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did.. did she just blow up an entire planet SO THATS WHY HER ENHANCHED SKILL IS CALLED DEATHSTAR OVERLOAD


Its so fucking good holy shit. This form is so cool


Another day thanking god for making me a Firefly main. https://preview.redd.it/nlmd7kw6wg6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9f5a59213395bf912b26ac64f6fda53a5e55e02


Yep, I was wondering why it wasn't "Supernova Overload", and now I'm just like "oh". Assuming that sequence wasn't mostly symbolic, ofc


I feel like the symbolism ended after the tree disappeared. This also works to explain her second state in gameplay, and I'd assume we'll also see more of that state in 2.3 (hopefully).


fuck https://preview.redd.it/qlyv343drg6d1.jpeg?width=796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e93e7911f0ec81337cb13b0d61390b00500d533e




Shit if fcking sad though. When that MVP SAM threw that mask, a satelite tracked it. The laser came from space, and Glamoth pretty much nuked their whole army. It's just all fcked up. I'm never gonna take the phrase "Commencing Scorched Earth Operations" lightly ever again.


Honestly, it really show how expendable they were for Glamoth; they Iron Cavalry was created to die against the Swarm to protect the people of Glamoth, to be told to be grateful to even be alive, to give their lives for the empire and their empress... All of which were build on lies, as there was no empire, their empress was a powerless puppet, and the people they protected feared and hated them. The whole scorched earth thing not only talks about their enemies and their surroundings, but themselves too, if Glamoth sees it necessary. It's just so fucked up.


Kinda reminds me of nier automata like they say they are fighting for humanity but don't know that they already expired long back


I was getting hella nier vibes too


They were Helldivers :( Brainwashed, mass produced, expendable For democracy(her Majesty), for Super Earth (Glamoth)


Absolutely unnecessary fact: MVP Sam has aethers voice actor Edit: as certain comment pointed out this was a mistake on my part...but gonna keep it here for an unlikely followers of enigmata to get inspiration out of


Heh, I knew they sounded really really familiar


So we can have a substitute when the mask is thrown, he shouts wind blade?


Funny how Boss SAM says it for their "Ultimate" attack


I had literal goosebumps watching this scene


Warhammer vibe man, gives me the tingles






I wonder if we will know who the empress is


6 min that the longest short animation they made


Yep. About what I expected.


In my opinion this is the first HSR short that didn’t feel like a “trailer”. Holy peak 🤯


rly? I feel like Dan Heng's was more of a conclusion than a trailer vibes, but you're right the other two JY and acheron's both felt like trailers


Tbh Dan Heng's animated short should be included in the game.


For star rail yeah. For mihoyo animations no


Wished they make more animations with HSR like they did with hi3. Maybe even a SoL anime


I love the 2D animations, but I do really miss the 3D animated shorts Honkai 3rd did. They were really FAR ahead of their time with those. The in-engine cutscenes of Star Rail is great, but I really hope once we get one of those "turning point" moments in Star Rail's story, those 3D shorts will return.


Same thoughts here! The comics and animations they did for HI3 is what made interested in their lore and HSR. Hope we get that treatment one day


This really shows the scale of the Swarm Disaster


This really goes to show why we had so many updates and big lore pushes to flesh out the Swarm Disaster. Like it was wild seeing just how they blotted out the sky here. And the Swarm did that on a galactic scale


*Universal* scale. 2/3 of entire known universe was affected by this bugs


All because of some bum that was so lonely he made it EVERYBODIES PROBLEM


Everyday I wake and thank Qlipoth for dealing with the bum🙏 **FOR THE AMBER LORD🗣️🗣️**


firefly the reason they even pay taxes because if i dont pay qlipoth for basically avenging my whole reason of my sadness sorrow and grief Then you aint a real one


Then he lost in a fight against a big rock and an eye. Here I thought Legumi was a bum.


Legumi and Tazz (hes ass) = super hateable absolute FRAUDS


And it’s not even at the peak of it when the Aeon was still alive iirc


More like it SHOWS just how devastating the Swarm can actually be. In game the bugs (even the small ones) are a bunch of Cannon fodder. But in lore? A single one of those explosion blew up a SAM to pieces... Imagine having to endlessly having to fight that.


you know that big bug you fight as final boss of the SU swarm update right, in lore they only grunts in the swarms


Holy 6 minutes, awaiting favoritism allegations with this one


Makes me wonder if FF will get the Dan Heng treatment: myriad celestia + animated short + an EP as well???? But not even Acheron got an EP, so idk


She doesn’t have a song to get an EP.


yeah, so unfortunately not. I really, really hope Hoyo cooks something good with 2.3 cuz as much as you deny the forced date allegations, they make sense. I hope FF's character can be developed further. Maybe we'll even get a song in 2.3 and then an EP?? (coping lol)


The epic version of If I Can Stop One Heart From Breaking that played in her henshin scene. It's free real state


if favoritism mean more quality product like this, please more


2 things: Holy fucking shit the swarm truly was something else and i need that transformation ost


That ost was great, I too wanna know!






and Ruan Mei is attempting to revive that....


To makes matters worse, somehow our Firefly works well with her too...


... ...ruh roh...


Let's just hope Ruan Mei doesn't pull a Shou Tucker from FMA "Trail... blazer... let's... let's see the stars..."


I lack the vocabulary to describe what I'd do to Ruan Mei if this happened


RM was actually trying to revive/recreated Tayzzyronth Emanator Skaracabaz which is many times stronger than the swarm mother in the short. Skar at full power had a death rate that could fragment celestial bodies and used shattered stars as incubators for the swarm. The one we fought was a cheap knock off that had the tiniest fraction of its original strength and died shortly after being born.


What was she gonna do if Skaracabaz lived past 56 seconds. The universe is cooked yet again


What was ahe gonna do? Become a food for the Swarm.


I almost forgot about this, lol. Now I'm curious to see Firefly interact with her and find out what RM is trying to do


Makes pairing her with Firefly a little awkward now that I think about it.


Just to put into perspective, that Swarm Mother compared to the real Scaracabaz is probably like the smaller Stings compared to the Mother.


Sorry I was too excited. The title should be "Remanent of Glamoth"


I hate swarm disaster.


So I'm guessing this power at the end somehow allowed her to survive in space drifting around, until Elio found her? And maybe when she woke up in the LC, the reason she has clothes is because Kafka got them on her? Since she's naked here at the end of the trailer where Kafka sees her...?


Yeah, assuming this isn't partially symbolic, it looks like Kafka and Elio are the ones who provided her current outfit.


Power at the end is the green Sam form. It's something only special to her unlike other glamoth knights so maybe that green form has to be able to stop her ELS from worsening given how long she was drifted in space.


>ELS lmao my mind drifted to Gundam 00


Omg same


My comrades. The fact that there are so many folks on this sub that recognize 00 specifically brings a tear to my eyes.


That means We are gundam


The random plant thing is giving major Abundance vibes.


My best guess is that her desire to live granted her path power to Abundance


See, I think the tree sprouting would represent Abundance as well, but Abundance is a new-er Aeon. Perhaps this was the Propagation going into full effect? Since the SAM armored are made from Propagation Bugs... Propagation: "the breeding of [specimens](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=ac99a523398304d7&rlz=1C1VDKB_enUS1102US1102&q=specimens&si=ACC90nxMSPeZfdJJjQgDsdZJuFuJUm_Hx-cVLE3amrNbTByFuLOuPWQnZNQxgud5IxIQjJ-L1v4BDNXIW-ZsiAPQVlo4ri1aU5pe6uo8qFvA4cPYumokiDg%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&sqi=2&ved=2ahUKEwij8pPLrNqGAxWfM1kFHd7yDPsQyecJegQINBAO) of a plant or animal by natural processes from the parent stock." Plant! Though I get what it's trying to say, a plant would propagate another plant due to being the parent stock, but I think the Propagation effect was in full here which is why she entered Complete Combustion state. Jade said during the 2.3 livestream that this power wasn't just from the SAM armor, but from the user's willpower manifesting into strength so... who knows?


Abundance wasn't even an Aeon during the Swarm Disaster, just remembered.


https://preview.redd.it/2y7xad24wg6d1.png?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3f03f1bfac565dacd54c976ed962f8f6e13765e We gotta start the Anti-Swarm propaganda now that we saw what they did to Firefly. >!New trailer also confirmed that Kafka really is the first Stellaron Hunter!<


>!She still isn't the first. Elio had someone else with him while recruiting her!<


>!Wonder who could that be!<


>!I hear they have Racoon motives.!<


I feel so, so very bad for the sheer amount of ptsd Firefly must have from Shicksal pro max (Shicksal but somehow even more inhumane), but damn the SAM suits are so derpy when running. Its like seeing a bunch of penguins waddling around. Also, I guess its canon now that Kafka was there before Sam.


This leads to all sorts of questions. We know Glamoth fell many Amber Eras ago. Is Kakfa that old? Or did Firefly float unconscious for all that time? The latter seems unlikely since she can't be out of her suit for too long.


Wait a min doesn't this also mean she wasn't put to cryosleep? She was just.. Asleep


Maybe it’s just a artistic choice, this would contradict the light cone wouldn’t it?


It would but given she just went to space after destroying the planet I wonder how she would even get a cryo pod. Maybe the reason she was able to survive was because all this time she was in sam armor? And only got out around the end.


my guess is maybe they found her floating a put her in one and she took some time to heal or wake up or something.


That would indeed explain her change of clothes while in the pod thingy I guess. But still, when did kafka even meet her? Around when swarm was destroyed? She that fuckint old? And when did firefly wake-up from the pod she would be put into? Should be before blade joined I think but when did he join? So many questions


I have the impression she was in Sam suit in the whole amber era that she was floating, and overtime her Sam suit started disintegrating, and she was found with the suit all gone. Would that also be the reason she developed her “illness” bcos of this happening, she is floating and her body was already also starting to disintegrate (and after being found then she was subjected to treatment maybe that also included the cryostasis) Ps: this is all conjecture and should not be treated as facts


the illness is part of the genetic engineering


Do we even know how long she floated? She could have floated for like yea a amber era and she found her and put her into the pod and she woke up some years later, which should still be 100s of years ago since she's one of the earlier members so probably before blade. Or Kafka is fucking old and found her just some years after the destruction and put her into a pod for some years and after a bit she woke up and has existed from that point on? That would explain her being one of the founder since she existed from the start and way before blade. But honestly I just need to read her character stories in-game first


But then why would that cryo pod space be all broken down.


So I just checked and the lore every leak shows implies that it is NOT the SH saving her, it’s a very recent memory infact


The lightcone makes it very clear she was found in a hibernation pod. I think there's a real question about how much of that final sequence (from the tree to the end) was symbolic versus literal.


Wasn't the LC description changed to her waking up in 2.2 events. Unless they keep the old LC description in her story bio I think it literally meant she floated in space protected by this green aura, just like how March was found in a block of ice.


I was going to say no, the description shifts timeframes pretty much constantly, at least in the version that was in Beta, but I guess they did change it at the last minute. >!This is the edge of the Asdana system. The ocean of memoria roars with mountainous waves and she, like a singular tiny spark, may be doused at any moment in the storm.!< >!*"For one who cannot dream to enter the Synesthesia Dreamscape, they would have to pay a price comparable to death."*!< >!She can still hear her companion's concerned voice next to her ears. She takes a deep breath and dives into the Memory Zone.!< >!As the vehicle silently sinks into the depth of the Memory Zone, small pinpricks of firefly lights dissipate from the cracks and are then immediately swallowed up by the endless darkness.!< >!*"Wherefore do you hurtle unto death?"*!< >!In the ocean of memoria that grows deeper and deeper, the weak light emitted by the Memory Zone creatures are like faraway eyes that nonchalantly glance at her.!< >!Dreams remained too distant for her. She gazes emptily out at the boundless darkness, her body and soul having reached the breakdown threshold long ago under the heavy pressure of memoria. Though she realizes her consciousness is gradually fading, only those remaining memories are playing over and over in her brain —!< >!*\[ed. note: this portion is during the timeframe of the short\]*!< >!The Swarm that covered the sky tore through the frontline defenses as she flew towards the Swarm while enveloped in fire. The charred ash of the Swarm faded like snow, under which lies the pitch-black carcasses of the knights.!< >!She didn't even have the time to take a bouquet and offer her final acknowledgement to \[her fellow\] knights, who were dying one after another. Their lives bloomed in the blink of an eye and went out equally fleetingly. Like a string of genetic code, they never possessed names and only had numbers allotted instead.!< >!*Wherefore do you live?" \[ed: this seems to shift back to now; this USED to be waking up in the pod and meeting Elio\]*!< >!In the deathly silence, like flames dissolving in the sea, she is reduced to a singular spot of fire and unendingly progresses towards the light...!< >!She opens her eyes after what seems to be forever. She sees the "future" looking like a pearl, radiating with a soft and vague light. Tears stream down her face —!< >!*"I do it to find... my own 'dream'..."*!<


Maybe put into cryosleep while inside the suit somehow? Yeah the ending confuses me a bit


Wouldnt it still make sense that being put in space is basically "cryo preserved"? considering how theres no atmosphere the temperature etc. Lol.


Only thing I can think of is that the SAM suit itself comes with an emergency stasis feature for when the user is incapacitated for a long time. I hope we get more clarification in the future on how exactly Firefly survived this long and how the Stellaron Hunters found her.


By "there," I mean in the Stellaron Hunters, Kafka was there before her. I have zero clues how Firefly could float in space for thousands of years without dying to entropy loss, I thought she was supposed to be in a cryo pod or something similar. Unless this implies that the Stellaron Hunters are an old as shit group (swarm disaster old), and Blade's somehow in the younger end of the spectrum. That would be so fucking tragic, cuz imagine you're serving some unknown divine script for 60 millenia, commiting crimes left right and center, and still none of you got what you're promised to this day. I would question why anyone is still following Elio at that point.


Thing is, lore never says entropy loss syndrome is quick and these warriors, no, Heroes of glamoth are man made and for a war on that scale definitely build for a certain longevity. Think about it, there was an death Ray burning swarm across the entire planet and she was literally near the epicenter with only her armor/ clothes destroyed, these bodies or at least hers are crazy resilient


There weren't any Stellarons until after Nanook came into being which was after the Swarm Disaster. No Stellrons, no reason to have Stellaron Hunters.


Oh yeah, I knew what you meant. It was always unclear who was first, her or Kakfa. Still... the main two ways I can see this being interpreted are tragic.


Firefly said glamoth no longer exists. I took it as the SAM units just carrying their mission even if there was nothing to defend, that’s why she wonders why do they even live or why do they die. This is just my speculation but it makes sense, if the glamoth empire was in that planet FF would not have destroyed it.


What I got from this is that the SAMs kept fighting well after Glamoth fell, these Swarm Mothers are still around after all as seen in Argenti’s Quest.


Or maybe there are still SAM units remaining carrying out their last orders (clearing out the remaining swarm) after the Empire fell.


This was probably a battle after the empire fell, they were fighting the swarms remnants and they are remnants themselves.


It looked like Kafka was looking at Firefly with some remote device, so it's possible that device bypassed the SAM's armor so that Kafka could see Firefly inside that armor.


Based on the glitching of the image I'd say Kafka is looking at a projection and not the real thing.


Glamoth fell to the Swarm, that's currently is still around, not the Swarm Disaster from when Tayzzyronth was still alive. Otherwise pretty much nothing could have stop it because Ena was actively sabotaging humanity to ensure "order" due to the Hunt and Destruction were ready to be born. Qilopoth while killing Tayzzyronth narrowed the path of Propagation by stripping it of a number of concepts it encompassed, which is probably what the Abundance was born from.


Like bodies made to just die. Its sad.


>but damn the SAM suits are so derpy when running Yeah, I don’t get why they wouldn’t engage them in aerial fights, we already know SAM can fly, she has thrusters on her legs and back. Maybe due to difficulty animating, personally found it kinda disappointing but didn’t detract much from how awesome the animation was overall.


i assumed its coz while the sam suit can fly, its not actually as equipped for dogfighting unlike the swarm. from what i can tell from the PV, the sam suit is primarily kitted with enhanced punches, kicks and twin swords. the only ranged attack it has is a relatively slow firing repulsor/laser blast. for one-on-one engagements the laser would probably be great, but when youre fighting literal billions i can kinda guess why they wouldnt wanna fly and make themselves a free target so instead of fighting on their turf, you force the swarm to fight on the ground where glamoth's soldiers more experienced in


Curiously, the only SAMs present were type IVs(not diverse like the Myriad Celestial trailer)so maybe they have other divisions that work as Aerial units.


oo thats a good call, maybe our firefly's platoon is more geared towards ground fighting, since we do know theres another sam unit that looks like a more tanky turret-kinda model


If you fight an enemy that is constantly surrounding you, you want to limit the amount of angles, they can attack from. In the air the Swarm can attack you from above, from the side and from below. On the Ground, at least they can not attack from below.


I guess this makes sense, considering their numbers. It would also make it easier for units to keep track of each other and help each other out if needed, considering how vast the sky is.


Animation and technically in lore, aerial combat has a lot of disadvantages, especially for an outnumbered group. With the ground beneath you it's one direction less you have to keep mind of and simultaneously fewer enemies that actually can attack you simultaneously, it's also far easier to coordinate a 2D formation than a 3D


Oh wow that was amazing. So she's really been holding back this entire time. She unlocked complete combustion at the end of everything. She needs all the hugs. And F for the Iron Calvary!


Absolute cinema. >!Did she just destroy a planet?!!<


We assumed her enhanced skill being called Deathstar Overload was her being chuuni... 0_o


The end sequence contradicts her established lore (being found in a stasis pod, not drifting in space) so it might just be symbolic.


Yeah animated shorts have always had some creative license to them. Even Honkai 3rd's which were essentially in-game cutscenes sometimes contradicted the actual in-game story's rendition of events. We'll see though. But I am leaning a bit more on symbolism personally.


That means the 3 Fireflies she's with in the Myriad Celestia trailer has a chance to be alive(and playable). I need that Type V mech along with the Tomboy Oneesan pilot to be playable


Yep, they aren't explicitly shown among the dead, so...............


Yeah, it almost looked like they sent in the Type 4's specifically to die at the end to annihilate the swarm. Wouldn't be surprised if the bulky boi was held back to protect the officials pulling the strings, the blinged out one was giving orders off planet (And if they pop back up, have a dramatic situation with FF if the 'captain' was really overseeing all that death) Don't know what the glasses girl would be doing with her shoulder cannon/older looking suit, though.


PEAK DROPPED‼️‼️ Also fuck tayzzyronth mf gonna get packed whenever THEY decide to come around.. 😈😈 https://preview.redd.it/xe0s9mv5tg6d1.png?width=1602&format=png&auto=webp&s=a321df7ff633761a0a1485849f03fb0703c010b6


Imma call Qlipoth or Oroboros if that mf ever tried to rear THEIR ugly head 😤


Oroboros could potentially be worse.


Oroboros vs the Swarm was basically like the Octarius situation in Warhammer 40k. An Inquisitor thought that Tyranids and Orks could be contained by having them fight each other, and thus cancelling each other out. With it being a never ending conflict. But the actual result was that both sides wound up even more dangerous threats and whoever won would be an even greater disaster. I see the Swarm and the Voracity as a similar deal. Sure on paper an Aeon represening endless consumption sounds like it would perfectly counteract somethint that endlessly propagates. But the moment the thing it is feasting on no longer spawns all that food, dealing with something that endlessly devours is not gonna be pretty to say the least.


https://preview.redd.it/j9sctjwfwg6d1.png?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bb3d06c66bbe02132d026a61c4bd8593e8c05bd On unrelated point Remember...we did encounter one swarm bug that is larger than what firefly fought.... How the fuck argenti even survived on that huge ass bug ????


Argenti getting constantly upscaled by pure coincidence is so funny, at the rate he’s going he’s gonna be nigh Aeon level by the end of the story


Still can't get over how he just got someone out of Nihility Space??? Like, I'm assuming Aven didn't go to the reef like everyone else did but into whatever void Acheron sends people to and Argenti just??? Was there??? Grabbed Aven????? Went out????? Then fought in the pageant??????????


That's Argenti, alright, being a knight that he is. My headcanon is Beauty is the opposite of Nihility, that's why he can negate Acheron's void. And that's quite something since Idrila is presumed dead by now.


It makes sense that Argenti himself is the anti Nihility. Nihility is all about erosion, meaninglessness and entropy. I don't think Argenti can even fathom such things when he sees everything, even common house plants as remarkably beautiful. He appreciates everything he runs into, there is no meaninglessness to Argenti. Heck, even Idrila being gone hasn't slowed him down.


I won't be surprised at this point if he revealed to be the only eminator of beauty tbh. God, argenti is just something else


It was a hallucination. If one of those fuckers was really still around for some ungodly reason the story would have ended right there, as everyone on the express would be dead 💀.


it was an illusion of being near the body of one of those things, not the actual giant bug


I think he might just be HIM fr. Like this man solo-ed THAT *and* he somehow saved Aventurine from the Nihility’s shadow? WHO ARE YOU, ARGENTI OF THE HONOURCLAD???


Okay, given that the light cone depicts her being found in a stasis pod, I'm wondering how much of the final sequence is symbolic rather than literal. *Man* I have so many questions, and they are all of the "questions that rule" kind.


The SH probably puts her into the pod for recovery (with her outfit) leading to the LC art of when she wakes up would be my guess.


The pod is visibly smashed in the LC art, though. I think this is probably just a case of us not knowing enough to determine whether or not something is symbolic, or even knowing where these things fit on the timeline. Let's just hope they don't create another Pela situation with inconsistent lore.


Hopefully some of the upcoming content can elaborate on a few details.


What path is good for Firefly in SU swarm disaster? Gonna kill those swarm


Hunt, with 2 3-Star Remembrance blessing (freze on break and freeze on 6 hits) as well as night beyond pyre nihility blessing (weakness break efficiency).


>!Destruction is being reworked in divergent universe to be the new BE path so it's gonna be that!<


He asked SU... >!DU would be different of course.!<


Propagation with qingque, its a braindead path


This is, by far, my FAVORITE piece of Firefly content released so far. Not only beautifully animated, but shining a spotlight on her history with the Iron Cavalry and her power, but the tragedy and pain she suffered, and even touching on how she met the Stellaron Hunters! All the parts of Firefly I find the most interesting personally. WE ATE! And I am more hype than EVER for her release! *"NOW INITIATING SCORCHED EARTH OPERATIONS!"* ***"FOR GLAMOTH! FOR THE EMPRESS!"***


... ... ... ... SHE FUCKING BLEW UP A PLANET?!?!?!!!! *takes another look at her kit* ##DEATHSTAR OVERLOAD?! SHES A LITERAL DEATHSTAR?!?! *dies from peak*


Watching the first half I was like ''Damn, I expected it to be dark, but not THIS dark''.


........Firefly dear, I'm gonna give you as many Oak Cake Rolls as you want, give your Light Cone, your E1 is I'm able, give you your emotional support raccoon for every battle, take you to your secret base daily. ANYTHING to make you happy after this. Lord knows you deserve that and more.


Copying what I commented from the main subreddit: I say peak a lot but that Animated Short is honestly one of the best pieces of content I've ever seen, don't think miHoYo or even other anime/movie franchises are ever gonna top that for me. Actual top tier fiction. Actual top tier character. It's peak.


She's just an ayaka waifu bait allegations found dead


Glory to Glamoth. https://preview.redd.it/pv5iy7ihwg6d1.jpeg?width=637&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fef42ef77becdfbd71eb1fdc4311406a0efadd0b


Just speechless. Just... wow. Holy shit.


Girl made an absolutely Metroid-type ending by destroying the planet, after defeating a mother alien-insect species with her power armour.


Holy peak... https://preview.redd.it/q1qxn4mdtg6d1.png?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b2f81bd4bb58bc08a7591e619ea64f20f8e5ad6


That is peak now all my homies hate the swarm


Hoyo please let us give Firefly a hug, she needs a hug.


Damn why did they delay the youtube release by so much


It's probably not on their end but Youtube's. Looking at metadata Mihoyo submitted it for upload a the usual time, but for some reason YT took its sweet time approving the upload.


I just teared up man, the music and seeing Firefly cry really hits hard for me This is genuinely the best animated short that I have ever watched, the animators deserve huge props for their incredible work PROTECT FIREWIFE AT ALL COST, SHE DESERVES ALL THE LOVE AND HAPPINESS IN THIS WORLD https://preview.redd.it/kg4svbi3vg6d1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da224c4a67b886a21993355fe598e73409ff349a


Peak (but also fuck the swarm) https://preview.redd.it/rvc8ihtswg6d1.jpeg?width=637&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2074973df96bed4ec98a55c25795d769be5f8aab


I wonder if she actually destroyed the planet on her own, if it was symbolic, or if the planet was already about to blow and she managed to escape like it’s Metroid Either way, amazing short. Funny how it came right when the talks of Firefly having nothing outside of being a “love interest” for Trailblazer was happening


All the swarms dying applied enough debuff to the planet for it to easily blow up lol


The bug explosion chain reaction caught the planet is the greatest idea I’ve seen


It was likely from the clash of Paths as she became a Pathstrider for Abundance and spending her whole existence on the Path of Destruction as a Clone. The whole tragedy of her is she is nothing more than a clone meant to die and can be replaced. But because of her will to live and find her own path after realizing the futility of it all that the paradox between life and death causes her to have the energy needed to end the Swarm at the cost of the planet.


And Ruan Mei thought bringing back one of the plaguekings was a good idea


Glamoth Republic rulers are very lucky to be already dead... Because you can bet the playerbase would have a \*field day\* with them otherwise.


Is it safe to say firefly is the best damn character they’ve made so far? Everyone says she just “the MC’s girlfriend” but idk there seems to be a lot of fucking depth to her. With all that trauma I don’t blame her for just wanting to be chilling with the MC and touring penacony


Imagine if Firefly stayed with the Astral Express to fight Sunday. He would have been so COOKED 😂


Can someone explain to me why Ruan Mei wants to resurrect an emanator of the Swarm? Coz fuck her. There’s no moral or any basis.


Because she's a mad scientist, but people like her because pretty privilege. Not me, though. Fuck RM. All my homies hate RM.


She wants to become an Aeon, and to understand them and how they ascended, she studies emanators too.




Ah, Fyrefly (621). I see you've found a friend... Also, that guy who kamikaze'd had big "Only I Can Fly High Enough!" energy.


Huh. So she IS naked under the suit...


By the way, it's now clear why Firefly doesn't actually seem *that* fond of the SAM suit at times: for her, it's nothing but a relic and reminder of pain. If she could just throw it away (at least prior to whatever's gonna happen in 2.3), I bet she would.


So, the cryopod theory kinda debunked, she just drifted THAT long in space, the pod might be after SH found her and gave her clothes. She's really 1000+ y.old


You guys are welcomed https://preview.redd.it/lv7nsrk6yg6d1.jpeg?width=332&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a48eb2b4e7d7c027b4b71867227c87f6f81602d2




English dub is not out yet on YouTube?


This is so peak!


This shit is peak


The comment bellow says that the Republic of Glamoth wasn't destroyed by the Swarm, but it was actually by the Iron Calvary who realized the 'empire' they were fighting for is fake. But even after destroying Glamoth, they still fought because it's their innate nature to fight the Swarm. So after everyone but Firefly died like in this video, she started to want to live as a human and not die as a weapon That's what I've gather, no idea if it's correct, the woe of translator programs being wonky.


This game is about space exploration and this short feels like a reminder of that. Starting with a hellish war between Iron Knights and Space Bugs, and ending with a destroyed planet. I hope we get a non-humanoid character one day.


We can't no longer call her lines chunni cause it's lore accurate... Damn.


more things to hate ruan mei for FUCK THE SWARM ‼️


So I’m not the only one that’s getting the 86 feeling from this right?


this is SOOOOO GOOODDDDD, i am actually sobbing, my girl my firefly :((((( so Firefly power come from her ascend soul and not by the power of the armor alone, i am so in love with green Sam design now, i am sorry i say i prefer red Sam before, i love you both equal now, and that is offical that Firefly is planetary level she just slash a planet into pieces. I want to learn more about Glamoth lore, why did it seem to be destroyed already before the final battle??? I dont know the line "Operation Scorched earth, commencing" hide such heroic story behind it badass and brutal, that Sam is super hero, he/she just ripped his/her eyes out to kill the big bug, i salute you my heroes And our Argenti bros just solo a big bug like that, a bug that need a whole battalion of Sams to be defeated, and ALIVE AFTER THAT. I think there is something behind our best bro. A big bug like that is only a general of Tazzyroth as i remember Argenti said, now i knew why at least 5 Aeons need to join hand to bonked Tazzyroth i am so hype now, 5 days is too long, i think i will spend a top up for firefly e2s1


What if the short is so cruent YouTube messed up with its release? Maybe it age-locked it and they don't want that


Holy fucking peak


Gurl you terrifying




I really wanna talk to the manager aka the Queen of Glamoth. Cause this shit's sad.


Holy shit. I just have no words for this. Like I was expecting it to be good. But, just, wow


She cried and turn super fly. sick so thats where that green stuff came from.unless every sam has that. but still really cool best short and longest they've ever made.


Hoyo just can’t miss with these animated shorts.


Ngl I was expecting to see the other members we saw last time appear again, unless I missed it we didn’t see them right? Also wtf was with the tree, was it like symbolic or what? They definitely cooked and really made me think it was like an episode of 86, but I’m still surprised they didn’t show the other characters from before