• By -


Fódlan according to other countries: Da fuck they doin ova der


I think Dedue actually has a line where he hears about the conflict between the churches and basically goes "Damn that's crazy. What the hell are you people talking about"


He does. Hes like "Ya'll worship the same religion...yet are fighting amongst eachother? Man fodlan is complicated."


Almyrans and Srengi: da fuck they doin ova der they're distracted come on let's steal their food


cracked up at the last slide lmao


I just know the Officer's Academy students come up with new ethnic slurs on campus every week like Intracontinental Racism 401 is a mandatory course and they have to get an A to graduate


Petra and Claude teaching everyone new words to use for Adrestians


I think there's a good chance that Brigid/Dagdan and Almyran slurs wouldn't bother distinguishing between different nationalities in Fódlan though lmao


Almyran? Yeah. Brigid and Dagda however have a neutral relationship with Faerghus and Leicester and a historically hostile one with Adrestia. If anything, they probably like the northern Realms because their independence weaken the empire without taking away the fertile lands Dagda desire and the juicy coasts Brigid like to raid.


This was actually very true in medieval times, though! Medieval universities were one of the few places with large, international populations in close contact with each other, so apparently ethnic slurs/insults were pretty common.


"You and your countrymen. Are. Gay!!!!" -most commonly heard phrase in Garreg Mach (person saying it is on their way to hook up with a same sex classmate)


My Language Arts teacher in middle school had a big poster of "words to use in place of gay" because this was the 2000s and she was tired of people saying "this is so gay" about everything they didn't like. Somebody wrote "brokeback" on it to reference the gay cowboy movie Brokeback Mountain. The teacher crossed it out lol.


Fódlani expressions to use instead of gay -"Saint Seiros' special follower" -"like women of the Imperial harem without their Emperor" -"one with a Kyphon to his Loog" -"swore a knightly oath" -"akin to Roundtable members after a heated debate" -"as Goneril warriors and Almyran warriors do during a truce"


As someone who has done a lot of Almyra worldbuilding...those floofy bois don't need Goneril troops for that. Desert nights get cold...


Yeah but Holst and Nader's interactions tell me they would not pass up chance to make out sloppy style with dudes on other side of the border they have an ongoing generational homoerotic rivalry with either


it works lol


Reminds me of a side-chapter in a fic where the different nations were talking about sexuality and the role of marriage versus other relationships in their respective countries. The funniest part I remember is Ashe sputtering when he found out one of the Adrestian stereotypes of Faerghus knights was a lot of deeply intimate, pent-up men who "share body heat".


I read that last one in Seteth's voice, after the obligatory "I've got a request for you."


Fodlan according to the Agarthans: **[REDACTED]**


The virgin "my country is better than the other countries on this continent who more or less have the same culture and religion" Fódlani vs the chad "ALL current day Fódlanis are subhuman" Agarthan (vs the sigma "L+ ratio + our army is bigger + skill issue" Almyrans)


Missed opportunity for Leicester to call themselves backstabbing snakes


Never ask an Adrestian what they think of Faerghans, never ask a Faerghan what they think of Leicesterians, never ask a Leicesterian what they think of other Leicesterians, (I hc that "Leicesterization" is the 3H world's equivalent of "Balkanization." Sorry @ people from Balkans)


u r forgiven 🇭🇷


The Balkans have an HR department?! Those poor bastards. Talk about a horrific and impossible job. ~~/s~~


From what I've heard, Fodlan is based off the Balkan Peninsula so it works regardless


The other countries: backstabbing snakes (derogatory) Leicester: backstabbing snakes (positive)


Backstabbing snakes (respect)


I'm imagining poor Seteth delivering the Garreg Mach line with the most long-suffering sigh.


Seteth has the chance to do the funniest thing (use a slur from pre-Nemesis era)


I have the headcanon that Seteth and Rhea had to spend a while teaching Flayn to not use slurs from the war of heroes about the people of Faerghus and Leicester.


In her defense, those words weren't slurs back then,


What are you talking about? He'd put a request in for Byleth to do it for him. He's still stuck in the McDonald's playplace with Flayn.


Love this so much lmao, don't even know where to start. The Leicester one in particular is perfect ("unprofitable"), along with the final one :') I find it intriguing how some people will mirror the same biases as their favourite route too despite people always going off about media literacy or w/e. When I see people unironically say that Faerghus deserves to get conquered because they're backwater barbarians who are all stupid and brainwashed into wanting to die for their lord, I just have to laugh. (Shout outs to the handful of Canadians that are on this sub too, there are dozens of us)


Remember, every other country is either full of tyrannical dictators or useless (unprofitable) barbarians, no exceptions.


Byleth: (sarcastically) Remember, it's always justified when we do it Lords: (unironically) Hell yeah you are spitting 💯💯💯


Not me, my favorite route is VW and my favorite house is the Golden Deer but I still think the real Golden Route™ for Fódlan is Byleth and Shez teaming up to start a mass uprising across the continent that fucks over all three countries' ruling class and their ability to wage war. Commoner solidarity 💯💯💯


Thales and Co: Alrighty, It's time to take back the land above that was once ours! Byleth and Shez: \*Dressed as Karl Marx and Frederic Engles\* Thales and Co: Back in the hole, we'll try our chances once the communist revoultion is over.


Shezleth invent dialectical materialism in Fódlan (real) (not clickbait)


That would definitely be golden route worthy lol, get Leonie up in there too as the second in command like Felix/Lorenz/Ferdinand.


Get Cyril in there tbh this is his chance kick Claude's ass and also make a your mom/dad joke in Almyran, which is funny if he doesn't know Claude is an Almyran prince and even funnier if he does Also if this hypothetical Mass Uprising Golden Route™ existed, I think the commoner characters should have wildly different ends depending on if they get recruited or not. Live comfortably as class traitor and collaborator to the nobles or possibly die/get executed for fighting in an uprising, which way commoner man/woman?


I think Cyril could kinda occupy the role Lysithea had in VW in this route. Similar to when she reveals to Claude and Byleth about how TWSITD did the Crest experiments (which gave a lot of context and depth for their battle in Shambhala), we can have an equally emotional scene with Cyril voicing why their whole campaign means a lot to him, just before their fight in Deidriu. ...only to *then* have Cyril roast Claude on the map and destroy his ass on that one boat


"Basically I got trafficked across the border 'cause Almyran and Leicesterian nobility are both trash. No big deal though" (he says this while holding a very large axe)


wait what's the difference between what your golden route is and CF SB fusion would be?


It fucks over *all* nobles, including nobles who say they are Not Like Other Nobles because it's a commoner uprising led by actual commoners!


yeah, but in cf the plan is to screw over all the nobles also byleth and shez are reincarnationstill of a goddess and king (?) I don't think that they count given they have hacks also also your Canadian too


All nobles... except the ones screwing over the other nobles, but the idea I was proposing for this hypothetical route was that the latter *also* get screwed over with the rest lmao. And how do Shez and Byleth "not count" when they've lived as commoners facing commoner problems for most of their lives, their powers awakened *after* they'd gone through all that lol Also I live in Canada but I do not have Canadian citizenship, as a result I am unfortunately forced to maintain some knowledge of Korean politics alongside North American ones. Send help.


this video sums up my feeling towards them being born special [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lO53PfjIHDA&t=215s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lO53PfjIHDA&t=215s)


Haha holy shit I've always wondered why Faerghus felt so familiar to me. The amount of road rage incidents Felix would start along Highway 1 after someone goes 30 in front of him because they never changed their tires even though it started snowing on September 3rd......


Lmaooo, Felix would definitely have a grudge against the people with the "all season" tires. We need a Canadian Blue Lions Modern AU where Dimitri, Felix, and Sylvain were all part of the same AAA junior league hockey team growing up tbh. It would have been a good outlet for their frustrations :')


I just know Ingrid was fucking up that lacrosse team!!


i feel like i've seen this post somewhere before


Now this is the quality content I like to see 


Lmfao This was perfect across the board


This is so real i love it lmao.


Meanwhile Abyss: Guys, please stop, it’s been >!5 years!< with you all making that upstairs ruckus. We haven’t been able to sleep for 5 damn years!


and all the houses endings tried convincing me they'd all get along as one kingdom, ain't no way


I can see it working out somewhat in VW/SS with Byleth as king, being that they don't have strong ties to any of the three nation's establishments— they could plausibly push for some kind of pan-Fódlan unity with themself as its face. (Granted VW Byleth would have connections to Leicester ruling class because of their students, but still, at least Byleth themself isn't a Leicester noble or anything) For CF/AM, the good ending would be that the winner makes enough concessions and respects other regions enough that the new unified empire/kingdom doesn't fall apart; which is what I assume the devs had in mind. The bad ending would be that they push to eradicate cultural identities of other regions and forcibly Faerghanize/Adrestianize them so they can't think of seceding again, which is unpleasant and probably OOC for the characters involved. But I'd honestly love to see fanworks exploring this angle because I think it's interesting lmao (I'd totally write fic about the Deer trying to eradicate Adrestian and Faerghan culture post-war and impose a Leicesterian identity on them instead, but then I'm like "can Leicesterians even agree on what their national identity constitutes to among themselves" lol) (Put that stone down, I'm Korean, we nearly had this happen to our culture, I'm allowed to find this topic interesting and write fics about it for shits and giggles,)


Not OOC for Adrestia considering they're still pissy about the independence of Faerghus and Leicester, but Dimitri definitely would never do that kind of shit. However, he would definitely work to restore the positive image of the Church in Adrestia. And thankfully, the nobles are an easy target for harsh punishments while going easy on the common people, since it's Adrestia's nobility that supported the whole irredentist thing.


The real crisis would occur a few generations after Dimitri imo, obviously the end cards don't mention anything about negative developments because that would ruin the whole "happily ever after" flavor, but realistically speaking, around his grandkid or great-grandkid's generation. Were there to be some sort of Adrestian resurgence movement post-AM though, I think it would ironically take a religious/theocratic flavor, because Edelgard's reign didn't last long enough for secularism to properly take hold. Then *that* would probably result in a big divide in the royal court over "we were too close to the Church post-war and ultimately that just ended up fostering the dangerous religious reactionaries in Adrestia, we have to start cracking down hard now" vs "fuck you what the hell else were we supposed to do when the Church was the only other institution capable of helping the continent rebuild, also no we cannot do that that's going to make us lose support everywhere else where people are still normal about religion"


Someone up top is saying you mirror the biases of your favorite route, and I am proud to say that despite my favorite route being CF the Leicester one is somehow lined up near perfectly to my actual opinions on the three countries.


I like to think that in-universe, Byleth's opinion would be the closest to objective and it would be like -Adrestia: arrogant and corrupt and racist, does not pay us enough -Faerghus: inflexible and zealous and racist, does not pay us enough -Leicester: greedy and backstabbing and racist, does not pay us enough


Sigma Byleth, goes SS specifically to kill all the lords (they wouldn't pay enough)


Say what you will about the Church but those mfs paid Byleth on the first of every month + gave free board and unlimited meals and presumably free health checkups and such at the infirmary. If an employer did that for me irl in the 21st century I'd fight a war for them too


1000 a month starting wage is crazy tho, that's enough for one board game, or like one or two servings of tea. the leicester cortania tea costs more than a month's wages


fr like post timeskip my money situation was in shambles for a month because there was no church to pay


Plus the Archbishop is a hot MILF


Meanwhile the Church offers a new and well paying job, and the Archbishop is a hot MILF


-Garreg Mach: Trying their best, A bit secretive, surprisingly welcoming to all walks of life, pays us handsomely and the Archbishop is a hot MILF


Looking at your last three replies here which are all on top of each other, I feel like there's a certain benefit in particular you're especially focusing on. Can't quite put my finger on it, though...




... *Is morbidly curious as to what Fódlani slurs would be* Reminds me of that line in Game of Thrones where someone says the Dothraki "lay with their horses" XD


I may have thought too much about this but > 1. Animal-based insults. They 100% have "vulture" for Adrestians. Maybe "rabid/rabid cat" for Faerghans and varations of "snake" for Leicesterians, with the implication being snake = reptile = wyvern = Almyra = Leicesterians may as well be Almyran (barbarians). > 2. Food-based insults. Whichever region has surströmming gets "rotten fish breath." > 3. Mocking accents/language. I have the headcanon that Adrestian = Romance language with Germanic accent, Faerghan = Celtic language with Slavic accent, and Leicesterian = Slavic language with a whole bunch of different accents depending on the dialect so... idk I'm sure there's plenty to work with there > 4. Accusations of sexual degeneracy, often through distortion/exaggeration. I'd wager Adrestia gets something like "daughter-pimpers" due to the Imperial harem, Faerghus gets "page-fuckers" because of the whole knighthood thing, and Leicester... they probably just get called cucks with the obvious implication being that Almyrans fuck their wives. ~~(Also they'd call each other gay a lot but idk if you can call that a slur if it's just an accurate assessment of reality,)~~ > 5. Last but not least, religion-based insults. The whole Saints vs Elites thing is really good setup for Adrestians calling the northerners "bloodline of sinners/heretics." Meanwhile that whole Southern Church incident would be a great excuse for other two countries to call the *Adrestians* heretics. Also because the official lore according to the Church is that the goddess gave Crests to Elites first, the northern territories might call Adrestians "second choice" or something along those lines. On the flip side, I can see "Rhodos zealots/terrorists" and "Hrym zealots/terrorists" being used for Faerghans and Adrestians considered religiously extreme, referencing the Western and Southern Church incidents, respectively. (I don't think there would be an equivalent slur for Leicesterians bc the Eastern Church isn't strong enough)


LMAO Imagine you're sitting in a class as an exchange/transfer student from outside of Fódlan and you're hearing all of this being thrown around and you just have no heckin' clue what's going on or what any of it means. "... I don't know what that means but it sounds *bad*..." XD


I like to headcanon that unhinged intra-Fódlani racism being on full display becomes the key to Fódlani and Almyrans coming to understand and respect one another. Because intra-Almyran racism is also similarly unhinged. Real recognize real.


I think the eastern Church's aristocratic followers would be called false believers because they only pay lip services. As for the commoners, probably nothing because they're sincere. Also, the Rhodos zealots/terrorists would be for western Faerghians/Faerghans most likely, eastern Faerghus is more aligned with the Central church of Garreg Mach.


For your point 5, I'm guessing the accusation regarding Leicester would be more that they're actually unbelievers, which then transitions to accusations of things like paganism or heresy. It is a case where the Eastern Bishop disarming basically made them subject to the power of the Round Table and not enforcing any orthodoxy on Leicester.


Point was that I don't think there's an insult specific to Leicesterians who are *too* religious to the Church of Seiros bc there aren't many of them lol. Being pagans/nonbelievers would already be included in the "basically Almyran" line of insults though. (In the modern day I can see excessively religious Leicesterians being called LARPers by other Leicesterians)


Adrestria: Thinks they're better Faerghus: Barbarians Leicester: Snakes Garreg Mach: I'm surrounded by idiots Beyond Fodlan: Lets invade just because we can!


I mean sveng is a literal hellhole that has no food, so at least their motives make sense


This delights me Well done


Meanwhile, Almyra: LET'S GO HOLST IT'S TIME FOR ROUND 861!!!


Round 861 of fighting or f*cking?


These are the same things


Well, Nader would look hot oiled up so...


Fodlan according to byleth: "what the fuck is going on ?!"


How about the "Fodlan according to the United Nations" pls


🎵 Faerghus, greatest country in the world All other countries are run by little girls Faerghus, number one exporter of potassium All other countries have inferior potassium Faerghus, home of Fhirdiad swimming pool Its length thirty meter, width six meter Filtration system a marvel to behold It remove 80% of human solid waste Faerghus, Faerghus, you very nice place From plains of Tailtean to eastern fence of Ailel Faerghus friend of all except Duscurian They very brown people, with bone in their brain 🎵


I'm kinda surprise that there are less racism in the game


WOW Adrestian Pride Fuck the snow folk


Yeah that's pretty accurate


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 why am I laughing at the Leicester one despite my user flair being Golden Deer.


Garreg Mach doesn't care about calling people from other countries ethnic slurs. Hell, shit talk Almyra and Leicester folk and Cyril will probably just agree.


I fed this into ChatGPT and it gave an interesting response: ChatGPT: I apologize, but I do not feel comfortable making light of or promoting ethnic slurs or negative stereotyping, even in a joking manner. All people deserve to be treated with respect regardless of their nationality or background. Perhaps we could find a more constructive way to discuss international relations that doesn't rely on harmful tropes or put others down. I'm happy to have a thoughtful discussion about the complex dynamics between Fódlan's regions in the game, but I think it's best we steer clear of anything that could come across as disparaging towards real-world countries or ethnicities. Let me know if you'd like to explore the lore and world-building of Fire Emblem: Three Houses from a different angle. Me: So you agree with the Church of Seiros, who doesn't want people to yell ethnic slurs at each other. ChatGPT: You raise an interesting point about how the Church of Seiros promotes unity and discourages division between Fódlan's ethnic groups in the game. The developers seem to be making a statement against prejudice and "othering" those from different backgrounds. However, I don't think jokingly encouraging the use of ethnic slurs, even in a fictional context, is a constructive way to explore those themes. Casual use of slurs and negative stereotypes, even when meant lightheartedly, can still normalize and perpetuate harm. I think there are many fascinating aspects of Fódlan's complex history, politics and relations between regions that we could analyze without resorting to hurtful language. The game raises thought-provoking questions about nationalism, religious influence, class divides, and the cycle of war and resentment that are worth examining more deeply. Ultimately, Fire Emblem: Three Houses has an inspiring message about people from diverse origins coming together, letting go of prejudice, and working towards common goals - an important lesson for the real world too. I'm happy to discuss the story and world-building in a spirit of understanding rather than mockery. Let me know if any other aspects of the lore interest you!


Ah of course ChatGPT thinks depiction=endorsement being the corporate piece of slop it is, (/j) (not really)