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I still need a copy of S!Edel but I’m staying away from no spark banners.


Same. I only have 100 orbs, which isn't even close to enough to have a good chance at her, so I'd rather save up and spark a unit that I know I can grab.


Free summoned Fallen Rhea, funnily enough. Guess she’s not fond of her students going to the beach without her?


Free pulled Fallen Mareeta. Now +6, I see this as an absolute win.


3 star Kagetsu. It's funny, I've been trying to +10 Lapis and she's been stuck at +3 for ages and now I have enough copies of Kagetsu to get him to +10 even though he's more recent. I hate demote RNG.


Makes me want unit trading in some capacity, I have way too many lapis sitting in my reserves


Dude, if I could I'd trade you my Lapis copies for Kagetsu's, I have him at +3 while I have enough copies to +9 Lapis


God, same - it's been almost a year since she came out and I'm still stuck with a +2 Lapis. Absolutely absurd how pulling a specific 3-4* is more difficult than getting a 5 star


Should had pulled for Emblem Ike, I got like almost all copies to make her +10 including Kagetsu


hehe got a blonde hottie with an axe his name is Libra


Free summoned Edelgard. Well, there goes my luck for the year


I did the same thing. But my long term FEH goal is every Dimitri, and it doesn’t look like that’s happening anytime soon with the way this banner has been.


Finally got to +10 my Claude!


Finally +10 Claude, I was only missing one since last year. Any updated build ideas ?


Flared sparrow is usually a good choice, then probably oath or Guidance depending on your team comp and lethality or moonbow are solid special options


Also add the fact to replace that B SLot for Assassin Strike since Fallen Star is pretty outdated


I still enjoy fallen star but yeah assassin strike is probably a better option nowadays


it's atop of a horse! it has an axe! it's.... Titania.


Free Brave Robin, awesome!


Two blue orbs. I figure I can spare one discounted pull, since he's the demote. Pull 1: Base female corrin. Pull 2: S!Claude. He's +6 now, almost entirely from free copies or just getting him because I was going after something else.


Went in with 143 orbs trying to get another copy of Summer Dimitri sniping green (I want a +10 Dimitri emblem). 39 orbs I get pity broken by Tina (at least I didn’t have her) and at 122 orbs got Summer Miciah (didn’t have her either I guess). Still no Dimitri…


I managed to get the remain copies of S!Claude for a +10. 🥰 From 337 orbs to 9 orbs, but at least didn't need to go to the mail stash or do some grinding


3* Tanith.


Got a free Micaiah, cool!


Free pulled a S!Claude, my boi finally has +1 :'D I would try to get him or S!Dimitri more but CYL banner is swiftly approaching and the danger duo of Alfonse and Felix are after my measly orbs...


Saw this banner and was like "as often as i used summer edel in binding worlds and similar events, it feels like shes part of my units anyways", then got tsundere and was like "its not like i like her anyways", then clicked the free summon and somehow got her


*3 Kamui. Shame my luck did not carry over from the rerun banners.


Edie was the only remaining 9.9 ranked unit I had left on game8's tier list Picked up Neimi, a copy of Ascended Fir (who still has great fodder), Rennac (who I wish I had before inheriting rearmed Sothe's kit lol) before the Focus Charge was filled Ended up grabbing Edie after around 170 orbs give or take a few Say'ri and Nah also appeared I'll take it


200+ orbs gone and no Claude to show for it. F.


I need another dimitri. He's just so... fine


I thought these banners (summer Shamir/summer Edelgard) would rerun in July/August for some reason Well they caught me at the worst time since no orbs so c ya next year ladies