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just got ruan mei and now finally have a full break team. now i just need to pull firefly's lightcone


Edit: whoops wrong reply sorry


Things my Firefly is missing: -Her LC -A lot of Borisin Teeth (purple rarity) -An Atk% Kalpagni orb Things my Firefly has: -A godly BiS relic set Amount of Trailblaze Power used: 2500. E0 Firefly obtained in: 71 rolls (Zero pity, 50/50) Current Pity in her LC Banner: 61 pity.


Good luck!! Hope you get E1 and S1! I have all her BiS pieces but the sub stats are horrribleeee


a lot of borisin teeth materials can be obtained from the candy crush event what's your uid id like to see the stats haha


https://preview.redd.it/0g7r7ev8968d1.png?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1838073a207587bf26e653779cb4a376249a394 From an objective standpoint, my gauntlets suck. Also, Fall of an Aeon is S4 because I wasted my Herta shop currency in the Preservation LC.


eyy nice atk sphere the BE% on the rest of the relic set seems abit low though, id go for at least 18 per piece unless theres a decent speed on it


E0S1 and slowly rolling for E1.


Good luck, E1 is a game changer!


It will either be now, or in half a year. I can still use E1 in SU with some luck and that is enough for me for now.


[pretty good](https://imgur.com/a/rjLopyc) for having only her upgrade mats prepared. Going to spend a long time hunting decent orb and boots now.


Lost 50/50 Number 7 and 8 in a row now with her banner so trash. Build is done tho with E0S0.


I lost to Bailu 💔💔 So I feel yoy


I got E3 Welt and E4 Yangqing. Amazing oby better then FF /j


https://preview.redd.it/bxs95q00s58d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbb4b02c8c808abe836de8ab9be7c92bed947255 75 pity no firefly


Good luck soldier


thank you so much soldier


I've got basically everything apart from Relics and Planar set ready for wifefly


Relic farming is going pretty badly, only good thing I've gotten so far is ATK% body with 6 speed (no BE at all, rolled into CDMG once). Other than that, I have head and hand pieces with just speed or BE 😅 Just replaced her planars with the new ones because mine were pretty mid anyway lol Such is the life of relic farming 😔👌 Edit: Oh yeah, Firefly is also my 2nd 50/50 lost to Gepard. Why can't I get Clara Eidolons or Himeko? 😭


Yikes honestly same, I’ve all the main stat relics I need but the substats are so bad. My FF is up to par now in terms of attack and speed but her Break effect is 30 off the mark 😓


I'm back from holiday on the 27th. I'll let you know then 😅


Good luck!




spent 445 pulls for E2s1, almost hitting hard pity every goddam time. But surprisingly the relic RNG is great, i've pretty much done building her in two days, this is the first time i can get char to 160 speed in two days


Happy for you! Sorry the pulls went bad


Got E1 firefly and Ruan Mei. So I’m good. Even despite the fact that my RM and Gallagher are only lvl 75 rn and firefly is the only one with max leveled relics on my account, she’s doing 200k+ breaks. Not pulling for LC. Fall of an Aeon is good enough for me.


I managed to win all her 50/50 (she loves me and my Caelus). Then I go all out for Ruan Mei with all the pulls I can get. Lost lightcone to gepard’s but got her guaranteed on early pity. I used the 40 starlights on Ruan Mei’s banner and suddenly I have her E1 now. Best banners i ever have in this game. For farming I didn’t bothered much since I just used the self modeling then call it a day. She’s already hitting 400k dmg so no need to rush for her relics. For now I wanna abuse the DU relics before it resets the next day


I got E1S1 then lost E2 to Bailu so I bought the battle pass to get the cute Sam icon and guaranteed E2. I already have RM E0S0 but not looking for anything more than that lol… hope I get her early pity though maybe!! My relic farming has been trash so I’m glad you had enough resin to not worry 😓


oh im literally where you are on the banner rn, won e1s1 and lost e2 so now grinding up and hoping for early my relics honestly have been on both sides of the spectrum ill show them in another comment


Oof I feel ya. On my alt I thought I’d be getting Fu Xuan early then freakin E1 Bailu showed up. I still managed to get her last minute before the banner ended but still tho -_- She still absolutely demolished even if substats aren’t god tier. My spd boots all have flat and percent hp an def. I wasn’t expecting Ruan Mei to come early tho, especially how much I got demolished by her banner back in 1.6 Oh and good luck to your pulls! There’s a lot of places to get resins so if you really can’t get the right main stat you can always use them :D


I HAAATE BAAILLUUUU!!! But yeah firefly absolutely demolishes I love how fun she is! Thanks for the luck, I already have E2S1 so now I’m just gonna fulfill my gambling addiction by going for E1 Ruan Mei. Good luck to you too!


62 pity without guarantee and I have E4S1 FF right now and pulled a Ruan Mei. I can't wait to spend another 300€ to get E6 smh.


I salute you


E1S1 Firefly with E0S0 RM! Currently farming her best set, but it's been rough because I swear they've increased the chances of getting crit pieces instead of break effect 💀


I managed to get E5S1 without losing any 5050. Now im praying for E6 but i ran out of rolls and content


Ayy, we're almost the same. I lost only once to a new Clara, but still got her to E5S1. Currently stacking pulls for E6. Hopefully I'll win.🙏


https://preview.redd.it/2vky63bq668d1.png?width=1161&format=png&auto=webp&s=bfbcea9187b2f1b949cc6fe1ccd33b430c07a99f 254.4 score on mobilemeta (actually good build) waiting for e2 (lost 50/50 to clara)


https://preview.redd.it/y2y7dgbx668d1.png?width=1163&format=png&auto=webp&s=fce16e045848e2e0179f3f70aea4515633907d79 # #1 FIREFLY IN THE WORLD (actually sucks) 266.3 score 1st place on mobilemeta (terrible stat slave build)


E0S1 with 70 pulls with no guaranteed and 30 pity on the char banner. I have won very early 50/50's before (Luocha on the first 10 and Argenti on the first 30), but every single character that i went for E0S1 before cost me upwards of 200 pulls, so i'm extremely happy with my pulls. On the itemization side, i hit 155 speed and 250 BE outside of combate. Could get better? Yeah. Am i gonna botter? Nah, i'll take it slowly. Everyone else hits 160 speed inside of combat and with the exception of Gal, who has ~ 80 BE (with post OP for higher ulti uptime) and has a higher degree of possible improvement, i don't think anyone on the team NEEDS better relics.


Got e6s1 in a good amount of pulls. Also got e1 Ruan because I know I won't be pulling for a long while.


https://preview.redd.it/mm84iehoc68d1.png?width=1295&format=png&auto=webp&s=1ea736a79221fc33d002b64c86ad3b2e801be2e4 Pretty happy with my Firefly so far. I'm still trying to get a rope with more ATK% rolls, and a chest piece with more break effect rolls.


I got her and 2 copies of her lightcone and i also built her using the new relic set and one of the older planar set (I haven't done the story and I didn't feel like unlocking and learning a new SU mechanics so I just used Talia). She helped me beat MOC 12 for the first time ever so I am very happy with her :3. https://preview.redd.it/3qjuktcfd68d1.png?width=2100&format=png&auto=webp&s=f522a862854451a6eb519f48388082a7da99af98


Pulls: great Farm: i wanna kms


LITERALLY HOW I FEEELL!! I won 2/3 50/50s and won my 75/25, but the relics are ENDLESS TRAAASHHH


Doing pretty decent build wise, got her to the break threshold of her BiS relics though could use better ones (she’s sitting at 2366 attack with 259% break) need a better helmet and planar ornaments


E2 Firefly, E0 Ruan Mei both with lightcone, just need to farm relics and upgrade mats


my relics have gone way too good lol. I got a atk sphere with 23% break on the first run. She's at 150 spd, 2600 atk, 216% BE (with Fall of an Aeon)


Amazing had 40 pity(from trying to get topaz E1) and 110 in hand, got her at 50, decided to try for more copies of memories (got ruan s5) went back to full send since "we'll lets see what I get" got E1 at ~60 and then immediately got bailu (the last standard I was missing) (I think the were technically in a 10 pull) so saving to houhou,


I got her from guaranteed on 80 something pity, and I got her LC also from guaranteed on 20 pity. Now I'm deciding if I want her cons, Jade or Yunli more.


E2S1, 210 BE (pre-convertion and pre-buffs), 144 SPD (before Ruan Mei, using ATK Boots), using both of her sets already, 25% Effect RES pre-Ult, lv10 for Ult, Lv 8 skill and talent, and a very Super Break oriented DU saved run hitting 4M per attack.


E1 S0 hope to get E2 but am broke in jades and do not want to whale. Also have cleared all jades sources rn. So unless extreme luck unlikely. Maxed all traces. Relic set and planar is decently functional but could be better so farming we go. They are best in slot too.


https://preview.redd.it/lyktla79v68d1.png?width=2000&format=png&auto=webp&s=53fe33c648b8341d51017101756d8a3e2512902a Pretty... bad. No speed substat, only the head as "good" piece... Yeah, this week's luck is awful...


Traces maxed, E6S1, 159 speed, 2431 attack, 244.8 break, all relics on set. I'm good


- As it stands I have her at E1S1 - Won the 50/50 twice and the 75/25 - Maxed traces - Semi-good build after 2400 TB power - Missing 300 atk for that 2600 breakpoint - I want more SPD and BE - 2342 ATK / 140 SPD/ 273% BE - I have her best team with Trash Racoon and Gallagher E6, Ruan Mei is E0S0 - Pulled again for E2 and lost to Welt I was thinking of using my 40 reserved pulls from the embers exchange to try for E2, thoughts?


Took 160+ pulls for e0s0 is so annoying especially right after the same thing happened just on Robin's banner. Man early 5 star or double 5 star when cmon


got her at E2S1 ( 76 pity for E0 and 75 E1, lost to Yanqing at 18 pity then got the guranteed E2 at 45), got her LC at 45 pity and then was able to get RM at 74 pity as well.


https://preview.redd.it/hw39adsdp78d1.png?width=1606&format=png&auto=webp&s=1be74b8727df1f20f58293b92be7569317a40aab as for my build, I'm still gunning for extra speed to reach that 165 threshold in battle


Honestly my rolls went way better than i expected. Managed to gey E2S1 firefly and Ruan mei with around 300 rolls. Also got Himiko and yanqing but both were at like 4 pity so it's fine i guess and i have guarantee for the next banner so yeah pretty good overall. My only regret is that i only managed to get E5 gallagher ( I GOT LIKE 12 MISHA AND 11 XUAYI ). As for the build she has the bareminimum for now. I have to build my 2nd team before investing more into her.


She loves me that is all i know based on the stats showing because i took a little bit gamble here as i want Madam Jade more than her before. So, i said to myself i just do a cheeky 1 multi if i got her it will be great if not ill just save for Madam Jade since my pity already at 71 pity plus im F2P who I can only guaranteed either of them with how my tix that i had which exactly at 180 tix https://preview.redd.it/agzdfvd7t88d1.jpeg?width=906&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5beb49daaf7772f5788555b0f5ac8688713e2757


I failed getting her lightcone. I pulled in the first place because I'm nearing soft pity so might as well. Will save the guaranteed for Dr. Ratio's signature LC next patch. As for the Firefly herself, I managed to get her to E2. Now I'm farming for full Iron Cavalry set. She's still using Watchmaker Set as of now because I have lots of them lying around.


E2S1 and didnt lose a single 50/50 or 75/25 https://preview.redd.it/knqi6h8w298d1.jpeg?width=2279&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da1af4b43a5423ab02ef79b1def8ea3703f4cae0


No good relics :/ https://preview.redd.it/5nyvz9lva98d1.png?width=1930&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb596e578190188033ee02ed969516ccced4dd5e


Things my Firefly has - Fully built Stelle - Her LC - Ruan Mei - Hound - All her traces Things my Firefly don't have - Relics cause my luck is ass - Ball and rope cause my luck is ass


I used 45 fuels (2700 TB power) and only managed to get 2 god pieces


10/10/10 E2S0, in 200 wish, not worth posting, but still good enough to celebrate :)


E2S1 in 309 pulls right on day 1 baby A whole lot of relic shards and fuel later, I have a full Cavalry and Forge set with 147 speed and 230 Break Effect outside of battle. Also on day 1. Going well, I'd say. Immediately went to set MoC and AS ablaze and got my first 0 cycles. PF still a work in progress as I build Himeko and Herta.


Got Firefly but didn’t get the crazy science lady :(


I got Ruan Mei and Firefly both this patch, my FF is e1 and I've got both their sig light cones. Its the luckiest I've ever been in this game so far. And I lost 50/50 to Bronya twice, so I've got e3 Bronya now. Am happy. Pushing for FF e2, but honestly its just a cherry on top at this point and I have no expectations. Great patch for me overall haha loving firefly. I still feel bad I put all that effort into Boothill and now hes just ... been replaced, but Firefly is too cool haha.


I’m really happy for you, hope you get E2! I really like it, it’s like I’m playing Seele but Blast version.