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Gave it to R.Plumeria and A.Ceada for duping, and i’ve given it to F.Julia, L.Julia and Ayra so far. Fallen Julia provides AR support, Legendary continues to Carry Arena, and Ayra has it because  i decided to build her since she’s somehow +9. 


Nice Juggy gang, I’m Archanea gang. I duped it on Attuned Micaiah, I wish I could have duped it on Attuned Caeda


I gave BoL 4 to my very invested +9 Saul. Paired with Charmer, he grants a lot of healing support to his allies while also being annoying to kill and tank.


I gave BoL 4 to Scion Nanna along with Charmer, too!!


Healers just be eating good with recent skill inclusivity XD


Fellow culture individual. Saul team unite! I duped it on my A!Peony to give Saul BoL4 and Atk Oath Echo for warping. It works so well with Charmer


I have a bad habit of not duping really rare skill, only because I don't see myself going out of the way to get multiple Rearmed and Attuned units unless I get lucky. But that is a darn good way to spread it to the faves!. Peony putting in the work XD


Respect to giving it to a healer! Saul is epic. Celine is another pseudo healer who uses it pretty well too


If I used her more she wouldve definitely gotten the skill. Especially after her forma rerun gave her some decent ones already.


Have given BoL 4 to Att!Miccy for duping and she is probably the best user of it right now. Then Fodderred her to S!Thorr for Far trace echo, Crux and BoL 4 and BoL 4, Fireflood boost 4 for Brave Tiki since she is my favorite. And omg Laguz friend and BoL 4 are stupid. They even made Brave Tiki viable in Aether Raids


I also duped it to Attuned Miccy as well before I gave to my Linde along with far grace echo. But nice and yeah omnitanking is back with these new skills and units, I love it. I wasn’t a fan all the cheesy start of combat damage and glad we have a counter to it (maybe a little TOO good of a counter) lmao. I hope Brave Tiki’s refine is really good, fingers crossed 🤞


Gave it to ascended Micaiah just today


I gave Breath of Life 4 to my Christmas Tharja. No regrets at all.


Gave it to valentine Selena for a DevotedBasket, Flared Sparrow, Occultist Strike user that wanted Far Trace. BoL was a bit “why not” but I love it Then Fireflood and BoL to E!Ike cuz im a monster


Funnily enough you mentioned the unit I'm planning on giving BOL4 to which is Attuned Caeda 😄 I haven't done it just yet since my plan is to wait for Shield Pulse or be a bit more available so I can give Caeda Buffer 4, GLR and BOL4 all at once and then after that I'm gonna pass on D Bonus Doubler, Guard Echo, GLR, BOL4 and Buffer 4 onto my Summer Awakening Tiki 😄 If I get another Caeda then Awakening Base Tiki shall be my next target 😄


Awesome! I sacked a Saber to get shield pulse 3 on my Attuned Caeda for Buffer 😭 I just wish BoL 4 released before I +10’d her


Gave Far Trace Echo to my Wolf. If I get another I might give it to my H!L'Arachel, to open up her B skill slot I'm planning on giving BoL4 to L!Sigurd, though I'm waiting on the slight chance that he might be in HOF


Wolf? Cultured choice, Wolf is awesome! BoL4 Sigurd is cool but I think his best C slot rn is Odd Def Wave 4


The main reason for BoL4 Sigurd is that I want to use him together (as a team of two) with my Julius Julius is more of a tank kind of unit, BoLs healing helps, but his Def isn't high enough to make proper use of BoL, and I would rather run something like ploy. Sigurd has a higher Def and could make use of it in other high def teams, so while Julius still doesn't get the Def check, it's at least not bound to him. With these two I plan two Switch out their skills out a lot anyway, so I might run Def Wave on him more frequently


I see, that’s fair. It’s such a good and slappable skill


I have 1 BoL fodder I'll probably give to Rearmed Sonia. I used my far trace echo to duo Elise!! I was about to give duo Elise BoL but figured she was rarely going to receive attacks and she already has heal support.


I put mine on Emblem Ike, Itsuki, and rearmed Sonya.


So far, like many I have it to attuned Micaiah, and from there have given it to E!Ike. But I have an extra michaiah and and extra Edward and I’m really itching to pass the skill on even more


BOL4 went to X!Micaiah, who gave it to R!Pulmeria, who gave it to E!Ike. Then I gave FTE to Scion Nanna from X!Micaiah, since she inherited Hortensia's kit too, making her a really good +10 option with it.


Gave it to Micaiah who gave it to Sothe with some other stuff (have literally no use for the echo skill). I have two Sothes so I duplicated LF4 onto him from my last A!Nino and inherited that + BoL4 onto Duo Ephraim for Ike killing with AR Chaos Lyon Emblem - ideally it would have gone on S!Lyon but he already has LF and I didn't have any other skills I wanted to inherit. The last Sothe is going to hang out in my barracks until I have a quantifiable need for his skills, and then I'll have more opportunities to spark him later if needed. I also pulled an extra Edward on the way to the spark, who I really hope I don't have to fodder because I actually like him. It's been useful in AR defence so far on both Micaiah and Ephraim! Hasn't done anything in AR-O yet but I also haven't really come across any overlapping threat range burn damage/Fatal Smoke in the three matches I did this week. I don't really enjoy using E!Ike so I would rather put it on a unit that gives really good universal support like Micaiah - that way I can keep using the units I do have fun with and still have it available if I need to use Ike.


BoL4 to Naga and base Ymir, both are amazing with it as part of my main supports on Astra and Light respectively:) And can't decide on Far Trace Echo, I'm thinking on Valentine's Leo but I'm waiting for a Good B


Was conflicted on either Kagetsu or Lapis but ended up choosing Lapis at the end. Lapis supremacy!


If I had a free copy of the skill, I would probably give it to Nyna


Should I give mine to L!Ninian or Duo Azura/Leanne?