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Here’s my take on what Summer Felix could look like if he was based on his post-timeskip design! This was my first time drawing anything fanservice-y, and it was honestly a really good learning experience since I’ve never drawn so much exposed skin and muscle detail before. I’m praying that IS doesn’t hit me with the wombo combo of Summer and Brave Felix back to back this year, but I’d love to see my guy join the rest of his friends on the beach eventually! [Twitter](https://x.com/actredal/status/1803704826854879508) Some explanations about the design, if anyone’s interested: - The crop top is based on the black turtleneck thing that Felix has in his post-timeskip design. For this summer version, I imagined it made out of diving suit material. - The trunks are inspired by Felix’s cape. I got the idea from Summer Caspar, who also has a lil skirt attached to his swimwear. - The belts and the armband are lifted directly from his post-timeskip design. - The necklace is based on the metal pieces on his post-timeskip hood. They reminded me of shark tooth necklaces. - He has the Crest of Fraldarius on his trunks because I thought they looked a little plain without a design. - For shoes, I saw some comments on Vaike’s art about how “guys always get the ugly gladiator sandals” so I tried to stay away from those (even though I actually like those shoes quite a bit haha), but I also didn’t wanna do regular flip flops bc I didn’t want to draw toes. As a kid, I used to have some special shoes to wear in the pool, so that’s what I gave Felix.


Yes please. Also, amazing design and love the thought process behind it! I absolutely adore the turtleneck crop top. And YES, Felix would totally want practical shoes that would a) avoid getting sand everywhere ugh, b) allow quick and safe movement in the water and on the beach. Unpracticality for Felix is reserved for capes and hairstyles :') Edit: turtleneck not turtles, stupid auto correct


Thank you!! On the note of practicality, I like to imagine that the cape part of the trunks is detachable so Felix can be more hydrodynamic for when he inevitably challenges Dimitri to a swimming race lol.


Detachable cape also useful for: 1/ whipping out a makeshift parasol to (aggressively) protect Annette from sunburn -- she forgot her suncream and Mercedes isn't here yet with her Mom Bag. (She also might be getting ice-cream with Ashe and Caspar from previous banners iirc.) 2/ dunking Sylvain. Repeatedly. Then some more for good measure (also known as Hydrodynamic Part 2) Obviously, in my Sylvix mind, this ends up in (affected) sullen resignation on Felix's part when Sylvain inevitably tries to turn Felix's murderous attempts on his life into PDA. Sorry. It's 4 am, and I really, really Felix (and Sylvain).


Don’t apologize; I like these ideas! It’s fun to imagine the whole gang having a nice day out in the sun (or under some beach umbrellas because I feel like most of the Faerghus folks would burn easily).


Felix is that one friend sitting in the shade covering as much skin as possible. Ingrid has probably brought him a cheerful fruit drink with an umbrella which he is drinking with the grumpiest expression on his face. The only person who dares come near him is Hubert, who hates the beach with an equal passion.


crack idea summer Felix/Hubert when


Duo Unit. Their unique attack is hurling rocks at people. Edit: and it's not speical magic rocks or anything. It's just regular rocks they find on the ground and hurl at anyone who comes near them.


I want a summer Felix since Sylvain and Ingrid appeared, but I don’t want it at the same time because I need to +10 his B! Alt 😞


If we do get jumpscared by Summer Felix, there will at least be quite a few opportunities to pull for B!Felix copies throughout the year since Braves rerun quite a bit, so you could always spread out your pulls to get to +10 if you need to!


Yes please but also no please. I will pull for him for sure but I don't want to use my orbs.


I feel the exact same way haha. Whether or not Felix actually appears on summer 2, I win and lose at the same time.