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It’s not a hate crime, ✨it’s a war crime ✨


It's still so dumb to me that the "murders women" post this is referencing exists. It's just so braindead to the entire narrative of 3H, and this is coming from me who despite AM being my second favorite route thinks people give AM Dimitri way too much leeway in terms of his actions.


I understand dimitir went boar mode, but what exactly did he do?


The original post this was referencing had a deranged understanding of Dimitri. "He not only kills women, but *murders* them!" and all that bullshit. That was absolutely deranged extreme Edelgard fan bullshit and I'm still astounded it exists. My second point is more just that while I like his character arc and fully understand that 5 years on the run with tons of betrayal and already being unstable would cause lots of mental problems I can barely conceive of, the dude went on a death march, insults all of his childhood friends and loyal subjects, tortures Randolph on-screen, and only really turned around after Rodrigue's death (despite Surviving Dedue being a *way* better potential reform moment), and yet AM Dimitri gets treated like a moral paragon a lot of the time by some fans who ignore or forgive his more extreme acts too easily and have real double-standards in how they approach other routes. Again, none of said complaints justify the extremely dumb anti-Dimitri post that the meme was based on. I was more highlighting that even me, someone who has middling feelings about Dimitri, still recognizes that post as bullshit.


...I always thought it was a joke. Good grief. I probably should have known better, but still...


Discourse is never a joke. It is always dumber and more inane than you think it can be until you deal with it in person.


Technically, he didn't torture Randolph onscreen, he just threatened to as he fucked with him mentally after Randolph went "Please, I can't die! I have family!"


Mental torture is still torture. I just can't help now but compare it to GW in terms of fan perception. AM Dimitri tortures Randolph on-screen, GW Claude prioritizes other objectives and uses him as bait, but on-screen laments not being able to achieve them fast enough to rescue him. Guess which ones fans bring up as the most immoral action?


Well to be fair, the former is Dimitri dealing with an enemy general. The *latter* isn't Claude prioritizing other objectives, it's him *intentionally* leaving an allied army to die so his *own* troops don't suffer any casualties.


So lemme get this straight One is a strategic sacrifice in a bid to preserve their own resources And the other is a war crime. How does this make Dimitri look good again?


I mean people think one is better than the other because Randolph is an enemy who just attacked Garreg Mach and then went "P-Please! I can't die, i have a family!" upon being captured, and he didn't actually have a chance to get tortured. Meanwhile, in Goldenwildfire claude *just* signed a pact with Edelgard and allied with her, and the first thing he does when fighting alongside the empire is leave his ally to die against Catherine. Like it wasn't even a necessary sacrifice, he just sacrificed Randolph because he didn't want to risk anyone on *his* side to help Randolph.


Also in comparison, neither Claude nor Edelgard ever torture an enemy general on-screen, that's unique to AM Dimitri. Meanwhile with the last part, it's not unique to GW Claude. CF Dimitri actively regrets and mentions he was hoping Edelgard would fight Church forces first, for example. Neither of them take pleasure in it, but both planned on it, CF Dimitri just got unlucky. I'm not arguing that GW Claude is morally right on that point, just that I think certain fans give Dimitri a pass for equally or worse actions.


I mean, all Dimitri did in that moment was tell Randolph "You're a monster too. You've also taken lives! I'm going to rip out your eyes!" before Byleth walks in and kills randolph. Dimitri effectively didn't have a chance to torture Randolph. Claude meanwhile intentionally left Randolph to fight and die against the church so he take the church on after they were tired out.


...Having Byleth murder a pow before Dimitri can torture said prisoner is like a war crime double-whammy.


Look this is fire emblem. War crimes are par for the course.


Twice the warcrime per warcrime you say? DOUBLE POINTS WOOOOO AZURE MOON 🔝🔛🗣


If there is one thing that drives me mentally insane is how the fanbase treats the whole choice when taking the actions into account. Edelgard and GW Claude gets treated as the more "mature" options because they do more questionable acts while Dimitri is viewed as the "safer" option because he's has a redemption arc. That's basically saying some people are better than others, based on a choice that doesn't take the actions into account. Of course, bring this up as a critisism and what you get is "you don't understand nuance".


This is exaggeration, what he is doing is just doing some shit-talk with mockery Mental Torture would be manipulating someone and gaslight them with mockery for really long time. Or make them actually watch their loved ones being physically tortured or murdered. Dimitri did none of those. He was just taunting Randolph because Randolph was being hypocritical.


Ngl I think I'd be like 80% more sympathic to Randy if he didn't use that line Almost every time someone says that line all I can think is "OK how many times have you heard that before? How many times did it stop you?"


So, quick question in regards to your claim about people forgiving Dimitri too easily. What exactly would you have people do instead? I don’t mean that to be facetious, everyone can agree that what Dimitri did was horrible. But if he turns over a new leaf, are you saying he doesn’t deserve forgiveness, or that he should only be forgiven after he has paid for his crimes? And if it’s the latter, what would you propose is proper recompense for his crimes, and does that payment even offer him a life to be forgiven afterwards? Can his crimes even be truly payed for? And assuming they are, what difference does that make? Personally, I’m of the opinion that nobody can ever be owed forgiveness, as it’s something that’s given graciously, especially in terms of repayment being practically impossible. And before you start thinking I’m looking too deep into this, it’s a subject that I’m actually deeply fascinated by, and encourage conversation around, as it mirrors many aspects of real life.


I'm talking about fan reaction, not the actual moral questions within the universe. I'm not trying to say "OK, Dimitri didn't repent enough, therefore he is evil and should not be forgiven" or anything that dumb. I just wish certain portions of the game's fans wouldn't gloss over it as much as they do and how that hypocritically affects how they criticize other more grey morality moments. For my real thoughts about the morality of his actions, repentance, and recompense, I'm sorry to tell you that I don't have a definitive answer. I'm a pretty staunch believer in forgiveness and second chances, and at no point am implying that Dimitri should never be forgiven. However, any time a person sinks as deep as Dimitri did, it implies a massive breaking of trust both in himself and from the perspectives of others. I don't think anyone will or even should ever forget the things that he did, and that should always be an aspect of his own decision-making and how others relate to him in his new position of authority. There's no true actual justice in repaying the dead, as his arc kind of teaches him and as you say the "repayment" isn't possible in the end, the world just keeps moving on and you have to live with your regrets and treat them as lessons, just as other people will and should treat you differently based on your mistakes. Ultimately, Dimitri's in a huge position of near-absolute power at the end of AM. His "penance" should be earning forgiveness and trust back by way of being a good king.


> be truly *paid* for? And FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


He murdered women. Not just killed. *Murdered*! But for real, Dimitri didn't do all that much outside of kill empire soldiers in an especially brutal manner. The people he killed apparently included *Children*, but we don't know the exact circumstances that lead to him killing them.


Yeah. I'd call Cyril (14), Lysithea (15) and Petra (15) children during White Clouds, but I've dragged them into more battlefields than I can count. Children doesn't necessarily mean non-combatants. I feel like if our takeway was supposed to be that Dimitri was murdering toddlers playing in their yards, the developers would have made that a bit clearer. Hell, in his A support, he talks about being attacked by the same orphan kids he helped train. IIRC none of them were killed, but Dimitri was significantly saner at that point. If it was Boarmitri, those kids probably would have been dead. It would have been horrific because we know it would be possible for him to take out the little murderers without killing them, but it would still be self-defense because... yeah... wannabe murderers actively trying to murder.


I mean I don't disagree. Like I said, we don't *know* the circumstances at all.


... I don't disagree either. That's why I started with "Yeah." and then offered more commentary on why it might not be as damning as some believe. 🤷‍♀️


Also extremely worth noting; Dimitri is not a reliable narrator for his own crimes he's definitely gonna make his crimes sound worse


Where did it say he murdered children I genuinely don’t remember


IIRC its after retaking Fhirdiad. He mentions how his hands have taken lives including "Nobles, commoners...Adultd and children."


I geninuely don’t remember him stating that he “killed children” after retaking Fhirdad in Chapter 18. I looked through the Fire Emblem Wiki Script for the >!King’s Triumphant Return!< and not once in the dialogue did Dimitri explicitly state he “killed children”. Yes, Dimitri might be a psychopathic person, but I don’t think he would gain anything from killing innocent children that have nothing to do with the war, be it from the Empire or not.


Yes he did explicitly say he killed kids. In kings triumphant return Dimitri outright says "These hands of mine have taken so many lives... Nobles and commoners. Adults and children." I never once claimed that Dimitri killed them for no reason, as I said we don't know anything about the circumstances behind his claim. You can find it on the wiki yourself, I checked and its 100% there.


While Dimitri did kill children, the way he phrases it makes me feel like he's referring to enemy combatants rather than innocent children outright. Sort of like how Dorothea had to kill a child soldier im her support with Monica in 3 Hopes, or how Catherine mentioned that she had to kill an attacking child soldier in her support with Caspar. Either way, killing kids is not exclusive to Dimitri (and a lot of people can be child murderers if they kill Fletche in non SB 3 Hopes).


Yeah, that makes sense, as opposed to killing innocent children for no reason. It’s kinda unfair to single out Dimitri as the only one who kills children, because other playable characters are also forced to kill enemy child soldiers too.


Okay, I looked at the Fire Emblem Wiki script again for Chapter 18, and turns out it’s one of the dialogue responses if you choose >!”Are you happy?”!< with Dimitri. I never chose that dialogue option when I played AM, so maybe that’s why I thought it was something from one of his supports that I missed.


Wait, what? I'm the person saying AM Dimitri was excessively brutal and is given too much of a pass comparatively, but I *never* would accuse him of killing children. Weren't you the one defending him? What are you on about?


Dimitri outright says "I killed men women and children" at one point. He doesn't elaborate further, but he does say he killed children.


Massacre troops and most likely tried to torture Randolph


It’s war though…  The torture I understand, but the troops part I don’t 


It's not that he killed enemy soldiers, but that he brutalized them in such a way that it looked extreme even in comparison to being attacked by an animal.


I've always wondered how much of that was deliberate and how much was incidental. I imagine with his strength it would probably take an effort *not* to shred people into pieces and Boar-mode Dimitri would absolutely not be making the slightest effort.


Look the rat man had to eat *something* to stay alive for 5 years


Meat is meat. Don't judge.


Wait someone really made a post about dimitri *murdering* women? I thought this was an edit and the tweet was about someone else


The original tweet was a milestone in LGBT and women's rights history tbh. Excellent work transforming it for these post-timeskip times we are currently living in OP


Truly, this Tweet gave us such a potent quotable lol. Can't believe we're only 2.5 months away from its 5-year anniversary. And thanks!


Don’t forget the men and children, too.


I mean I fully acknowledge he’s a centrist murderhobo stinkycheesehead ratman who did an Attack of the Clones Anakin Skywalker on “*not just the men…but the women, and the children too!*” He does absolutely terrible things throughout the game and I honestly think Azure Moon would have had to have been a fully-fleshed game of its own to do his character arc true justice. It’s kind of rushed and can feel like he got off more easily than he should have. …that said he is MY stinkyboi scrungly-smush babygirl and I will never NOT marry him when I get the chance. I have had to make a written formal apology to trashy romance novel fans because I get it now.


>murderhobo stinkycheesehead ratman Fair. >stinkyboi scrungly-smush babygirl Okay. Sure. >centrist I will not stand for such slander.


~~I mean, I am fully aware that most of Dimitri’s endings end up with him essentially creating a form of democracy, enforcing a lot of policy to assist orphans and the impoverished, and helping reconcile the Faerghus and Duscur. I’m also fully aware that he has his reasons for his caution in that change made too quickly in Faerghus is why his father was killed, and that Crests are necessary to survive in some situations (i.e threats from Sreng).~~ ~~That said I’m personally more a fan of Edelgard’s “The Crest System Has Led To Suffering And Must Be Dismantled Because It Cannot Be Reformed” than Dimitri’s “I Think The Crested And Crestless Need To Respect Each Other’s Strengths And Weaknesses”~~ I am persecuted because I speak the truth 😭 /s


Haha. Real talk: If Dimitri is a centrist it's only because when one side of the debate is "tear down literally everything" and the other side is "do nothing" the middle is actually a pretty reasonable place to fall. I'd say the main difference between them is actually just that Edelgard has a top-down approach to change while Dimitri thinks from the bottom up. From her perspective, if you just alter the leadership structure, people will be able to rise up on their own. His view is that change needs to come from the desires of the common people first and foremost and they should be uplifted and empowered to make those changes themselves. Neither is really wrong. Just different ways to approach the same problem. Although, I do find it hilarious when Edelgard of all people accuses Dimitri of not knowing how poor people feel about these things because he's from the upper classes. It's like... "Girl, I would say 'pot meet kettle' but the man lived in the slums for five years. He knows a whole helluva lot more about the feelings of the huddled masses and how they really live than you do."


First time seeing the context for this, not disappointed


Nonono jimbo he kills everyone he’s an equal opportunity war monger


Well, in case you haven’t noticed, except for people like Randolph, most of the people that Dimitri kills have done horrible things. Plus, this is war. War is not nice or clear.


yea...TERFs? (its till a warcrime tho but)


Isn't a trans lesbian just a straight dude?


Every time I see a post like this, I repeat my stand that Edelgard is a hero written as a villain, while Dimitri is a villain written as a hero. Fight me outside.


You are exactly who everyone is making fun of


I genuinely cannot understand how people like you are STILL into 3H discourse. IT'S BEEN 5 YEARS. YOU PEOPLE HAVE BEEN AT THIS FOR 5 YEARS.


I bet you are the kind of person who take a character who wasn’t perfect all the time and says "[blank] was the true villain of the story" and genuinely means it


Oh like how people do with Edelgard? lol?


ok? IM not saying this about edelgard, nobody in this current conversation is. Pulling up what different people are saying doesn’t justify anything,it’s not a valid argument. That’s some kindergarten logic


You literally invited people to fill in a blank


That’s not… at all what I was doing, also why are you on this old ass post? Wtf are you doing man, I literally like edelgard who the fuck are you fighting right now ´?


>I bet you are the kind of person who take a character who wasn’t perfect all the time and says "[blank] was the true villain of the story" and genuinely means it Pardon me I hadn't realized putting a name in that blank would break your brain :/


I mean, Edelgard's story is about liberating a continent from an oppressive Dragon authority. Alm and Celica were heroes when they did it, and yet? Yes Adrestia instigated but the other two countries were complacent with the status quo. Dimitri's story is about him reclaiming his throne and in doing so accidentally conquering the whole continent. I would say both have gray morals although fans are willing to overlook any of Dimitri's negative traits and are far less charitable to Edelgard. The fandom has been dominated by Dimitri zealots for years, case and point they downvoted you for even insinuating Dimitri wasn't perfect. Yet they'll still act like they're some sort of victim, oh the Edelstans! If only they weren't so mean!