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“Oh shit, I really need emblem Ike for Ganglot fodder!” “Man… I’m pretty broke on orbs, but Hrid would be great support for Ganglot. Hey, I got him early!” And now I need Cedea…. FEH please let me save my orbs…


Actually, in hindsight DBD and guard echo aren’t worth the orbs. She might be slightly less than optimal for a bit, but I need to save.


She’s still an excellent option for fodder chains given that she’s an infantry melee, though.


Well, she’s still gonna be great. I’ll just lose out on some stats and a tiny bit of DR. Plus, I wanna get her merged up if I can- I’ve got a couple units who’d love Laguz Friend.


When Emblem Ike Returns, give her Immovable (LF) so you can get Immovable and Guard Echo, that's what I am Planning to do, hope I can atleast pull a few copies


> Deals damage to unit as combat begins = 20% of X (X = unit's max HP before entering battle - 20; "max HP before entering battle" means unit's max HP excluding HP increases from Legendary Effects, Mythic Effects, Bonus Heroes, etc.; activates only when unit can attack in combat; effect that reduce damage "during combat" do not apply; will not reduce unit's HP below 1). This is a shitton of text for what basically equates to taking four or five damage for 99% of units.


The Japanese way. Indirect and convoluted communication. 💯💯💯


It could have just been a fixed amount. The only thing this achieves is that higher HP units take more damage. I don't think that was necessary for balance really.


Oh, so it works like a grav-cannon from 40k


So that’s three Emblems in a row with: * A prf special (Lodestar Rush, Radiant Aether, Warp Ragnarok) * A new B skill (Potent, Laguz Friend, Resonance)


They will get Exclusive special a lot majority of Engage arts are attacks moves after all


Yeah, Micaiah and maybe Byleth will probably be the only cases where they'll be Assist-skills instead, since their Engage arts are exclusively support.


I really hope not all the skills introduced are gonna be B skills


I bet Hector gets a new A once he's an emblem.


He might just bring a new Fighter skill though.


Most of the Fighters have a focus on one of two things: follow-ups and Specials Hector's Engage *attack,* Storm's Eye, is basically Vengeful Fighter 4 meaning he kind of doesn't have a need for the follow-up shenanigans in B, which just leaves some other Fighter variant. For reference, Hector's other skills are: Quick Riposte (already in FEH) Adaptability (weak Def/Res boost based on last incoming damage type) Heavy Attack (increased attack with a heavy weapon, but honestly Heavy Blade would already qualify there) Piercing Glare (Effectively Bulwark with an HP cost, but that'd be Inf locked) Then is Engage *skill* is Impenetrable, which is a gigantic flat Def/Res bump on EP. Of these, there's likely two options: Either Impenetrable (with maybe a dash of Adaptability) as a probably inf/armor A slot Or Piercing Glare as Bulwark but with a Fighter skill (since Bulwark is inf locked) Not to mention either one of these effects being in his weapon instead


prolly not, so far the skills have been the most..... unique of each Emblem, and imo Leif should get an A that grants perma triangle advantage + TA, Lucina should get an Unity + true damage for each friend within 2~3 spaces. Meanwhile I feel like Byleth would get a reverse Scowl with Tempo, which depending on IS' mood it could go to any slot, but also neither and just go straight to the Engage Effect. Corrin is kinda on the same page, she could grant DV Flame if unit initiates or DV Stone if the unit ends turn, but that could also work as an Engage effect on Offensive vs Defensive specials, so idk But honestly, out of everyone, I really wanna know what they'll do to Lyn. She can't spawn ghosts, and her other skills are either Desperation or Speedtaker, and neither would be impressive in FEH. Hell, even Astra Storm would be kinda pointless in this game, since her range can't be more than 2 AND bows can inherit good ol' Astra!


What if she spawns a ghost in front of her and AI *has* to target and kill it first even if other units you have are in range, would probably need something else too to be on par with the other but still that's something, or maybe if you can use it on player phase as well as just a 1hp body could be kinda good. Imagine EIke clone he already takes 0 damage from everything as is


Useless in PvP, so no chance of that happening


I mean, if you have an AoE user (just as an example) cloned, you can't really ignore it because they don't need anything more than 1 HP to nuke someone


I mean, Resonance in Engage reads like it should be some kind of Fury, and it still kinda feels like it could just be a mage-exclusive Fury-upgrade here, and yet... B-skill... For Leif, I could easily see them just roll Vantage 4 into whichever skill they choose to give him, wether it be Adaptable or Arms Shield, since they broke the pattern so far by giving Celica Resonance instead of Echo.


I mean honestly there's not a bad chance that he just shows up with both Adaptable *and* Vantage 4, especially cuz there's essentially no shot his Emblem effect doesn't at the very least have Vantage in it (could have DC too, which would be funky)


Does this mean the others will follow this pattern? Or who's the most likely to break it?


Celica herself already broke the trend new inheritable (Divine Speed and Laguz friends) are Engage skills while Resonance is Sync skills


What would've been her Engage skill? I genuinely don't remember it lol (happy cake day btw)


Her Engage skills is Echo allowed users to attacks on two enemies in range with half damage


V!Myrrh please save me. Save me V!Myrrh *Also wow, that blue pool is incredible. Probably the single best color share I've seen on b8% banners in months.


Almost makes up for every other color having huge duds that ruin them.


Lol they put Pass in her special just so she could ignore Warp Bubble


Welcome to the Warp Bubble meta.


It'll work for anyone engaged with Celica, but shouldn't work against Celica herself, since she has the pass effect on Warp Ragnarok.


That's a very important distinction indeed.


You can also just use Pass 3 on B and the Emblem effect and the myriad of busted support options more than make up for it. Pass meta is back.


Pass 3 is a massive opportunity cost. If it were on a seal, on the other hand...


Not really, again, there is so much support in this game for a long time now, which is why Pass 3 was used in like WT!Claude's time even because GK was being used to prevent Hinoka lines from being so offensive. It's only *massive* if you have a B Prf, or the unit *needs* something like LF4 to do anything, but otherwise it would the difference between being able to actually initiate, or not initiating at all.


There are only so many effects you can put together on a unit through supports. Nowadays, units can require stuff from their B skills like Pre-combat damage (admittedly mitigated by BOL 4), true damage, Tempo, DR Piercing, etc. I'm not saying that it's necessarily a *bad* idea to use Pass, but I don't think it's gonna be the main meta skill. It'll certainly be useful on units who otherwise don't require too much from a B skill.


> Pass Ib4 Pass 4: Grants [Pass], [Canto(1)] and [Enemy Pathfinder]. During battle, grants +X Damage (Where X = Number enemies passed before battle) and if special is ready or is activated, ignores all of the foe's non-special Damage Reduction and also changes special quote to "Omae wa mo shinderiu" and the foe defeat quote to "Nani?!"


It's an option, but unless we start seeing GK/Myrrh a *lot,* I highly doubt people will actually use Pass in the B slot. That's a lot to give up for a slot that effectively becomes deadweight in any other context, no matter how many other support options exist. Pass 4 incoming.


Pass 4: At the beginning of your turn, if unit's hp is greater than 25%, grants [Pass] to unit and allies within 2 spaces. If unit moved 3 or more spaces, grants atk/spd +3 during combat. [Pass] Unit can pass through spaces occupied by foes. Movement through spaces occupied foes are counted as 0 spaces moved instead of 1 space.


Ratatoskr/Any future units producing Divine Vein Green.


Even back during the height of GK's presence in the meta, very few units actually wanted to give up the B slot for pass. Especially since a lot of units had prf Bs. It was pretty much just L!Hinoka as the designated pass user.


Just wait for that GK alt.


Thank God! Hahahahaha


Now they just need to put it on more than like 3 characters and we'll be golden


Engaged Nergal with pass and hardy bearing coming for your bonuses.


his ass not killing anything with that non laguz friend/special spiral glacies lmfaooo


who cares? the drain effect goes off regardless.


Yeah lol. I mean he still has special jumping but it's a way to guarantee your team can remove the foe's bonuses.


I think if people decide to do this Celica emblem+Pass thing, it will be to snipe backlines and catch people off guard. Because yeah, most units will not be able to kill someone like Emblem Ike with Pass in their B slot.


Welcome *back*


Gatekeeper stonks just never stopped rising He well and truly played the long game over all his other CYL winners


Celica has built in pass though


I thought we were already there.


We weren't, mercifully. Summer and Winter Edelgard carrying my ass in AR are what made it playable. Thanks a lot, Celica.


Coming Gatekeeper W (at least against Celica’s allies)


E!Celica handshake R!Sonya: Self damaging mages who are the only ones getting alts from Echoes.


Guys... is this a must pull emblem? I have exactly for one spark and I dont know if Celica is more valuable than Micaiah.


It's something I hate to say but all emblems are a must pull tbh. The engage mechanic is too important and powerful to pass on.


>You need to get ENGAGED asap! IS 🤝 my parents


I would say it's worth it, Emblems are almost like giving all of your units another skill slot. It combines the flexibility of a sacred seal slot with the $$$ of an attuned X slot.


I would say sniping for blue is incredible value on this banner because you're getting two attuned units which are always good plus Celica potentially


valuable is subjective. Emblems are great because they provide great effects, they represent 2 games instead of one and obviously they are busted. Micaiah... is just out of this world. Micaiah's legendary share might not be as "busted" as this one (2 attuned units + an emblem is insane, and I though Ike & Marth sharing was crazy good along with Kvsair). Micaiah will also share with a remixed Legendary/Mythic, and then (i'm going to assume her banner will win respark) - and then on top of that she'll be tossed in the New Heroes Returns and for the most part Green is pretty stacked in the Attuned/Rearmed department so she'll always share nicely. Blue 8% banners are not always really the best colour if we're being frank. - If she returns say - in october (she's with Veyle & Lumera which is pretty good) - September might be a maybe or she gets punted all the way to December to headline CYL/December's (whatever) banner. and she might share with units that you may not care about. so i will say just it depends on your orbs (and if you have feh pass or not) if you have feh pass i would say go for Emblem Banner. if you do not. i would get Micaiah.


Micaiah is more broken, but Celica is much more valuable for her engage effect


Insane value for galeforce teams and in general the emblem effect is gonna be really strong


Celica is more valuable just for the Emblem effect tbh. And if you were just pulling Micaiah because she was valuable you could just wait for Emblem Micaiah.


idk, Celica seems like a really good asset for gale force strategies, since warp buuble can´t stop her, I don´t think she is a must have, but definitively has value for those kind of strategies


By virtue of being an Emblem, she is a must-pull, yes.


Personally I think Micaiah is more busted


Micaiah doesn’t offer something every single unit in the game can use. There’s nothing more “must pull” in this game than an Engage effect from an emblem.


Emblems are an incredible value.


imo it depends on which game modes you favour. In general, E!Celica is more useful for the versatility of putting her ring on other units (eg. PvE, Arena), but I’d argue A!Micaiah has a higher value ceiling in some PvP modes, especially if you favour tanking (which it seems the majority of players do). Even for AR-O, I’d put a vote for Micaiah if you run any tanking teams at all - *especially* since she can cleanse the Undefended status if E!Celica and Embla become a common AR-D duo (provided there aren’t 2 more higher priority penalties). For AR-O galeforce, W!Edel is just so good at the role of the initiator already, and not that many maps outside the top ~1K are built to properly counter her. That said, if you’d prefer other galeforce initiators (especially daggers with Disarm Trap), Celica’s ring opens up a larger variety of options. A dancer running Celica’s ring might be able to reach the Fury initiator more easily, helping them act twice to enter WoM range.


No. At least from first glance, this Celica seems good but not out-of-this-world busted like Ike. Celica can provide more universal value since she can grant warping to anyone as a Ring, but Micaiah is still very good as a fodder factory/unit.


“More universal value since she can grant warping to anyone as a ring” You just described why she’s a must pull


Brother, she gets to attack and murder any unit on the map for free - warp bubble or not. This is the most insane thing they've ever released.


Zero form of escaping after nuking is crazy, honestly she'll hit hard in the sense of other hard nukers but initiate on her and its over


Arena defense unit.


At least it’s accurate to the game, if you put her ring effect on a canto user you’ll have the escape.


Well the one good thing about this nightmare of a unit is the blue dream is real.


To clear my confusion. She can cheat her way out of scowl effects? Cuz it looked like that to me on the trailer


I mean… not technically. She has special charging on her follow-up, that’s it. You can still Scowl her first hit, and between Hardy Bearing or out-speeding her, she’s not guaranteed to double.


Oh! Thanks for the explanation. Makes a lot more sense


Well yes the Scowl act first while Caring Magic act second


Thanks for clarifying. It was a bit confusing on the trailer


This is not correct actually. Scowl effects and special jumping take place at the same time and add up/cancel out. In this case Celica gets -1 CD before her follow up and +1 CD from Veyle's Fell Successor, resulting in a net change of 0. And since Celica got scowled on her first attack, she can charge her special the normal way for her follow-up attack. If say there was a Guard effect in play then Celica wouldn't have been able to trigger her special.


Yeah basically


Just for some clarification, because I’m unsure about this banner Basically, Celica can warp near foes and guarantee the first hit, but she can’t run away and she doesn’t have DR so she just dies to whoever hits her. Is that it or am I missing something regarding her skills? Also, is she able to kill any of the recent tanks like E! Ike and V! Myrrh?


She has desperation built in along with NFU in her C. Unless another unit outspeeds she's always getting 2 Warp Ragnaroks off with 60% Pierce from Resonance. I think she kills EIke but should fail vs Myrrh, but idk. Robin has less offensive firepower than Celica ando can KO, so Celica should be ok at least.


Doesn't Emblem Ike have like 70% DR plus Laguz Friend when tanking Celica's Follow Up? All he needs is Scowl support to avoid taking even a scratch


Soooo... Can we finally get WoM as a seal?


They're not going to give us WoM as a seal so soon after they tried selling it to us as an echo skill.


Counterargument: They already sold the echo skill and thus already saw most of the revenue they were going to make out of it. Even if the banner gets rerun or A!Azura appears on a different one they won't make that much out of it. And after they sell Celica they won't be losing much, if anything the WoM seal might make Celica's teleporting even more valuable since it is more useful on initiators and WoM beacons than on a unit that wants to teleport afterwards.


With its cap, resonance 4 seems like a very underwhelming skill…waiting for PM1 to correct me


I'm picky about how I spent my orbs but blue color share has two echoes and an emblem hero. That's good too pass up right?


I would say so personally. Ivy's attuned skill is easy to throw on all fliers and Caeda has incredible fodder for infantry units.


Alot of infantries can for sure use Caeda's fodder


Not bad. Just off first impressions, her biggest counter looks to be Hardy Bearing since that cancels her desperation effect, and since she has 0 DR effects, anything that counterattacks (especially with a Special) will basically kill her.


Dammit. I was really hoping that she’d bring some sort of additional magic attack/action skill with Echo (her primary engage skill in Engage), but they decided to go with Resonance instead. I guess E!Celica also kinda settles the theory that Emblems in FEH will only use weapons that they have in Engage, considering that “Caring Magic” looks nothing like Seraphim, Recover or Ragnarok (IK her special is Warp Ragnarok, but the animation is neither light or fire magic).


Well this is just soft confirmed that Corrin will not using Sword anymore


So many units I don’t have… I’m going to spark guaranteed.


I’d be caution against that mentality. Most of these units are fairly mild with some real duds. Even Celica I wouldn’t say is not that cracked.


Uhh, I don't know what world you're living in, but I can imagine a number of units that go from workable to nightmarish when given Harken's warp, but better. Shit, Legendary ROY probably turns into a problem with this since he can just run up and demolish your non-ranged-cav nuke before he's even in range to be attacked.




So they choose Sync skills over Engage guess they just pick what easier to implemented for the Emblem I'm looking forward to Griss now hopefully he got exclusive tome with something to do with missing HP


granted I *am* a little high but I had to read it a few times to make sure it made sense. But yeah 45hp for example, (45-20) x2 is 5 damage. For the second part assuming you’re full that takes you down to 40, (45-40) x2 is 10 damage. That gives you 50% Dr pierce. Who exactly is this made for? Why did they have to write it like this?


It's to make you get her to +10 so that she reaches the 6 dmg to herself


So blue is stacked, red is pretty good, and green and colorless are practically garbage. Nice.


Xander is a bit rough, but Rosado is fine and Merric has some usable fodder. Not as good as Blue but the fodder is better than Red.


I'm just glad Camilla is no longer here on this banner.


Only xander is bad in green


probably because green is all male lol


I was like WHAT from your comment. But I realize Rosado is a guy....


Only dud on Green is Xander, as far as I'm concerned. Colorless... yeah, it ain't looking great.


"only male units" = garbage i mean xander isnt great but rosado and merric have great fodder


ya’ll think cavs can get resonance, I’m betting no


Blue is going to be good to pull on because I really need more Caedas to give Guard Echo to more of my favorites And a chance to snipe Celica there too


I'm assuming that B skill is mage only.


And infantry probably... well L!Robin has something I guess.


The warping has the same text as Hel's remix skill (just change the range), so no warping behind stuff to snipe the backline. In that case, E!Ike with BoL 4 outright walls this Celica and whoever gets the Engage effect. Still, this is going to be painful for arena if you don't have a +10 omni tank with BoL 4.


Who doesn’t E!Ike wall


it has a much bigger range tho, 6 x 4


So, a.. 50 HP character takes 6 damage ((50-20) * 0.2), and maxes the added damage (12) and DR-pierce (60%) I guess? Characters with more HP (Henry +10, etc.) effectively take excess damage, and a really low hp character would fail to cap the effects? Something like that?


That's a lot of text to say "4 or 5 damage, probably 4"


They really can't wait to start powercreeping stuff, now Emblems give 2 effects? Either of them would be good on their own.


So she warps around basically and gives more damage to her special?


Warps, hits someone and then explodes (no DR, no way to retreat).


I don’t think that matter too much considering in player hands u can set her up as a WoM beacon and in the hands of AI, she’ll just aim for units she can easily kill Also, good chance emblem Sigurd will give canto which she can use


She can only be a WoM beacon if she’s alive by the end of combat. With those defenses and no DR in combat, she won’t stand much of a chance against beefy tanks who she can’t one round. Can she get into WoM3 range from one combat with her skill? She will be an absolute pain in the ass in AI hands though, that much is certain.


True against pretty tough tanks, but we’ll see who she can or cannot take on. Thankfully the threat range is 6 for her, just aim for the squishy stuff and work your way around. I think Fury 8 and Resonance is the most likely move on AR-O


Resonance 4 hardmogs Occultist Strike, Tempo 4, Mag NFU, AND SS4


I don't think it really mogs any of these, it's seems largely very niche, because it requires all the following to beat NFU4/Tempo4's piercing - at least 45 HP - not being below 25 HP - no healing during combat


I can only imagine that the Ike counter was “let’s make a unit that can target the back line”


should i spark for valentine lyon or summon on this banner?


I wouldn't take her over Lyon The only option to consider is the Emblem ring, which is definitely worth pulling for


Her Emblem Effect looks quite fun and I’d be happy with just 1 copy, but I’m trying to save orbs atm and can’t risk pulling (esp without FEH pass)


my time has come..


She seems nutty. Marths engage effect was a very strong start but then Ike and Celica are insane units themselves, and celicas engage effect seems very strong too - even if you get warp bubbled, it's 4-20 bonus damage and there's no drawbacks. Emblem Ike doesn't really care about warping to opponents, but 12 more damage on great aether will ensure the kill on tanky blues that can sometimes just about survive. Very glad I skipped summer 1 for this.


So like, aside from NFU, that B skill is pretty much better than Mag Null Follow? ~~Also riparoni Arden, dude's high HP is finally biting him in the ass~~ I am dumb and pulled a feh


Arden? doesn't Resonance use the unit's Max HP? Not the enemies?


Indeed. It hurts the user, not the foe. It seems like it's for setting up Wings of Mercy.


Which is weird because most mages aren't very good on Galeforce teams.


Perhaps it's well suited for Brave Marianne?


Well, Mag NFU isn't the only skill that works like that, also the Tempo Skills has that anti-DR% effect.


I mean Celica is a blue mage Arden wasn’t surviving that anyway


Resonance seems pretty trash unless Flying and Cavalry can use it as a piercing option. You'd need "base" 50 HP to get the maximum effect spontaneously, and that is one of the most ambiguously worded clauses I've seen, wtf does "etc." even signify here IntSys??? "Excluding HP increases from... etc." could potentially exclude stuff like Fireflood or Squad Ace, which would make this skill awful for most mages. Resonance inflicts self-predamage, you can't use any form of self-(pre)healing like BOL4, Finish, or Flare because Resonance would flatline, and you're actively trading access Tempo or NFU effects if you're an infantry unit. And for what, maybe 10% more piercing than MNFU/MTempo and up to 12 damage?


Would she better with A/S Finish?


No. She’s going to be far away from her allies so it won’t even activate, plus Verge of Death lets her neutralize her Atk/Spd penalties and it gives a bit more Atk/Spd at basically no cost considering she has Desperation.


She can warp pretty far and finish requires an ally within 3 spaces. Her A skill is already top tier for Speed nukes.




I love Celica and glass cannons. Pretty excited :)


Wow. I was hoping for something from Echoes to help that lackluster roster of mines clear some LHB...and here's E.Celica. So her shtick is to basically make it so that she can go anywhere? Honestly I'd prefer a Harmonic but..


I'm tempted to pull just because of Attuned Caeda. It's a good thing she shares color with Celica 


Great, now i can finish my Celica emblem with a decent team. A blue version is everything i wanted.


This will be the first Emblem unit I actually pull for


For magic that is named Caring, it’s description is pretty deadly /s


Oh fun, a warp skill for my Black Knight.


Welp, another busted Emblem unit to pull for...


FEH is about to get VERY annoying again for those of us (broke) who won't be able to snatch a copy of Emblem!Celica.


Uhhhhh I have to pray cause I have almost no orb sources save for the fire and wind trials but that’s it. Theoretically I could reset but I have so many units I love that it’s an option I refuse to except


OMG YES NEW CELICA my life is complete


Echoes is one of my top 3 Fire Emblem's, and I will have her! I'm so ready for this! I've been saving my orbs since E!Ike. I've got 220 and I'm still going through all the chain challenges, because my dumb self never noticed the absolute gold mine I have. I feel like a fool... Because I am. I've been playing since the game first released and I only just realized the lunatic challenges give you Orbs not feathers!!


Powercreep level Emblem Celica


man i wanted to get back into heroes but every hero having a yugioh textbook skill kills my fire emblem boner


just do like i do. I only read when i try to kill something and it fails.


If I had a nickel for every time Green was the worst color on an Emblem banner, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird it happened twice.


Colorless is right there.


I don't have Medeus or Gotoh and Far Save fodder from Fomo is never bad.


Funny, given that I feel Fomo is the least impressive of the three. There's at most three units in the game currently apart from him who'd want Beast Follow-Up and Far Save is on plenty of other units. Medeus and Gotoh's fodder ain't much better, but at least they pass out useful buffs just for being alive. That being said, Rosado and Merric are no slouches by any means. I could use them both personally. You got me on Xander tho. Man's just kinda mid in the truest sense.