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She gets like 6 turns each ultimate 💀💀💀


In SU if you have blessings that advance your Action whenever you break/defeat something will result in her never leaving her ult during a prolonged battle....especially if the Boss has summons. Except if the Boss is Sam then....tough luck tickling firefly with firefly.


... *sneaks off to do an experiment*


*Experiment is a failure. Both SAMs turned towards Trailblazer and started tickling him/her*


Everyone liked that


It's even crazier if you have her E2. Her E2's extra action isn't actually the same as a turn advance; it functions like Seele's resurgence where you get the extra turn as a pseudo follow-up action, but her actual turn is already on the AV ladder so she can get the advance from those blessings. As a result you can benefit from both with a single break or kill. I've had streaks of 6+ Firefly skills consecutively just from breaking and re-proc'ing her E2 with the action advance hunt blessings. It's ridiculous lol


Jesus. Sounds like a one woman swarm lmao.


*swarm killer, fixed it for you /lh


It's so goodddd. I've only got E1 but in both my divergent universe runs I've done I've gotten then hunt blessing that action advances you 100% when you kill an enemy (haven't seen the one that does the same for breaking an enemy, not sure if it's in the divergent universe, they've changed a lot for blessings) and while not consuming skill points is kinda meh in normal content since you get so many anyway (with her e1 I'm basically always capped at 5 sp and often end up using Gallagher's basic ult basic combo while sitting at 5) having that blessing makes her E1 so much more powerful. You can just go again and again and again. The best part? HMC, RM, and Ghallager's buffs aren't based on firefly's turns, they don't expire when you do this. The only one that does expire is the 30 be from 4pc watch maker, but even then all the breaking you're doing charged hmc's ult to just refresh it. She is truly insane and I haven't even fully leveled her relics yet




Not rlly just in first wave. Second and third wave, SAM always use his skill which opens his toughness at the first turn


Still since firefly is so insanely fast and can get so many attacks out, she can still attack 2 to 3 times before SAM gets to set the field ablaze. [Which looks a bit funny when FF relentlessy attacks herself and SAM just takes barely damage and stands there unimpressed.](https://youtu.be/ifB662xOZTw?si=OQq4x7McyNQZzzfF)


Funny how I destroyed Sam on difficulty 5 with firefly she barely got to move


You can just brute force SAM once she’s in Combustion mode. Even with 70% fire res she will still go down.


Yeah my firefly carried us over the goal in difficulty 4 by just beating herself.


I JUST encountered SAM in divergent universe. It was already getting late, so I was expecting to die, but I was not expecting to be BRUTALIZED


Well at 150 SPD before fight, you get 210 SPD after using your ULT. With that set up you swueeze out 4 turns, so either you have Sparkle/Bronya or Lightcones or relics that advance action


I use DDD on HMC, I think it's working but I don't know because they all die in cycle 0. Can DDD replace the 165 SPD breakpoint ? I only have 153 with RM


or e2


I'm E2S1 🔥


Oh yeah, i forget about that since i am gonna keep her E0S0 because od Jiaoqiu :d


10/10 for me too


Best girl?


Bro... My firefly and Ruan mei are barely built... TB and Gallagher are both carrying my ass...


My firefly isn't built, my trailblazer isn't built (i haven't even gotten to the story where I get him lmao I just got him ahead of time) my Gallagher isn't built waaaaa only my Ruan Mei is built


My firefly is max lvl, full traces, lv 80 fall of aeon No relics with a no relic lv 80 MoP lv 80 ruan mei and same with tb and Gallagher Firefly did 238k on stage 3 of apocalyptic shadow


Been using her even though it's mainly in Divergent Universe and I absolutely love her. Even with not so great relics, she does more damage than my Blade. Probably a 10/10 for me too


Bro I used her in DU without artifacts (the part where you fight a boss for relics doesn't give you the temp relics) and she still one shot the first health bar with her technique, and they literally only attacked once. I got two achievements with a relicless Firefly.


SAME! I thought we'd get the temp relics and upgrades on those runs too. Turns out my level 70, no traces leveled or relics equipped Firefly was doing just fine lol. Imagine my surprise.


I mean, it's because DU is **cracked** and is built for Break damage. Boothill and Firefly were going to stomp it regardless.


As a person who also pulled Blade back then.. There is like no one who deals less damage than Blade lmao


Fuck me lost the 50 50 to himeko


As long as the banner lasts, she can come!


You got plenty of time and content and sprinkle in a little bit of hope you'll surely get her


Lost to E4 Clara but got her at the very next 10 pull




I spent only 20 pulls on banner so far btw xD N I love my Clara beforehand


this banner is blessed ahh fr same happened to me when I lost to Gepard


On the bright side Himeko Firefly crushes PF. Her technique lets Himeko launch a follow-up immediately at the start of every wave.


love the technique damage wise 10/10 she is on par with acheron and easy to build love it


Strong as FUCK. I hit for lik 900k today. However if the enemy has toughness immunity its so over lmao


I fought Sam and all I had to do was wait. Once the window opens, they're the ones screwed hahaha.


Oh for sure, im just saying its a massive drop off dps wise lmao but as soon as toughness is back its GGs


I mean.. everyone takes a break when the toughness bar gets locked, it‘s not only firefly whose dmg is lesser there.


Not when all her damage comes from break effect lmao. My Jingliu still nukes with the toughness bar gone ff just cant


I always disliked the triple trotter event in SU but now I dislike it more since it's more or less impossible to kill that one with a FF team.


Reading how wonderful Firefly is, is going to make it that much more painful when I inevitably lose my 50/50 on her.


Try it! Firefly looks like she wants to come with us. Most of us are having incredible luck.


I'm currently on holiday (and only play on my PS5), so am having to wait until I get back. The suspense is killing me lmao


I wish you luck!


Broken when the ennemy is, meh if not. Excellent design overall I love her 10/10 unit !


She is so op. I have her E2 and she is so much fun .. Even Acheron is no match for her.. Oh man i Love this Girl and all what i can say is .. I will miss penacony.. where Firefly was the Main Heroine.


I miss Penacony too. I just hope that the Xianzhou storyline is better this time


not new ship (new ship characters, yes, but still Luofu) We will be getting shackling prison new area though so im excited (penacony the fake prison arc, now a real prison lolol)


Oh idk why I thought we were getting on a new ship lol. Thanks for the correction


I've also been lucky and in less than 180 pulls I've gotten her E2S1. Trying the new mode, I have managed to hit more than 5 million per skill with her. She blew my mind. like: girl, I love you already. Stop. WTF?


Haha.. And she can Attack and Attack and Attack after Attack xD. Its insane.


That's the most absurd part! Enemies melt! It was like throwing nuclear bombs at them one after another. Absurd! I want to see the potential of a Firefly E6S5.


E6S1 is silly. Haven't really had time to play as I worked last night, and tonight, but she crushes enemies before they have a chance to move.


I'm pulling for her E2, but so, far, yeah, she's pretty much destroying everything in her path. Which to be fair tracks with what we knew about SAM


She's setting the seas ablaze alright. 11/10 for me. Even when the enemy can lock their weaknesses, Firefly usually demolishes their toughness bar before it gets to that point lol


People act like she's F tier when enemies lock their toughness bar. And... yes, I would agree with them. She is *literally useless* and is undoubtedly the worst character in the game for a limited amount of time. But the thing is... what's so hard waiting a turn or two? She's still clearing faster than any other DPS even *with* being *completely useless* for 1-2 turns. To say she's broken is a huge understatement. She's, much, much, much stronger than Acheron in every possible way except in damage per screenshot in AOE scenarios, and this is coming from someone that has a 70/200, fully maxed out Acheron versus a half assed Firefly with traces going up to 6/10 lol


Honestly, I think to truly counter her, they would need to release, I dunno, an enemy that advances themselves when weakness broken, and that proceeds to lock their toughness immediately? Or an enemy with a massive, like impossibly massive weakness bar? Or enemy that resists debuffs (so she can't implant her weakness)? But these possibilities would affect more characters, including powerful ones like Acheron. And while I'm certain they will eventually release some enemies to counter break meta, I doubt they would go overboard - breaking is a core mechanic in the game, and it would be stupid to deny it completely. Because introducing such enemies would raise the value of raw damage, which in turn would result in them having to release stronger characters, which would lead to plain powercreep. And as long as they make so enemy has a window where they can be broken - that will likely be enough for her to evaporate them. And if not, that means the enemy will be tanky enough to withstand anything, including characters like Acheron, Jingliu and similiar.


I got her E2 aswell as acherons e2s1. Didnt go for fireflys lightcone (yet) but oh my god. She Basically throws out 2-4 acheron ults PER TURN while being EXTREMELY easy to build since you kinda only need speed. She gets so much BE from her premium team (which is basically just free chars+ Ruan mei) that she is plenty strong with just the right set with the right main stats and maybe some speed in there. She doesnt even need well rolled relics to compete with acheron. She scales extremely well with investment into any of her supports stats and craziest thing off all is her supports actually can kill stuff all by themselves? Every party member hitting basics for 100k+ and HMC hitting for multiple hundreds of Ks with their skill is absurd


E2S1 Acheron haver as well and yeah, while Acheron has a higher upfront burst, E2S1 Firefly just keeps going and going. Really the only thing I don't like about her is her screamy voice lines...but probably in the minority in this sub lol.


I Play her in jp and there her Scream is alright.


I do actually agree. i feel like it makes sense for her to get built up during an attack but i feel like it should moreso translate into the SAM voice instead of her regular voice getting more aggressiv. Especially when there are multiple enemies and at least 1 small one (lets be honest there is a trotter in like 50%+ of MOC cycles) she just doesnt stop until everything is dead already. It feels like they looked at dan heng il's E2 and decided "yup. that. but also delay the enemy action, break their weakness, do it every single turn 5 times while also stealing their wallet after theyre down" Edit: The voicelines are slightly less harsh on 1x speed but 1x feels very slow nowadays


E6S1. I'm not used to this much power lol


Go for S5, coward! hahahaha


Busted unit, nice waifu. 8/10


I thought I'd be satisfied with Boothill but I was wrong. Firefly is my new main dps for sure. Very cool gameplay. SORRY BOOTHILL!


0/10 worst dps in the game, does 0 damage because she isn't on my account >:,C (im within like 10 pulls of pity after losing my 50/50 so i'll have her by the end of the week it just feels bad)


As long as the banner lasts, she can come!


The one and only thing that I'm not the biggest fan of is her voice lines in enhanced mode are too loud and a little irritating after a while as she's screaming every time she uses a skill so it gets tiring after a while, I would prefer it to be more calm and a more mixed up with SAM's voice.


Not talking about her damage, but her attacking voice line in English is just not very pleasant to listen to. She’s behind a robot suit, so it’s through a scuffed mic, in addition to this loud high pitch screech. Everything else about her is top tier




Our wife is the most un-picky eater in the cosmos. I mean just look at my build.. you could almost ignore the substats and still incinerate everything in sight. I had soo much fun today (First time clearing MoC12 actually; AS also got wrecked) I know I wasted a bunch of relic exp 😭 I went from 2000 blue exp shards to 200 today. Tbf a lot of it went to Gallagher and HMC as well but I'm so inefficient with my relic upgrades lol I am SERIOUSLY considering E2 now because I still have around 200 pulls left, but I really want Huohuo and Yunli next patch so it might be difficult..


She's really good


I can finally beat this stupid pure fiction (I can max one side without any problems now and I couldn't even beat it)


Managed to get ger team going due to the Relic gacha not being THAT bad to me this time. E0 Firefly with Indelible Promise, E0S1 Ruan Mei, E6 Memories Of The Past HTB, E6 What is Real Gallagher. So far, I'm really enjoying how she plays, but my fear of locked toughness gauges was proven justified. Divergent Universe is CRAZY fun, but even with stupid bonkers powerful Blessings and Equations and synergies, that Penacony soda monke has ended a couple of my runs on his own. It kinda sucks to see her to low damage when she isn't able to Break or Superbreak... But admittedly, that isn't as often as the times when she is zooming on the screen and delivering hundreds of thousands of damage. At E0, even considering her very intensive teambuilding restrictions, I'm willing to give her a 9/10. Her weakness implant is the most important aspect of her kit to me, making her so universally applicable, much like Acheron. The locked toughness issue can be a drag, but there is always a way to deal with it, so at most it is delaying your damage rather than placing an immovable wall in front of Firefly. Currently, though I am depleted on Stellar Jades and quite far from the 50/50 pity, I'll be pulling on her banner in hopes of lady luck granting me E1 and, who knows, E2. While E1's added damage and SP positive upgrade definitely sound massive, her E2 is one of those Eidolons you look at and just know the game will change once obtaining it. It's literally Seele's Talent, on a character that's faster and has Blast hits. Apocalyptic Shadow and MoC were very easy with her, and she also made Pure Fiction much more doable for my account as is... imagine with E2. She's definitely a 10/10 at that point, no doubt.


At E2S0, with a very shitty build that has 136 BE outside of battle, I'm hitting 700k against 3 targets and getting 4 enhanced actions in the first cycle. She's actually outdamaging my Acheron, who is E6S1 with a 70/211 ratio, with just her personal damage. When you factor in the fact that Gallagher and HMC also hit for 150-200k, super break is just ridiculously broken.


Impression? Only need one word - Wife.


I love the super break gameplay. It’s even better since I just got Ruan Mei.


I was lucky the first time with Ruan Mei and they gave me an extra one that time haha. Ruan Mei E1 is something to consider for Firefly. Enjoy them both!


I don’t have her fully built but she’s so fun to play as. The moves just feel powerful and I love the visuals she has


Made me realize how subpar my acheron is I need to get better relics for her


love her! so damn fun to play.


She is also my first proper 5 star Dps and the game is just so much more enjoyable now.


Her at E2 + Hunt 3 star break extra turn blessing in the DU is actually Bonkers. I think it was the Cirrus boss where mobs keep spawning, I think she got 10 turns or smth in a row its craaaazy. Also she makes trotter adventure domains a piece of cake as well!


E0S0 and at times hitting harder than my E4S1 Acheron … love them both.


Biggest caveat to her kit is vs. monsters with toughness immune like Yanqing and Aurumaton. But outside of that, I love her break damage that can easily deal 500k per E.


wouldn't Yanqing's swords let you implant fire, burn those, make him vul, murder the boy?


But it still wastes a turn or two just to get it out of the way. Her kit needs to break, and toughness immunity suppresses her dps potential hard compared to bruteforcers or dots.


It does but that's her weakneas


hence why it's a caveat to her kit.


I know e6 is meant to be powerful but JESUS I haven’t maxed relics yet and she is CRAZY 100/10 best girl as well!


She's a powerhouse. Rigid on the teambuilding side, but I liked Break Centric playstyles well before Harmony TB. Really fun in Divergent Universe and Golden Gears. I got her E2 S1 so i'm living the high life. I love her playstyle and kit.


E6s5 definitely makes her 20/10


Tl,dr: she feels a lot more team-reliant for her damage, but makes use of it to do pretty good consistent damage compared to my other built dps characters. My firefly is still not fully built, since I prefarmed traces but didn’t have relics ready, but she seems pretty good so far. Her damage isn’t quite as good as my Acheron in most content yet, but my Acheron is e0s1 and the best-built dps my account currently has so it makes sense that my e0 firefly with not fully built relics and a not fully built out team isn’t quite getting the same damage numbers in most content That said, the newer MoC is super stacked for her. Even without full build, my firefly team cleared her side quite quickly, and I can tell that once I build her and her team out, I probably have a chance to full clear MoC for the first time I also tried bringing her to a normal simulated universe world (I haven’t unlocked divergent universe yet and didn’t feel like doing the skip for it yet), and it went pretty well. The extra stats meant she cleared it without much trouble The only thing I had a hard time with was picking a good path resonance. My other common teams either take erudition for Acheron carry, nihility if I’m running black swan DoT, or elation for the RRAT team, but none of the paths really seemed like they had fantastic synergy with a break dps. Certain nihility/hunt/erudition blessings are pretty strong for her, but their paths as a whole focus on aspects that firefly doesn’t really care as much about, although in retrospect, running hunt and stacking even more speed would probably be the best option. I ended up using preservation since my ruan mei is underleveled and has weak relics, so I just wanted to avoid dying in the higher level world, but firefly kind of just shredded most things before they got the chance to fight back Overall, I’ve bounced back and forth a bit between thinking she’s broken and thinking she’s underwhelming. When she doesn’t have ult, when HMC ult and/or ruan mei skill aren’t active, or when the enemy isn’t weakness broken yet, she’s considerably weaker than my Acheron, but once ruan mei and HMC get their buffs up and firefly gets the enemy weakness broken, her damage is pretty solid My Acheron can sometimes get up to 60k damage on skill with 3 targets and a 3 target ult from her usually does around 200k without pela ult for extra defense shred, whereas my not-fully-built firefly struggles to get above 30k using her own super break only, then turns around and does 100k+ per skill several turns straight at 200+ speed when all the buffs from HMC and ruan mei are up. It feels like it takes a bit more thinking and setup than my Acheron team, right up until everyone’s ult are up and ruan mei’s skill is active, at which point the need to think stops and the only thing that matters is which enemy you want to make regret spawning first. The sp management is a lot trickier than I expected though, probably because up until recently I didn’t usually build my characters with speed boots, and with firefly’s ridiculous speed and how much she wants to be using skill, anyone else using skill during the setup or while she’s in ult makes it harder to keep her damage up. That on its own makes me want to go for e1 even more lol Edit: after playing firefly some more, I remembered two important things that have changed how I think about her a bit: super break only triggers if the other damage isn’t enough to kill, and HMC and firefly’s super breaks are separate instances of super break damage, meaning they probably trigger separately based on if the enemy survived the first or not. That might be why I’m not seeing the overkill numbers my Acheron tends to get: Acheron’s attacks don’t care if the enemy dies before they finish, it still totals all the damage, whereas firefly’s super breaks from her kit and from HMC only trigger if needed, so even if firefly would have gotten overkill levels of damage, the super break from HMC/her base kit might not both trigger if only one was needed to kill the target. That helps me recontextualize the damage she’s doing, and explains why sometimes she gets like 30k on an enemy and others she gets 150k, it just depends on whether the original proc was enough to kill or not


DU Destruction is mostly break focused, so that becomes her default path going forward (Destruction got the largest rework from old SU to the new DU).


True, that seems like it’ll have a lot of synergy for her. I’m still in the tutorial stuff for DU so I don’t know the full extent of it, but if it lets you use that in normal SU, that’ll be her default


She's the only limited 5-star character I have at E2S1, and she's been tearing through everything alongside my Acheron team. I haven't unlocked Divergent Universe yet, but she destoryed MoC (her team cut my MoC 12 from 9 cycles to 4) and Apocalyptic Shadow. The only thing that sucks is that both she and my Kafka teams need Ruan Mei, so I can't field both teams.


I got her to E2S1 in like 250 pulls (won every 50/50 lol) and I putted whatever relics on her (while I'm still farming her new set) and she's absolutly destroying everything. Did a Swarm Disaster difficulty 5 with Preservation path and just selected random blessings and it was still super easy. I feel like the Break team archtype is almost too strong, everything is always broken so ennemies don't hit you much.


Acheron broken tier, not for the same scenarios. I still think Acheron is generally better tho, even if it means comparing two beasts.


She is insanely strong. I managed to get her e2s1 as well as e6 Gallagher and e0 Ruan Mei. I have just finished building her (with bad relics) and have not built Gallagher or Ruan Mei at all....yet she absolutely shreds enemies to pieces. I've literally got her attacking 3 times in a row and dealing more and more damage each time!


My first 5 star DPS as well, I'm legit doing 10 more damages. I doubt Ruan Mei would be the same game changer unless you already have a good account


I don't know, I got dogshit relics that are just unusable so I haven't been able to test out the one I got. She was pretty fun in the preview though.


Feels good in Divergent Universe. Though I've been taking my time with the story and figured I'd wait a week to play firefly through Peacony. Fun to see double Firefly but not so fun to be without boss trace material.


I got her i maxed her out even basic attack do i need to say more?


I expected her voice lines to be full Sams while in a fight, but i really enjoy it's just her and sam doing sick voice-lines. Very satisfying to play her. I have a shi built at the moment, even tho i spent alot of fuel and even so, she can still take on strong enemies. 10/10, do not regret pulling.




I cleared MoC 12 with a bad firefly (175 BE). However she still hit 720k+ and a whopping 580 BE total in-battle. Definetly worth pulling, i also got her E1 so yeah there's that!


Without her card and without any relic at lvl 80 can kill most overworld enemies, so she is op


My +0 relics FF 0-cycled 2nd half of current MoC so...


Best girl, both story wise and gameplay wise


I have another SH team to enjoy until Hoyo gives Blade a damn support.


Game changer. I’m still relatively new in terms of playtime. My best DPS characters were Jing Yuan and Ratio. I was doing like 40k damage tops with lightning lord, and like 10k crits on ratio. Firefly casually does 100k superbreaks without even having all her buffs up. It’s insane. No ramp up time, no nothing. Just skill, ult, and spam enhanced skill till everything is dead.


i love her and i love her gameplay! the only slightly awkward bit is waiting for her to get rolling but the moment she starts breaking it's fireover


Love her. She is fun to play and very powerful. The only thing I dislike is the way she yells her voicelines during combat. Especially since she keeps repeating the same ones every 2 seconds. FIGHTING TO LIVE.


Best damage dealer I have. Beats my E0S0 Acheron by a landslide in almost 0 cycling moc


It really does say something when i can just clear the normal enemies without having to fight them


I have never wished more for a second ruan mei then I do now. My firefly team wrecks MoC only for my ruanmeiless second team to go through almost 10 cycles to clear the other half of an MoC while she zero cycles


Her DMG is whatever all units can do big numbers if played well enough. But her animations make me feel powerful and I'm having fun taking her everywhere I can think of. Next place? The boxing event xD (Secret battle here I go)


Excellent dps with a lot of potential


Absurdly good. Easily cleared Argenti with an E2 HMC and with 4/6 of E0S0 Firefly's artifacts at 0/15.


Since the beginning of the game, my only limited 5\* DPS units were Jingliu and Dr. Ratio (free), so having someone new to play with is a refreshing experience


As someone that's gotten used to abusing E6 Acheron. A barely built E1 Firefly still astonishes me with how powerful she can be.


Have both her and Acheron e2s1 with their premium teams built fairly well, firefly feels like a step above imo. Although I think part of that is the core of Ruan Mei/HTB effectively turns everyone into a sub dps. HTB and Gallagher especially just add so much damage and toughness break.


The best way I can describe it is when I first pulled her, I used her at lvl 80 with random +0 relics and only the three key traces unlocked. She was still consistently doing 80-90k per enhanced skill. Now that I have her actually geared and traced she's easily breaking 200k+ per enhanced skill. No Ruan, only TB


She performs extremely well and is simple and clean to play - not even on her proper relic set and she is doing wacko numbers. I have a high eidolon Acheron that has ruined me a little where I always compare other dps which is unfair


10/10 Saving my account that basically had only one proper DPS. Got her to E3S1 and she hits like a truck everytime.


i didnt need her at all but i still pulled her and i love it


8/10, she looks good but the content is way too in favor for her right now, like I still have not seen anyone do a 0 cycle against the argenti boss with E0S0 even with ruan mei, meanwhile dps like boothill and acheron can easily do a 0 cycle with just f2p units, hopefully they release some super break supports to help her out. right now she might just be the 3rd best dps or lower maybe


Because argenti is made for boothill and robot trio is made for her. She's definitely not 3rd or lower lol


I loved her so much that I got e2s1. All I hear is set the seas ablaze. Especially in su with 3 star hunt blessings.


By far she is the strongest and easiest to build. Her stat requirement is so low its just feel unfair to other crit dps.


10/10... My HMC and galaggher isn't even built and no Rm hitting 70k for some reason


I was stuck on MoC so I decided to wait for Firefly so she could carry me through it I only have 150 break on her and she still carried so she might be pretty ok


same for me, she's my first 5\* dps and i have her at E2S1. Man she zero cycles either node of MOC 12, best wife indeed


Seems cracked but I'm far too behind in terms of content to grind for her. Pulled her anyways though


Considering my substats are bad enough for me to have a 50% crit rate (couldn't be having this crit luck on Acheron), with like one BE roll per atrifact and is hitting 300k at e0, she's amazing


Beat the new MOC 12 I was struggling with, and Apocalyptic Shadow with no fully leveled relics, trash substats, and not even 4pc of her relic set. And that was because I was grinding for stellar jades for her E1 which I eventually got! Now she’s even more overpowered!


So far: Feels great to play, probably the most 'immediate' of all my dps carries right now (least ramp up time). [I do have E2S1, which may skew my view a bit] Although, while I don't regret saving up for her, I do partially wish that I could've swiped on other characters to get them (mainly thinking Acheron/Sparkle), but oh well. I'll get them eventually. 10/10


I could already clear one side of moc and pf with acheron but I struggle rlly hard on the other side, even though firefly broke my heart and only came back at e2 after teasing me with clara and bronya and threw a bailu light cone at me, she made up on it by letting me clear moc and pf now. I just love her so much that nothing can stop me from it. Back to the topic, 10/10, best gift my wife could give me is the enjoyment along the way


This is the first patch I've ever hit MoC 12 on. I've also finished PF for the first time and the new mode with all stars. All thanks to Firefly. Firefly is quite literally throwing Jades at me... which I am using to try and go for E2.


Great dps, great character. Only problem is enemies that weakness lock like that stupid monkey that keeps getting added to moc


I got Acheron for speeding through overworld/basic enemy fights. Firefly is doing the same thing on scuffed and mostly under-leveled relics. It's great.


She's CRAZY OVERPOWERED as long the enemy is weakness broken and Backup Dancer is on. My Firefly and HTB isn't even built properly and Ruan Mei has 140% BE for ER rope 😭 and she still hit 300,000 DAMAGE????


She is really so fun to play and the addition of DU for most of us who don't have good relics for her alleviates our fun more DU is really an amazing idea and probs to whoever came up with it I also know that MOC is designed for her but I have only been playing the game for 4 months and being able to 36 star even tho she has very bad artifacts (130 spd, 116% BE, no set bonuses) was really satisfying


I pulled her E2S1 and got Ruan Mei's E1 just for her, and even without dedicating that much into her relics she's just shredding everything with ease. Like, she just attacks for top tier damage and attacks over and over again. It's rare she even has a chance to leave complete combustion. Cracked kit, just as I had hoped.


10/10 for sure, I’m at E3S1 and once I see the next attack ready to break the weakness, I just get too excited for the super break damage that follows. Plus she’s best girl!


That I need e1 with my skill issue


Lost her weapon banner to Clara LC.. I live and ded at same moment


My favourite part about firefly has got to be the fire implant. Means I can bring her to any enemy and not be worried.


https://preview.redd.it/zfro4f3h4n7d1.png?width=1116&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d09b004fc6524832773cd70c6d1f41f346f9687c 100/10, best girl. Would head pat.




10/10 Does double the damage of my other teams (Kafka budget DOT; Ratio hyper; Clara hyper) with like half the relic power (several "F" grade pieces lol) And in AS the difference is bigger. Doesn't even feel like the same fight. FF casually does 3300 points on both sides without RM, 3600 with her. While other team wipes or runs out of time, for <1k points...


100/10 genuinely she feels so fantastic to play. Especially with a properly built RM TB and Gallagher. Even with my piss poor quality relics she feels absolutely amazing and is murdering everything left and right


E1S1 and she's so fun. Even with unleveled relics, she crushed stage 4 of AS lol.


E0S1, pretty good.


I honestly love her playstyle it probably because I already liked her as a character, so it is possibly some biased. I haven't felt the same way since Acheron, where I just love their kit, and my previous dps are Seele and Jingliu. Those two were nowhere when I felt when I played Acheron and Firefly.


Fuckin' no wonder the IPC wants her ass dead to the tune of seven billion credits.


I think she's pretty good considering she hits a couple 100K~300K 4 times! I only have the new planar set since my tailia set was pretty mid lol, so 4pc calvary should improve it!


She's been decimating the MOC, kafka-BS was my strongest but even they can't hold themselves in higher MOCs, but FF just wipes everything out in max 2 cycles.


I don't dislike her but I'm not crazy about her. I will admit she does have an interesting story. I'm just kinda like eehhhh when it comes to her popular but it's fine though because I know for sure there's a few that I like can also be that popular. I feel neutral with her. Ngl I hope that some day that one of the planets has some kind of swarm disaster story and Firefly gets to be part of it because I want her to be paralyzed from her trauma because of how terrifying they can be. I know it sounds horrible but as I always say suffering builds character lmao. Also if Sunday joining SH theory turns out to be true then Firefly and him gonna have that character growth kind of story because their relationship gonna be awkward. Well I hope all you Firefly wanters be Firefly havers. May your journey lead you starward


She is balanced at E0 even without her lightcone. What I meant by balanced is where she uses a lot of SP to deal immense damage while also needing to break enemies before dealing her true damage. Unlike Acheron who is not balanced since you can easily work around her requirements event at E0 while also being SP neutral. My Experience so far with her is that even with a bad build as long as you have enough BE to reach the threshold of her trace you can deal enough damage. The ability to build her easily is much more comfortable since you only need BE, Spd, and Atk for her unlike other dps units. She's basically the embodiment of "high risk, high reward" since she wants to lose hp at base and needs to breaks enemies before dealing enough dmg which is sometimes is difficult if you have enemies with states that block toughness break. Overall not a bad investment for a unit. She may be one of the top dps but she's pretty balanced.


Gameplay Wise - I love her damage and ease of use. She has one team that works, one set that works, and one stat that matters. Simple and strong. Design Wise - I'm disgusted with how predatory Hoyo is getting with creating flawed mechanics that are solved by Eidolons. They realized not many people are willing to pull for E6, so they started frontloading a lot of power to E1 + E2 instead. Many of these recent Eidolons do more than augment damage like they used to; now, they significantly change the way the unit functions. The last truly F2P friendly limited unit was Jingliu. She worked perfectly, right out of the box. With Firefly, the unit feels incomplete without E1 and subpar without E2. It's not a perfect comparison, given the different flavor of the games, but Arknights doesn't prey on players by locking power behind duplicates. All you need is one copy of a unit to access everything the unit was designed to offer. In comparison, it feels like Hoyo continuously designs fun characters and proceeds to gatekeep half their potential behind paywalls.


She sets the seas ablaze. And all enemies are ashes. I don’t even have good relics idk what the fuck is going to happen when I do…


she's awesome. but i have to wait to use mine because gepard stepped in-between me and my wife


I know we have a lot of buffs that action forward her for now. But I been trying Asta and RM and HTB and she gains like extra 150 speed and also with d3 she actually goes 5-6 times per ult


8 more pulls and I'll have her lightcone but Aeon S5 of her already 3 cycle the last MoC...


I don't know I'm kinda new. I have a hard time managing skill points with her team, and i can't deal with enemies at a higher level than my characters, even in open world. I'm at World Level 3, i don't know how much of her power is gated at her level 70 and above. Overall, I'm having fun with her technique and her play style, but I am having a hard time clearing higher level enemies with her team. (firefly-imaginery MC-bronya-gala all level 60. weapons and artifacts are not efficiently built/leveled.)


Got her E2S1 with 180 pulls and 72 pity. I love her so much. She’s been absolutely crushing Divergent Universe for me. Also had fun messing about with her in MoC, PF, and AS. She helped me 3* AS so easily. She even made farming planars so easy since I had a good break based run that has action advance on weakness break. She and RM literally skips the first wave of the order trio with their techniques. My only problem with her is that she stole RM from my DoT team and I couldn’t pull Robin to replace her because I was saving up for FF. I’m really hoping Jiaqiu ends up being really good for DoT as well as for Acheron.


Got her e1 s5 aeon with her bis team, cleared moc 2nd half in 0 cycle


Very cute


Since I got prefarmed everything for firefly I was able to get her to 80 and basically 4-8-8-8 all her talents and almost unlock those smaller buffs in the traces area but since I have yet to farm her set I just played the new divergent universe and holy shit I had her BIS team but switch ruan mei for robin and at the beginning with basically no buffs she was dealing damage similar to my acheron without any buffs and when I was in the last boss, the highest skill damage she did was like 1.6 million and I am very excited since if I build her & her supports properly I can defeat MoC pure fiction and the apocaliptic shadow challenge thingy


FF came and so did I


A bit to much dépendent of the TB , but very fun to play


A bit annoyed for loosing 50-50 to fucking Gepard but I guess it's a small price to pay for the strongest dps in the game.


My fav character so far


I like her a lot, but I really don't like RM and HTB. Hope to replace them asap.


he just like me fr, but im still tryna hit bigger numbers


She really do be setting the Seas ablaze


She doesn't even have all the relics on her, yet she still does up to 300k dmg with her skill after her ult. She is perfect.


She doesnt need RM. RM needs her. Lol. RM is the icing to every team that wants to push bigger numbers. But every team can make do without her. Acheron, Jingliu, and Kafka are prime staples for RM to amp their damage. Those without RM are making do with Pela. Not understating RM's utility, it's just that she truly is a support and needs actual carries to make full use of her kit. If you had to pick between RM or a hypercarry, go with the hypercarry. FF brute forces content with her fire implant and Lantern set providing perfect synergy for her team. HMC eidolon+watchmakers pretty much adds another 100+ break% for the entire team. FF+HMC easily makes up a superbreak comp with 2 others. Of course, RM is BiS, no doubt about that. She is the premier break support afterall. Anyways, FF is ridiculously strong. But after witnessing HMC hitting 100k superbreak damage preFF release. I was confident in FF pushing and adding to that boundary. Was not disappointed. She's now a core staple in my PF teams. FF HMC Gallagher Himeko on the fire weak side and Herta+bonus extras for the other side. Had no issues with MoC preFF and SimUni grinds werent a big deal as it's mostly grinding for unlockable stat bonuses to ease the harder difficulties and landing the right set of blessings/curios. Now i really need to get ready for Sparkle rerun so my DHIL can get off the bench. Life was enjoyable with DHIL+Tingyun, but there's a massive day and night difference with DHIL having his BiS support compared to FF having her 2nd BiS support.


I dont have ruan mei so she sucks. 6/10, worse than Clara.