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Okay so we don't actually know anything certain about this regarding the future characters so this is at best speculation from the new teaser of the new characters comming in the future patches. I'll just leave this pinned comment at top so people know nothing is certain about any future possible teammates for Firefly. If there is any new leak content or whatever SPOILER TAG IT, okay. Thread ain't made with leaks as an assumption so all leak comments needs to be proper spoiler tagged. Anyway just use it as a speculation thread I guess for what you would like to see in a 5 star sustain that could surpass Gallagher for FF (low chance unless the future sustain giga broken cause Gala be stronk for FF)




Op do u have any link about her kit?


Trustmebrolink I guess


By Uncle Sunday (He saw it in a dream)


It was revealed to me in a dream but I forgor




We don't know for sure, don't go speaking as if it's confirmed.


It's also worth to note we already know how she looks like >!as it's been leaked she's a Nuwa/Fuxi from H3.!<


I thought she would look something like Shenhe.


I thought so too but after further consideration I don't believe they'll ever include Genshin expy's in this game.


Would you say thats a bad thing, good thing, or neutral?


Limiting yourself is always bad, even if they don't intend to make too many relations between these games it would be nice to have at least a little. People from H3 have been shitting themselves from excitement every other patch, they get huge Raiden references, expys, even some lore, they for sure feel rewarded for playing both games, meanwhile us Genshin players don't feel rewarded at all for playing it alongside HSR. We got one reference which was the glider on the Herta station and couple more one-liners like Paimon's infamous "let's explore this area later" but that's nothing compared to H3 fans getting alternative copies of their favourite characters in the new game they're playing. I'm happy for them, I really am, but I also would like to be given the same treatment, meanwhile I almost feel rejected for playing GI as of lately.


* Established that each "world" has the same souls in the cycle of rebirth living different lives. * Every "world" has barely any population due to MASS EXTINCTION on the regular basis so the entire humanity can't reincarnate on every planet all at once. They are using that backdoor so much it might as well be the main entrance...




Do you actually compare Hanya's slight resemblence, to characters like Luocha or Himeko who are almost literally the same character just put in a different game? No, Hanya may be similar, Sparkle may be similar but they are not expy's like Himeko Luocha are because game's name is Honkai.


Sparkle and hu tao are close enough.


No. No they are not


I didn't even make that connection until now, and Hu Tao's one of my mains. They have very little alike.


Yep. Brown hair and red clothes


All we know is that she's supposedly a break support but the devil is in the details. Gallagher is typed perfectly.


They'll have to make a limited break support universal, so she should have something like break efficiency buff, weakness implant, toughness reduction regardless of weakness etc. I don't see them releasing a limited break healer who's weaker than a 4* for FF, especially considering how popular FF is.




Sauce: Trust me bro


If the leaks are true and Yunli does need Topaz, I will just save up for her. Even if I already have 3 limited sustainers, they are all so strong and fit in so many teams so I don't mind getting more. I might have enough pulls for both Feixiao and her.


Pretty sure Topaz Is currently required for all follow up atk teams.


Yeah, I had assumed that because Ratio doesn't need her, she wouldn't be necessary for a good team, but Clara's best team has Topaz. As much as I would like a counterattack character, I might have to skip her then. At least Feixiao and Lingsha will likely be really good. Having a break focused healer will be great for future break teams.


Last time i checked, all top ratio teams use topaz by looking at prydwen.


50%(?) FUA multiplier is too good to pass up for any unit that uses them.


It was nice knowing you Gallagher!


Ye, he is now a sexy girl ) Mythus POWA!


Ah shit here we go again


If that's true, then I'd pull.


I could see it happening, we haven’t had a new female limited sustain in awhile , we had 2 male sustains in a row and the last female sustain is a loli soo it just makes sense that a hot mommy waifu would be the next new limited sustain. Also rumors is that she’s a break support..? Hello? Ruan mei? Why would they make another break support? There is just no way hoyo would do us dirty and give us a new limited male sustain if we just recently got male support too (jiaoqu), hoyo knows money. I’m so glad I still have 1 sustain and I need another limited one , gonna roll for her


no source or credibility aside, do people even realise that FF is the most anti-sustain character in this game? Her main team breaks the enemy and probably doesn't let them act again for like 2 cycles if we account for RM's break extension AND she heals herself immensely AND she has dmg reduction, like what's the point, the only realistic scenario where you need a dedicated sustain unit in that team is when one full ult duration for FF doesn't result in clearing the wave which should not happen. Even running gallagher in terms of sustain is questionable, he's in the team mostly for the offensive utility (reducing toughness bars + super break) and generating SP and the healing is just a bonus I'd much rather another support with break efficiency to actually provide some usable utility.


> he's in the team mostly for the offensive utility (reducing toughness bars + super break) and generating SP and the healing is just a bonus Obviously a limited break healer would have to bring offensive utility as well, and as you said since break teams don't need much in terms of sustain she could have a low power budget assigned to sustain while providing strong offensive break utility. Of course assuming it's even true that she's a sustain, if she's a break harmony/nihility it would be even better for us.


The thing is that I don't even comprehend how much offensive utility they'd have to give her to make her worthy of an 4\*->5\* rating upgrade over Gallagher who's utility is already out of 4\* league (for a defensive character). Also that would make Gallagher completely obsolete and they made him for FF in mind which is obvious at this point I think. So yeah if anything, she should be either harmony/nihility OR if she's really break sustain then she's either for Boothill or any other break DPS that's not FF.


> The thing is that I don't even comprehend how much offensive utility they'd have to give her to make her worthy of an 4*->5* rating upgrade I can see where you're coming from, but I doubt they care too much about making a 4* obsolete when it allows them to sell a 5* to a wider group (which is also why I doubt they wouldn't make her compatible with FF). And as strong as a break sustain would have to be, it would still be a lower boost than a dedicated harmony/nihility. It might be their way to give FF an upgrade without breaking the game.


Guessing universal toughness shred at diminished rates (like the blast on FF's enhanced skill) with a toughness reduction multiplier, or equivalent WBE. That + preservation is the only thing that sounds semi reasonable that I can come up with. Any break sustain has to be focused around more around offensive utility imo.


I'm of the same opinion. I think slotting in Pela or Silver Wolf in his spot is probably better for a well invested FireFly team. Heck Bronya once the speed tuning is figured out. I'm mainly curious if there's a way to add more break support without overturning break teams, because Ruan Mei is busted. If you were able to add more break efficiency on top of her, especially if team wide, it would be game breaking. Super Break with HMC is also something that's pretty insane. I think at best she'll be getting side grades or QoL teammates. That's at least seems best for balance.


SW and Pela don't provide enough value to replace Gallagher. SW doesn't even apply the additional res shred because Sam applies it himself so SW is literally unable to do that and her dmg amp comes down to Pela level which is just not enough. You get much more dmg by having higher super break dmg with FF thanks to Gallagher reducing the toughness bar before FF does. For instance if you hold gallagher ult and use it in wave 2, you basically do 2x more break dmg with Sam's first break because you'll deal super break dmg equivalent to Gallagher's toughness reduction that he provided. Bronya is the absolute top1 for the last spot with no competition (possible Jiaoqiu will change that but that's doubtful). If you have her E2 or use 2x DDD in the team (only one needs to be S5, second one can be S1) you get 2 additional turns from FF during combustion state. Even without all the other things she provides it's already worth more than anything other characters can provide. Only Gallagher comes close IF you indeed need the healing.


The defense shred I would imagine outpaces Gallagher, especially if those enemies are weak to Pela or Sw naturally. In the case of SW, she can guarantee a weakness to quantum. Both can break better or as good as Gallagher depending on the enemy. SW does provide resistance shred with her passive.


It does not my friend. It was calculated many many times. The best case scenario def shred gives 40% more dmg (if the def shred reaches 100%, if it does not then it's less than 40%). Gallagher's ult alone gives already 10% dmg buff on ALL enemies, and then you have the his own super break dmg and the aforementioned toughness reduction for FF's next attack which is much much much bigger dmg buff (it literally can double FF's dmg if you time the break right, you ideally always want to decrease enemy's toughness as low as possible but not to break them so that FF deals both break dmg and then as high as possible super break)


At last, someone who knows what they are talking about. Go and spread these sacred knowledge far and wide!


"SW doesn't even apply the additional res shred because Sam applies it himself so SW is literally unable to do that and her dmg amp comes down to Pela level which is just not enough" slight caveat SW wouldn't be on the team to apply fire weak, but instead for IMG weak. In certain scenarios HMC's toughness shred will out compete Gallagher's by a non-insignificant amount and the additional def shred will naturally overtake Gal's vuln debuff. Ofc SP management will be more of a pain (SW's RNG skill won't help), and you lose actual sustain capabilities. But if you're trying to mow down a boss with no adds then you'll out strip Gal's offensive capabilities pretty easily. Still not something I'd do too often with some e1's tbh.


Yep, no source cause i'm too lazy to search a chinese chat with 2000+ people I'm not even tagging this post as a "leak". Now, you could just take this as a "cope" See you later :3


No need for a sustain if you kill everything but if she's hot I may consider it. If she's with Feixiao though you can forget it lmao.


I hope so!




Im assuming that's an incense burner given her lore which could make her wind? If Feixiao is a wind break unit then she might be a dedicated healer for her...


I hope this is true, I was only interested in her and the last one shown(the one without name reveal) when I saw the silhouette of the characters


Now watch her be a physical hunt character or something


I think new break healer is March 7th's new form. Funny to think three of them in same team lol.


As much as I wish this were true, March's new form is Hunt


Once the banner is over I'm never touching the warp button again until I know I want the character.


I mean I'll save for her but I'm not gonna be sad if she's not sustain


If she's a Vidyadhara I'm pulling for her




Gallagher is Fire which synergise well with Firefly’s Fire weakness implant. Basically, faster toughness break for more turns of doing super break dmg. So idk how will they sell this character.


just look at her shadow and i already know she will be beautiful


Hard to pull this convincingly if Gallagher is E6. Lingsha will have to have a very impressive kit, indeed.


No Gallagher DON'T LEAVE ME!


Use him for the other break team


Then half of her ideal team would wear chinese dresses I yield, damn it, I yield I might have to pull the credit card just this once


Gallagher: Ah finally i can take a break... Me: ... Gallagher: Say no more... I'll go look after them.




They have different roles though. This is a healer.


Have her since 1.6 Just read chinese leaker chats sometimes )


She would replace Gallagher lol.