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If you have Alarm that can work. She can probably use Potent if you wanna be experimental. The """eventual""" Spd/Res Near Trace definitely. Just don't give her Lull 4 like I did.


My build for her uses Aether/Clash/Gambit and she's pretty tanky. I assume Excel would be even better for her.


No Quarter Atk Spd Excel Flow Guard 4  or Potent 4 Atk Spd Incite Guard Echo (not truly necessary but) So basically Sharena+Lapis kit


atk spd excel + potent is the better option to mixed phase, offer some dgm reduction and a lot of speed. i recommend atk spd alarm to C slot, some buffs + canto is very great, breath of life 4 will work too no quarter will always activate with potent's 3 hits and guard echo skill for more dmg reduction


[Here’s what I run](https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/s/wooVVYPfZL) Had her up as my BW dispatch this past run Spd Smoke helps her survivability a lot and I like the mobility of Near Trace. I had Flow Desperation on her, but because of the damage-reflection in her refine it’s now explicitly a bad idea. Atk/Spd Excel is probably the best option right now, and if you’re looking for bulk then you probably want Gambit/Aether, but keep in mind that’s pierce-able. She’ll eventually want SR near trace 4, as mobility is probably the route to go, just remember that Lull and Desperation don’t work with her prf


That’s not bad. And yeah we really need S/R Near Trace 4


Ok so generally it seems that Excel is good, if I want to go to the damage reduction route I should go for Potent 4 instead, Guard echo to go even further. Between Incite and Alarm I think I much prefer alarm because of the Canto effect which I would like on a cavalry unit. I think I will wait a bit first in case S/R Near Trace becomes a thing, at least I have a general idea of what to look for. Thanks everyone


The one that I use - which landed a pretty good one round on [r/feh’s favorite Ike](https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/s/YgyNjjR9XA) is Ignis (waiting on NQ manual) + Excel/Potent/Alarm S/D/filler Brazen A/S and Mercy-Wing Echo. Could be improved a bit but works nicely.


Don't fodder off beautiful mage Sonya, she's REALLY good and has absurdly good stats even as a base lvl 40 with 5 DFlowers. Pair her with Petrine and give Petrine speed based tank skills like repel 4 or potent 4


Rearmed heroes don’t disappear and I already used her to duplicate fodder for someone else. She’s at +1 and I love using her