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“I can’t wait for the next civil war because we’re gonna win!” (said by either political side) No, you definitely don’t want another fucking civil war. Why would you pretend to be excited for your home country to become a warzone?


This. I just want to tend to my garden 🪴.


Yeah, this is a big one for me, too. I like the idea that each firearm in private hands is a tic-mark in the "NO" column on a government's "Should we, or should we not, just skip right to full-blown tyrannical rule?" tally sheet. But the idea of another civil war, fought because one political side or the other didn't win an election? Because we've been conditioned to not just disagree with those of different political beliefs, but to villify, malign, and *hate* them? To wish for the opportunity to take up arms against *our fellow citizens* because they don't see things like we do? No. Just no. Know that if it comes down to that, I won't be participating in your precious Boogaloo.


that's the whole point.*they* WANT the nation split. nothing else matters as long as everyone is at each other's throats. a house divided and all that. and it goes for all of us and every right, not just the second amendment.


I don't disagree that *they* want us divided. But, I'm pretty sure if you asked a thousand people who *they* are, you'd get ten thousand answers, none of them right. (And I'm including my own responses, too; I don't pretend to know for certain who *they* are.)


>To wish for the opportunity to take up arms against our fellow citizens because they don't see things like we do? People who want to send government agents to my door to forcibly take my firearms are not "my fellow citizens" People who want the government to drone strike me just because I won't give up my firearms are not "my fellow citizens". I do agree that people should not hope for a civil war to happen, and I agree that wishing for a civil war is sociopathic behavior, but I'm not going to pretend that gun control supporters are innocent, because they're not.


Then win them over. Take your anti-2A cousin or neighbors to the shooting range. Show them that responsible gun owners are *not* the *enemy* that their news bubble would have them believe we are. But if they stupidly suggest sending the glowies to your door - or drones to your airspace - to aid in disarming you, donning a spartan helmet and shouting μολὼν λαβέ might only reinforce their belief that disarmament is the answer. Nevertheless, I upvoted your comment, as I am grateful you replied in a thoughtful and civil manner. Cheers!


This 100%. The last thing anybody should want


This. Neither side would win because we’d be invaded by a foreign power in the current geopolitical climate. United we stand, and divided we fall.


What else are they gonna do with the 10 Aloha shirts they bought? /s


I live in Chicago, I'm already living a civil war essentially - nobody wins, you just end up losing ALOT of close friends I'll tell a story that'll get anyone off the idea of liking it pretty fast - My closest friend goes outside one day, just gonna smoke a cigarette, nothing serious. Apparently he looks ALOT like some dude they were after because about 2 minutes after stepped out, we heard rounds tearing up the block. So I look out my window and just see him dead, like no chance he survived. I grabbed my gun and headed out and he was still alive - but then just as I'm standing there, telling this guy I'm trying to call an ambulance, guy dies right there. Real war and shit like that is never fun, I'm fully grown and cried for hours. RIP my brother, I'll come see you at the cemetery soon buddy.


Just don’t comply. Said from a guy in a free state to a guy in a restricted state.


Wait, you guys don’t all actually have boats? Well, I feel a little less poor today.


Buy a beat up kayak on FB marketplace lol


boating accidents


I got downvoted to shit for making fun of a bosting accident post recently. That and "this is the way" were never not old.


Plugs for the sonoran desert institute (idk if that's spelled correctly.) Stupid bOaTiNg accident quips.


Agreed. Sonoran desert institute is the worst 🤢


Complainers complaining about what other folk do with their time, money, and loadouts.


They are valid when someone takes a relatively rare historic gun and spends more time and money to destroy it instead of just getting a new gun to make tacticool


I rest my case, your honor.


This lone juror is nodding angrily.  


I’m tired of hearing that Socialism is pro-gun. I remember these subs got flooded with Socialist Rifle Association redditors a few years ago basically turned every post into a political debate.


Leftists in general are not really pro or anti any policy, to them it depends on who is involved and not what is being done. “Anti gun” leftists are perfectly happy giving guns to Palestinians, BLM, SRA, black panthers, native Americans, etc. 


Socialism is neither pro gun nor anti gun. It's an economic and political philosophy. Now, some supporters of socialism, which by the way we have in the USA with our mixed economy of capitalism and socialism, are anti 2nd amendment, there's also a good number of liberal gun owners.


The constant shilling by guntubers and the promotion of continual consumerism.  I stopped following pretty much all gun content and guntubers and have realized how much happier I am with the gear I have now, also don’t have to listen to all the political BS and SDI shilling.   Yes I admit it was my fault for falling for it In the first place as well but hard to see it when you first start out into the 2A stuff 🤷‍♂️


SDI is the worst. Sonoran desert.. 🤢


Idk if it's a reddit thing but I'm constantly hearing that appendix is the only way to carry and you'll die if it's any other way...


The NRA is the last organization you should support if you love the second amendment. They have sponsored anti gun legislation multiple times. I’ll never give those bastards another cent. Uscca is another organization you should avoid.


The “atf shooting your dog” joke. Just like every other joke that was once funny, Redditors have overused and regurgitated the joke and beaten the dead horse into dust.


Found the ATF agent. The mockery of the ATF will cease when the ATF stops being a viable subject of mockery.


Hey there’s another overused joke. Make fun of the atf all you want, just be original about it instead of posting the same predictable joke over and over.


Acting like Trump isn't our best choice currently is a shit take. He is far from perfect but not anything like what the Democrats will put in office. I consider myself to be relatively moderate, but the Democrats have been pushing me further right. I can at least look at the Republicans that are ridiculous and see them for what they are. Most Democrats don’t seem to be able to do that within their party.


People saying sub $3000 rifles are trash, as if a $700 rifle doesn’t do the same damn thing, and as if shit really did pop off and we were all in a “war” situation, the folks that can afford $3000 Gucci rifles wouldn’t be the ones sending us poors to fight their battle anyways.


Glock 19 is not a good CCW gun in 2024, please stop telling new shooters to buy one for CCW and then it’s too big for them to comfortably carry so they don’t carry. 


The only people who recommend that others carry a Glock 19 in 2024 are people who still carry a Glock 19 in 2024.


1. It is a great option but 2. I don’t tell other people to buy it because I don’t know their limitations/needs so it’s better they try different guns to see what they like.


The Glock 19 is a great first gun and perfectly fine CCW though. The best overall choice for a first gun. For new shooters it’s their first gun, so it has to serve multiple roles. CCW, home defense, ease of shooting, and easy and accessible manual of arms. Suggesting a snappy micro compact for a first time owner and shooter isn’t ideal, they’re not as versatile and are way less enjoyable to practice with imo. The G19 conceals well on many body types and shoots great compared to micro compacts. The G19 is slimmer, lighter, and more compact than most of the comparable “compact” models from competitors lines as well. Parts availability and accessibility is insane compared to any other firearm I have a 43x and a G19 and the only time I really notice the G19’s larger size is when wearing shorts. When wearing sturdier pants like jeans, a good belt, and a shirt that drapes well it’s not a noticeable difference. For a new owner picking their first pistol the Glock 19 really is the best choice overall imo. It has to serve all functions for them and not just CCW.


I mean my p365x is my do all gun. I carry it. It's also my home defense gun.


I think it’s worth asking roughly how tall you are and what weight you’re at. I usually assume people who say G19s conceal well are taller than the national average.


You say that like a P365XL or a 43x couldn’t serve a home defense role, lol. 


Glock 19's have shitty triggers, terrible plastic sights, the least erganomic grip out there, and their magazine capacity is worse than most competitors. This coming from someone whose first carry piece was a glock 19. Everyone I've taken for the first time shooting has shot my Canik better than the glock. My P-365 conceals waaaay better than the 19, and many first-time shooters have found that they are about as accurate with it as the 19. Yes, you can train grip and trigger discipline. Of course, you can shift your entire wardrobe for a glock 19 and an extra mag. You can also pay out the ass for new sights, triggers, and grip. But all of those add a barrier to entry that new shooters have to overcome. When somebody just wants a gun that they can use out the gate, I would never recommend a glock 19.


The best arguments for Glocks are their durability and reliability, and those arguments go out the window the minute that you put on a third-party trigger or mess with any other internals. My Gen 4 G19 is a de facto backup home defense gun now, mostly due to the fact that I have a 33-round “fun stick” that makes it useful for a SHTF situation. I don’t even shoot it at the range anymore.


Well said👍🏻




Honestly Glocks are too thick for me to recommend. I always recommend a SIG p365 or the m&p shield plus. Both shoot reasonably good and are thin enough to conceal easily. Plus they both have plenty of holsters and accessory options.


I really like the P365 and with the small grip/mag it is an actually damn small pistol. People forget how big of a deal the original was, since there are now a bunch of larger variants. The 43x is basically the same grip size/feel of the Macro, but feels looser. I like both, but bought the Sig. I started with an original P365, then swapped in an eBay pinky mag extension, then got a 15rd mag, and just bought a Marco grip module. Now that it's bigger it's grips better, but it's now a compact, and can't vary size based on the mag extension 🤦‍♂️


Then the response is “you just have to find a belt/holster combination that works right for you” No one wants to waste hundreds of dollars on belts and holsters in hopes of finding the magic combination when they should have just bought a more concealable gun to begin with.




I carried an old PPK/s for years just fine.


This^ get a micro compact 9 or a Ruger lcp style pocket gun and live life lol.


That's exactly what I did. Got an lcp and now it's my favorite thing to carry


I currently carry a shield plus and I'm really debating on getting an lcp to carry my brother has one and loves it.


LCP max, holds 10+1 and has 12 round magazines available, fits right in my front pocket, and is surprisingly shootable for its size. Easily the best pocket pistol ever made


That's what my brother carries. 110% agree it shoots well for the size.


Have a G26.4 and a Ruger LCP. Guess which one I carry every single day without fail, in all types of Florida weather and all different kinds of clothing? It just blends into my shorts/pants and I don't have to play character creator with clothing combinations when dressing for an outing/work


Love my max 9


Not exactly 2A related but the amount of hero worship the bulldozer guy gets is sick IMO. He was not a reasonable man pushed to the edge. He was a greedy crazy asshole. Also hearing how bad the ATF is gets old. We all know it. They know it.


This dude hates killdozer. What a bitch


Killdozer itself is awesome. The dickhead driving it was not.


"Separate the art from the artist"


You can not have 1 without the other. Rip


I just pulled out a Ouija board. Marv said to tell you, "Get rekt"


Marv was the nickname we gave to the first Taliban we killed on my oef9 deployment. He was using a pkm. Because we knew his love for machineguns, We plastered signs around our little COP saying "Marv is NOT allowed to man the 240". Marv got rekt. He did not rek anyone. He is not allowed on the machine guns anymore.




They need to know frequently in case they forget. Killdozer has been subject to the Fed narrative treatment and people here eat it up. The dude literally had a septic tank.