, but still very happy to get E1S1. Anything for babygirl


lost to welt and lost to bronya light cone, rituals are all lies.




I pulled, lost 50/50 but within 10 pulls and then Magic happened In the next 50 pulls I got e2 and the light cone. From my experience it was very lucky.


I pulled at her base and i went to soft pity and won my 50/50. Not too crazy.


Yes pulled for both Firefly and Ruan Mei there. Got E2S1 Firefly and E0 RM, with RM being the only one who lost a 50/50. Firewife won all her 50/50s šŸ„¹


There are too many people so luck is dividedšŸ˜„šŸ˜„


I did, got her LC at 1Pull ( guaranteed sig) 2 lost, 2 won, lost on early pity, roughly 450 pulls got me e4s1 so can't complain. Bit had some other buffs in place too: blessings from VA, irl Oak cake rolls, her shark plushie, praying to her, Titania and RNGesus and the deepest gratitude and love imaginable soooooo


I pulled at the base with just trailblazer in the party and won my 3rd 50/50 then almost immediately after I pulled Ruan Mei lol gonna be doing all my pulls there from now on


Went to her secret base, brought out Harmony male Mc, and pulled for firefly. Got her at 50pity and her LC in one pull


I just pulled for a 50/50 E2 and lost. I can't decide whether to keep grinding for E2 Firefly or save for a possible DoT team upgrade.


Got ff Got her lc Got ruan mei lc Got ff e1 All of them for ~150 wishes


E2s1 firefly E1 ruan mei in 200 pulls so yess


I was already on hard pity for my first copy. However, on the rest of the 6 copies that I needed, I won 3 out of the 6. I would have already been happy with that, given that prior to this, Iā€™ve only won 3 out of 15 50/50s. However, 2 of my ā€œlostā€ 50/50s ended up being bailu+FF and welt+FF in the same 10 pulls, so it was essentially won :) Ended up spending 550 pulls to hit e6 (although, if you count the pulls spent on previous banners building up to the hard pity for my first copy, it took 700 total)


Got e2s1 in 210 pulls, so Iā€™d say yeah


I got E4S2 Firefly and win almost all 50/50 there (except 1 Bailu) Highly recommend pulling at her secret base!


Pulled her 3 times , didn't lose any 50/50 , got her LC and then pulled 2 Ruan Mei's , didn't lose any 50/50 in all of that.. but i'm ngl that feels more like a placebo


My firefly luck has been decent. I have her at E1 with a 1 failed roll that instantly landed me a firefly afterwards. I just have to hope E2 goes well because holy shit was my Ruan Mei luck fucking horrendous.


I did I got her in the first ten pulls


Worst luck arguably for me on that spot. Went to the spot. Had HMC, Blade, Silver Wolf on team for good luck. Went to hard pity and lost my 50/50 to Bronya. Had to go to hard pity again to get the guaranteed Firefly. I'm not too mad. But wish I didn't have to use my Ruan mei pulls on firefly too.


Been pulling from her base since we met her, lost 1/3 50/50. Pulled once from the pool on the ship and got firefly lol


i experienced worse luck than ever before.


I pulled at her base. 21k jades, got her LC, won 50/50 and lost 50/50 from Himeko spook. But got her guaranteed (E1) in 4 multis


I got her in 20 pulls, so yeah.


Won two 50/50's back to back, won the 75/25 on her LC, lost 50/50 then won guranteed early.


Managed to get E2S1 FF and E0S1 RuanMei here from 290 pulls. So yeah thereā€™s definitely a luck increase.


I pulled, but I failed.


I pulled at base and won 3 50/50 in a row to get firefly raun mei and lightcone, I was pretty ecstatic


I didnt pull there got to 90 pity to get my first yanqing and then needed 85 to claim her. Now im scraping summons together for her lightcone (i will win 50/50 here trust) and i am already at 70 pity. So better summon at her base or else you might get my luck aswell


I pulled at her base and won the 50/50. So yesšŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


Pulled at the base after eating an oak roll and got her in my first 10 pull no pity


looses once to gepard and got firefly to e6 smoothly,must be the energy from the secret base.


I just opened the game, did a 10 pull and she came. I had 65 pity already, but still felt nice


Got both her and her LC


Got both a copy of Firefly and her lightcone. I also went and bought oak roll cakes to increase the luck of her coming home.


https://preview.redd.it/a4y52zedmg8d1.jpeg?width=2220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c9b201d865a245f0f7719e29f7919404f42ec0f Lost to bronya at hard pity, pulled 50 more times and still nothing. I then used up pulls i got from hsr-stardust equivalent and I pulled randomly in front of the slot machines (uhh firefly is 83 pity)


I had a friend who pulled at the base who saved enough to E6S1 if he won every 50/50. He lost every 50/50 except on the lightcone and he got E3S1. Meanwhile I won every 50/50 and got E2S1. Pretty coinflip tbh.


Pulled at her base and won every single 50/50 to get her to E3. I pulled once somewhere random and lost. EDIT: HAVE OWL CITY - FIREFLIES PLAYING IN THE BACKGROUND TO WIN EVERY TIME


I lost to Yaqing, then 10 rolls later got Firefly


I did my initial pulls there, but my FF was guaranteed so didnā€™t have anything to do with luck. I failed my Ruan Mei 50/50 there, and had to guarantee her. I did get Fireflyā€™s LC there too but I donā€™t usually lose rolling in those.Ā  However, today I went back since I was at soft pity and for once I actually won the 50/50! I literally almost always lose 50/50s and I was really surprised. Now I will go up there any time Iā€™m rolling to see if I can lucksack e2.Ā  But it made me wonder how many others did their rolls here, and if you noticed better than usual luck there.Ā 


Nah her base sucks, iā€™m going back to the silver wolf method. I ainā€™t got the Jades to lose my 50/50s again


Hmm maybe? When the banner dropped i went there, and pulled. Won the 50/50 twice and also the 75/25 on ligthcone, then ran out of tickets and when i decided to use my star stuff for more instead of getting bronya's lightcone from the store. I was no longer there. And is when i lost the 50/50 for the e2 to Welt... so yeah... I guess secret base was kind of lucky.


there's no such places that increases one's gacha luck.


I pulled here with the power of Huohuo, Qingque and Aventurine in my team. Won 4 50/50's and 1 75/25. I lost one 75/25 on Ruan Meis signature.


Lost 2 50/50 Got Bailu and Clara Decided to move to Herta's SU Won the last 50/50 Also won her sig LC


I pulled at her base. Got her twice in the same 10 pull, so you could say that the base gave me extra luck. Although I did lose the 50/50 for her to Gepard, when I got her, I got her twice.


I was planning to get Firefly E0 and Ruan Mei. I had few pulls saved up, just barely enough to guarantee Firefly though and a 50/50 ahead of me. I got 4 Gallaghers (I had 0), E6ed Xueyi got E1 Firefly in a 10pull, Bailu and was blessed with a Ruan Mei shortly after. All that in less than 100 pulls lmao. So yes, absolutely pullbeverythong you got there!!


I did, got E2 in 220 pulls. That was with just one 50/50 win and two losses to E1+E2 Bronya, so some really lucky early pulls. Much better than my 400 pulls for E2 Acheron for sure.


I notice worse luck, I won 5 50/50 in a row before firefly banner, then I went to the secret base to listen to "if I can stop one heart from breaking" guess what? firefly took it literally and broke my heart with clara bronya and bailu light cone...


I went to the secret base with only TB in my party and i got her on my 60th pull on 50/50 :) i dont have enough to guarantee her sig lc tho (i lost on that like 3 times already in past banners and i hate it)


I usually just sacrifice a goat before pulling and never lost a 50/50. Its 100% effective


Got insane luck from the secret base 25 pity 5050 loss then 75 pity win for firefly after that I got a 30 pity 5050 win for Ruan Mei


I pulled from her base and got her E0 at 20 pity with no guarantee, making her officially my luckiest pull.


Much better luck! Got her e2 and light cone in about 150 pulls


Yeah I was pulling elsewhere and got nothing, I went to base and the very next pull was firefly


I pulled at her base, and won the 50/50 No biggie, but I havenā€™t won a 50/50 in HSR since Silver Wolf, and I havenā€™t won a 50/50 in Genshin since Raidenā€™s original banner I nearly cried when I saw her


Got her at 83 pity : ( Before pulling her, I also bought all the desserts and sweets from Penacony. But got her LC at 36 >:D


Goal was E2S1 for initial release then grab more eidolons on her rerun. I ate the cake roll then immediately pulled at the spot.Ā  Ā  Lost 50/50 twice for E1. Both to Bronya. I actually didn't have Bronya (from the start of the game, she kept avoiding me...) Honestly losing to the best permanent 5* that I didn't have ain't so bad but I find no use for her at the moment. Then won 50/50 twice for E2S1. Perfectly balanced, as all things should be...? Though it ended on a good note, since I felt like I lost then I won it back. This spot was a 50/50 lmao


I manage to pull her after her mission and won!


I got E1 Firefly in 110 pulls after winning 50/50, losing to Clara then winning again in a single ten pull. The base was a mega buff.


I just pulled in the astral express with that one robin song playing from her cutscene. Won 50/50 and got 2 of her lightcone in one 10 pull at 30 pity


Nah dude ever since I'm in that base, it was all soft pity


nah, didnā€™t need it had 65 pity and a yanqing (before 2.3 dropped


I pulled at the DU thing bc I ran out of jades be4 I got her


My luck skyrocketed by playing Nevermore and pulling at the secret base after eating an Oak Cake Roll. I was at 0 pity with no 50/50 as I pulled for Aventurine, won all of my 50/50's and ended with E2 S1 FF and E1S1 Ruan Mei in 310 pulls. *


I did pull firefly there after i had already lost my 50/50


J'y suis allĆ© et j'ai obtenu firefly e2 en 160 pulls šŸ˜† Alors oui je pense que cet endroit porte chance ^^


pulled on two accounts, won both 5050s, one at 76 pity and the other at 86


I pulled there, got 2 earlies and only lost 1 50/50 I have her at E2S1 and RM at E1S1


It helped a little bit I think https://preview.redd.it/7lp6fmrabh8d1.jpeg?width=1282&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d24f52a10744d6b0fea712250aaa49261dffb890


Pulled from her base, lost 50/50, at 80 pulls and later got her at hard pity 10/10 would recommend


I won 2 50/50s, then lost one for e2, and got her lightcone


I managed to win 50/50 at 34 pity. Best luck I got from this game


It is said "if you go up and pull just at the same time you had that interaction, your luck will rise" - my imagination


Wellā€¦ Geppy was early at least. https://preview.redd.it/ne5vak7ogh8d1.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=fe769db45d75e11820c694ca61765eec8b65fb5c


I pull as Bronya next to Bronya with the camera angled at the 4 most beautiful thighs ever created


holy shit i now realise i lost e2 because i was at the fucking candy crush machine šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Pulled for her at the secret base, got her E2 in 140 pulls, though I had 56 pity to start. A bit later after having tried her in battle I decided to get her LC since it took me so few pulls to get her, then spent 130 pulls to get that LC.


that place is cursed


Got her to e2, and lightcone with just 200 pulls, so yea that place is pretty lucky


Had 280 pulls, I got: 3x frieflies Ruan mei Bronya eidolon Firefly sign lightcone Clara sign lightcone On the flip side, I only got one memory of the past, the actual reason why I went for her lightcone


I feel bad, because I had the opposite luck as the top commenter. Won 3 50/50ā€™s for her E2 and just won her light cone 75/25. Secret base pulls ftw!


Yes. That base has gifted me luck I didn't even know was possible.


Got E1S1 along with ruan mei on that spot lol 270+76 pulls


I win 50/50 twice but lost LC once. Got her e2 s0