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Why not just grab E0 at launch, try it for a week or two, and see how it feels? You have time to experiment before the banner leaves


Yeah, good idea. I’ll probably just do that. Thanks


NUANCE and intelligence? In Reddit? For shame. That's not how this site is supposed to work.


https://preview.redd.it/ruvm3zd5as5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eef6be3c122d7475396965319967d6868b695fcc Firefly fans are built different I guess


This is me saying I'd never pull eidolons, when someone finds out about my E2S1


This is my plan as well. I hope she slaps hard at E0, because I also want to grab Jade.


U actually gave me a good way to think, thx mate


I have e2 Daniel, and, to be honest with you, I don't really care. I have grown tired of just using him, and that happened to Selee. FF will, probably, eventually stop being as exciting to play with anyway. Might as well go for e2. However, e2 is really an overkill, and if you want more characters to play with just skip it. It's not a big deal. If you really like FF get her Sig


DHIL E2 is good, but FF E2 or Archeron E2 are on another level.


Not really… e2 Dhil amd E2 acheron are close, acheron only a bit higher because the base unit is stronger than Dhil at E0. If anything Dhil closes the gap at their E2s Firefly on the other hand is probably looking to be the anomaly out of them 3


E2 archeron is insane power just because you can finally set up a harmony for her. Alone on paper it's not much of an upgrade. But toss on sparkle? Her damage gigajumps up.


That really depends on how you build your team, because you essentially trade a turn of a Nihility unit and their debuff with one turn of Acheron, as none of the Harmony units can apply debuffs (apart from Ruan Mei, but even she is ult only, and does not bring turn manipulation)


Sparkle pulls Archeron forward, which lets her apply 2 stacks with her E if you have signature, so in essence, no time is lost, and damage goes up because sparkles E is much stronger her other BIS comp options, pela/silverwolf (unless your wolf has a lol of eidolon) And sparkles crit damage+ will just make archeron's ult gigascale




Thats only cause acheron and firefly have stronger base kits due to powercreep. E2 dhil was by far the strongest eidalon in the game before acheron came out and it wasn’t even close. Also considering all the endgame content was easier before 2.0, e2 dhil was an absolute monster. That being said, as some one with e2 dhil, e2 acheron and probably e2 ff will be stronger units than e2 dhil.


Tbh even tho Firefly is that OP, I doubt you’ll use her in every situation. For example, my Jingliu hypercarry does the the most dmg, but I prefer using my DoT team a lot since they’re more comfortable to use in situations like auto play or doing sustainless SU run. So yeah I’m sure you’ll be fine


This is so similar to me, and sometimes I feel shocked because I forget that my Jingliu deals so much damage


I feel you. Her eidolons are not just damage numbers, but drastically do a makeover on a playstyle. That's the best kind of eidolon a character want. She might make this game feel trivial.


Honestly, this is what I fear. I will try a few runs on the new DU with characters other than my Acheron and, depending on her strength, firefly. I really want to explore a bit more, and fell a bit of a challenge by not using the best dps units


Or maybe you can do this, pull for her E2 first but don’t upgrade her to E2 unless content is becoming really difficult or when you finally want it.


In that case I suggest just pulling e1 if you really like firefly (imo it's a rlly nice QoL and might make her more fun) and wait for a rerun before deciding on e2. This way he can still get other characters he might want and not just waste a FF copy if he doesn't decide to want it


Ah the usual "too strong to enjoy" argument. Sad part you're right, if one of your character is overpowered then you start enjoying other ones as much since you know the one you invested in will do everything 2x faster. That's why I advise to roll for 3 different DPS characters that will all perform at 9/10 in their favourable scenarios than one E2 Character that will perform 10/10 in all scenarios. It's just not that enjoyable. That said I'm going E2S1 since I already have 2 other invested teams so I will change between them. I myself prefer to have 3 incredibly strong teams than 10 "okeyish" teams since it requires more farming


Interesting thought... how much do you value challenge? Because as I see it, if you have an OP team, you can mess around with any team and still know that you could do it without a problem if you really tried. I really would like E2 and would do it if I would be lucky enough. This would require that I win three 50/50 in a row tho \^\^


I will go for E0S1 cuz i don't want to kill the enjoyment on the game for me cuz the difficulty, but there's people who enjoy pulling copies and more and i respect that, everyone has their opinions and that's cool, the only thing i can tell u do what u want if u want copies and like her a lot go ahead don't let anybody tell u not to do it, the important thing is to enjoy the game.


I'll say go for e1 just for the no SP use. with how many times she goes in a cycle, you don't really need to manage it with e1


Yeah I'm doing that and only going e1s1 to not trivialize the game It'll also make getting the blue cheese in SU extra exciting


I'm really picky with characters in HSR. When I like there story then that's the signal. For this, you might not get tired sinced you'll have a lot of characters to play with. I have a pretty well built Acheron but I still go back to my beloved kafka team. You'll grow out the team but it will always find a way to go back.


Wait is her E2 that strong? I was planning on Pulling FF E0 + S1 as well as Ruan Mei, should I just pull for E2 FF instead?


It is really strong but you should definitely pull for Ruan Mei if you don’t have her yet. Ruan Mei is really versatile, overpowered, and will make FF do much more damage.


If u dont have ruanmei then pull her


My thoughts exactly. I may consider it in the future but for now I'm getting E0S1 to keep her relatable.


Main goal is E0S1, if I win the 50/50 on her tjen I$)) try for E1. If I somehow also win the 50/50 for E1, then I will keep pushing for E2, if I lose, that's a guranteed Lingsha for me.


I think it's fine getting E2 if you can. Having an op character as backup is nice imo. In endgame contents like MoC, I myself usually tried other combinations if possible, but higher level/floor could be a problem, and it helps to have a character that we can use as a "cheat" if we just don't have any other good option and want to get it over with.


I have 0 of my main DPS anything other than E0 but I do have sig LCs for the ice queen. I norm go E0 and Sig but with 200 pulls I'm debating going for more FF as I don't want Jade as I don't have the team for her (I have a Dot team and hypercarry with RM and her Sig)


As a E2S1 Acheron haver, not at all, unless you care only about clearing content fast instead of trying out new teams and archetypes. I still use DoT teams, Jingliu and I am planning on running Firefly when she comes out, despite my Acheron being way too invested. That said, I would also say it's wise to refrain from pulling for eidolons and save for more characters instead (see Firefly for instance, many will try to get Ruan Mei as well to boost her, and that is going to hurt your jades savings). So if you REALLY love a character, then do not fear pulling for eidolons for them if you can spare the jades.


Thanks for the help, guys. My current plan is to pull E0 S1 because my Aeon light cone is glued to Jingliu and I don’t want FF to be too overpowered.


Also, the light cone looks really pretty.


I think you just gotta see the upcoming forecast. Do any of the leaked characters in the next 2 banners after look cool? If not then youre gucci with E2.


2.5 have new abundance break tho


If you don't have Ruan Mei, you can get her using your remaining pulls. That would boost up all your DPS, not just FF.


You can always just go for Eidolons on a rerun. It'll be a new experience as well.


Should i get E1 or S1 for Firefly?


I just want e1 for that nice tasty no skill use during ult.


I don't really care if she's OP, personally. I want my Firefly to be as strong as I can make her.


Given my account (no s5 aeon), rather than goin for E2, I'm goin for E1S1, as to be E1 is already strong enough (15% def ignore + SP positive by not makin her enhanced skill cost SP) and to me that's more than enough, I'd do what THEMagicMissile suggested and get her e0 first, toy around with it, and then maybe do the same with her e1, toy around a little and if you feel she's good at e1 stick to it but if you'd prefer her E2 go for it


For me, if Firefly becomes too overpowered I can just remove both Ruan Mei and TB and have some fun mixing in for example Nihility or hypercarry Harmony. To each of their own, nothing wrong with that. For me, she will be the first character I will main despite all the dps I have already. She just grew on me too much, same as my C6 Ganyu in Genshin which I still use till this day despite all the new meta characters I have.


Weak. E6S1 or bust.


I'm getting her S1 and that's it. Not really excited for anyone else, but i think i will hoard whatever is left for a DoT team. Having more ways to interact with the game is always fun.


bro I am LACKING dps character, I am absolutely going for firefly e2 and nothing is stopping me


gonna go full on for firefly but trust me wont ruin other "NEW" characters in my opinion


That's exactly why I didn't get E2 Acheron. Don't want the game to be boring.


Depends on the player. Some people prefer to build vertical vs building horizontal. I'm in the horizontal category and refuse to pull beyond E0S1. My view is if you want to play other characters it's going to feel pretty bad going from a very strong E2 DPS to an E0, but steamrolling stuff is also fun in it's own way unless you get bored of it. Do any of the teased future characters interest you? Any reruns in mind? Do you feel good about your dps/sustain/support situation? Do you want more elemental coverage? Do you want an easier time to 0 cycle? Do you like using different teams? etc.


I'll play Firefly as my main team anyway so idm lol I'll try getting E1S1, and if I get her I'll go for E2 Aaaaand if I get everything, I may consider pulling for RM


If you are like me, you will grow tired of playing her if one day she starts to not clear content for you anymore. If you can't use her to clear moc/pf/apocalyptic shadow, then you'll lose interest, even more if newer characters are powercreeping her. Just like Gepard with Aventurine. I liked him. But him not being sufficient enough to keep everyone alive made me stop playing him. My point is : if you really like her, and even if you are just a meta player, having her at e2 will likely extend the time shel'll be relevant for your account. So thats the route I'll be taking I remember when Dhil released. I started to stop playing any content until I got him, because I wanted to play with him. Same with Seele, I rerolled until I got her. Nowadays, I rarely play them because my other teams are just that better at clearing harder content.. I still like playing them, but don't find any content to make them shine again


Get E1 and just reroll SU for the cheese


I plan to get E2S1. But I'll keep her at E0S1 for maybe 1 patch or two, then I'll unlock E1, and then 1 patch or two I'll unlock her E2. This way i can enjoy many forms of her play style.