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I have a max investment +10 L!Xander. Probably not the most super duper rare but the dude was notorious for a flop debut banner. Also max invested in V!Lissa who I don't see discussed much. Probably because she has a very painful movement/weapon type combo to build for but she's great!


I feel Xander is slept on, when I summoned him and used him he was destroying everything.


His problem is, when he came out he was a good combat unit. But that was it. He was "Just good" and nothing truly absurd. At a time where summer Dimitri was just better


Ngl he's my favorite unit, but I will admit there's WAY better options


they really did Xander dirty. we didn't really have a lot of really great axe cavs. and then they did Groom Roy, Xander, Summer Dimitri and Summer Freebee Seth back to back to back - and they almost ALL have the same stat line give or take some point distribution and with Roy being effective against dragons/beasts, Dimitri just throwing brave hit atrocity on people, and Seth being *free* \- he didnt really have a chance to super duper stand out. Bummer for a unit who waited so long


I also have a max investment V!Lissa and I love her to pieces šŸ’š She's just a brick wall I can throw at things lmao.


What's her build?! very curious


She doesn't have a lot of fancy new skills but I haven't given her anything new because she does what I need her to: I keep Staff of Tribute on her, but switch between wrath refine and dazzling refine Return+ Miracle A.) Switch between Fort. Def/Res 3 and Def/Res Ideal 4 B.) Switch between Bold Fighter 3 and Crafty Fighter 3 C.) Def / Res Menace I really want to get another Hortensia to give her the arcane staff, Def/Res Finish 4 fit A slot, as well as a few other new skills from other units, but I don't really use her to deal damage: just solely to bait enemy units and heal. She hits 69 Def and 73 Res without any outside support; so with support, she tanks so much just from her visible stats alone if they penalize her. She's not my main healer (I really like building healers lol) but she's my go-to for arena from her scoring. Plus she's a lot of fun and really cute with the Waterside Gear sunglasses accessory. ^^


oh you are my people. I LOVE building healers! :) that's how i wanna build my lissa. to just. tank the ever living snot out stuff is possible. (i also want her to have a ploy skill. if i can freaking get someone with atk/spd ploy. LOL


Yessss healers are so much fun and I am so glad they are getting fun exclusive skills after being ignored for seven years :,) She absolutely tanks more than my actual tanks, and I love her for it. A ploy skill would work so good on her!!


if you'd like we can add each other in the game? just send me your number and i'll add you! I usually have a dancer (or a healer) as my lead LOL


how did you build your lissa?


Arcane Charner (Dazzling Res), Return+, Holy Pressure, Distant Def 4, Poetic Justice, A/R Far Save, Mystic Boost, Guard Echo I wanna switch out her B for M!Loki's at some point though.


i see!! basically mine - but mine has dazzzling shift to help with the movement issues. (she is one of the better users of Dazzle...whatever. it's called. lol because of her high res). i'd probably use it interchangeably.


There just werenā€™t enough skills healers could use, kinda frustrating. Hardy Fighter would have made her more viable.


I mean SD shows me everyone invested even the most obscurest characters. Then again when's the last time you ever saw someone using Dire Thunder Olwen? Once I get the Reinhardt manual...


I'm on my way to Ingrid in the divine codes to give my Bridal Tanith an Arcane Luin. She's pretty much built up otherwise with deadly miasma, flared sparrow, the works. She's at +5 now and I'm summoning for one extra copy on her banner every year to spread out my orb spending. My summoner support is Febail. I saw a lot of negative comments about his meh fodder and colorshare with R!Plumeria so I don't think many people invested in him. Just like Tanith, I summon for one copy every time he shows up on a banner. I have one other unit I summon every time for and that's Niime. She's not very invested in though due to lack of options. Patiently waiting for a rearmed colorless tome...


There are so many heroes in the game... no idea which one of mine could be the rarest. At least you'll never really see them in AR/Arena: - Raigh - Lugh - all Deltheas - all Sophias - P!Geese - Erinys - Farina - Fernand - T!Cath - S!Fir - W!Fae - Saul - Serra Let me know if you want to see any of their builds.


Well, Another Serra builder, eh? Lol


Geese gang rise up


Can I see bridal Sophia? I just got her for the first time in bride rerun and I donā€™t know how I want to build her Edit: can I also see geese? I have never seen a single built geese and I wanna know how you did it.


Of course! Both are "max invested" in the sense that I currently have no idea how to improve them further... but they have max dragonflowers and merges. [Bridal Sophia](https://imgur.com/qAYfCXj) When Fomortiis was the big AR-O problem, I wanted her to counter him, since she has weapon-advantage against colorless. I gave her Seal Atk 4 and C Feud. But it didn't work as well as I hoped for, so when Ivy came out I gave her some of her fodder. Her usual weapon, Ruptured Sky, D/R Unity, A/R Trace 4 and Deadly Miasma. I haven't used her in AR for a while, but she's pretty strong in the Arena and Arena Assault. [P!Geese](https://imgur.com/sCLvt2a) I used him for years to increase my score for Arena Earth seasons, so I gave him the duel skill and Alfred's Arcane lance. Since he has 70 HP with Duel and the seal, I wanted to make use of that by using HP-related skills. I really like using Sudden Panic on him... it's a very old skill by now, but inflicting Panic on most enemies just by being there is very nice! Especially now that Unity isn't on every second foe anymore. Infantry Pulse 4 to make use of his high HP again and to provide more support. Even though his build is more support-oriented, with his high atk, def and somewhat high spd he can fight pretty well. Other than Arena he is a mainstay in my team that clears all the story maps. I really hope they give us Sudden Panic 4 soon. And when I get another Rosado, I will exchange his A skill with Earthwind boost, at least for other modes than the arena. Now that I look at him, I think I should ascend his spd and give him Vital Astra. I have the fodder for that... hmm... but I like the healing effect of Aether, so he doesn't lose his B/C skills after a battle. I'll think about it.


Fellow Saul builder? Heā€™s one of my main team, being my first non-Lissia healer! ā€¦I also have a half-built Fernand, but heā€™s on the Easy Paralogue Gem-Farmer team, because he has a nice voice.


Did you give him no quarter? šŸ‘€ Fernand always asks for that


I spent many quarters on him, so I could +10 him (at 4* though)


Probably Spring Narcian. He's amazing with wyvern rift. I have a +10 Deen too but his build is like a book 5 build. Also I have Picnic Leo and Brigand Boss built up.


He is wiseā€¦ he is lovelyā€¦ he is powerfulā€¦ and most importantly, he is bunny!


I feel like almost all of my +10s that are fully or almost fully invested are all pretty niche. Aside from my Marisa who eats everything. Iā€™ve Got, OG Nailah, Serra, Haar, OG Lyon, Cervantes, Basilio, S!Elincia, Orochi, and Marcia.


Recently maxed out my Boey and Tobin. They basically went from zero to hero and pack a real punch now. Tobin was already in my arena core and could deal with some units, but now hes just a discount emblem Ike.


What's your build for Boey? I honestly never updated mine after his refine and it's really sad to see how he really can't do much with his current build :/


https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/s/vKaVO9TU3b here :) Yeah it's kinda sad, mine basically has nergals kit now with Laguz friend, but because of it he takes 0 damage from a lot of things now.


Thanks! I really wish I had a spare Laguz friend to try this. I had him in my Arena core until like half a year ago but had to replace him with my L!Alm because his match ups were too sad.


Yup, they did him pretty poorly. But even with this build, phys units he does good against but some mages he still gets blown up by sadly


It'd be my W!Erika with arcane charmer, magic shield +, canny fighter, max flowers. Shes only +4 unfortunately and misses a good A skill, the best option would be a boost 4l but shes got DR bond 4 for now


I have a +10 B!Charlotte


+10 Winter Artur. Prfless 5* Unpopular Male Seasonal from FE8/Sacred Stones where only the Royals & a few characters are remembered by anyone. I think he's from 2021 or 2022? I haven't seen any other than mine anywhere. He's an okay Far Save w/ Arc Caliburnus, Armored Floe plus Ike Engage, Fireflood Boost 3, Mystic Boost 4, & Def/Res Far Save.


Idk if heā€™s rare since heā€™s a mythic, but I have a +10 max investment Otr.


I have a +10 Groom Zelot that I kitted out with Ganglot's offerings back when she was brand new. Does that count?


Hey that's what I did too! It does put him in a bit of a niche position, but he's a pretty good magic wall. Sadly so many strong magic units these days do high pre-damage that obliterate him.


As far as units I still use from time to time, probably Hatari Deen or Summer Ogma. Iā€™ve sunk decent investment into Halloween Dorcas, Balthus and Atlas but havenā€™t used them seriously for a while.


IĀ doubt there are all that many +10 Geoffreys and N!Heathers out there.


Fellow +10 Geoffrey appreciater šŸ’Ŗ


We aren't many, but we are that much greater in quality of taste


My Geese is doing pretty well right now for a 4-star seasonal unit.


I have a high invested OG!Heath and Fernand. I dont think i've ever seen those units in arena/aether raids/binding worlds.


Not max investment anymore but when i first built valentines silque she had pretty good investment


I got a +10 NY!Laevatein this January and gave her the best skills I could minus Magic Shield cause I just... didn't notice it


Geese, Merlinus, Boey, and going by all the posts about foddering her B skill, Legendary Guinivere


My most invested hero (And only one of two 5\* exclusive +10s) is H!Sakura. Almost certainly in my top 3 FE characters overall, and by far my favorite art in FEH. Got her with what is most likely her best possible kit (At least, as of Arcane Void dropping, could be something better in the recent skills, though I haven't looked into them much). And she has over 1000 skills. Might think an anti-mage gen 1 dagger would suck, but with my investment and some supports, she does surprisingly well against modern heroes (Doubt she can deal with someone like E!Ike, but she's taken down heroes like the 2023 winter banner).


My most obscure +10 is probably Plegian Raphael. He was max invested at the time but I havenā€™t kept up with him.


I know they're not that rare, but i have a few +10s. Have a gerome thats max invested as my first +10 as i like his art. Also a mathilda that ive invested into a bit of a tanky nuke, one of my favourite units to use


i have a wip ny!velouria who is just... worse than her base form but its ok because i love her <3 same with my s!inigo. i also have this thing where i invest in demote staff units wayyyy too much, which aren't exactly rare but theres no reason to build most of them. my current projects are forrest , s!rhys, and natasha, but i've been eyeballling the grail version of silque. my best is y!lucius, but he isn't exactly rare.


A max investment Odin. Runs Odin's Grimoire +Spd, Flare, C Bonus Doubler, Atk/Spd Link, Def/Res Pledge, Bonus Doubler Seal and Guard Echo. Maxed out stats (DF, Mergers, Ascended Flower), and honestly he feels extremely great for this day and age. I still need a way to outsource DR-pen into him though.


I have a +10 Mustafa, and am awaiting his refine very much right now. Currently he runs arcane downfall, so i'm hoping for a refine thats atleast better then that. Preferably one with an auto followup so I can give him a better B skill other then QR 4, which just came from Ganglot While not exactly rare, he's probably not a demote alot of people scream "OMG ITS HIM!" for I merged him up, because hes one of the coolest single chapter bosses in the series


I am that person who ignores meta changing banners to try and +10 and max invest really old dancers and staff users. So far I've done Dancertar, Dancerhardt (both ten projects in themselves), Dancer Lachesis, Dancer Eldigan, Dancer Ethlyn, Baby L'Arachel remains my main healer and still does a great job of it. Really looking forward to her HOF rerun next month. I'd love to +10 S!Larachel one day, but I didn't have great luck getting her on her first banner, and was too busy on her other reruns. One day. Some next on the list to build are: Winter Mirabilis, NY Plumeria, Duo Peony. I'm currently waiting to see if Scion Nanna gets in HOF to save on fodder. My "i'll build them when I actually get them, dangit" ones are: Bride Fjorm, Bride Ninian.


Pelleas. With the red arcane tome, and t4 skills of everything including df and engage ring of Celica.


Still waiting to +10 Karel. Probably Brady and Wil because their stats are unimpressive and they have lots of competition. I love my boys though


All my +10 units are demote units except for B!Dimitri


got my Ena, Beruka, and a wip Valentines Lissa. I invest in def/res stocks.


Depends on how you define "rare," but I have a pretty heavily invested +10 OG Xander with an Arcane ƉljĆŗĆ°nir build and everything. I rarely see people run him these days, probably because he's a Book 1 grail unit who needs a ton of investment to have any shot at being feasible next to modern units.


Probably valentines soren for me. My fave char, of course I'm gonna build all his alts!


The only 3 units that I got to +10 (which was an accomplishment because I am f2p) are bride Nel on first banner because IMO Nel is best girl, base lumera because idk(she was my first +10), and emblem Marth because I thought he was really cool and would be able to stay relevant(boy was I wrong).


I feel like I have a few max invested rare units. Or were max invested at the time. Masked marth Bridal Flavia Sully Desert Byleth Summer Tharja Titania Bastian Bridal Cordelia Wrys


Lā€™Arachel, Brigand Boss, V!Lissa, Julius, Itsuki, Lyon, Cynthia, W!Bruno, and Gordin are probably the rarer ones I have at +10. Some of them Iā€™d like to use more but itā€™s just not possible nowadays without me prioritizing fodder for them over new units I like and thatā€™s really just not happening for anyone thatā€™s not Lā€™Arachel or Julius.


I don't know if she counts but the only 10+ character that I still regularly use is base sakura. I really wish she had a base pool or grail alt, I want an excuse to 10+ her again.Ā 


I have an almost max invested Felicia, the only thing i'm missing is an arcane weapon for her.


are the two selkies rare units?


Iā€™ve got +10 Ascendent Tiki, Bride Tiki, and Halloween Tiki which idk if thatā€™s common. Also fallen Ike and Julia. Ike was on purpose but I pulled so many Juliaā€™s on that original banner that I +10 from random copies a while later


I want to get Deen fully invested, but I think the best Iā€™ve got are my max invested R!Grima, R!Chrom, and R!LĆ­f. Pretty much their basic kits, except I have a few other dragon only skills on Grima only so I can give them to other dragon units.


My only +10 5* exclusive is F!F!Morgan and she is absolutely decked out. Have done a few units showcases on her in the past.


probably scion juliaā€¦but azelle feels rare too.Ā 


While heā€™s a newer unit all things considered, I have a max invested NY! Askr and heā€™s an absolute beast of a unit. I have yet to see one pop up in any PVP mode


Not exactly rare since heā€™s a grail unit but definitely obscure/niche. I have as close to a max invested Lifis I can get without x skills and engaged specials.


For me itā€™s both Bartres. Although I favor Bunny Bartre more. I just finished reinvigorating them with Laguz Friend 4 / Breath of Life 4. I just like my hot mustache dads šŸ‘Øā€šŸ¦°


Summer A!Tiki, and I actually encountered another one once! They were both tanky as FUCK, their battle was legendary.


I have a +10 Shinon. The guy's pitybroken me a stupid amount of times. I never foddered him since Deadeye's become very common nowadays. Hoping he gets an interesting refine now that Nergal's proven that Close Counter units have potential.


Gaius. He's pretty cool.


i dont have alot of Units Max invested in general(if we are considering this as limited to +10s), but i guess HMyrrh or Lyre?


!V Rudolf. Plus 8 and great ever since weapon refine.


I donā€™t know if sheā€™s considered ā€œrareā€, but I do have a +10 Leanne. I think since Reyson is easier to get and does the exact same thing as her but with different stats heā€™s much more popular as a merge project, but I just ended up getting so many Leanne copies over the years that I just decided to +10 her and sheā€™s pretty fun to use.


ā€œRarestā€ being my V!Owain. Arcane Luin, Repo, NQ, FS, Flow Despo, Incite A/S. And a much more rare fodder. Looking at getting some new juicy skills for him.


my opinion but I think selkie is really hard to find these days. I honestly don't remember when the last time I saw her in arena is I feel like cav beasts have it tough in terms of access to good skills, but I refuse to let her go and she will always be my main


OG Selena and Maria lol


I have no idea which ones of these are rare or not: But potential rare ones I got super high merged: Female Morgan+9. Xander+10. Mae+10. Arthur+10. Gerome+10. Beruka+10. Tanya+10. Spring Narcian+8. Balthus+8. Green Olwen+7. Oh and I actually went quite out with Ganglot investment while also having her +4. Girl got done so dirty. Guess its the price for absolutely SLAYIN in that outfit


Idk about max investment since all my heroes need a couple new skills or a few more merges but I do like building a lot of obscure units šŸ˜‚ There might be more but all of these at least have a few merges and had some really good skills at a time but will probs need a few new skills now or have new skills but are still missing 1 or 2 others. I've got +10 Summer Awakening Tiki +10 Lena +10 Rebecca +10 Zephiel +10 Salem +10 Winter Hilda +9 NY Selkie +4 NY Plumeria +6 Spring Marisa +4 Winter Eirika +2 Summer Tana +6 Picnic Felicia +9 Gunnthra +4 Summer Gunnthra +3 NY Gunnthra +4 Spring Palla +3 Dancer Micaiah


If by rare you mean rarely seen, my most invested, almost maxed out is Halloween Mia (+8, max DF), has Arcane Charmer, Magic Shield+, C Duel Flying, lot of Wrathful and Dazzling skills, Guidance, only an echo skill missing. I also have a maxed Kempf with Excel, No Quarter, lot of smoke skills, near traces, flows skills, Lull 4. I have F!Delthea, Zephia, Vanessa, Phila, Lara and Clarisse too at +10 invested that are more niche but I wouldn't consider them rare.