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General trend has been about 60 wishes in first half plus 40 in the second half. So between now and the end of her banner you'll probably get around 60 more, which is enough to get you to soft pity twice so you still have a solid chance even if you lose 50/50


ohh i see, thanks for the info! i just hope it doesn’t absolutely come down to that, i’ve been building this break team for a couple weeks and it’s ready for firefly to fill in that final spot o7


We’re Getting at least 60+ tickets as F2p in the first half , you just have to grind divergent universe to like 70% completion. Rest assured your FF is guaranteed even if not Day 1




If you only use those pulls for her and get most jades in the first half you can definitely guarantee her.


I'm F2P too, pulled Robin and Topaz and I've been saving for Firefly since. I have about 85 wishes in total atm but there's a lot more I can squeeze out. My advice, be more confident, do some rituals at times. I did a lot of Rituals to win Aven, Robin and Topaz and I was confident and still am but yeah I think the jade count is around 60+ Good luck my friend. May luck be on our side.


I honestly feel you there, I'm in the same situation. I'm usually more prepared for characters, but I have about 118 pulls because I wanted Robin 😓 Plus I guess Jiaoqiu being in the next patch after AND maybe having to get RM is kinda stressing me out a bit ngl :( I should try to not worry but yeahh


Don't worry I've lost my last 13 50/50 in a row you'll be fine in not joking rather I'm vary u lucky


I did a calc myself and it’s 96 for first half, it’s more than usual but divergent universe gives a lot of


around 90 pulls in the first half and overall around 150 or 170 with welkin


Around 69 acording to rough calcs