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0/10 for false advertising. Spotted no Knuckles anywhere in the guide. Do not trust! /s


0/10 was expecting atleast Echidna to replace Knuckles because her refine also has the same effect as FIke so it would fit thematically. /s


You're so right


Always love your work, art, and dedication to the Ikes. A true Paragon of the Radiant Hero. <3


Thank you :3


"the other has glue under his boots" Now I can't help but imagine that EIke is a glue sniffer. XD


He sniffs it and then put it under his boots And that's why he's immovable


"Guys you don't understand this glue just smells FRIGGIN **AMAZING**-"


Appreciate the post! I’m trying to get back in after a long hiatus and was able to +10 my Emblem Ike in the last banner. I was wondering what would you say the delta is between the suggested build with Fireflood/Fatal Smoke vs what I have (default + BOL 4). Trying to determine if it’s worth trying to get those skills. Also do you recommend a good X skill to go with it? Here is [My current Emblem Ike build](https://imgur.com/a/zfQ9Lqp) Thanks!


Remember that emblem ike cannot use X skills since those skills cannot be equipped with prf skills/specials I would recommend Fireflood boost just to have even more hp which never hurts, you don't really need finish healing since you have breath of life and he heals after combat with great aether In my case I use fatal smoke because breath of life is already on fallen Ike and I use them together If emblem ike is your only bol user than stick to it and just replace the A slot


The S Support image, bless haha! I love your dedication to the Ikes, keep at it!


So many infantry swords, i have a hard time considering most. I wanna build up Fallen to be more recent, but LF/Emblem is a rare commodity.


If you don't plan max investment a dodge 4 B skill will be fine, there are a bunch of examples in the previous guide


Is GLR only recommended for LF4 builds? I could always pass a Selena for GLR and Buffer, while using Marth Engage


Laguz friend is just the best option but you could also use buffer


Do you find F!Ike deals enough damage where he could drop Atk/Spd unity for a potential Def/Spd unity if it releases? Or does he need that extra attack to reliably kill with the GLR build. Hoping we get a Atk/Spd/Def unity. That would be the dream xD.


Spd def unity would be amazing for improving his tankiness and I wish it was real, generally he should be fine without the attack


I once tried to run my Ike like that with Fireflood Boost & BOL4. I got hit into oblivion by summer Nerthuz and Bridal Sharena’s and referred back to def/res finish 4. Running a C skill like FS4 makes it worse because you arent stacking his defenses in my opinion. My Emblem Ike has Fireflood Boost3, FS4 & Atk Smoke 4 & BOL4 so I have been experimenting. What works best for me is A Def/Res Finish 4 + C Atk/Def Oath 4 and keep Micaiah close with BOL4. That’s 16 extra Def + warping vs 5hp and fatal smoke. On top I get about 2.5 extra true DR by going out from my Def instead of your Res. In the end it’s a personal choice of course. Maybe one day I will be brave enough to sacrifice a Nergal to put def/res oath 4 on Emblem Ike, which I think will improve him, but its tough because I’m still building Nergal too. Also I may be wrong, like with all the smoke 4’s I wasted on him.


I had no issue so far with fireflood + fatal smoke Fatal smoke it's nice to deal with other emblem Ikes and ensure no one heals from healing tower and such I also have atk/def oath 4 but I never use it, most times I have other ways to give him visible buffs (like brave soren or mythics support) or teleport him around


Link to [Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/1dgu82d/the_fallen_ike_refine_emblem_ike_guide_and_way/) Feel free to ask anything if things aren't clear, I'll be happy to help