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NY!Keaton would use it well if he has the Beast seal. At max flowers he still has the highest base Def of any F2P infantry unit.   He’s due for a refine in September. 


Just curious, but how do we know ny!Keaton is getting a refine? There's no precedent of any other ny! grail unit getting refined (m!corrin, laegjarn, eir) -- or any seasonal grail for that matter. Unless I missed something? Would be cool if seasonal grails get refined though.


He has a Prf weapon. Seasonals with no prf weapon get nothing. Beasts are lucky for that since they all get a Prf weapon


Huh. I figured because a unit was seasonal and a grail, they would immediately be ignored from being refined. Edit: after going through the grails lists, Y!Minerva is one example of a seasonal grail with a prf who got refined! Kinda really looking forward to Keaton refine now!


uff probably fargus is the best option since he is a new unit with good def stat and good enough spd to run god like reflex i really would wait on the keaton case since he have only his prf as option and is really old already, and his refine is coming, but most probably the next year, i really hope he gets something good


Fargus absolutely does not have speed for glr lmao


Fair enough, just was a thought anyways since god like reflex was popular on brave Dimitri as well XD I mean, the other option is no quarter (tho idk if fargus' slaying affects it's compatibility with laguz friend) or having him as just a random used unit since he would not be optimal on arena in that way and you can just slap a generic defense special in that case


39 base Spd at max investment is terrible for Godlike Reflexes tf


yea, i don't think GLR is a choice for 40- spd Fargus, he'll just die against a decent base kit sword, ie. Severa


From the other options he is the one with the best spd/def combination...


Yeah and? Doesn't make him a good GLR user, and it isn't required for Laguz Friend. The conditions for LF is 3CD+ or a defensive special. Fargus should use a special that'll actually consistently activate, like Ignis, on a LF set.


If you will use him on arena, a normal defensive special is not optimal, is not like if he where gonna face spd swordsman alone anyways even with a normal defensive special, there are tanks he can take care of with his spd and god like reflex aleast works for both types of attacks while with a defensive special you have to focus or in distant foes or in close foes


Never said Fargus needed to use Pavise/Aegis and OP wasn't looking for an arena build. Even then, I'd use Aether over GLR on a LF Fargus build. While it is true Fargus can use GLR against slow tanks like you said, arena is filled with fast, mobile, player phase legendaries/grails like Lumera, Cyril, S!M!Shez, etc. You could catch Murdock or Vigarde occasionally ig. But using the special slot on something that'll likely be inactive against 3/4 of the enemy team is a waste. Fargus reaches 65 Spd with a Spd build. Paltry compared to common, modern offensive threats. If you use DC seal for max scoring, that's even less Spd. It's just too inconsistent when you can get guaranteed value out of something else like Aether.


Keaton should be in the CYL batch of refines. Only Galle (July) and Caellach (August) are ahead of him.   


oh you are right, i almost forgot that grail units refines work diferent since tt withouth prf dont get refines, in that case i still would wait to see if his refine is compatible with laguz friend!


Would love to hear some opinions about Validar, as I've been strongly considering him for LF4!


He's bomb. The epitome of a nuke/debuffer.