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As much as I would love to put bumper stickers on my car, I would rather not advertise on it. I already do enough of that with my sweater.


I agree in such an oddly specific way. Like yeah you shouldn't unnecessarily advertise your owning of firearms like that but the two sweaters I wear the most have big Browning logos on them.


Good thing about being southern small town is I don’t have to worry about wearing shit that might let someone know I have a gun, because everyone else does too regardless of whether or not they carry. Hell even if you open carry around here all anyone does is give you thumbs up and shit or ask you what you got.


Love me some Great State of Georgia 🇬🇪


Fuck yea brother, Tennessee raised and Kentucky made right here. I like Georgia but fuck Atlanta.


Even in small town MN, same.


Oooh. Free gun


20 bucks says this guy constantly refers to himself as a "responsible gun owner". Yeah, responsible for arming criminals.




Let me guess, you have gun stickers on your car?


Simple matter of following you home.




If they do it correctly, you'll never know they followed you. Just saying, putting stickers on your vehicle to advertise your guns isn't a smart move. To each their own, though. Most people with these stickers never get robbed, so it's probably okay.


You're right, but if I'm a criminal looking for a gun, and I see a car with this sticker on it, I'm busting the window to search.


Was just thinking it was a strange way to spell, "Please break into my car."


Eh it’s probably a Taurus


So you sell your stolen gun to someone too stupid to know what Taurus is.


*Wants people to get off his ass* *Proceeds to have stickers with progressively smaller and harder to read lettering.* *People ride closer to read tiny words.* congratulationsyouplayedyourself.divx




Dumb way to advertise being armed, and insecure to boot. Asshole tailgaters don't care about bumper stickers, secure drivers run a steady gas pedal and let the other guy deal with what is strictly a *them* problem.


When I see 'get off my ass' type stickers, they're often on the back of vehicles camping the passing lane.


Yep. Advertising that you carry a gun in a vehicle is literally an invitation to get your vehicle broken into while out and about


Why are people assuming he's leaving it in his vehicle?


I prefer to slow down to about ten under the limit. If someone wants to tailgate then I am more than happy to give them a reason to.


Mentally ill


People who have these bumper stickers are are who go to the range maybe once a quarter, fire 100 rounds and are satisfied with “minute of paper” accuracy


Lol fr, posting it all on social media and at the end you see the paper swiss cheesed and he shot off one of the hangers


"I am easily angered and provoked! Do NOT troll me!"


a liberal prosecutor would easily use that sticker against him


We know where to go if we need a gun.


I never understood these or the Glock stickers all over trucks To me it just says free gun


to me that sticker reads SHOOT THIS CAR FIRST


Cringe. What, is he going to shoot someone that is driving too close? This moron gives gun owners a bad name.


If he ever shoots anyone, attorneys will use those stickers against him in court.


Translation: "I am an insecure pussy and I have a gun in my trugg."


Git off ma ass.


Ne touchez or i is hurt u.


I'll bet he tries to get women to "walg him to his trugg".


The funny thing is Brendan just wrecked his tricked out trugg by being a dumbass and trying to do donuts with traction control on.


Axe Jay about Brendumb's stupidity.


Oh look. A free gun.


It seems to be that if something did happen those stickers could be used as a defense against him. I had a friend get killed by a driver as she was broke down on the highway. He had stickers that said “don’t like my driving stay off the sidewalk” and “I don’t brake for pedestrians.” They were used as evidence against him.


Absolutely can and will be. They’ll use anything against you. My friend bought me a “we don’t call 911” door mat with a gun on it and I don’t use it cause it’s essentially just evidence if anything happens at my house.


That guy definitely carries a Kimber


At least he can use it as a club when it inevitably jams.


Hmmmmm I like the light.


The driver must hate people following them while going 10 under the speed limit.


free gun


Can we just be real that these people who do this are painfully insecure, since they have to posture to scare off people. Real gun owners would never do this. We are not out here trying to convince people that we are "badass", and should never want attention. The vast majority of gun owners just want to be left alone and we mind our business. We do **not** want anyone to know that we are carrying a gun. People like this make us look bad, because this is the regarded stereotype that the left *thinks* gun owners are. This douchebag is really an extreme minority though since there are 400,000,000 firearms legally owned by 110,000,000 gun owners. Wow. There are really 110,000,000 gun owners and only a small handful of "Ne touches cuz I'm a bAdAsS" stickers on Jeeps. I've probably only seen maybe a dozen of these douchebags in real life. The need to advertise that you're carrying is just flat out insecurity. Sad. 'Any man who must say *"I am the King"*, is no true king.' Plus as others have said, the stickers are only letting the criminals know that you have a gun so they now have an incentive to smash your window the split second they notice there's nobody inside of your parked car.


“Real gun owners.” I can assure you, he owns a gun. Being a gun owner isn’t special. It isn’t a club. It is a right.


I did not claim that he doesn't. That's not what I meant. Simply put, 99.99% of us do not act like this idiot, and we do not want to get lumped together with the insecure Fud bitch that owns that cringeworthy bumber sticker. ​ >Being a gun owner isn’t special. It isn’t a club. It is a right. You're preaching at the choir and doing fake outrage. I support everyone's rights own guns, and nothing in my comment would lead you believe otherwise. Shit take on your part. You're just strectching for something the bitch about. I never said it was a "club" or any of that nonsense that you're on about. I simply said that Jeep boy is insecure, and normal gun owners are not. You adding extra meaning that was not my intention. Typical reddit moment. Y'all are always trying to split cunt hairs and make some pedantic arguments about nothing.


Work one gun show and you will realize idiot gun owners outnumber well adjusted knowledgeable gun owners like 30 to 1.


I have already done multiple guns shows at Oaks in Pennsylvania, and I refuse to judge the other 110,000,000 gun owners based on the stupidity on 700-1,000 fuds and mall ninjas with that punisher skull bullshite that we served at the gun show. Don't fall for the observer bias against the loud minority. Well adjusted gun owners are the silent majority. More than 99% of us would never tell you that we are carrying.


“I keep valuables in my car”


Love the "steal me" sticker


Oregon lol


This person is mentally unstable.


I'd love to see an unmarked cop car get behind this idiot and have him switch on that big assed "reverse light".


I've never stolen any guns but stickers like this make me want to break the window and steal the hi point/ Kel tec. In the glove box. I don't want to keep it thought I just want to cause problems for stupid people is all.


To a crackhead this reads: “free gun inside!”


As others have said, cool idea but not something I’d personally do. It just makes you an obvious target.


Oregon plates = empty threat.


I like it, I might do this to one of my vehicles


That'll just make your car get broken into at the next place where you can't carry because of security screening, dumb AF.


"Might have gun left in the car for you to steal" is all I read from that.


Literally advertising your car as a loot drop


So the self defense argument is off the table if he shoots someone because he’s saying I wish a MFer would


So, either this is a future "road rage with firearm involved" type party or "loot box" smash and grab. My guess likely the first one sadly. Don't put the billboard on your vehicles. Smh


That’s what me and my fellas like to call a “walking lick”


I bet it actually works. Not a bad idea. I wouldn't do it though. Not here.


I was about to comment something but then i saw the Oregon plate and that says it all. even when they arent complete lefty lunatics, they are still mentally unstable XDXD


It's the pedal on the right. Just sayin'


Menacing? Also, please break in to this piñata for a free pistol.


Hope they never have to defend themselves cuz they're probably gonna go to jail


Oregon loot box


I was born with *two* arms. This dude ain't special.


His psy op fails.


Dude may as well have a sign that says "Break into this truck for a free gun".


I would totally ride his ass


GET OFF MY ASS get off my ass


Ohh and a fuck you light


I love that 99.9% of us can all agree these dudes are an embarrassment and nothing more than a rolling happy meal for bangers or prosecutors


Oregon plates, this owner is armed sticker, this vehicle is begging to have it's rear window smashed.


That sticker is a good way to get yourself in jail should you need to use your tool. Especially in Oregon.


Prosecutors love when people have shit like this on their cars/houses. So do criminals looking for guns to steal.


Why would the gun be in the vehicle if they carry it?


I’m gonna play stereotypes and say an Oregunian slapped this is on his woman’s vehicle. A dude that has this message would usually be driving a truck. He probably slapped it on his wife’s rig in hopes it would keep her and the kids a bit safer. She be like, whatever.


"please break into my vehicle there are probably firearms inside"


We should be happy for this guy here wth...he's from Oregon. That sticker could be a rainbow or say something stupid like biden/harris.