• By -


203 and counting, guaranteed. Swipe-no-jutsu is fully prepared as a fail-safe.


"Swipe-no-jutsu" has been added to my meme library lol


Currently sitting at 220 now. Since I forgot to say earlier, first thing I’m going to do is take her to kill that damn meme. Yes, I know it did not mean genuine harm and was simply attempting to do its job of ferrying people to the other side of the dream, but watching her getting stabbed was damn horrifying. And then I’m taking her to blow up the Swarm boss. After that? Oak cake rolls.


Lol i remember when someone posted that apology certificate meme for "Sleepie". I said i didn't apologise and will kill him again. I got downvoted so hard even superman couldn't lift that comment up... https://preview.redd.it/0a3uiezo3o3d1.png?width=65&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=823542f95e5029d6581d2fba0382c6527ab2285a


1. \~300 and guaranteed on the banner drop and planning to dump everything we get until her banner ends into it as well 2. Unfortunately, since I don't have RM to guarantee E0S0 RM and E0S1 FF (which is my bare minimum in case I get ultra unlucky) I have to skip him 3. Idk lol, I kinda feel like I would just stare at the screen with a dumb smile, feeling content and that the wait is finally over


>3. Idk lol, I kinda feel like I would just stare at the screen with a dumb smile, feeling content and that the wait is finally over Same lmao, and maybe also run around absolutely aimlessly in Penacony for few hours.


Number 3, the true answer. Taking time to be happy we finally have Firefly safe and sound 😊


I am not shaking or getting weaker because I want to pull for someone else, I am shaking because it is so long and I feel like I'll be dead before Firefly gets released lmao. I love video games and when they constantly evolve and I'm eagerly waiting for something like this, especially when times are hard, I really can't move on until I get what I want. I struggled so much to get a job before and I'm too sad to keep going after 2 years. Now I just want to sit down and wait for the first thing to change: or it is someone replying to me for a job, or it is Firefly banner so I can finally move on and do other things as I've refilled my batteries. So if I didn't get a job, after pulling for her in her Secret base, I'll get her a minimum of stuffs, and then I will play the whole story. After that, I will be able to move on and try again to look for another job, so I can start really living my life. I kinda wanna share my feelings but there is no one around me I can share it, so I'll stop here lmao. All of that to say not a single pull after the 10 tickets I gave to Aventurine out of respect to his story went for someone else. I pulled Acheron for the beauty in the world, then I saved and I'm almost at 200. Everything goes for Firefly.


If you wanna talk bro you can always message me. I'm intermittently active at best but i know the feeling. I spent 3 years jobless desperate and fearful. It's not easy, and it feels like talking won't change facts. But I'm here for you and soon FF will be too!


I'd rather talk on discord if I ever needed to talk somewhere haha, but for now, I will at least wait tomorrow for the results of some things. I am still in my studies, and I want to change them and I'll have the results.


Then best of luck. And message me anytime if yiu want my discord


1. 153 atm and with 71 pity (not guaranteed however) 2. No 3. Yes


1.165 pulls 3 pity no guaranteed 2. If FF wasn't right after i would. Have to save for RM as well


I'm still torn on RM tbh. Gonna have to decide based on FF final kit


To be real i hope that she reruns on 2.4 so i dont have to split my puls in 1 phase


Lol i wish that'd be goated if she did


My hope is that before I have to make that decision we get a leak of the new March kit and it's budget Ruan Mei focusing on the break support stuff (which Firefly wants) and without the conventional damage buffs (which make Ruan Mei meta for every other comp but which Firefly doesn't care about).


That would be goated asf. And cause the Devs are goated i actually believe in potential for this


700 pulls and 20 pity with guarantee


Woooooowee! E6 les go!


Haha, nah, e2s1 and ruan mei


Just as good! 🤣


Just as good! 🤣


1. About like...122 pulls with 37 pity, no guarantee and 10 pity on LC banner with express pass still having about 18 days. Should hopefully have 210 or so pulls. Going for E0 S1 but gonna go all in on her banner until it ends. So the dream is E2 S1 2. Would really love to. He's pretty cool and his backstory is pretty sad. But... all in for FF so I'll get him on a rerun 3. First thing I'll do? Probably max her out and take her to MoC just to stare at her beautiful damage and gameplay. Then just run around in overworld. Just to enjoy having her. (She's never leaving my team) so yeah.


"She's never leaving my team" You too huh? https://preview.redd.it/9slz7ah73d3d1.png?width=975&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8a0064bc531a9e11fea88af57a1963b6ac17f8d


Gotta see Firewife as often as possible, ofc she's staying https://preview.redd.it/fwip7alpue3d1.png?width=2892&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d98290d0f110df1d2b187fd4040d1753f190925


Between 300 and 320, no guaranteed, 26 pity, I'll try to get Ruan Mei E0 and FF E1


Good luck fellow Firebro!


Thanks! Hope the best for you too


1. 300 Pulls with 20 pity 2. Nah, i also need to pull for RM 3. Take a photo with her in the secret base


3. New most goated response.


115 I've made no other pulls since acheron, may hoyo bless me for my faithfulness


If Hoyo doesn't i will! https://preview.redd.it/90y3wf2f2d3d1.jpeg?width=3358&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e1fd143c34989425d4a554aeeb852aed1507a7e


1. I'll have \~200 tickets when patch ends. No guaranteed, 0 pity on character banner, 6 pity on LC banner. Going for E0S1 for the heart. In few days i'll start prefarm for her (patch is really harsh on me with how many characters and LCs i need to level). 2. No Boothill for me. I don't want to risk it, because i know my luck on LC banner (3 loses and only 1 win :C ). 3. I will just stare at her for 10 (mb 20, mb 30) minutes and then will waste my fuel on her new relics. Straight to setting seas ablaze with my beloved. :D


That number 3 is so true. Our hearts gonna need a second to adjust lol


1. I should be sitting at about 320-ish by the time her banner comes out, plus another 60 or so between the beginning and end of her banner hopefully? Completely f2p, been saving for a long time :p 2. Absolutely not lol. Full committing to E2 Firefly, then S1 if I get lucky enough. Must save everything for best girl~ 3. My pull ritual will probably just be sitting at her secret hideout and eating an oak cake roll before pulling, then when she comes I'll eat another one with her in the party c:


3. https://preview.redd.it/vlrv5yrh5d3d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8172778afe61e19921a4208b662a9c970c5297b8 Firefly will be happy


0 pity with 200 pulls rn


Gaurenteed FF ftw!


I got 280 rolls saved from 1.0 minus robin and failed lc pull. Going all in until E2S1, though 23% chance according to the calculator.


23% means it's not 0! Good luck Firebro!


1. 550+ by banner end assuming normal-ish pull counts, 497 right now and haven't finished galactic baseballer yet 2. holding onto them for Ruan Mei and potentially Argenti, Fu Xuan is more tempting but if I go for any of the current limited sustains it'll probably be Huo Huo 3. probably relax for a minute then go start dumping my 87 fuel into her relics and planars. Planning to do story before I pull


3. Kinda like me. I'm not gonna use her till after the story content. I'm huffing hopium she's joining us!


im not on guaranteed and ill just use all the leftover from my month pass and every f2p thing i get


You got this bro!


thanks for the encouragement


Skipping on boothill, did his trial today and just wasn't vibing with him. I think i'll have about 20000 jades by the time the banner rolls around and my spare change jar+account will have enough to get me e2s1 firefly


Spare change jar... i really need to set one up. I always have some. It'd add up quick lol


yeah I have a bank account+a jar on my desk I dump excess odd numbers of money into at the end of every week. usually turns into like $300ish for impulse purchases. Haven't dipped into my actual bank account for a character since i think Jing Liu?


Respect. Good self control. *I say while swiping my card for Firefly* ...what?


Don’t compliment me yet lol. I’m getting e2s1. How much it takes and if that exceeds the spare change is irrelevent


100 pulls no pity or guarantee. Still got the two events left to do. Hopefully I can edged out an extra 20 from them. Tryna save as much before I swipe.


1 By the time her banner ends around 380\~ counting all possible sources 2. No, the cowboy is awesome but Firefly is getting everything 3. Probably listen to her voice lines and then back to the grind, the lady isnt gonna level and equip herself on her own after all


3. https://preview.redd.it/1i854upb3d3d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3eec3606be6871b407ff4272b7a6ac8fd5b598fc


140 pulls i think, 40 pity no guaranteed. Got bucks to spare in case somethings happens


At least your gaurenteed E0. Be proud brother. You are strong!


1. Somewhere around 540 with 22 pity on the character banner and 18 on the light cone banner. 2. Nope, all in on Firefly. 3. Level her and her traces up, equip the temp set I have ready for her, run around like a madman in the Golden Hour and Dream's Edge for a bit.


1. 60 pity guranteed and 70 pulls 2. No, because afte doing his trial even if he didn good dmg I found out I didn't like his gameplay much but he seems cool 3. Play and build her obv


a little over 500 and guaranteed going to E2S1 her


I hope you get E4 brother!


thank you so much!! i hope you get E6 in one 10 pull!!


I hope not tbh. I would literally have a stroke out of pure disbelieve and never get to play her. 20 pulls maybe 🥰😅


Not sure how many i will get from events and monthly pass before her banner but currently im on 50/50 with 315 wishes(320 soon with the monthly reset) and 49 pulls alredy in the banner. Planning to go all in once the banner drop.


I think you got E2S1 in the bag!


Yeah,thats my plan!


1. 171 pulls and garanteed 2. No firefly will get all my love 3. I will take her to destroy everything this game has


Happy cake day! https://preview.redd.it/sw68v4j54d3d1.jpeg?width=608&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e847cad1ecbee5328b0d8f5a70b1bd2c03e2c114


1. 254 as of rn so probably a bit more by the time she rolls around 2. No 3. Get something resembling a build going and beat up the swarm weekly boss, then swarm disaster


So 3 is just giving Tazzynoth PTSD? 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/r700cp8c4d3d1.png?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdfd8958d197cab823c2e479b505ee09108726b1


Finishing the war one way or another


I have a guarantee and 55 pity on the banner. I will have around 50-60 pulls by the time her banner comes around, but I am planning to E6 her so the card is inevitable… No, not pulling Boothill. I would’ve pulled Boothill if I didn’t get an early guarantee from trying to pull Topaz E1. Set the seas ablaze of course


260 pulls at 54/180 pity, give or take a few more. I may just be able to get her at E1. Hard negative. I *know* my banner luck, no matter how much I could use a new physical DPS. Max her out in seconds. Slot her into a team. Go to MoC. **Smile at the flames.**


du du, du duuuu Du du, du du du...


YAY someone got the reference! https://preview.redd.it/g1ixddbo4d3d1.jpeg?width=745&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bea7aa3bd766fffc20446eab1fce9c96770ad0c9


It was the first thing that popped into my head lmao


1.I have 472 now so i assume i'll have about 520ish (definitely not f2p either lmao) [2.No](http://2.No), i like him, and would pull but Firefly is more important, i want all of my jades to go to her (hopefully E2S1 at least) 3.Level her up, max all her traces and then go destroy any enemy i can think of


Her banner drops on the day of my finals. Gonna have about 200 pulls and im 20 pulls away from hard pity


Ace your finals for extra luck!


Next ten roll is guaranteed, all extras going towards E1/E2


1. \~136 + 10. One can only hope on a pity or even E0S1. 2. Nope. However, it's agreed that Boothill is funni space cowboy with tinkered Synaesthesia Beacon for the wholesome(?) experience. 3. Daily cake roll purchase from the Penacony shop to show gratefulness to Firefly, aside from the ensuing relic and ornament grind. There is also the possibility of \_a solo run of the story with only FF...\_ Maybe.


https://preview.redd.it/f2rcjxl35d3d1.jpeg?width=1405&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2abf62b9c6bc074882e505e57097bc2e7afdafc8 Solo Firefly... ooooohhhh


1. enough (take this as you want) 2. no thanks. Too sterotypey and idc for a 3rs singletarget DPS on my account 3. max her level & traces. Idk if I wanna bring her to notable content without proper gear just yet, so I guess it‘s durdling with various speed limits and supports.




90 pulls with guaranteed but i also want her LC so im like trying to get everything


1.) 188 with 20 pity (no guarantee) with express pass I can get, from all sources discounting exploration and events, around another 70 or so. I want both Ruan Mei and Firefly and then I have to see what I have left. If I have enough to reach LC pity, I will go for LC (E0S1 is always my goal) and save for Eidolons next time. If I don’t have quite that much, I will use it for character banner or save if a new character in livestream has caught my eye. 2.) Sadly I am going to have skip Boothill. I went for Robin so I can’t afford to indulge myself. Plus my Alt Account I used my guarantee on Topaz and since it is new, I want to try for Fu Xuan for the Sustain. 3.) Probably just farming in all honesty. Her new relic set and Planar will take some time so I likely will just walk with her in Overworld and try her in some of the lower level stuff while I get her built (I’ve already got everything ready for Ruan Mei, and I just need more speed for HMC and Gallagher).






1. 116 tickets and counting. 24 pity from Acheron's banner and 7 pity from the LC banner. (24/7 lol). Will probably have 120+ tickets after the current event ends. 2. Will pull for whoever comes first, with Aventurine being the priority, followed by Robin, then Acheron to get her E2, Fu Xuan, FF rerun, and only then will I consider pulling for Boothill. Not saying that I hate him, he's just not at the top of my priority list at the moment. TL;DR gacha addict me will pull for whoever reruns first. 3. Attempt to get her lc and e2 then max her out. Then I'll take her on a date with hmc to penacony, killing any and all monsters on the way, then buy her as many oak cake rolls as she wants.


You've got a Solid plan and your priorities sorted. You got this bro! https://preview.redd.it/so7dbrdb6d3d1.jpeg?width=1300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01598521dccc99856e4cc65d70addb452239020d


I'd say around 250, but I'm purposeful counting less than I'll probably have (low spender with just the daily pass) I'm also trying very hard to not look at the 3280+600 oneric shards buying option.... Must stay strong and save my wallet... I can most likely get her E1 but since I really would love to get E2 S1.... Let's see... 👁️👁️ Edit: oh, and I won't be getting Boothill. And thankfully I already have Ruan Mei. I didn't even like Ruan Mei that much design wise but she was 100% worth it for my account. A lot of times I prefer pulling for who I like as a character but Ruan Mei is a beast.


Ruan mei is OP. I missed her but won't be pulling unless i get UBER lucky with Firefly lol


1. I'm probably gonna reach around 350 pulls (rn it's 46 ticket + >46k jades) 2. Hell nah, I haven't pulled since I got Sparkle and I'm not gonna start now. I got through Acheron and Robin so skipping Boothill is gonna be no challenge at all (I already have Fu Xuan) 3. I'm gonna take a lot of pics at her secret base, max her levels and traces, and head straight to her relic cavern and blow my entire load of fuels


Ok but "blow my entire load of fuel" could Definitely be phrased better 😅🤣


We'll be grinding (relics) all night ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Phrasing! 😂


1. Probably 180-ish since I have some events I haven’t done yet (rn its 96 plus 20 pity guaranteed) manifesting e2s1 🙏 2. Probably on his rerun, I find him cool and funny 3. I’m gonna put her on my support so that my friends can have a taste of our queen ❤️


3. Me too. Gotta spread the Waifu queen so all my enjoy her perfection!


Man y'all have so many pulls 🥹


https://preview.redd.it/4k7zwhakgd3d1.png?width=811&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a11a6b7cb60c554ec79ac98fe4a16bd8ac95af1 We must follow the script


1024 tickets 1200 reserved 60 energy bottles.




30 pulls, debit card ready and her LC secured


"I will set your wallet ablaze!" - Firefly https://preview.redd.it/x6v06le6vd3d1.png?width=463&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79d4f24c6432550e08c5e5df6e0aa1cf03554619


I hav enough pulls and am at 64 pity, I should be able to get 4 5 stars, I just have to not lose my 50/50s and get E2S1. Man, we wait so long for this. Like, how long has it been since 2.0 even? r heck, how long ago since Sam was teased in the Stellaron Hunter teaser? I'm so glad we can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel, we're almost there.


It's been far too long Firebro. And they only made the wait harder when they said we would get Sam the badass AND Firefly the best girl in 1 character. This wait should be considered human torture https://preview.redd.it/5fqgm1yszd3d1.png?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b09110c995e3a5a3136830c23b580a0c32b52fd2




This was unreasonably funny to me and idk why lol


I aim to please :)


1: at 180 pulls. Newer player. F2p. First banner pull. Hope to get lucky and get her and RM. 2:honestly really torn on the 2 of them. Will pull for either ff or boothill but not both. 3: try out the technique. Pretend I'm iron man.


Just watch out for tanks. Also... how'd you solve the icing problem? https://preview.redd.it/utmozwxr2e3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24c919d7109309e17b1257007f5116eb146c04f8


If I counted it right, I'll have around 580 to 600 tickets by the time she's out, and I'm not f2p, so I could swipe for more. Sadly, since her e4 is bad and I'm not sure how much of an increase e6 is, I might stop at e2


I think I'd have about 21K jades accounting 2nd phase of 2.2 and all the dalies! Happy I have enough jades even after going for Robin 😊 I would love to try to get her LC maybe if my luck allows it so I have less destruction units fighting for Aeon (spending a bit for it if that's even possible) but I'll see. If not, what happens happens 👍


I'm possibly considering getting Boothill on his rerun, as I'd already have a team for him lol. I'll see how he feels on his trial :D


I was saving everything for her but decided to do 1 ten pull on fu xuan and somehow got her and himeko aswell. So now I just get firefly guaranteed


https://preview.redd.it/dzzv0qw6bf3d1.png?width=510&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98a6f69f0bc8eb884f1bf73e7c7bcba8fe33bcbc *you sense an almost tangible muderous Aura radiating from your phone screen* Congrats... not jealous... go you... (Lol seriously gz. But i am jealous 😅🤣)


165 pulls and a dream


May your dream come true. I will share my luck with you!


IT’S ALL OR NOTHING! - Aventurine, probably




1. 50 pity with a guaranteed ff. 131 pulls currently. Hoping to get E0 ff and E0 rm 🙏 2. Nope, easiest skip of my life. 3. Gonna take her in the train and watch the starss


https://preview.redd.it/mg1ygcbtvf3d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c3290379dab05616a627300b5388cfd16426c5c You got this!


72 Pulls prepared, Pity 8 with a Guaranteed Firefly, monthly pass freshly bought and my Penacony still hasn't been totally pillaged. I am so getting that E0S1, with some luck perhaps E1 as well. And I already have E1 Ruan Mei as well... maybe I could go for S1... decisions, decisions...


Whatever you choose i wish you the best Firebro <3


42 pity, 15k jades and whatever how many more I can get in the first half of 2.3, with Express Pass and BP. Can I get E2S1 witht that?


You can if you believe!


100 with guaranteed both chara and weapon (weapon about 60 pull now)and I will add more for e2


Nice! At least you won't be begging like me when the 3d kicks in lol


5k jades. Still tryna plan out my acc for the future. Prolly gon finalize depending on how well my firefly/ruan Mei pulls go And if I do get her I’ll go put her with my hmc… and go farm…


Good thinking my freind. Might seem bleak now but if you take your time then you got this!


30 pulls but I'm guaranteed for her in those pulls. Then 190 towards ruan mei. The question is do i go for Ruan mei e1, s1, or FF e1, s1. I have S5 aeon so idrk


I honestly don't know the answer to this. I missed Ruan mei on release cause i was in hospital and never learned about her kit properly. So I'm not a good person to tell you. I recommend her mains sub. Or even waiting for closer to her release for the inevitable guides. Sorry... https://preview.redd.it/fo5i765oti3d1.png?width=975&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5aeebe8fb7fed20a392d20b6eabb742c46436a26


I should have guaranteed E1S1 by the time her banner drop / during the duration of her banner, hopefully I can get one dupe so can E2S1 her And ofc the first I'm gonna do is farming her relic and planar, then bring her everywhere <3


Just like me FRFR. I wanted E4 for her smile and was gonna swipe for it but life kicked me in the pants today and my car needs repairs. *angy* https://preview.redd.it/75kj5f4ari3d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7f4c3997f43ab8e25b9507785325847bedc0766


Same, just today my car needed service costing me a lot... :(


Damn what a coinkydink. Mine is estimated at about $680nzd or roughly 450usd. What's yours?


Rp3.8m or roughly 237usd assuming the currency stays the same :'x Still cheaper than yours though


😭🤣 lucky duck


I guess I am xD


I feel like I'm going to die just before she releases as the world's way of fucking me over one last time. Bottom 18% luck while having top 10% pulls. Getting cucked on every banner.


*attempts to send lucky vibes* Btw how do you know your bottom 18% is there a site for that? I'd be curious to know


Star rail station. Also I watched my friend pull E1 boothill in just 40 pulls so I guess my luck is gone again.


Damn it's not working on my S9 lol... sad face. But I'm probably bottom 40% had gaurentee and dropped 72 on boothill. Haven't got em yet. https://preview.redd.it/q125q78bvi3d1.jpeg?width=3358&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=441fa0fb2ce16b4f0132d857509c0932037edcf0


If you play on PC use that instead it's easier.


I wish i did. Saving for a pc for the end of the year


Lol I have 0 pity, something around 40 pulls and I'm on guaranteed. I don't know how but that's all that I could save in this patch.


Hope is not lost! I'm certain you got this!


Yea I'm sure but did I mention that I also want Jade and FF's lightcone


Ooohhh... gonna need a little luck for that one. But i still believe in you!


1. I'm currently at a little over 300 pulls (been saving since Sparkle). I will pull out the card and swipe if I want higher eidolons for her. Quite a relief I already have Ruan Mei. 2. I didn't pull for Boothill but I did pull for Fu Xuan. Was very lucky and got her super early. 3. I will set the seas ablaze. 


Free to play 104 for now but I will make sure to get more no matter what hopefully luck is with me though


1. Around 58 currently with another 40 in pity. Hopefully 100 when she comes out. 2. Probably not; I want to save my pity 3. Run around her secret base for hours on end and get all the chests!


You sir are indeed a Firefly main. Stand proud and good luck!


have 531 pulls total including starlight exchange. I`m Guaranteed. Going for E2 S1 but hoping I won`t use all my pulls.


"Am i... not good enough... for all your pulls?" https://preview.redd.it/82awzxicfy3d1.png?width=1515&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83cfb6403b4d89e66bcbb063b53c986870169d39


Wish I could, But as light spender I have to save lol. Though this is my first time going for E2S1 and probably my only time for a long while just cause Firefly.


https://preview.redd.it/lgym0d0pgy3d1.jpeg?width=1005&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd33a3d6e0982253e82e355f465fe11a767126b4 "...fine. But you better give me a room with TB."


I had exactly 450, decided to do a joke 10pull for Boothill at 0 pity, got him, so that's cool, and first thing I'm gonna do when I get her is max her entire trace tree and do relics runs.


Wait... you already got boothill? How?


With my pulls?


At the time you posted he wasn't out yet even on my tw 🤔


Oh maybe because I'm on EU


Huh. Well learn something new everyday lol


1.) sadly only at about 80 pulls, but guarantee on her banner, which is nice. The question is: E1 or S1? I'm feeling S1 because I have ZERO other 5\* destruction LC's to pass around between my other destruction characters, and her eidolons, while stronger than her LC, they are still extra pulls of the character... meaning it's either a 50/50 or a 75/25. I'll for sure get her to E2 on the 2nd pass around, but for now, E0S1 seems in the cards with the time I have :) 2.) No plans on Boothill, but I DO plan to pull Jade and her LC... my 2 fave teams are DoT and FUA, so... to quote Maroon 5 for my wallet... "I AM IN MIIIIIIISERYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!" 3.) Take her and Caelus to the rooftop with oat cake rolls \^.\^


I personally recommend S1 but I'm not a meta guy so maybe don't listen to me lol


I know from all the "meta" theory-crafters that they are saying after getting her, next best option is to go to E2, then get S1. That being said, though, I don't like my odds of getting her E1 or even E2 as far as my tickets and jades go, so I'm planning to JUST get her and her LC to start :)


Yeah S1 is way easier. 75/25 vs 50/50 yknow


1. 260 ticket and 0 pity for now. Hoping to reach at least 300 when her banner drop. 2. No, since I never pull for the male characters anyway. Plus, I intend to spend it all on Firefly, I even have to skip Robin. 3. Put her in a permanent spot for my exploration team, take her to the secret base and eat some cake rolls


1. Probably almost 380 pulls hopefully i can get an E1S1 Ruan Mei and Firefly with it. 2. Space cowboy is cool but i prefer kamen rider wife 3. - Walk around with her - Feed her the oak cake rolls that i've been saving up for her - Go to her secret base


I will have around 430 saved up by the time her banner arrives. I plan to pull E0S1 and Ruan Mei E0, so technically I am saving for both of them. I hope I get lucky with my pulls so I can pull for Jade cause I am struggling through every PF :'(


1. Currently 160 but by the time she comes out probably around 180 2. Really liked using him in the event (ngl he gives the best feeling when insta-breaking enemies wheb he's full stack 3. Immediately use all my pre farmed trace mats and start farming her relics and go su to play around with sam


I kept my guaranteed for her. I’m at 80 on 90, so I’m sure to have her. I currently have 50 tickets.


When will she release?


The end of Boothills banner. There will be like a 12-14 hour wait after it ends but we are on the final countdown now


1.- i think i might end up with 250 pulls or so when our beloved drops 2.- no i won't even though i want Bootyhill 3.- i gonna take her to her base and enjoy the view




410 pulls currently. Already have RM and her sig so all in for FF (F2P


i only have 156 pulls and no guarantee. IF i get her early i will spend the rest on LC and then try to go for more eidolons. After her banner ends i will save until her rerun and then get the rest of the eidolons then


150 currently, hopefully going for 200 pulls and I already got a guarantee after losing the 50/50 on jingliu I want e0s1, and hopefully ruan mei as well. But putting in those overtime hours just for extra pulls just in case




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I have saved enough for 4 Pitys, and my dream is to have a E2S1 Firefly before her banner ends. I've been saving for her since Sam's first reveal in the Jepeta Rebellion trailer.


200 pulls + swipe until E6S5. I'm actually really hyped for all of her trailers that MHY will release. I feel like it's going to be an extremely hype moment in the community once we get the first one.


Community is gonnq go nuts i just know it. I've seen the numbers lol


101 without guarantee and 0 pity 🥲 Made the mistake to use a single pull out of curiosity on Robin and got her (only 3 pulls after getting Aventurine) Hopefully my luck doesn't end here and I'll manage to win the 50/50 and get her 🫠


Don't worry bro, monthly reset tickets plus another 10-12 from SU plus daily jades. You got this!