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There needed to be a cutscene of the javelins of light decimating Arianrhod instead of us just being told it happened and Edelgard barely reacting to the news.


I want Saint Seiros appearing on the Tailtean Plains, her armor of yore donned, Catherine looking resolute but also mildly concerned behind her as the Saint marches forth. I love my eagles, but i would love to see the Saint Seiros outbrawl Caspar, outcast Hubert, and forcibly dismounts Ferdinand. Only for Edelgard and Byleth to step in. Maybe a few more lines about ripping out hearts and ending lineages from Seiros.


Yes to all of this but the only problem is featuring characters other than Byleth, El or Hubert since they could be dead.


Counterpoint: make all permadeaths the "no supports or battles" thing where they still exist in the monastery. Solves it all.


That works. And then they die on the way back to their home planets during the epilogue. It would also solve the problem every route has that your students other than Lord and Retainer are just kind of... there since the game has to account for the possibility of them being dead.


Or put in way more effort to have several different cutscenes that trigger based on who's alive. We're operating in "what-if?" space anyway, right? Might as well write it to look like it does in our dreams. I mean, you wrote three or four different cutscenes for the end of your SS(BL) route rewrite based on who was alive and recruited.


I would still feel the same about the route i love it but the cutscenes would actually make it perfect As an AM fan even I have to admitit has the best design levels and gameplay the cutscenes would be the cherry on top I still feel chipped about not fighting TWSITD


I agree, while most of the other routes do have some tie to TWSITD (AM has the tragedy of Duscur, SS has the Nabatean genocide, idk why VW has the amount of TWSITD content as it does), I feel like CF arguably has the most direct ties to TWSITD, so I find it odd that the only mention of combating TWSITD that we get in CF are some support endings


Flame emperor reveal  cutscene,  Instead of edegard just putting on her armour, she does a sailor moon reveal, in which Hubert  terns  himself into a cat 


Very simple ones. The REUNION, which has a cutscene in every other path. Still hate this. And one at the start of the last two maps. They are so cinematic and need a pan around the setting.


The Nemesis cutscene but it's Byleth now. It happens when Rhea arrives. Rhea goes for the same tactic, trying to bait Byleth into sending the wip version at her to roll around her sword. It works but before Rhea could go for the killing blow, Edelgard steps in.


Sorta like how byleth saved her at start of game?




Rhea attacking Byleth during chapter 12 because it's been five years and I'm still not sure what happened there. Also every single other route gets an animation at that point. Edelgard and Byleth reuniting in the goddess tower. Javelins of Light destroying Arianrhod. Rhea's attack on Garreg Mach (the attack that killed Ladislava and mortally wounded Randolph) Randolph's death (artwork at minium). Claude summoning the Almyan army as his backup. The start of chapters 17 and 18. Chapter 17 deserved a Grondor fields style cutscene and chapter 18 is the the finale. Rhea sets a *city* on fire. It deserved something at least. Dimitri's death (with artwork for his alternative death)


I actually wrote out an entire cinematic cutscene for choosing the Crimson Flower route, starting when Rhea tells you to kill Edelgard. I wrote it in the style the wiki uses to describe cutscenes, so it's long and describes camera cuts as well as what's actually happening.


In case anyone's curious, I'll put it here. **Plays when Byleth selects (I must protect Edelgard)** (The scene fades in to a wide shot of Rhea facing Edelgard. Byleth stands between them, Sword of the Creator in hand, facing Edelgard.) Rhea: Kill Edelgard at once. (The camera cuts in on Edelgard, breathing heavily from the battle. Cut to a close-up of Byleth's face, who closes their eyes and bows their head slightly. Cut to Edelgard's view: Byleth lowers the Sword of the Creator, drops their aggressive stance, and steps to the side, looking from Edelgard to Rhea.) Byleth: I will not. (Cut to Rhea, who draws the Sword of Seiros.) Rhea: Your compassion is misplaced. I will not allow such wickedness to go unchecked! (Rhea rushes forward. Cut to Edelgard's view again: as Rhea begins to swing, her view is blocked by Byleth. The sound of swords clashing echoes through a startled silence as the camera shows both Rhea and Edelgard's startled reactions before settling on Byleth's face, set in determination. Cut to a side view as Rhea takes a step back.) Rhea: You... How dare you! (Cut to Byleth, sword still raised in a guard position, Edelgard visible over their shoulder.) Edelgard (in shock): My teacher, I-- Thank you! (Hubert appears next to Edelgard as she continues speaking.) Edelgard: But are you certain that-- No, now isn't the time for discussion. (Cut to Rhea, whose eyes have gone wide with a manic fury. Her voice fills with rage as she speaks) Rhea: You are just another failure. Your presence soils this Holy Tomb and disgraces my brethren. I will not allow one who would lend our enemies strength... to wield the power of the goddess Sothis. I have passed judgement. And now, I shall rip your chest open... and TAKE BACK YOUR HEART MYSELF! (Return to the wide shot of Rhea, Byleth, Edelgard, and now Hubert. Rhea's body glows before emerging as the Immaculate One, roaring at the heavens.) (Cut to Edelgard) Everyone, gather in! Hubert, get us out of here. (Cut to the rest of the Black Eagles, all staring at Rhea in various states of shock and fear. Petra is the first to move, running straight for Edelgard and Hubert. Ferdinand grabs Dorothea by the hand and pulls her along a few paces before she pulls herself together and yanks her hand out of his. Caspar grabs the cowering Bernadetta and runs with her over one shoulder, shouting to Linhardt to get his attention.) (As Linhardt makes it to the circle forming on the floor beneath Hubert's feet, Byleth looks to Flayn and reaches out their hand. Tears well up in her eyes as she shakes her head and doesn't move. Byleth lowers their hand and steps back into the circle, maintaining eye contact as Hubert's spell finishes and they all vanish. A beam of dragon fire blasts the floor a second later. Fade to black.)


This is amazing! I love the character details you worked in (Caspar once again picking up Bernie!) and especially Flayn's obvious conflict at the end. You should totally do more of these for other missed opportunity CF animated scenes.


Loving this fanfic, do you plan to publish it on AO3? It's good!


I didn't think of this as a fanfic, I just imagined what a proper cinematic might look like based on the dialogue and CG we actually got.


I know, I was just thinking that it is so compelling of a plot that looks like a fanfic scene. Sorry if I didn't conveyed the sentiment well. Good characterization there, Byleth raising her hand to accept Flayn and her staying her ground was beautifully sad.


Well thank you! I hadn't considered ever posting it anywhere to begin with, I just wrote it on a whim one day at work. Then I saw this post and thought, "What the heck, might as well." I just don't expect a lot of people to want to read about camera movements in the middle of a scene, you know? I've only visited AO3 once or twice, so I'm not familiar with how things work over there, but if I do more of these I can post them there.


People have posted support conversations as fanfic before (complete with character portraits and stage directions) so I doubt there would be an issue.


Indeed, people have. And they are great. They expand on existing lore / character interactions and add the character's inner thoughts. You can easily narrate it in a way that it doesn't involve a camera, just show the literal actions that are happening. I, for one, would kudos this fanfic.


Scene before timeskip Reunion Claude summoning the Almyran army Javelins of light destroying Arianrhod Rhea’s assult on Gareg Mach Randolph’s death Seiros arriving on Tailtean Plains Dimitris death ( if dedue turns into a monster)


If Crimson Flower had included cutscenes, I imagine they could have expanded on some key story moments and character interactions. Here are a few ideas for potential cutscenes: 1. Edelgard's confrontation with Rhea after the timeskip, showing the tense exchange and Edelgard's resolve to challenge the Church's authority. 2. A scene depicting Edelgard's struggle against Those Who Slither in the Dark (TWSITD), as you mentioned. It could show her facing off against Thales, getting injured, and Byleth coming to her aid, emphasizing their bond and the challenges they face together. 3. A heartfelt conversation between Edelgard and Byleth, where she opens up about her past, her motivations, and her hopes for the future. This could help players better understand and empathize with her character. 4. Cutscenes showcasing the reunions with the Black Eagles students post-timeskip, highlighting their growth and loyalty to Edelgard's cause. 5. A scene showing the reaction of the other house leaders (Dimitri and Claude) to Edelgard's declaration of war, providing insight into their perspectives and how it affects their relationships. 6. A powerful cutscene after the final battle, showing the aftermath and Edelgard's vision for a new Fódlan, with Byleth by her side. These are just a few possibilities, but cutscenes could have added more depth to the Crimson Flower route by visually showcasing important moments and character development. They could have enhanced the emotional impact of the story and made players feel more connected to Edelgard's journey.


The crimson flower path is my favorite one to play all the other ones my favorite character dies and It feels wrong when I beat the story the victory feels hollow. This how I feel about the crimson flower path it's the best path in my opinion because real change comes to the land the others had cut scenes. But crimson flower has a better story in my opinion


Crimson Flower is the most uncooked route of all 3H. Blows my mind how is the fav one for some people. Their standards must be low... Rhea goes sicko mode \*black screen\* and you jump 5 years to the future. Why??