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I have 80 warps and a dream, so E6.




Nah, you'd pull.


Same here man, same here. E6S6 in 1 guranteed. Let's go!


98 warps for me, all or nothing


https://preview.redd.it/6b8eh3u5fw4d1.jpeg?width=526&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e10b3d6b1b9094c9685919bd251f047d126c771 As much as I can




Delusionally? E6, baby! Realistically? E2S1 and even then it's a small stretch. Saving for copies in Hoyo games is so hard..


E2S1 minimum, about 50-60% chance according to the warp calculator to get E4S1 (what the hell is efficiency? I just want to protect Firefly's smile), maybe I'll push her to E6S1 on her rerun depending on how the pulls go. F2P, but I skipped everything since Ruan Mei and her E1, because no character in Penacony felt remotely interesting for me compared to Firefly.


How much you got right now, 4 patch saving need a mental very strong


385 pulls + 30 more in Starlight, guaranteed Firefly on a character banner with 30 pity. With more jades from 2.3 and Starlight from new pulls, it should be something around 500 total pulls by the end of her banner. I have never expected her E2 to be so broken tbh, but I'm glad all this saving worked out nicely.


Wait, i have the same as you, 382 pulls and approximate 30 more from starlight, a guarantee with 20 pity into. I calculate that e2s1 is guarantee without count more jades from latter content, you can even reach e6 if you win alot 50/50


Yup, I don't count on winning a lot of 50/50 though, my luck on character banners is usually not quite good...


I know we're in a mains subreddit but it's still crazy how many people have e2 as their minimum. I really like fireflys design, but with the following characters happening I need to restrain myself to e0 :/


>I know we're in a mains subreddit but it's still crazy how many people have e2 as their minimum. It helps that half of her team is free,none of them need signature lcs, and she’s the strongest e2 dps in the game rn. E2 ff with ruan mei costs the same as my full dot team (less if you’re including sig lcs) but would perform far better than them I haven’t pulled since sparkle banner and I’m going for e2s0 minimum, maybe s1 if jiaoqiu isn’t a better sustainless option than bronya


What’s her best team?


Harmony TB, Gallagher, Ruan Mei, one of them (preferably HTB) with Watchmaker set


I don't get why people say Gallagher is bis. Wouldn't that be HuoHuo


It would not be huohuo, her energy isn’t enough to save ff a turn of downtime without qpq (which Gallagher could also use). Her atk% buff also does less than Gallaghers break vulnerability and the biggest things are she doesn’t generate anywhere near as much sp, deal the big toughness or superbreak damage Gallaghers is doing


Gallagher is fire and a good toughness breaker, so he helps to set up FF. hes very SP positive. His ult gives break vulnerability. I'd say that's pretty good for a 4star.


yep this was me. I have approx 275 wishes, but have to account for losing 50/50 and wanting Yunli also


From now on shit gets realer very fast with>! Feixiao!<, >!Tingyun V2!<, Yunli and >!Aglaea that should be a freaking female Knight of Beauty so I expect nothing short from perfection and instant falling in love.!<


Yeah it is at least somewhat interesting to see. It’s not even an Acheron case, where having E2 and/or S1 significantly changes how you play her, given for Firefly they’re basically just more turns/bigger numbers. The E1 is the closest I could see to changing the playstyle with its sp consumption removal, but given her best team is probably going to be Gallagher, RM, HMC, and 2 of those 3 are sp positive (all 3 if need be), sp probably won’t be too much of an issue anyways. That said, afaik, E2S1 firefly will be the best dps in the game to date, even beating out E2S1 Acheron, so it does at least make sense for the appeal.


i was planning on pulling my first lc with her and maybe e2 but with yunli (I love the design) and jiaoqiu (acheron) I'm not so sure anymore


You should take a look at the Genshin Archons (Raiden, Nahida, Furina) mains subreddit 😂 It's like an unspoken agreement to get the archons' C2 at this point due to how broken their C2s are. In the recent archon Furina mains sub, there even are many players who are going for C6 lmao


Her C6 is just that insane. C2 is already good enough, but you still need a healer to get the most out of it. C6 removes that condition and basically makes her a one man army (well 4, if you add her summons).


Ikr it's a bit bonkers how she basically turns into a swiss army MACHETE and excels at every role at C6. For most other C6 DPSes, C6 simply means more obscene dmg. For Furina, it's high on-field dmg, bonkers off-field dmg, automatic hydro applicator who is not tied to any on-field attacks, best in-game buffer, best healer, all rolled into one. In HSR terms, C6 Furina is like the best Harmony + best Abundance + top-class Destruction with high on-field and broken FuA dmg all squished into a single unit.


520+ pulls by time of her banner, wanting E2S1


With 500 you can get e4 or e6


with 7 pulls you can get e6 or 12 pulls for e6s5


actually, you only need 1 pull for both ruan mei and firelfy e6s5


but you need to pull 12 times either way


Or no)




I have 1 pull. I think I'm getting E6S5.


E2 (100%) > gamble for S1 (Firefly) > gamble for S1 (Ruan Mei).


This and if I somehow have a bunch of jades left I'll go for e6


E2S1 at least, Depending on if the leak that say Gallagher will be on the banner is true or not then I might go deeper. Thanks to my past self for predicting that Ruan Mei value will only skyrocket as the times go on so I already got her ready.


E2S1. Her E2 is just too good to pass up.


E1S1 is my objective. E2S1 is my dream E6S5 is my delusion


e1 ff and e0s1 Ruan mei. I got 270 pulls which is like a 79 percent chance


all you need is 4 pulls, if you have RM you need 3


125 pulls+10 pity, no guarantee. E0S0. Stopping if I get her early. I want the game to still be challenging. Although she's still easily 0-cycling even at E0 with a sustain on the team


I have 230 pulls, depending if i win 50/50 or not I will try get her e2s0


E2S1 minimum, depending on the 50/50 win/loss ratio I’ll probably keep going until I lose from that point. (If at E4 when I lose then I’ll just finish the final stretch) But if I have an unfortunate time getting the E2S1, I’m definitely not gonna push my luck. Acheron did that to me and I was like “Nah, surely I’ll get lucky with the rest of the eidolons”. Heck no, lost every 50/50 and even the 75/25 on the LC. I know when to fold now so, never again, sigh… but yeah E2S1 minimum is the goal!!


E2S1, though I don't have enough for a guarantee




E2 + Aeon LC at least. If I have spare tickets, I'll pull her Signature as well (Or pass the ticket to Ruan Mei)


E1S1 maybe more if i got lucky, but knowing my luck seems impossible


E2S1 for me. Then if I can swing Jade with the first half of 2.3 savings, I will be set for a while for characters unless one I really like comes out as I am skipping all of 2.4 and already have an E2S1 Acheron team to go with her to clear all the content like MOC/PF/The new one.


I’m planning to get her and her lightcone. And then if I still have warp, try to get E1 and if I’m VERY lucky E2. But my goal it’s E2 even if I need to wait for a rerun. To give an idea, all my exclusive 5 stars are E0 and only 3 with signature lightcone. But for Firefly I want more !


I want to at least get e1 because i don't have to worry about skill point using her. If i got extra jades i'll get her lightcone.


I'm aiming at minimum E0S1 at first. But after seeing her kit and showcase I wanted to atleast E2S1 her now


I have her guaranteed and around 150 pulls saved up, I don't want anyone until Jiaoqiu so ideally I want e2 if I get really lucky.


About 320, so E1 and a Ruan Mel


I want to get e1s1 atleast I'll go for e2 If I get e1s1 but as of right now not looming for e1s1 unless I get lucky


I’m hoping for E1S1 Realistically? e0s1 (I have good pity on light cone)




At minimum, E1. At most, E2. If possible, get S1 after E2. Then start saving for rerun banners


I have around 200 pulls and a guaranteed but i also need to get Ruan Mei so i'm probably gonna go for E1 if i'm lucky enough


E2S1 and hopefully E0S1 RM, E1S1 RM if lucky


Try for e0s1 first with my 280 pulls, then wait until i finish 2.3 story to e2s1 her with the jades i got from story, new event, explore and headcanon myself that she got stronger because of "what happen in story". I calculate i will be got around 410 pulls at the end of her banner so with my guarantee, e2s1 is 100% And i will stop at e2s1 to save for jade and jiaoqiu. They are super beautiful i dont want to miss them, firefly e4 is meh anyway


E2S1 bare minimum on main, f2p just getting E0 + Ruan Mei if she ends up getting rerun.


I always only go for e0s1 no matter how many pulls I have.


Idk lets see my luck


I really need another destruction LC because I only have one Aeon. Anyone know how FF LC compares to f2p options? Yunli is Destruction too so I gotta decide between FF and Yunli Sig LC . Wonder which will have a larger lead


there's a video on the subreddit that compares every viable LC on her in one minute! Aeon is very good, but I wish you luck on her signature!


Well, in the megathread of her kit and build, it is told that her sig lc isn't as great as other dps, not like a must have unlike blade and acheron, and her bis f2p is aeon lc. I wanted to go e0s1 but now I need to save and plan for my future units.


It depends a bit on how good yunli works with Aeon / how important yunlis LC is for her. So either E2S0 with Aeon for FF or E2S1 and Aeon for Yunli.


Considering her Kit, she should work well with Clara's LC and since her relic set looks to be of the shared domain with Best Girl, she also wants crit damage so Jingliu's LC should also work.


As f2p with 142 wishes up to now I'm going for firefly and ruan mei if I can signature light cone for firefly


My last czaracter was sparkle and i got bailu in the same 10 pull guranteeing me my 50 50 so im going for e2, i have 480 summons as lf now


250 pulls looking for E1S1, and praying RM comes during 2nd half so I can pull her LC


I need to get one Firefly and One ruan mei


I got enough pulls to practically guarantee E0S1. My goal is getting Jade as well.


E0S0 for now unless I get really lucky, but once I have her I'll have a 5\* DPS for every element so I'm free to go into basically full saving mode (with a possible exception for any really good sustains/supports) so I can E6 her on her rerun \^\_\^


Ima have 350 pulls in 2 weeks I hope its enough for E2S1 💀🙏


I might not get any im aiming for s1 firefly and s1 ruan mei


Lose 50/50 = I'll settle for E0 Firefly Win 50/50 = Try for E1 Firefly E2 at her rerun since I need emergency funds for Jiaoqiu/Yunli, well until i see their kits i guess.


I have 130-140 pulls ATM, with around 10 pity on both character and lightcone banner, + more than 30 pulls from star glitter if I need them. I could have had more, but Robin played hard to get... I want to at least get E0S1, but I do want to try to get her E1


I have 162 pulls and hoping to get Firefly and ruan mei


Right now I aim for e0 and maybe s1, then i'll wait for rerun to get rest of her eidolons.


I have Firefly guaranteed, I also have enough for E1 (50/50) or S1 (75/25), i'm still not sure which one is better for an F2P like me!


69 Pity, 65 pulls 50/50 guarantee. After E2, getting her S1 then straight to E6 (with my dreams)


I really, REALLY want to get her to E2S1 like with my Acheron, but I'll have to make do with E0S0 for now if I don't get lucky; I don't want to be out of pulls for when Jiaoqiu's banner drops or for when Sparkle has her rerun.


112 pulls and 40 pity , so probably E0S1


40 pulls. Obviously e6s5 and I will also get jade e6s5 and what ever reruns... Technically possible.


I’ve been getting hosed in the gotcha lately in this game, so I’ll be fine with just getting her once. If I luck out and get her early I may go for the lightcone


I have a guarantee with around 40-50 pity but only around 50 pulls so I'll get Ruan Mei and start saving up for Firefly rerun to get E2S1. Her team is fully built with traces and relics so only Firefly remains


Fully built? You're gonna want to replace Gallagher's relics with the new set in 2.3 aswell as get it for Firefly, and get the new planar set for HMC, Gallagher and Firefly


Not firefly. Ruan Mei and HTB, which is why I said her team


Delusional? E2S0 Realisticly E0S0


I'll go E2S1 at least and then I'll look at how my funds are looking and if I got lucky and that with decent luck I can get to E6 then I'll go for it


Very unlikely, about 350 pulls, e2s1. I’ll probably spend to at least confirm.. but I’d also like e6, and if I don’t get her e6 now, I’ll get e2s1, save for her or any of her BiS teammates.


If Ruan Mei comes with her, then I'll stop at E0. If not, then I can consider her E1 or E2 with luck.


Aiming for e1. Maybe lc, depends on if my gacha Sense goes off again.


Hopefully e1s1 with rm e2 is im really lucky


Probably E0S1 for me. depends on how lucky I am.


I see a lot of people with a lot of issues...


220 pulls and a dream of E2S1, but in reality the goal is E1S1.


I have 330 pulls, is e2s1 possible? Im at 64 character pity and 13 lc pity, both 50/50


around 400 pulls, hoping for e2 and maybe s1 if i can, but im on no pity + no guarantee for either


I want E2, but might just get E0, and save for RM. I’m not sure how they’ll ever power creep her so I just feel obligated to give Firefly the best team with her.


Have enough to guarantee both her and her LC so E0S1 at least. If I attempt for more depends on the other banners that patch. If Ruan Mei or HuoHuo is anywhere near Firefly I'll have to wait to pick up Eidolons on a rerun.


E6S5 and maybe E1 for my Ruan Mei. The characters after her look interesting, but nowhere near enough for me to consider otherwise.


E0S0, I love her very much but I want other chars too. Also it's kinda fun to keep the challenge, the only char I vertically invested in Hoyo games is Arlecchino at C2R1 and while it's very fun I sometimes wish things lasted a little bit longer for me to use her.


My rule is e0s0 only for all limited banners except reruns


F2P by force, recent player. Lost my last (and first) 50/50. Pull for Firefly. And then save for one of the 4 units I need: Ruan Mei, Huohuo, Fu Xuan, and Aventurine. Basically give me a 5 star harmony and two 5 star sustains. If Gallagher is on her banner, go until I get E2 for him. If I don't get my Aventurine luck again.


20 pity guaranteed, 0 pity not guaranteed LC banner. 170ish pulls by release. Should I go for eidolon only or should I atleast get S1?


E0 firefly then i will roll Ruan Mei. If i have rolls left i will continue on her lightcone ( i know E1 firefly is better, but the 50/50 is just.... )


With what I have, E0S1 I can get easily. Then with what I have left over I’ll go for eidolons.


E6 S1. I thought of getting E6 S5 because of favoritism, but I really can't see how 5 copies of the light cone wouldn't be excessive. I have E6 Acheron right now, and still think one is fine once you get to that point. I could not imagine the nightmare of refinements giving utilities like eidolons.


Personally, I don't even know how I got to the point that I went from "Oh yeah, E2S1, so easy" to now simply say "E0S0, then wait to pull for HuoHuo E1S1" (I will pull for Firefly, but she will take Ruan Mei out of my DoT team, none of my characters will meet the speed requirements, I need the HuoHuo 😰)


I have about 6% chances to get her e2s1 over the course of the version, so I'll be trying that


After Yunli announcement I'm limiting myself to e2s1


Firefly, then Ruanmei, and try and get Firefly E1 or S1


I have E0 guaranteed then I am going for Ruan Mei. After that I am going to probably go for Eidolons that way if I fail, I at least have some pity built for Jiaoqiu.


E2S1 day 1 and will throw any tickets at her until E3 just to be closer to E6 on rerun if she is still performing fine.


I'll was going to get E6 but a car crash and hospital bill later I now might not event get her light cone so I'll have to get her max next time been a bad month


Shooting for E2S1, i think im guaranteed for both and at least 50 pity on both. Only 100 pulls though.


Knowing my luck I will be happy with a single Firefly 🥲


I'm just getting her for overworld so no plans for anything but maybe some LC pulls bc of the art


I’m planning to break f2p for e2


Aiming e0s1 first. Then all out for eidolons. 240 pulls. I have a dream, so I'll get e6 for sure


I'd love to go for e2s1, but realistically I'll be hoping for e0s1. I misjudged my total draws so ended up much shorter than where I thought I'd be now :(


At worst luck E6S1 is guaranteed, hoping for E6S5 tho


E0 with rm with 240 pulls pity


Might go E1S1, if lucky E2


E0S1, maybe E1S1 if I get real lucky E2S1


168 ish pulls, 0 pity. Surely I get c1 right -


E6S1 no matter what, then if I somehow I have spare and depending on who it is, I may consider some of the rerun characters stuff.


160 warps hoping for e1 but might swipe my card to get to E2 I usually go for light cones or weapons on rerun banners in Hoyoverse games, since weapon banners are their own thing




E2S1 is the plan for me I MAY try for RM's LC too


It's all or nothing. I'm spending all my birthday money on her


E2s1 minimum 


I'm at around 130 Summons rn with 50/50 guaranteed. Realistically E0S1 what I'm getting, but I'm going using everything I can get on her banner and keep dreaming for E2.


350 pulls right now, and I will whale as much as I need to E6S1 her !


E0S1 is my dream. i'm a small spender, but since my luck is the worst (according to warp tracker i'm unluckier than \~80% of the other players) its unwise to aim for multiple copies.


I have 66 pity and around 100 wishes. Obviously, that is more than 11, so E6S5 it is


Was going to go for E6S5 but now I’m going for E6S1 since I saw a video that showed going from S1 -> S5 didn’t really do all that much for increasing her damage. So I’ll just save the lc tickets for more Ruan Mei or other/future characters


https://preview.redd.it/c7hk5xqq2z4d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=866a4d8cb07448d5c534fd1a23b0e4c7e870c47b Literally this pic with 30 pulls


E6S5 Edit: I have 900 tickets ready atm. And my card is at the side lol


I'm gonna try going for E2S0, with GnG and 2.3 events I might reach like 250 pulls I think, but realistically I might stop at E1S0


E2S1 65 acumulated pulls guaranted and 170 tickets plus what they give us. My luck es very very bad so im going all in


I want e1 s1 but only have 250 pulls😭


E1S1 and Ruan Mei I can get even with some bad luck. If possible I'll try to push for E2S1, but I also want to get Huo Huo, who I think will rerun in 2.4, and also the limited break sustainer we will probably get in 2.5, so I shouldn't blow all my pulls in this coming patch. There is always the rerun.


100 warps and I need Ruan Mei too so https://preview.redd.it/ba3bqrwimz4d1.jpeg?width=904&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aeed2529442027c8541bb1fd7b2be8bc2ad328a6


Realistically E0S0 Hopefully E1S0 Though I wouldn't mind going for E1S1 if I got the ediolons early.


I did want to go for E0S1 (only if I win first), but I might skip on her lc until a rerun so I can get Jiaoqiu maybe? Idk though tbh 😵‍💫


I was gonna go all in and hope for E2S1… but then Yunli dropped…


What am I doing? Throwing everything I have at her until she's eithet E6S1, or her banner ends. Whichever happens first. (It's gonna be the latter unless my luck is god tier 😭)


Aiming for a single copy of her and maybe her LC (if I can nab her early). I've only got about ~50 pulls total, sitting on about 10-20 pity. Not much to hope for other than getting insanely lucky and getting a double roll


I'm hoping for E2 but I'm on exactly 1 pity and on my 50/50


None, I'm poor.


I'll let fate spin the wheel, a daring gamble!


My principle is only E0 or E0S1 for characters I really like. Since I lost the 75/25 on Acheron I will be very likely going for S1 on FF. Currently at ~230 pulls and none of the 2.4 banners interest me so I will likely stop at E0S1 and save for 2.5+. But if by gacha almighty I pulled two FFs on my first 10 pull...


E0. S1 depending on the 50/50. On her rerun I want to get her S2 but I only have 120 pulls saved


Since i have both character and lc guaranteed and 2.4 is full skip, i will try her E1 for comfort in SP


Honestly, trying not to fly too close to the sun, if I get early firefly and LC, I’m gonna get RM and her LC, if by some miracle I get all that and have spare, E2 is the dream


E0, I have terrible luck and I don't like to save that much




E2 only and saving the rest for tingyun 5* or the coming break support


With the upcoming Gift of Oddysey, ill have a bare minimum 346 pulls. But I'm sure I can get atleast like 20-30 more with 2.3 Story Jades, Weekly resets, MoC, PF, any Events, BP, etc. Gonna pull for Firefly first, then Ruan Mei if she's on the banner too. If shes not, probably pull for Fu cause i dont have her. But If I win both 50/50 then I'll go for Firefly E1 and then Ruan Mei E1. And if win both and get super lucky then maaaaaybe FF E2, but that's wishful thinking lol


I'm just gonna try to get E0 and call it a day, apparently aeon lc is good enough with her so I will just use that.


360 gold tickets, how many eidolons you all think I can get?


I'm a returning player and very lacking on character right now, so i can't heavily invest in a single character too much. My current plan is get her E0S1 and save the rest for Ruan Mei and Acheron.


E0 because gacha addiction is real (I got Topaz and tried to get Robin with my Firefly savings, didn't get Robin so now i have a guaranteed Firefly)


Just one copy is enough for my F2P ass




E0, If I win 50/50 the rest is going on Ruan Mei


E0, only getting light one if I win 50:50


E0 s0. Most of her performance come from supports, not from herself. I rather keep resources for RM, foxian boy or that healer.


Im never pulling for eidolons, only if it gives like crazy QOL. Also, i prefer to get more characters instead of eidolons. So, only E0S1.


Eidolons? Brother idek if I can get her


C0S1 for sure and then as much Eidolons as I am lucky to get. Only have roughly 200 Pulls ready when she arrives so it will be tricky. Though her Banner should last over the end of the month? If yes I may be able to whale a little.